Sweeping the world

Chapter 378 Secret Realm Inheritance

Chapter 378 Secret Realm Inheritance
Finding opportunities in the secret realm of Buddhism is a very test of Buddha's fate.

At least Zhang Sanli in front of him has no connection with Buddhism in Chen Ming's view.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have come here for so long and didn't even find anything.

Yes, it's not that there is very little harvest, but that there is no harvest at all.

Whether it is spiritual material, spiritual grass or Buddhist relics, he has no part in them all.

He seemed to be immune to chance, he came to the place in front of him, and he didn't even touch a thing for such a long time.

Sometimes the spirit grass obviously grew by his feet, but he searched for it, but found nothing at all.

Even Chen Ming was a little speechless.

He has seen people with poor predestined relationship, but this is the first time he has seen someone with such poor predestined relationship.

It is a wonderful flower.

But I have to say that although his own Buddhist relationship is quite poor, Zhang Sanli is still very familiar with the secret place in front of him.

At least this guide is quite qualified.

He was a little restless and led Chen Ming forward, towards the central area.

In the middle of the journey, occasionally they would meet some other warriors.

The strength of these warriors is not considered weak. After all, they can sense the existence of the secret realm, and connect with their own souls. This is at least something that can only be achieved in the acquired peak realm.

Therefore, no matter how weak the warriors who can enter the secret realm in front of them, they are at least the existence of the peak acquired, and they are at least the heroes of one side in the outside world.

But strength is relative.

To ordinary people, these warriors are all big figures, but to Chen Ming and Zhang Sanli, most of these warriors are nothing.

They walked forward all the way, and unknowingly came to a dense forest.

It was a golden forest, and within the forest, pieces of spiritual grass were growing there.

As the two of Chen Ming approached, in that area, bursts of crisp fragrance slowly spread, making people feel refreshed and happy, and couldn't help but feel happier.

"Great place...good place..."

Zhang Sanli was a little excited and walked forward involuntarily.

In the past, although Chen Ming gained a lot, it can be said that he has gained nothing. Up to now, he is still empty-handed and looks extremely miserable.

That pocket is almost always cleaner than a beggar.

Seeing such a dense forest now, of course he would be excited.

After all, such a large forest looks very extraordinary, even if you just dig a little spiritual grass, you will be able to reap a lot.

"Hey! Be careful!"

A crisp shout came from one side, and the voice sounded like a girl.

Chen Ming looked up, and happened to see in the distance, a delicate-looking, simple-looking girl in a long white dress running from a distance, looking anxiously at Zhang Sanli who kept walking forward.

It looked like he wanted to stop him and prevent him from moving forward.

But she spoke a little late.

The moment she shouted, Zhang Sanli had already stepped into the dense forest ahead.

The next moment, a change suddenly occurred.

All around, a series of divine lights flickered, a faint divine power was stimulated from them, and then a series of mysterious and profound runes continued to flash.

The guardian formation that originally guarded this place had completely revived, and at this moment it directly recovered, heading towards the intruders who entered the formation.

In just an instant, Zhang Sanli's face changed drastically.

At this moment, he felt extremely dangerous.

The big formation in front of me began to recover, and the terrifying power was horrifying, almost approaching between the venerables, even if it was a celestial being, within a short while, it would be trapped by this big formation Live, unable to break free.

Not to mention Zhang Sanli.

It's just that in an instant, he couldn't hold on anymore, and his face looked so ugly.

A crisis of death enveloped his heart.

If there were no accidents, he would probably stay in this place and be buried with this piece of spiritual grass forever.

Looking at this scene in the distance, Chen Ming shook his head.

But he wasn't too bad after all, he didn't turn to death and waved his hand casually.

A wave of divine power rippled in place, and then slowly spread to the distance, appearing directly in front of Zhang Sanli.

The revived formation in the distance was blocked by divine power, and the next moment, Zhang Sanli's figure was forcibly pulled back.

"I... am I okay?"

Being pulled in front of him by Chen Ming, Zhang Sanli looked at his intact body, and couldn't help feeling a little scared at the moment.


