Sweeping the world

Chapter 377 The Secret Realm

Chapter 377 The Secret Realm
"If you absorb all the 50 yuan stones just now, it should be enough for you to recover some of your strength, right?"

In the same place, Chen Ming looked at Zhang Sanli in front of him, and said calmly.

In an instant, Zhang Sanli's complexion changed drastically.

"You know! You actually know!!"

Looking at Chen Ming in front of him, his complexion changed drastically, and his temperament also changed a lot in an instant.

In an instant, he changed from a fat man who seemed a bit wretched to a fat man who looked a little majestic.

Although he was still fat, at least he looked more serious, not as wretched as before.


Chen Ming's face was calm, and he didn't care about being watched by Zhang Sanli so much, so he said lightly: "Don't tell me, you don't even care about these people.

There is no way to solve it”

Zhang San and Li Dingding looked at Chen Ming for a long time, his expression was uncertain, his eyes were fierce for a while, and hesitant for a while, and he looked very exciting.

But no matter how his eyes changed, Chen Ming's face was always calm, looking calm and calm, and he didn't care much at all.

He continued to walk forward, and behind him, Zhang Sanli just followed, no matter how his eyes changed, he did not lag behind.

The two just walked like this.

It wasn't until a while later that the deadlock was broken by the sound of shouts gradually coming from the rear.

Zhang Sanli looked up at Chen Ming.

Chen Ming still looked like that, and he didn't intend to do anything at all.

Looking at his unfathomable appearance, Zhang Sanli sighed lightly, and finally gave up those dangerous thoughts.

He walked out obediently.

After a while, there was a sound of shouting and killing.

In less than 10 minutes, Zhang Sanli ran back.

When I went, I was empty-handed, and I started with a fat man.

When he came back, not only did he come back, but he also led two horses along the way.

The horse looks very good, tall and tall, with red skin, and some scales can be seen on the horse's hoof, which seems to have the appearance of other strange beasts.

Lineage is expensive at first glance.

On the horse, there is a faint blood stain on it, which looks very fresh, it should be left just now, but I don't know where it belongs to.
Bad luck.

Chen Ming didn't say a word, but his hands were not polite, and he directly led a horse and sat on it.

It has to be said that riding a horse is much more comfortable than walking on foot.

Their speed increased again, and their rate of return increased again.

Thanks to this, more and more people chased after him, scrambling to give Chen Ming warmth.

In the end, it was all solved by Zhang Sanli.

Zhang Sanli rejected this kind of work at first, but later he liked it more and more.

He did it to the end, and even regretted it a little.

"If I had known that the money from the robbery was so fast, what map would I sell?"

He sighed deeply, regretting it deeply.

Regarding this, Chen Ming glanced at him and hesitated, but in the end he still didn't correct his erroneous point of view.

Zhang Sanli didn't know that although no-cost business can make money quickly, the risk is also high.

During this period of time, if Chen Ming hadn't used his strength secretly to make those warriors who were stronger than Zhang Sanli avoid them, Zhang Sanli would have already died by now.

Of course, Zhang Sanli seemed to be aware of this, so he never tried to repent, and followed Chen Ming's lead honestly.

behind the ass.

In this way, another half month passed.

They just arrived at their destination this time.

"It's just ahead."

Looking at the desert in front of him, Zhang Sanli sighed lightly, and said this to Chen Ming.

"The secret realm will only be opened on certain days of the year. Counting the days, the next opening is still two months away."

Chen Ming nodded, making it clear.

For these, he had already inquired clearly before he set off.

Although the secret place of Buddhism that was born this time is located in the barren area, it does not mean that it is located on the land of the barren area.

In fact, there are various ways to arrange the secret realm opened by the power of the ancient power.

This is the case with the secret world of Buddhism that was born this time. It is an independent small world. Although it is located in a barren area, strictly speaking, it actually belongs to the

another space.

Therefore, if you want to enter it, you can only do so at a specific time when the spaces where the secret realm and the wilderness are located begin to overlap.

To some extent, it is because of this reason that this secret realm has continued until now.

If it was the kind of secret realm directly located on the barren land, I am afraid that it would have been emptied by those wandering warriors like locusts long ago.

It's Chen Ming's turn to come here now.

"Let's find a place to rest first."

