Sweeping the world

Chapter 364 The Long-lost Dinner

Chapter 364 The Long-lost Dinner


"You got the wrong person"

"Almighty Lord"

"You are really mistaken"

"My master, the master of all things."

"I'm serious, you really have the wrong person!"

Looking at the people behind him who were worshiping him, Xiao Yuan collapsed.

"I said, can you stop following me?"

"Almighty master! Are you going to abandon us?" A frantic voice came from behind quickly.

"What am I!"

Xiao Yuan took a deep breath and finally said nothing.

Beside him, the middle-aged man who had never known him before stood there helplessly, not knowing what to say to the scene in front of him.

What happened started a few days ago.

That day, Xiao Yuan was determined to save people, but the middle-aged man couldn't dissuade him, so he had no choice but to follow him to help.

In order to increase his strength, the middle-aged man suggested that Xiao Yuan go to wake up the sleeping guards here.

As a result, things developed out of control.

Xiao Yuan originally thought that the reaction of the middle-aged man was already exaggerated enough, but he didn't expect the reaction of these guards to be even more terrifying.

Seeing the revived yellow paper in Xiao Yuan's hands, they immediately recognized him as the reincarnation of a god, and worshiped him wherever they went along the way.

To be honest, being worshiped by such a large group of people made Xiao Yuan secretly happy at first, but he couldn't stand these people's worship.

From walking to taking a bath, even if you just say a word or read a word casually, you can make up hundreds of explanations for yourself!
Usually, if you go to the toilet and wash up, it's even more amazing, and it will be collected as holy water!
How can this make people top?
Xiao Yuan felt that he could not stand it any longer.

So he decided to leave as soon as possible.

Having said that, although this group of people are crazy and frightening, they still have skills.

Along the way, Xiao Yuan never encountered any danger.

Indistinctly, it seems that even the scarlet curses appearing around are a little less.
"This is all caused by the divine power of the master!"

That group of people in the back is so bragging.

But Xiao Yuan rubbed his head, thinking that he didn't see anything special except that his hair fell out a little faster.

But it's good to have the curse gone.

Although I don't know what the reason is, this result undoubtedly brought Xiao Yuan a lot of convenience and made him live very safely during this time.

However, this good luck will eventually come to an end.

That's it for today.

When he continued to walk forward, the space in front of him felt a little hazy, and there seemed to be a mosaic figure indistinctly?
Bloody as always, hazy as always, blurry as always, anyway, the same blood curse as before appeared.

It wanders around, wandering in the small town, looking a little dazed, as if it doesn't know the direction of life.

The next moment, it started to move.

Xiao Yuan and the others began to hold their breath.

He saw the blood curse coming towards them.

Getting closer, getting closer.
The blood curse seemed to have sensed something, and it walked straight towards the direction where Xiao Yuan and the others were.

"He found us?"

Xiao Yuan's heart tightened.

This is not a good situation.

Although they have been fine in this line of work, it doesn't mean that they can fight against the curse.

Even today's Xiao Yuan, holding the transformed yellow paper in his hand, is really about to fight the curse, but the final result is only a [-]-[-] split, at most he can guarantee that his life will not end so soon.

There are no guarantees for others.

During this period of time, the reason why they live in peace is because of micromanagement, because of Congxin!
But now, the curse on the other side is coming, and a tough battle seems inevitable.

Xiao Yuan took a deep breath in his heart and was already mentally prepared.

"What should come will always come"

He stood up and puffed out his chest: "Let me have a meeting"


Before he could finish a sentence in his mind, he froze for a while.

In front, the bloody curse touched a few tens of meters away from Xiao Yuan, and then walked away without any hesitation or hesitation, as if there was money to pick up over there.

"Master! He escaped!"

A fanatical believer spoke, without any talent for figuring out what he wanted: "Do you want to chase?"

"Take your head and chase after it!"

Xiao Yuan was powerless to complain: "If this catches up, I'm afraid I'm going to give away the head?"

But he didn't say this.

After all, you are a companion, so you can't hurt your self-confidence too much.

In a way, it's nice to be positive.


The next moment, Xiao Yuan was stunned.

