Sweeping the world

Chapter 380 The Demonic Qi in the Secret Realm

Chapter 380 The Demonic Qi in the Secret Realm
In the vast and magnificent palace of inheritance, looking at Yang Zhang with a firm face in the distance, insisting on punching down, Chen Ming couldn't figure out where his persistence came from.

Looking at him like that, could it be possible that Yugong is really moving mountains?Even if you know you can't do it, you still know you can't do it, and you want to break in here?
Chen Ming was confused, and couldn't understand everything.

But soon, he understood why.

After a while, in the distance, a mist is rising.

A mighty demonic energy rushed out, and above the sky, a blood-colored pupil suddenly opened.

In the same place, above the inheritance hall, a ray of Buddha's light soared into the sky, confronting the overwhelming demon energy. In front of him, two completely different but equally powerful forces collided.

boom! !

A crisp sound came continuously.

Yang Zhang raised his head and looked at the sky and the firmament. Even on his resolute and stern face, there was some unnoticeable relief.

Chen Ming also looked up at the sky.

Through his own keen senses, he keenly felt that a figure was emerging above the sky.

It was a man in a black robe, thin and ordinary looking, standing in the air at this moment, with a strong aura all over his body, and that unrivaled majesty almost overwhelmed everything.

Just feeling the figure of this person, before actually touching this person, Chen Ming's body couldn't help but pause, and the blood in his body was involuntarily excited, and a strong feeling rose up.

It seems to have met something of the same kind, and it seems to have met a natural enemy.

This was a message from his own demon body, and it was accurately transmitted to Chen Ming at this moment, making him faintly hostile to the figure that appeared.

"Demon energy..."

In the same place, looking at the figure standing in the distance, Chen Ming lowered his head and muttered to himself, but he was a little puzzled.

"what is that!"

There was a burst of exclamation on the spot.

Not far from Chen Ming, Xuan Shan was wearing a purple cassock, with a thin body, looking at a direction far away, frowning.

I saw that in that direction, a mist gradually rose, the earth was shaking, and unrivaled divine power soared into the sky, covering the entire Buddhist secret realm.

Although it originated from the secret realm, that power is not the unique Buddha power in the secret realm of Buddhism, but a kind of domineering and frightening magic power.

This is definitely not the power of Buddhism, but a complete demon.

"Under the secret realm of Buddhism, why is there such a thing..."

On the spot, Xuan Shan frowned, looking into the distance, his face gradually became serious.

He frowned, his eyes shone with Buddha's light, and there was a faint scene in the distance.

On the field, I saw him use his supernatural powers, holding a Buddha Li in his right hand, in which there was a faint Buddha light, blooming unprecedented brilliance.

Unparalleled divine patterns came from all over the world, blooming at this moment, as if a mythical and legendary Buddha had really descended to this place, and merged with Xuan Shan at this moment.

The strength of this mage Xuanshan has already reached the peak of the Venerable, and it is not an ordinary peak of the Venerable, it is a step beyond this.

Almost reached half-step broken.

At this moment when the ancient sages have long since disappeared, a half-step broken is enough to be called the top of the world.

"This power..."

Ahead, the Venerable Demon Sect named Yang Zhang raised his head, looking at Xuan Shan who was covered in Buddha's light all over his body, as bright as a Buddha descended into the world, his eyes were full of solemnity.

"You are definitely not an ordinary Buddhist guardian. I have only felt this familiar Buddha power from the Buddha king."

"Who the hell are you?"

He looked at Xuan Shan in the distance, his eyes were full of solemnity, although his face was still stern, but at this moment there was a little emotion.

It looked very surprised, but with some clarity.


A soft sigh resounded in place, as if it contained a deep Buddha's meaning, so that anyone who heard this sigh could not help but feel moved, and his mood fluctuated with this sigh.

In front of his eyes, Xuan Shan sighed softly, then clasped his hands together, made a Buddha name, his eyes were still calm, and looked at Yang Zhang in the distance.

"The poor monk Xuanshan is a disciple of Master Kongming..."

He opened his mouth softly, his face was a little serious, and he just looked ahead at the moment, and said lightly.

