Sweeping the world

Chapter 376 Zhang Sanli

Chapter 376 Zhang Sanli

Chen Ming walked quietly in the desolate area.

The area in front of me looks very barren, there is no vegetation around, even some common weeds are very rare, it looks like a dead land, without any vitality.

No matter who it is, after seeing this place, they will definitely think that the place in front of them is a desert.

This is the wilderness.

As the name suggests, the wasteland is a barren place, and it is also a piece of desperation that is rare in the world.

There are many relics handed down from the ancient heredity in this place, which has brought extremely wide popularity to this area.

Because many ancient ruins were born here, every year, a large number of warriors come from all over to explore and search this place.

Of course, the opposite of this is the danger of this place.

Ancient ruins, this is not a good place.

Strictly speaking, there is no place in this world more dangerous than the ancient ruins.

Among the relics handed down from ancient times, there are various guardian formations arranged by the ancient people, and there are many other dangers that warriors can encounter.

These are routine operations.

What's even more amazing is that the entire ruins are full of traps, and it is even possible that the entire ruins were specially arranged by the ancients to trap the newcomers.

If this happens, I'm afraid I won't even be able to cry.

Of course, there are still more normal people in this world, and there are only a few such weird ones.

As long as most people are cautious, step by step, not greedy or aggressive, and explore cautiously, generally nothing will happen...


Walking here quietly, in the desert, here, Chen Ming raised his head and looked forward.

A huge realm of heaven and man extended outwards silently, spreading outwards silently, covering an area with a radius of hundreds of miles.

Every move within a radius of hundreds of miles, every movement in the wind and grass is caught by him at this moment, and he is sensed by him.

The wasteland is said to be the wasteland, but in fact it is not as barren as the world imagines, without the slightest vitality.

At this moment, under Chen Ming's induction, the wilderness in front of him was full of vitality.

Majestic vitality is brewing under the ground. At this moment, under the earth, small and insignificant tenacious vitality is constantly emerging and spreading among them.

Although other people can't see these things, within Chen Ming's realm of heaven and man, they can clearly see them all.

Moreover, in addition to these lives, in the dark, through the heaven and earth spirit pattern of himself as a natural holy spirit, Chen Ming also felt that under the deep earth, there was a brand new majestic vitality gestating.

That is the pulse of the vitality of heaven and earth.

The barren land is not as barren as the world imagines, without even the slightest vitality.

On the contrary, above this land, there are also majestic vitality and spiritual veins, but at the moment they are all hidden under the earth, hidden in it, and it is not yet time to explode.

After all, since ancient secret realms frequently appeared in this area, it must have been a gathering place for many warriors in ancient times.

If this place is a barren place, how could there be so many ancient secret realms gathered?
Chen Ming shook his head, this thought flashed in his mind, then his face remained unchanged, and he continued to walk forward.

He took a path, an ancient road that had long been abandoned.

The ancient road is barren, and the dilapidated road is full of potholes. It seems that no one has repaired it for a long time.

That is to say, in the wilderness, there is no grass growing in this place in front of me, otherwise this ancient road would have been covered with weeds long ago.

It's a good place to rob a house.

This thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind, and then he walked silently on this ancient road, walking forward slowly.

After a while, he walked into a small market.

The bazaar looked very lively again, and it was full of people. On one of the inns, intermittent voices continued to come from it.

Filled with a warm atmosphere.

Chen Ming raised his head and looked into the distance.

In the market in front of me, there are many people with swords on their bodies, and their aura is obviously not in line with ordinary people. It is full of toughness and iron blood, and there is that wind and dust that is rolling in life and death.

Obviously all of them are warriors.

Think carefully too.

In this place where no grass grows and everything grows and dies, there are no ordinary people who will stay in this place for a long time.

In addition to the warriors who came here to explore, there are only some small business traders and other people with other purposes who will stay here.

Just like this place in front of you.