In front, a familiar pulse came.

His eyes changed instantly.

I have confirmed the eyes, it is the heart-beating person!
"The breath of the demon seed!"

His eyes were slightly fixed, and he looked into the distance: "It happens to be the place where the curse passed."

In other words, the curse didn't leave inexplicably, but was attracted by other people's breath?
Xiao Yuan felt that he had found the answer.

"Let's go."

He had a serious face, pondered for a long time, and finally made such a decision.

It is impossible for anyone else to be in the same situation as him.

He was able to go all the way here and still maintain such a state because of his special situation and the protection of the yellow paper.

Others don't have yellow paper, and without the help of these local people, after so many days, they are probably in a worrying state at the moment.

At this time, if he is targeted by the curse again, the end will probably be worrisome.

As their friend, Xiao Yuan felt that no matter what, he must go to save them.

Even risking your life is not hesitating!

"The master is mighty!"

"My lord must destroy those blood curses!"

"It's a mere blood curse. Facing the master Tianwei, you dare to escape without authorization. Please allow your subordinates to lead the way for the master and catch him!"

Waves of fanatical voices continued to sound.

Looking at the fanatical faces in front of him, the corner of Xiao Yuan's mouth twitched.

On one side, the previous middle-aged man stepped back silently, keeping a certain distance from these tribesmen.

In the end, Xiao Yuan led them away, and his face was all black when he was on the way.

"Why is the Lord's face so ugly?"

"The Lord must be angry!"

"Such a weak blood curse, in the face of such a great master, dare not take the initiative to kneel down, and dare to leave without authorization, isn't it worth getting angry?"

I'm not!I do not have!Don't talk nonsense!
Xiao Yuan's face was as gloomy as water, and he looked even uglier.

He didn't dare to speak anymore, for fear of hearing some weird remarks again, he exerted force on his feet and walked forward quickly.

After a while, he found the source of that sense of familiarity.

A burly man who fell to the ground.

The big man is tall, mature, with a beard and looks mighty, but at the moment he is half kneeling on the ground, blood seems to be flowing from his chest, and he is sweating coldly all over his body.

The overall condition looked very bad, as if he had been tortured on the ground by a dozen men for a long time, his face was pale and weak.

Not far away, the figure of the blood curse gradually came true, and a pair of eyes burst into bright red light, and it seemed that the visitor was not friendly.

It was about to approach the front of the big man.

"Curtain song!!"

Looking at the big man in the distance, Xiao Yuan was shocked and recognized the man.

Isn't the big man half kneeling on the ground in the distance his acquaintance, the man who was ridiculed as a lolicon song?
The person who came in the opposite direction was on a rampage, and he had never been seen showing fatigue.

He must be very weak!
Xiao Yuan thought so in his heart, looking at the blood curse in the distance, he wanted to rush forward to save people.

"Let go of that man!"

He roared and rushed straight up.

But he hadn't rushed out for a few seconds before the situation changed.

A slender, white hand stretched out, grabbed the blood-colored figure, then rubbed it, rubbed it, and squeezed it into a ball in front of Xiao Yuan and the others?


Xiao Yuan was dumbfounded, and froze in place, not knowing what to do for a moment.

"Caught another one."

A voice came from the front, the voice sounded warm and kind.

Then a handsome boy in a white school uniform came out from the corner, with a smile on his face, looking at Xiao Yuan.

"long time no see."

He looked at Xiao Yuan, then at the group of people behind him, nodded and said: "It seems that you are doing well here."


Only then did Xiao Yuan come to his senses, looking at Chen Ming in the distance, he was a little excited.

"I told you, don't call me the boss, it's like a gangster."

Chen Ming looked up at him.

While speaking, the people behind him kept coming out.

Qi Yang, Li Ming, and several other members.

Mu Qu beside him also stood up, patted his chest, and wiped off the blood on it, as if nothing happened.

They looked at Xiao Yuan together.

Xiao Yuan still doesn't understand what happened?
"It turns out that the disappearance of those blood curses during this period was caused by you, Lao Ming."

He smiled wryly, trying to understand everything.

He was still depressed.

