Sweeping the world

Chapter 381 The Devil in the Secret Realm

Chapter 381 The Devil in the Secret Realm
"Help... help..."

"Master...help me..."

Waves of shouts came from a distance, the voice sounded very desolate, with some hesitation and helplessness.

At this moment, with the surrounding demonic energy rolling in, a large number of martial artists were infected, and at this moment, strange things appeared on each of them.

Some weaker martial artists have been completely infected at this moment, their bodies are covered with black scales, and there are black marks on them, looking extremely terrifying and hideous.

They have been completely infected by that devilish energy at this moment, and their whole bodies have changed into another appearance at this moment, the swords in their hands are pulled out by them, and they go towards others.

The scene of the entire Buddhist secret realm has changed drastically, and it has become another appearance. At this moment, blood is blooming in it, and bursts of bloody smell are coming out of the nostrils, which looks extremely terrifying.

At this moment, this place does not look like a secret place of Buddhism at all, but looks like a place where a magic gate is located.

Even if it is said to be a secret realm of Buddhism, no one would dare to believe it.

Of course, as an authentic demon disciple, Chen Ming can testify.

Even in the Yuan Demon Sect where he was, the environment in it was far more normal than what this place looked like, and it was not as cruel as this place at all.

This place is no longer for ordinary people.

Not to mention ordinary people, even successful martial artists, if they stay in this place for a long time, they will probably be eroded by the billowing devilish energy in a short while, and turn into another species completely.

Yes, another species.

At this moment, under Chen Ming's induction, the vitality of those warriors infected by the devil energy has changed at this moment.

The human breath gradually disappeared, gradually transformed into another form, and gradually became inhuman.

In other words, they are no longer human beings at this moment, but have become something else.

For some reason, looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Ming always had an inexplicable sense of sight.

It seemed as if he had seen a similar scene somewhere before.

Soon, he remembered where this feeling came from.

Abyss world.

Once upon a time, before he was promoted to Broken, Chen Ming went to a world.

In that world, there are all kinds of monsters, and among them is a creature called the abyss, which entrenches in that place, eroding the whole world, and gradually transforming all spirits into another appearance.

But at this moment, the terrifying devilish energy gushing out of the secret environment in front of him is extremely similar to the monster energy in the abyss world.

Although there are some differences in breath, they are fundamentally very similar.

The extremely strong erosion is almost the same as the transformation.

After thinking about it, Chen Ming recalled more details in place.

In the abyss world, he once beheaded an abyss and obtained a huge amount of source power from the opponent.

And before the demon of the abyss was about to die, the other party thought he was a Buddhist.

This shows that in the world where the demon of the abyss resides, there are also figures of Buddhists.

That being the case, then in this world, is there a similar kind of demon of the abyss?

Standing where he was, feeling the devilish energy coming from around him, this thought flashed through Chen Ming's mind.

At this moment, the shouts below are still continuing.

A burst of miserable shouts continued to come from the warriors below.

They let out a series of miserable cries, looking at the monks standing in the inheritance hall, with hope and pleading on their faces.

At this moment, what they are begging for is nothing else, they just hope that the monks in front of them can help them, so that they can be protected from the erosion of this evil energy.

These entreaties, however, meant little.

The big formation in front of me was not affected by these Buddhist monks.

The guardian formation in the inheritance hall was not set up by them, but by the Buddhist sages who arranged this secret place back then.

Although these later monks were their own people, they also couldn't control the big formation here, let alone the details of the big formation.

Without being able to control this large formation, it is naturally impossible to actively urge this protective formation to protect the warriors below.


Up above, standing among the crowd, looking at the miserable scene below, someone couldn't bear it, whispered a Buddha's name, and then walked forward, as if trying to pull a few friends he knew to come up.

His body was shrouded in a faint Buddha light, which looked extremely sacred, and his own cultivation base was also extremely powerful, reaching the realm of a great master.

At this moment, he just walked down like this, and when the Buddha light flickered all over his body, the oncoming devil energy around him was directly expelled by him, and was directly purified by the Buddha power on his body in a short time.

"Master save me!"

Looking at the old monk who came out of the inheritance hall ahead, hope appeared in the eyes of the warriors below, and they rushed forward hard, trying to move forward.

However, the next moment, the situation in front of him suddenly changed.

In front of his eyes, after many martial artists began to gather, the originally scattered demonic energy around him suddenly moved, directly centered on the old monk, and came continuously.

Just for a moment, the Buddha's light shrouded in the old monk's body began to shake, and was directly impacted by the surging devil energy, and began to crumble.

Feeling all this, the old monk's expression changed drastically, and he raised his right hand subconsciously.