Throughout the ages, a large number of warriors have been passing by here, and a small market has been born here, and many merchants stay here.

On the one hand, it is to provide various services to the warriors in the past, and on the other hand, it is also to wait for the opportunity to acquire things in the hands of the warriors.

In the ancient secret realm, there are many things produced that are very popular in the outside world. As long as they are resold, they will be sold at a high price immediately.

One can imagine the profits.

After a long time, many businessmen will naturally focus on these business opportunities, stay in the surrounding area, and buy all kinds of strange things from the past warriors.

Therefore, as time passed, the market in front of me was slowly formed.

Of course, the reason why the market in front of you is so lively is because recently, the news of the birth in the secret realm of Buddhism has spread.

A large number of warriors who are not afraid of death rushed over after hearing the news, so the flow of people soared in a short period of time, driving the surrounding popularity.

The market in front of me was not a famous gathering place, but thanks to the east wind, it was very lively, and the merchants in it probably made a lot of money.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Chen Ming.

Chen Ming quietly walked forward, randomly found a vendor in the market, and sat alone on a table and chair.

At this moment, he was wearing a black robe with a long knife on his waist. Although he looked young, he had a stern face and an extraordinary temperament. He was not an ordinary person at first glance.

Of course, since he doesn't look very old on the outside, but looks like a teenager, it's inevitable that some people will think of him.

A fat man with a Taoist robe face, a wide body, and a round and blessed appearance slowly stepped forward.

"This young man..."

He walked up to Chen Ming, looked at Chen Ming up and down, and then showed a bright smile on his face: "Next up, Zhang Sanli, what do you call the young man?"

"What's the matter?" Chen Ming said casually without raising his face.

"This... I don't know if I should say something..."

Zhang Sanli looked at Chen Ming and said with an apologetic smile: "The moment I saw you, young man, I felt that you are magnificent, and there is a Buddha's meaning in your brows, and it seems that you are destined to be with the Buddha..."

The expression on Chen Ming's face remained unchanged, he didn't speak, just looked at him quietly.

Looking at the smile on Chen Ming's face, Zhang Sanli must have continued to speak in his heart, and said flickeringly: "The villain has a map in his hand, which records the secret realm of Buddhism opened this time, I don't know you..."

He didn't continue talking, just stood there, implying so.

Apparently, this is a map seller.

It is not clear whether it is a real map or a fake map.

Chen Ming didn't speak, just looked at him calmly with a faint smile on his face.

Zhang Sanli was a little scared by him.

He couldn't help falling into silence.

"It's not easy to deceive young people nowadays..."

Zhang Sanli sighed softly in his heart, and was not discouraged, so he wanted to turn around and look for the next target.

"Are you familiar with the secret realm of Buddhism opened this time?"

In front of him, Chen Ming's voice suddenly came.

Zhang Sanli was shocked.

"Cooked! Of course it's done!"

He swears, his face is full of self-confidence, he looks high-spirited, bragging himself there: "I have been to that place at least two or three times, I am very familiar with that place, even where there is a tree, Where there is everything, you know everything!"

Chen Ming nodded, his face was calm, no emotion could be seen, and then he continued: "How do you sell the map?"

Zhang Sanli thought there was something going on, so he quickly said, "Just two primordial stones are enough!"

There was booing all around.

"Fatty man, do you dare to kill people like this?"

A skinny Taoist who looked like Zhang Sanli was holding a lot of yellow paper in his hand, with a sneer on his face: "My map only sells for half a primeval stone, if you dare to sell two primeval stones, I'm afraid you're out of your mind ?”

"What do you know?"

Being exposed by his peers, Zhang Sanli felt a little uncomfortable, but he looked at Chen Ming in front of him, and seeing that Chen Ming didn't respond, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and began to speak sentence by sentence.

"My map was drawn stroke by stroke after I went to the secret realm several times in person. Can it compare with your crudely made things?"

He spoke righteously, and his face looked as serious as possible.