Looking at the endless desert in front of him, Chen Ming nodded and said so.

Because there are still two months left for the opening of the Buddhist Secret Realm, the neighborhood is very lively at the moment.

A large number of warriors gathered from all directions, bringing a lot of people to the area in front of them.

The huge flow of people also attracted many businessmen.

Therefore, although the place is remote, it is not difficult to find a place to stay.

Of course, the prerequisite is enough money.

Zhang Sanli seemed to be very familiar with this area, so he easily led Chen Ming to an inn, where he just rested.

The time that followed gradually became flat.

In this wilderness, there is no place for entertainment if there are no people and no things.

Apart from listening to some past warriors chatting, and occasionally having fun, there is nothing to do for entertainment.

During the two months, Chen Ming spent most of his time practicing.

His current cultivation base has reached the peak of the Shattered Realm, and he has achieved great success in the realm of martial arts, even in the Mysterious Realm, he is also a top figure in the world.

For more than ten years, Chen Ming had inquired about the situation in the mysterious world.

The strength of warriors in Xuanjie is much stronger than that in Dongjie.

There are quite a few Venerables.

The heads of the top sects, like Yuan Mozun, are mostly the top of the venerable.

As for the Broken Realm, the number is very rare. Chen Ming inquired through Yuan Mozun's channel, and only knew a few of them, which were the Broken Realm.


However, compared to Chen Ming, who has just grown up now, each of these Broken Realm's age is frighteningly old, and they can be called warriors.

world's living fossil.

Even the youngest one was five hundred years old when he was promoted to the Broken Realm.

This is Broken Realm.

As for the existence like Chen Ming, standing on the broken peak, Chen Ming has not discovered it yet.

However, in terms of the vast history of this world, most of them have.

I just don't know where to hide.

Chen Ming was looking forward to it.

During the two months of waiting for the opening of the Buddhist secret realm, Chen Ming would occasionally go out to inquire about some news.

In addition to some news that he already knew, he also inquired about some very interesting news.

According to an enthusiastic warrior who came from afar, a strange thing was discovered in the distant Chiming Emperor's dynasty.

Eighteen years ago, the youngest son of the current emperor of the Chiming Dynasty was born.

When this emperor was born, there was a great wind and thunder outside, and the dragon energy condensed by Emperor Chiming's dynasty was turbulent, and thousands of miles were terrified.

It sounds like the standard equipment for some famous people in the history books.

But more exciting things are to come.

After the vision, something even more amazing happened.

A divine sword was born together with Emperor Chiming, was born in the arms of Emperor Chiming, and was born together.

There is a huge remnant of imperial energy on this divine sword. After research, it is very likely to be one of the imperial soldiers left by the ancient Emperor Ming clan, the Chiming Divine Sword


Born with the Chiming Excalibur in his arms?
At that time, many warriors questioned the authenticity of this matter, but Chen Ming was stunned and remembered someone.

"Chiming Excalibur. Yang Ming, are you reincarnated too?"

He subconsciously raised this idea.

In fact, on second thought, this is quite normal.

As an outsider, if you want to join this world, even if you have the corresponding passport, you need to abandon your physical body and start over.

Such as Chen Ming is proof.

Now that Chen Ming has reincarnated, the other three people who came to this world with him at the beginning must have been like this too.

Counting their ages, they should be the same as Chen Ming at this moment, they have just grown up.

However, since Yang Ming's reincarnation was so wonderful, the other two must not be far behind.

After all, they are both masters of divine soldiers, and they all have divine soldiers accompanying them. I am afraid that once they are born, they will cause quite a stir.

Unlike Chen Ming, who is low-key and calm.

After secretly remembering the name Chiming Emperor Dynasty, Chen Ming was reincarnated, and waited for the opening of the Buddhist ruins with peace of mind.

Two months passed quickly.

On a sunny morning, when Chen Ming opened his eyes, there was a sudden change in the sky.

Rays of light began to distort, and the entire sky began to change, with shadows appearing indistinctly.

Or the grand and grand palace, or the small and delicate golden forest, all kinds of scenes are different.

This is a picture from another world, displayed in the form of phantom at this moment, appearing in front of the world.

And with the appearance of these phantoms, a strange fluctuation appeared, appearing in the minds of all warriors.

"You can go in."

Standing beside Chen Ming, Zhang Sanli nodded and spoke to Chen Ming.

