Sweeping the world

Chapter 365 Source Power Weakened Version

Chapter 365 Source Power Weakened Version

The way Chen Ming looked at the yellow paper changed instantly.

If the previous yellow paper looked like a big meal to him, although it was good, it was not to the point where he had to eat it.

So the current yellow paper is like a luxurious buffet, not only the things are good enough, but the most important thing is that it can keep you full!
Conscience business! !
The tempting index has greatly increased.

"Old Ming, what are you?"

Looking at Chen Ming's reaction from the side, Xiao Yuan was a little scared, with an inexplicable premonition.

It felt like I was about to lose something important.

It's like the feeling that my favorite toy when I was a child is about to be snatched away by others.

"Xiao Yuan."

Looking at Xiao Yuan, Chen Mingci had kind eyes and bright smile: "I remember you told me a few years ago that you wanted to give this thing to me?"

"is not it?"

"It seems that there is such a thing"

Facing Chen Ming's benevolent gaze, Xiao Yuan bite the bullet, and finally uttered a sentence: "Is it too late for me to regret it now?"

"What do you say?"

Chen Ming smiled and looked at him peacefully.

Of course, these are all jokes.

With Chen Ming's temperament, he would not be able to do such a brazen thing as robbery, and with his relationship with Xiao Yuan, there was no need to do so.

To put it bluntly, with Xiao Yuan's personality, once he knew that this item was very important to Chen Ming, he would hand it over to him without saying a word.

And on the other hand, if you want to achieve Chen Ming's goal, you don't need to get the whole yellow paper.

He just mixed the energy contained in the yellow paper, and didn't really like it.

Chen Ming discovered it just now.

This yellow paper has a unique mechanism.

The energy absorbed by Chen Ming will slowly recover after a while, spontaneously returning to the previous state.

Just like some high-level large formations, they will spontaneously absorb the power from the heavens and the earth to supplement themselves.

It is a durable good.

In other words, this thing is durable.

It can be squeezed slowly without worrying about the power inside being exhausted.

In fact, Chen Ming is more interested in the operating mechanism of this thing than the energy in it.

He didn't feel the fluctuation of the vitality of heaven and earth, which meant that what this thing absorbed was not the power of vitality of heaven and earth.

Various other forces did not respond.

So how does this thing charge?
Is it possible to generate electricity with love?
Chen Ming was very interested in this.

Of course, this does not prevent him from absorbing the energy while studying it.

Children make choices.

Chen Ming chose to have them all.

"Let's go."

Chen Ming glanced at Xiao Yuan, to be precise, at the group of people behind him.

This group of people is said to be the local residents of this place, and they were very dishonest just now.

After seeing him take the yellow paper from Xiao Yuan's hand, everyone was very excited, like a dead relative.

Chen Ming was puzzled by this, so he went off the stage himself and beat them up severely.

So the world is quiet.

Everything returned to the peaceful appearance before, but some people's faces were swollen, and they looked like they were blessed.

Do evil.
But having said that, Chen Ming is also very curious about the origin of this group of people.

This group of people looks no different from normal people, but their essence is completely different.

Putting them outside one by one can be said to be a little superman.

Chen Ming was very interested in the origin of this group of people.

So he asked.

"We are the guardians of this place, a family that protects the gods and curses."

The only middle-aged man who was not beaten stood up, looked at Xiao Yuan with a complicated expression, and then explained to Chen Ming.

He claims to be the survivor of the guardian deities.

But Chen Ming soon discovered a key problem.

"Where's your fetish?"

Chen Ming asked with great interest, with some curiosity in his eyes.

The yellow paper in Xiao Yuan's hand is a so-called divine object, so it is already so unique.

As gods, other gods should also have something extraordinary.

The others were also very curious, and their eyes were fixed on the middle-aged man.


The middle-aged man stammered, and after a long while, he said with some embarrassment: "The sacred object we guard is not in our hands."

No fetish?

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, then rolled their eyes together.