"A disciple of Master Kongming..."

Yang Zhang was stunned for a moment, even though he was mentally prepared for this moment, he was still extremely surprised.

"Are you a disciple of the Buddha king of the previous generation?"

He looked at Xuan Shan in the distance, fixed his eyes on him, and asked like this.

"Not bad!"

Xuan Shanxing clasped his hands together, quietly looking at Yang Zhang in the distance, his eyes were calm, and his wrinkled face was full of seriousness.

"The benefactor deliberately attracts the old monk's idea here, what is the intention!"

He looked at Yang Zhang in the distance, and said seriously.

After the words fell, Yang Zhang was silent for a while, and then continued to speak.

"You asked me to say it, and I'm going to say it?"

He raised his head and looked at the many monks who came out of the inheritance hall one after another in front of him, his face was full of arrogance and arrogance.

With a kind of domineering and arrogance unique to the devil.

"The matter has come to this, the purpose of the benefactor has been achieved, what difference does it make to you, the benefactor, whether to say it or not?"

Xuan Shan's face was serious, looking at Yang Zhang in front of him, at this moment he waved his right hand, and a string of Buddhist beads appeared on it, shining with Buddha's light.

"But if the benefactor doesn't say anything, then I will have no choice but to invite the benefactor to come to my Leiyin Temple as a guest!"

After the voice fell, the faint Buddha power flickered in place, and the boundless and majestic power made one's heart palpitate.Although it looks peaceful, once it erupts, it can swallow the whole body and mind in an instant, making people never reborn.

Facing the situation in front of him, this old monk who had been peaceful and quiet before finally became serious. At this moment, even Chen Ming, who was standing beside him, was a little surprised and looked sideways.

The old monk in front of him was very unusual.

This is true regardless of cultivation level, state of mind, or the pure practice of Buddhism.
But what Chen Ming really cared about was the vague sense of traction on the other party.

A kind of aura similar to that of Zhang Sanli and Feng Wu, but more profound and majestic gushed out from the old monk, which was accurately felt by Chen Ming behind him.

This aura is mysterious and unique, it seems to be covering up something, it seems to represent something, it just surfaced in Chen Ming's induction.

In the same place, Chen Ming felt this breath, and then Xuan Shan's back in front of him, his heart moved slightly, as if thinking of something.

"Actually, if I don't tell you, you can see it too..."

In front of him, he seemed to feel Xuan Shan's determination. Under Chen Ming's gaze, Yang Zhang was silent for a while, and then continued to speak.

"Instead of asking here, why don't you go and see for yourself..."

"If it doesn't pass, the matter will be over..."

He spoke one after another, his voice resounded in place, but it made people a little confused.

Xuan Shan frowned, his old wrinkled face moved slightly, and was about to speak, and continued to ask questions.

At this moment, a crisp muffled sound came out suddenly, interrupting his intention.

"what happened?"

"I can't move my body!"

At this time, bursts of voices continued to come out.

All around, the warriors around looked horrified, looking at the sky one by one.

In the sky at that point, a faint black demonic energy is emerging, and it is constantly spreading outward at this moment.

Looking at this situation, it seems that the entire cheat book is going to be shrouded in it.

Cracks appeared on the earth, and the original purity and peace in the secret realm of Buddhism had completely disappeared, replaced by a chaotic situation.

In that crack, a little bit of devilish energy erupted from it, gradually filling the entire secret realm, causing everyone's expressions to change.

In the blink of an eye, a well-established secret place of Buddhism turned into a place of magic, and it seems that the style of painting has changed all of a sudden.

It seems that this is not the retreat place of Buddhist sages, but the magic land where the devil lives.

The collapse of the painting style makes people not confident.

And in the surroundings, with the little bit of devilish energy constantly spreading out, after that, all the warriors around looked a little panicked and at a loss.

At this moment, they feel that a huge force is oppressing, and it is pouring into their bodies at this moment, affecting their bodies.

The devilish energy penetrating out from under the secret realm was extremely domineering. Once it appeared, it entered the bodies of the surrounding creatures and immediately began to infect it.