Chen Ming looked at Zhang Sanli in front of him.

"I don't want your map..."

He looked at Zhang Sanli in front of him, and said calmly: "Since you said that you are very familiar with the secret place of Buddhism in this place, how about you go in with me personally?"

"This one……"

Zhang Sanli's face froze.At this moment, he couldn't help being stunned, standing there a little awkwardly, and said.

"I only sell maps, not a guide..."

He declined somewhat tactfully.

A crisp muffled sound came from the spot.

In the same place, Chen Ming didn't speak, just waved one hand, and several crystal-clear and dark-looking primordial stones were directly placed on the table.

The number is not two, but a full five.


The surrounding was instantly quiet, and the sound of swallowing saliva could be heard faintly.

"This... really doesn't work..."

Zhang Sanli looked at the five rough stones on the table with some reluctance, and finally refused.

"Ten pieces..." Another burst of crisp muffled laughter came.

"I really don't want to go in again..."

"Fifteen..." Another five crystal clear primordial stones appeared on the table.

"Don't force me..."

"Thirty pieces..."

"You made me think about it..."


"I promise!"

With a plop, Zhang Sanli threw himself at the primordial stones on the table in front of him, and hugged a whole bunch of them in his arms.

"I did it!"

He had a desperate expression: "Young man, you can do whatever you want, let alone let me enter the secret realm, even if you let me climb into your bed overnight, it's fine as a cushion!"

All around looked at him with envy, jealousy and hatred.

If eyes can kill, Zhang Sanli may have been killed countless times at this moment.

Fifty primordial stones, this is not a small amount.

Yuanshi, this is a unique product of this world, a highly condensed body of heaven and earth vitality.

Generally speaking, even if it is a primeval stone, if it is released to the outside world, it is enough to make a martial artist at the peak of the day after tomorrow work hard.

As for the amount of 50 yuan stones, even a peak innate might not be able to get it out.

For many warriors around, this 50 yuan stone is already an unimaginable wealth.

But now, Zhang Sanli in front of him did almost nothing, just agreed to be a guide for a while, and got so many things, of course it would make people jealous.

Faintly, in the bazaar, watching this scene, many people had silently stood up, and their eyes on Chen Ming in front of them changed silently.

Of course, Chen Ming didn't care about these.

In the same place, looking at Zhang Sanli's appearance, he couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

"Let's go..."

Looking at Zhang Sanli in front of him, he got up silently, left half a piece of gold as tea money, and then walked forward with Zhang Sanli.

It looks like you have to continue on your way.

Standing at the same spot in the lively market, many people looked at Chen Ming's figure in the distance, with strange expressions on their faces. They raised the soldiers in their arms and followed Chen Ming's pace.

Clearly preparing to do something unpleasant.

"Young man, we have to pay attention..."

Walking on the road, following Chen Ming's side, Zhang Sanli looked a little hesitant, hesitant to speak.

"I know……"

Sitting in front, Chen Ming's face was calm, and he said lightly: "There are already many people following around. Judging from the situation, there are probably many people behind."

Hearing these words, Zhang Sanli heaved a sigh of relief.

Just be prepared.

He was afraid that Chen Ming was the kind of fledgling young man who didn't know what he had done before, and didn't have a clear understanding.

That would be really bad.

But since Chen Ming knew what kind of turmoil his actions would cause, he could still show the calm look in front of him, so he was confident and fearless.

Of course, Chen Ming knew what kind of result his actions would lead to.

But he didn't care much.

After all, at their level of practice, they do what they want and don't take too much into account.

And after all, by now, he no longer needed to care about these things.

Of course, that doesn't mean he likes to face these troubles.

"Go and solve the troubles behind."

Looking at Zhang Sanli at the side, Chen Ming said calmly.

"If you absorb all the 50 yuan stones just now, it should be enough for you to recover some of your strength, right?"

In the same place, looking at Zhang Sanli in front of him, he said so.

Zhang Sanli's complexion suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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