There are no fetishes, what are you guardians of the fetishes guarding?
I'm afraid it's not guarding the air
The middle-aged man blushed and stammered: "We don't want to do this either, but this is the mission our ancestors told us!"

"Alright, alright."

Chen Ming waved his hand. Although he was a little disappointed, he didn't show it much.

How to put it, this is also the mission that the other party has guarded for generations, so it is not good to just laugh at it like this.

"Since the gods you guard are not here, then you didn't think about going out?"

He continued to ask.

"go out?"

The middle-aged man was stunned: "But... our mission is to protect the sacred objects."

"Where's your fetish?"

"This is the mission of our ancestors"

"Where's your fetish?"


Similar conversations kept ringing out.

In the end, the middle-aged man and others stopped talking.

There is no way, I can't beat it, I can't say it.

And at this meeting, he also recalled it.

Yes, there is no fetish, so what are they still guarding here?

Is it really as the other party said, guarding the air?

"But if we go out, we don't know what to do."

Finally, there was a faint voice.

"Isn't there still us here?"

Hearing the answer he wanted, Chen Ming finally showed a smile on his face, and began to reveal his original purpose: "Why don't you follow us?"

"Go with you?"

Everyone present was taken aback.


Chen Ming pointed to Xiao Yuan: "Aren't you going to guard the fetish? Now the fetish is on his body. If you go out with him, aren't you guarding the fetish?"

"Meeting is fate. We happened to meet in this place. This is luck. The few of us happen to have some influence outside. Among other things, it is absolutely no problem to arrange you two."

"Look, isn't this just right?"

"It seems to make sense"

The middle-aged man and others were a little moved.

To be honest, they are almost tired of staying in this place.

There is nothing to do in this place, it is haunted all the time, there is no entertainment, and life is in danger, a normal person can't stand it.

That is to say, they are not considered human beings to endure for so many years.

But even if he is not human, he would not want to stay in this place for a long time.

There was no opportunity before, and there was a mission.

But now.
After careful and deliberate, tense and long-term consideration, they finally took a long second to make a decision.

"I promise you."

The middle-aged man took the lead in agreeing, and after he finished speaking, he seemed to feel that he was speaking too fast, which seemed a bit inappropriate, so he quickly added: "We are not because we are tired of staying here, but because we are defending the mission of guarding the sacred object." !"

"Yes, yes, we all understand."

On the opposite side, Xiao Yuan and the others held back their laughter, and nodded solemnly, expressing their understanding.

A smile appeared on Chen Ming's face.

In any case, his goal was achieved.

Why did he fool around, no, persuade this group of people to go out with them?

It's not for the sake of the exorcism society outside.

After all, exorcists are high-risk occupations. Although the exorcist society has been established for three years, there is still a shortage of manpower, and many times they have to work overtime. other people.

This group of people in front of them is an excellent supplement.

First of all, they are all very powerful, and each of them has a unique life structure. In terms of strength alone, they are not inferior to Xiao Yuan and others.

Not to mention that they have been entangled with the blood curse here for many years, and they already have their own set of experience in dealing with the curse.

These are professionals.

The most important thing is that Chen Ming is very interested in their life characteristics, so he went back and studied them slowly.

Otherwise, in front of Xiao Yuan, it would be difficult for him to force himself to be a bully.

In short, everything is easy to say if you agree.

For Chen Ming, he has acquired a large number of professional thugs and excellent research materials.

For these people, not only have they successfully defended their duty of guarding the gods, but they are also about to usher in a beautiful life every day.

Really happy.

So with this joy, they left here.

The process of leaving was originally very difficult, and if it wasn't difficult, it wouldn't trap Qi Yang and others here for so long.

But with Chen Ming, all this is much easier.

With a wave of one hand and a random tear, the space in this small world is like paper, and it will be torn apart as soon as it is torn.

They returned to their own world, and came to the place where they entered before.

That barren hill.

At this moment, the person sent by Liu Yin to respond has already arrived.