Looking at Zhang Sanli who was abruptly pulled back by Chen Ming, not far away, the girl breathed a sigh of relief, and then said:
"Are you OK?"

Looking at Zhang Sanli in front of her, she first sighed, and then she was a little speechless: "By the way, you dare to rush into this kind of place, are you going to kill yourself?"

"I... don't know..."

Zhang Sanli came back to his senses, and he was a little scared at the moment, but he looked at the girl in front of him and said so.

"Isn't this obvious?"

The girl shook her head.

"The various spiritual objects in this place are so obvious. If there is nothing wrong with them, they would have been snatched away by others. How can it be your turn..."

"Fortunately, this... this son..."

He looked at Chen Ming at the side, and then he couldn't help being stunned. After a while, he came back and said in a daze.

"This...this young master...don't know Gao's name?"

"Miangui's surname is Chen, one inscription for each character..."

Chen Ming looked at the girl in front of him, his face remained unchanged, but he was also a little surprised.


He looked at the girl in front of him, and this thought flashed through his mind.

The girl in front of her looked ordinary, but in Chen Ming's induction, there was a unique aura circulating.

This kind of breath is ethereal, with some ancient charm, as if it has been handed down through history for a long time, it permeates the girl's body at this moment, and it is felt by Chen Ming.

Chen Ming had also felt a similar aura from another person before.

That person is none other than Zhang Sanli in front of him.

Before, it was precisely because of the aura from Zhang Sanli that Chen Ming made a sound and took the initiative to pull Zhang Sanli to his side, ready to study it carefully.

But now, Zhang Sanli's problem has not been studied clearly, and another girl came out.

"My name is Feng Wu..."

Looking at Chen Ming in front of her, the girl couldn't help lowering her head, her face looked a little blushing, as if she was a little shy.

While lowering her head, she kept looking at Chen Ming secretly, with a look of wanting to see but being embarrassed: "Do you want to go to the center?"

Chen Ming nodded.

"That would be great!"

Feng Wu's eyes lit up all of a sudden, looking at Chen Ming shining brightly, her spirit changed suddenly: "I'm going to go there too, why don't you and I go together?"

Judging by her tone, it seemed that Zhang Sanli was ignored.

Zhang Sanli looked dumbfounded.

"This is fine too!!"

He kept shouting in his heart, and at this moment he doubted life.

It's nothing more than taking spiritual herbs, Buddha treasures, and all kinds of things, but now I finally met a girl, and she still looks like a nympho!
What kind of personality is this?
Zhang Sanli was a little skeptical about life, and at this moment he was inexplicably envious and jealous.

In other words, from the moment he entered the secret realm until now, this kind of emotion on his body has never stopped at all.

It's just more intense now.

"This... well..."

Looking at the girl in front of him, Chen Ming made a gesture, and wanted to refuse, but finally nodded and agreed.

The girl in front of him has an aura similar to that of Zhang Sanli, which is also a good material for him, so he can study it carefully.

Now that the other party has offered to go with them, that's just right.

"it is good!"

Seeing that Chen Ming agreed, the girl named Feng Wu suddenly showed a smile on her face, and quickly stood beside Chen Ming, as if she was afraid that Chen Ming would go back on his word.

Zhang Sanli's eyes were dim, he looked at the two people in front of him and sighed deeply, but in the end he turned around silently and led the way.

After all, he was a guide, and he worked with Chen Ming's money.

He walked forward slowly, and unknowingly, he had already reached the second large domain.

After coming here, the number of warriors around seems to have increased all of a sudden. From the time when I walked for several miles without encountering a living person, now I can see a few figures from time to time.

There are gradually more people around.

Walking on the road, Chen Ming also saw some warriors gathering in front, talking there, the atmosphere was very enthusiastic, it seemed like they were discussing something.

Zhang Sanli looked at Chen Ming, who had a calm and calm face, and then at Feng Wu, who was standing beside Chen Ming, who was almost sticking to Chen Ming's body, and couldn't help but sighed. Consciously went up.

He stepped forward to set the routine, and then came back quickly.

"People from Leiyin Temple are inside..."

He brought back the news.