And after being infected by the magic energy, mutations appeared on each of the warriors, and black marks appeared all over their bodies. Judging from the situation, they were corroded in the blink of an eye.

This is because many of the warriors present are powerful, and each of them is at least the acquired peak, and the strength is strong.

If an ordinary person stayed in this place, he would probably be infected by this billowing devilish energy within a short while, turning him into something completely different.

At that time, no one can guarantee what will happen to things.

"This kind of magic energy..."

Standing at the same place in the inheritance hall, Chen Ming frowned.

He is also a member of the Demon Gate.

Although he wasn't in the past, after he was reincarnated in this world and adopted by people from the Yuan Demon Sect, he became a real member of the Demon Sect.

But even he, a member of the Demon Sect, felt something bad for a while when he felt the surging demon energy from the outside world.

In the past, although the people in the Demon Sect called it the Demon Sect, the internal and divine power they cultivated was actually not much different from other forces in nature.

What the people of the Demon Sect refer to is only their behavior and ideas, and it does not mean that their power is evil.

But the demonic energy that appeared in front of him, although it is indeed of the nature of demonic skills, has not yet appeared, and this force alone is already creepy.

Compared with the masters of these devilish energy, Chen Ming is not a devil at all, at best he is just a fake devil.

In front of him, feeling the devilish energy coming from around him, Yang Zhang's expression was stern, but he was not surprised at all. It seemed that he had expected this.

At this time, many people in the field realized that there was also a lot of devilish energy erupting from his body, which spread out along with the changes in the surrounding environment.

Apparently, he was also infected by these demonic energy before.

This discovery is horrifying.

A Demon Sect Venerable whose cultivation had reached the peak of the Venerable Venerable was still infected when faced with these demonic auras, even looking at it like this, he didn't even have the power to resist at all.

Then how terrifying the master of this devilish energy must be.

"Stand back behind me!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xuan Shan waved the prayer beads in his hand and said in a low voice.

"There is a large formation left by the Buddhist sages in this inheritance hall. As long as we stay here, nothing will happen!"

He sat in front of the gate of the inheritance hall and said so.


Behind him, the rest of the monks chanted the Buddha's name together and sighed in such a low voice.

Sure enough, as Xuanshan expected, when the billowing devilish energy from under the earth rushed in, the inheritance hall in front of him began to change, and the faint Buddha light flickered, directly condensing into a large formation, enveloping the entire inheritance hall. The main hall is guarded inside.

In the vast and gorgeous inheritance site, it seems to feel the intrusion of the devil energy from the outside world. Above the main hall of the inheritance hall, a faint phantom of the Buddha appeared, and opened his eyes at this moment.

In an instant, the formation completely began to recover, the terrifying power roared, and the mighty divine power transformed into divine light permeated this place, tightly protecting this place from the intrusion of external demonic energy.

Standing in this field, they hide in it, it is absolutely safe.

However, they can hide in this large formation, and others are not so lucky.

Below, billowing devilish energy swept in, and in the entire secret realm, all warriors arrived in front of the gate of the inheritance hall.

As the surrounding demonic energy continued to rise and become stronger, some warriors could no longer hold on, their entire bodies were corroded and turned black.

There are black textures on their bodies, and there seems to be some kind of mysterious power on them. After they surfaced, various reactions occurred.

"My body is out of control!"

"Ah! Kill!!"

A killing ensues below.

After being eroded by the devilish energy, some warriors couldn't bear it anymore, their bodies were densely covered with that unique black texture. At this moment, they picked up the sword in their hands and looked at other warriors. Seeing this, they couldn't control themselves at all.

In this regard, some people looked towards the inheritance hall ahead, and began to rush towards the inheritance hall ahead.

"Let us in!"

"Master! Let us in!"

A person walked to the inheritance point, struggling to enter the inheritance hall and accept the protection of the Buddha's light.

However, this is of no use.

When approaching the Hall of Inheritance, a faint Buddha light flickered, while blocking the overwhelming and constantly sweeping demonic energy, it also blocked these warriors, leaving no room for them.

Suddenly, these people let out desperate cries.

(End of this chapter)

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