The surrounding area is very lively, thinking about it, there have never been so many people coming to this place.

They went back successfully and returned to the peaceful life of cursing and defending the world every day.

Time gradually passed.

There was no disturbance at all.

Of course, there can be no waves in reality.

The level of power in this world is still too low for Chen Ming.

Even if it is a so-called curse that has no solution for ordinary people, it is the same for Chen Ming, and it is not a threat.

Under the circumstances, it would be strange for him to want to make a fuss.

In fact, in this situation, Chen Ming was completely free.

In the beginning, because of the small number of exorcists and the frequent occurrence of curses, he had to run around and play the role of a fire captain.

But until now, after the group of guardians joined, the manpower was suddenly abundant, and he managed to let himself relax.

Up to now, he basically doesn't travel far, just stays where he is, doing research slowly there.

The object of the research is nothing but that unique piece of yellow paper.

A period of time passed quickly.

months later.

"Turn on the instrument."

A clean and tidy laboratory.

Chen Ming was dressed in clean regular clothes, and said calmly.


The people around should claim that they went to their positions quickly and started to get busy.

Soon, after a while of busy work, a burst of noisy equipment started to sound continuously.

In situ, on a large screen, items of data began to emerge continuously.

What is shown here is the data of a rabbit.

Under Chen Ming's gaze, the rabbit's stats kept rising.

"It's really possible."

Chen Ming frowned, feeling a little dazed.

The situation in front of him was an experiment he had carefully conducted during this period of time.

After obtaining the yellow paper from Xiao Yuan, Chen Ming began to study continuously.

He discovered that the energy contained in that piece of yellow paper was somewhat similar to a certain force he had seen.

source of power.


The power contained in the yellow paper is very similar to the source power.

Of course, just similar, but in fact there are many differences.

This is more like a weakened version of Yuanli, or in other words, a lower level of Yuanli's differentiation.

But even so, it was terrifying.

Yuanli is the strongest force Chen Ming has seen so far, bar none.

This kind of power can strengthen people, save countless years of penance in an instant, and can also deduce martial arts, playing a powerful calculation role.

It can also act on one's own blood, making the blood perfect and powerful.

Almost omnipotent.

It can be said that if a person has enough source power, then this person will instantly become an invincible powerhouse.

That is the so-called krypton gold god.

That's how Chen Ming came out in the early stage.

The power contained in the yellow paper is naturally not as powerful as Yuanli, but as a weakened version of Yuanli, it also possesses extremely terrifying power.

The strengthening in front of you is one of them.

Through a special method, introducing this power into other living beings, warming and stimulating them slowly and gently, can make them become stronger quickly, surpass the original life level, and reach a more powerful state.

That's the power of this power.

During this period of time, Chen Ming has done a lot of experiments and cultivated many wonderful gadgets.

A pangolin that is bigger than a human, a tiger that can knock off several layers of steel bars with a single slap, and a python whose scales cannot be pierced by bullets
All kinds of strange flowers are different.

However, the fate of these things is very uniform, they all entered the kitchen, making it easier for Xiao Yuan and others.

"It's almost time to stop."

In the same place, after a while, Chen Ming started to call to stop.

The experimenters around stopped quickly.

"Sir, what's the result of the experiment?"

People around came together one after another, a little curious.

Chen Ming was also a little curious, and opened the cage to take a look.

In the iron cage in front, a little white rabbit less than half a meter long and covered with white hair stood there, looking a little shy with its red eyes looking at the people around it.

"Sir, the experiment appears to have been successful!"

People around seem happy.

Not easy.

After months of hard work, a normal creature was finally produced.

Sensing the joy of the people around him, Chen Ming frowned.

He stretched out his hand, put his hand into the iron cage, and touched the little white rabbit.

The next moment, a mouth bit his hand.

The little white rabbit squinted its innocent eyes, and the corners of its mouth were slightly opened, revealing two rows of fangs full of fangs.

It subconsciously bit Chen Ming's hand, looking a little confused.

(End of this chapter)

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