In the central area of ​​this secret realm, people from Leiyin Temple had already entered and were searching inside at the moment. It seemed that they wanted to grasp the entire secret realm at once.

And the reason why those warriors discussed it was also for this reason.

For Leiyin Temple, this secret place in front of them was set up by Buddhist sages, and for them, Buddhist descendants, it is normal to try to get back.

No one can tell what's wrong with the younger generation inheriting from the older generation.

But for the group of warriors in front of them, this feeling is not so wonderful.

At this moment, there is no owner of this Buddhist secret realm in front of me, no matter who it is, as long as the conditions are met, they can enter.

When this secret realm is taken back by Leiyin Temple, this open secret realm will become a private property, and it will never be open to outsiders like them.

Therefore, for these foreign warriors, this approach of Leiyin Temple naturally made them very dissatisfied.

But what's the use of being dissatisfied?

In theory, this place is a secret place of Buddhism. As a disciple of Buddhism, it is very normal for Leiyin Temple to want to take back this place.

In terms of fists, Leiyin Temple is a famous family in the world, and its strength is the best in the world. Even if they are alone, they are not enough to fight.

Reason and fist are not as big as anyone, how else can you play?
The warriors around sighed and sighed, and the atmosphere was very low.

Chen Ming didn't care much, and even wanted to go in and take a look.

"My lord, do we really want to go in?"

Watching Chen Ming's movements, Zhang Sanli persuaded in a low voice: "The people from Leiyin Temple are inside, we can't snatch him."

"Instead of going inside to compete with the people of Leiyin Temple, it's better to look around here, maybe you can find something more."

What he said made sense.

Up to now, many warriors can see that this secret realm in front of them is clearly prepared by Buddhist sages for future generations of Buddhist disciples.

Leiyin Temple, as a direct descendant of the Buddha, is a Buddhist disciple of Genzheng Miaohong. It is very normal to inherit the secret realm here, and it is a normal operation.

Instead of fighting with them and wasting the opening time of the secret realm, it is better to take advantage of this last opening and do a good job around here, maybe there will be a lot of gains.

Even if you can't find many good things, it's a good choice to find a spiritual place with strong vitality in this secret realm and devote yourself to practicing in it.

It's better than wasting time arguing with those Buddhist people.

Standing where he was, looking at Zhang Sanli in front of him, Chen Ming smiled.

"You really thought it would be that simple?"

He said so, and finally moved forward silently, walking towards a deeper area.

Looking at the figure of Chen Ming turning away from the side, Zhang Sanli was a little puzzled.

But even though he was puzzled, he looked at Chen Ming in front of him and recalled Chen Ming's unpredictable behavior before. He hesitated for a while, and finally followed Chen Ming obediently and walked in together.

Soon, they came to the center of this secret realm.

Compared with other regions in this secret realm, the center of the secret realm appears very wide, but there is nothing special in it, only a huge hall standing quietly in the distance.

That is the Palace of Inheritance, the core of a secret realm, and the key to inheriting a secret realm.

At this moment, in the Inheritance Hall in front, bursts of Sanskrit sounds continued to sound, which sounded very eye-catching in place.

That is where the monks chanted Buddhist scriptures in a low voice, and there were bursts of Buddhist sounds here.

Accompanied by the bursts of Sanskrit sounds, a faint sense of Buddha began to appear on the spot, faintly resonating with the majestic inheritance hall ahead, and there were some new changes.

Faintly, you can see a huge and boundless phantom of Buddha floating in the area in front of you. It looks sacred and majestic, like the Buddha in myths and legends, which makes people awe-inspiring.

Chen Ming quietly watched this scene, and couldn't help but smile.

Zhang Sanli on the side couldn't laugh.

The scene in front of them undoubtedly shows that the people of Leiyin Temple have successfully awakened the spirit of the secret realm in the secret realm, and began to use Buddhism as the basis to establish contact with the spirit of the secret realm in the secret realm.

Perhaps in a short time, this secret realm in front of me will be completely refined by the people of Leiyin Temple, and they will directly control this secret realm.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Sanli couldn't figure out what else Chen Ming could do. He could intervene in this situation and change everything in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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