There are so many curses in this place. According to the words of the natives behind them, they only increased in the past, and there was no decrease at all, but recently they all disappeared, as if they were all hiding.

But if you want to hide, you don't hide at other times, but why do you hide after he comes?

Now it seems that Chen Ming is probably responsible.

Having been with Chen Ming for several years, Xiao Yuan knew nothing but Chen Ming's temper.

Whenever there is a curse, he is definitely the first to rush up, unless he is too busy to ask them to help.

Seeing so many curses in this place this time, it was strange that he didn't do it.

"Tell me about your situation."

Chen Ming looked at Xiao Yuan, especially at the group of people behind him, and asked like this.

"We are servants of the Lord, believers of the Lord!"

The people behind spoke in unison.


Chen Ming raised his eyebrows, but seeing Xiao Yuan in front of him looked embarrassed, he hesitated to speak.

So, he also nodded, and said, "Let's chat in another place."

After a while, the chat ended.

Both parties knew about each other's experiences.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay.

"In other words, your yellow paper is actually a fetish of this place?"

Looking at Xiao Yuan, Qi Yang asked in surprise.


Xiao Yuan nodded helplessly, then took out the yellow paper from his bosom.

In front of everyone's eyes, the golden yellow paper is brilliant and looks beautiful. Every texture and every detail on it is so mysterious and delicate, and it is slightly shining at this moment, making people feel extraordinary at a glance.

Looking at this brand new yellow paper, Chen Ming frowned.

The yellow paper in front of him gave him a different feeling.

In the past, he had also seen the yellow paper on Xiao Yuan's body. At that time, he judged that it was a unique cursed thing, and the power contained in it was quite unique.

But now it seems that it is different.

"Old Ming, take a look, it's like this."

Xiao Yuan looked at Chen Ming, and put the yellow paper in his hand in front of Chen Ming.

He was not afraid of what Chen Ming would think.

In fact, a long time ago, he proposed to give this yellow paper to Chen Ming.

At that time, Chen Ming did not lack this cursed item, and this piece of yellow paper was really powerful, and it could only work in Xiao Yuan's hands, so he refused.

Because of this incident, and because of years of friendship and understanding, Xiao Yuan trusted Chen Ming's character very much.

Chen Ming stretched out his hand and took the golden yellow paper.


The next moment, he was a little surprised.

The moment he touched the yellow paper, the real species in his body reacted spontaneously.

Faintly, there seems to be a feeling of longing?

Chen Ming was no stranger to this feeling.

When he devoured those cursed things in the past, the only true species in his body was also this reaction.

It's like a picky eater with a big stomach. He always wants to eat something that can be eaten, and he wants to eat it next time after eating it. It's like a bottomless pit!
But compared to the past, this time the only true species' reaction was much greater.

It seems that the food this time is better than the past?
Chen Ming shook his head, and after a briefing with Xiao Yuan, he decided to practice it.

The divine power in his body came out, and cautiously penetrated into the yellow paper.

Vast and boundless power suddenly came from the yellow paper.

This piece of yellow paper seems to contain endless energy, even at Chen Ming's current level, he can't help but feel a sense of boundlessness.

Moreover, compared to the energies he had encountered in the past, the quality of this energy was very high, very high.

How else can it be said to be a big meal?

After feeling this energy, the only true species in Chen Ming's body moved, and a most real and purest desire came from the depths of his heart, which surprised Chen Ming a little.

The only real reaction is like being stimulated by a young man who hasn't seen a girl before
He looked like he was hungry and thirsty.

Of course, these are the most instinctive reactions.

Chen Ming shook his head, felt it carefully, and felt that there was no problem, then carefully, the powerful soul pulled this little bit of energy transmission and sent it to his body.

A violent reaction begins.

Chen Ming's body paused.

Inside him, a change was taking place.

Countless pores and endless flesh and blood boiled all over his body at this moment.

The speed at which the only true species matured also suddenly accelerated.

Chen Ming estimated.

Just swallowing that bit of energy just now, in conversion, is equivalent to the effect of swallowing a cursed thing.

Suddenly, the way he looked at the yellow paper changed.

(End of this chapter)

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