Chen Ming nodded, then slowly closed his eyes, a little bit of spirit was silently connected with the faintly emerging secret realm.

The next moment, they disappeared in place.

On a barren field.

The figures of Chen Ming and Zhang Sanli appeared.

"Very strong vitality."

Standing here, Chen Ming turned around and looked in front of him, and came to such a conclusion.

Although the barren countryside in front of me looks dilapidated, it is actually quite full of vitality, much stronger than the outside world.

It is almost the same as that of Yuan Mozong.

For ordinary warriors, a visit to this secret realm, even if there is no other gain, just coming here to refresh their vitality, can be regarded as
It was a worthwhile trip.

"We should be in the third domain now."

Zhang Sanli looked around and judged so.

Seeing Chen Ming's gaze, he opened his mouth to explain.

"This secret realm is very vast, and it can be divided into more than 20 areas. The higher the ranking, the closer to the core of the inheritance

"We just teleported this time, and we were sent to the third domain. We are lucky."

Chen Ming nodded.

When teleporting from the outside world to this secret realm, the location of the teleportation is random.

Except for people who are very close, the rest of the teleportation is randomly teleported to a location.

Chen Ming and Chen Ming were able to be teleported to the third domain at one time. To a certain extent, they were indeed lucky.

Of course, Chen Ming didn't care about it.

"Let's go."

With a calm face, he said so, and then took a step.

A crisp sound came from one side.

Chen Ming looked down subconsciously, and happened to see a golden grass growing at his feet.

The golden grass looks golden, every leaf and every inch of texture on the whole body is crystal clear, it looks very beautiful,
Extremely extraordinary.

Zhang Sanli was taken aback, and then his face changed: "This is Mu Jinlan, an extremely precious spiritual herb, which can be used to make pills, and it will be at least as good as the outside world.
It can be sold for one hundred yuan stones."

When he said this, his face looked very strange, and he was faintly awkward.

Before, he was bought by Chen Ming for a mere reward of fifty primeval stones, and he couldn't resist entering the secret realm to become a guide.

But now, just as Chen Ming came in, he found a spirit herb worth a hundred yuan stones
The gap between them is really delicious.

However, he didn't feel anything about it, he just thought that Chen Ming's luck was good, and he didn't think much about it.

But the scenes that happened next completely broke his cognition.

As they kept walking forward, scenes of exaggerated scenes began to happen.

Walk to a palace at random, and there happens to be a good Buddha treasure hidden in it, and walk to a pool at random, and you will find a few that have been specially sealed.
With the surviving alien beast eggs, if you just walk on the lawn, you can find all kinds of rare spiritual herbs.
The scenes that happened directly made Zhang Sanli dumbfounded.

He was a little jealous, so he also went to a large hall to search, but in the end he couldn't find even a hair.

But then, Chen Ming also went in.

When I went in, I was empty-handed.

When he came out, he had a relic in his hand, a jasper necklace on his wrist, and a purple gold cassock on his body.

These things are full of Buddha power, and they are obviously treasures that are rarely seen by the outside world.

Zhang Sanli was completely dumbfounded.

He looked at Chen Ming with as weird a look as he could.

"Could it be that you are the reincarnation of some Buddha, and you came to this place to find someone who is destined?"

He looked at Chen Ming, and after a long time, he uttered this sentence.

Regarding this, Chen Ming was silent for a long time, and finally uttered a sentence.

"Maybe, really?"

He looked at the pile of gadgets on his body, and couldn't help being speechless at this moment.

Come here, Chen Ming has already confirmed.

Most of the secret realm in front of me was prepared by the ancient Buddhists for their descendants. Therefore, the deeper the Buddha's relationship, the easier it is to be in it.
Somewhat profound.

Is Chen Ming's connection with Buddhism strong enough?

Of course it is thick enough.

He inherited the Buddha's blood of the Great Nirvana Buddha Lord. If it was exposed, he could almost be called a living Buddha.

If the Buddha's relationship is not thick enough, then who is thick?
In contrast, there are people like Zhang Sanli who clearly have no relationship with Buddha.

Have no relationship with Buddha, but still want to play the autumn wind in the secret realm of Buddhism?
Obviously thinking too much.

It would be nice to give you some energy.

(End of this chapter)

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