I saw that on its right arm, there was already a little black mark on it at this moment, and a scale-like thing could be faintly seen growing out of it, which looked very frightening.

Immediately, the old monk's complexion changed drastically. Looking at the crowd coming down from below, he looked hesitant and paused in his footsteps.


Xuan Shan looked at the old monk whose Buddha's light began to waver and was gradually eroded by the black air below, with a serious face, and said in a deep voice.

He could see that the old monk's own Buddha light was being eroded at this moment, and the Buddha power on his body could no longer stop the erosion of the external demon energy.

If you don't return it again, there may be unexpected dangers.


At the same place, the old monk sighed softly, looked at the crowd rushing in front, hesitated for a moment, chanted a Buddha's name in a low voice, and finally retreated silently.

Behind him, Chen Ming watched all this silently.

"Buddha's power has a restraining effect on the devil's energy, but also, will it also attract the devil's energy?"

Looking at everything in front of him, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

He had witnessed what happened to the old monk just now, and he already understood the changes.

Generally speaking, for the devilish energy gushing out of this secret realm, the Buddhist power of Buddhism does have an extremely powerful restraint effect, and it can dispel the devilish energy in a short while, so that it will not be affected by itself.

But in the same way, for the devilish energy, although the Buddha's power has an extremely powerful restraining effect, the Buddha's power itself will also pull the devilish energy, causing it to be drawn involuntarily.

In this case, the huge demonic energy continued to rush in, and in the end, the Buddha's power itself was quickly impacted.

The final result, on the contrary, is that people with Buddha power are eroded faster, not as long as those ordinary powerful warriors.

This is a mutual restraint effect.

Although the Buddha's power can restrain the devil's energy, if the Buddha's power itself is not strong enough, it will be attacked by the devil's energy instead, and the final death will be faster.

Knowing this, the faces of the monks in the Palace of Inheritance changed drastically.

As the monks sent to this inheritance hall by various sects of Buddhism, all the monks present are not bad in cultivation. Those who can walk into this inheritance hall must at least have cultivated the existence of Buddha power.

Monks who have cultivated the power of Buddha belong to the high ranks even in Leiyin Temple, and they are not commonly seen.

But even so, the old monk who had just walked out was at the top of the ranks of the Grand Master.

But after a top grand master went out, only a while later, he couldn't hold on anymore and had to retreat, relying on the guardian formation in the inheritance hall here to gain a foothold.

This is true even for a top Grandmaster, let alone others.

Once the guardian formation outside the inheritance hall disappears, except for Xuan Shan, no one among them will be able to confidently preserve themselves in this billowing devilish energy.

"Where does this magic energy come from?"

At that moment, someone with a solemn face looked at the rising demonic energy outside and asked such a question.

This majestic magical energy is indeed very strange.

It would be fine if it was in other places, but the place in front of me is a secret place of Buddhism. According to common sense, it should be the most sacred and peaceful place, and it is impossible to have these horrible filthy things.

"Could it be that this secret land was not arranged by our Buddhist sages, but left behind by an unrivaled demon saint?"


Someone retorted: "All the things in this secret realm correspond to my Buddhist legends one by one. Apart from my Buddhist sages, there is no other possibility..."

"Then what should be the explanation for the surging devilish energy?" Someone questioned.

The place looked extremely lively for a while.


In the central area of ​​many monks in front of him, Xuan Shan clasped his hands together and softly recited a Buddhist name while listening to the quarrel of the surrounding monks.

He is highly respected in the end, not only was born in Leiyin Temple, but also a disciple of the previous Buddha king, as soon as he made a sound at this moment, the surrounding immediately became quiet.

Everyone turned around, looked at Xuan Shan in front of them, and wanted to hear what he had to say.

"This secret realm was indeed arranged by our Buddhist sages, there is no need to doubt that..."

Xuan Shan opened his mouth softly, his wrinkled face also looked a little staring at the moment.

"As for the demonic energy that is filling the sky at this moment, I am afraid it is something suppressed by the sages back then..."

With a serious face, he proposed a possibility: "When the secret realm broke out just now, the old monk clearly saw something coming out from under the ground."

"I'm afraid it was that thing that came out from under the ground that caused the change in this secret realm..."

"Things suppressed under the secret realm..."

The faces of the monks around looked extremely dignified.

Regarding Xuan Shan's words, they didn't refute. At this moment, they all bowed their heads in deep thought, deduced the possibility downwards, and all of them changed their expressions in the end.

When this secret realm was first opened, they sent people in to investigate.

The final result is that the most secret place in front of me has a history of at least tens of thousands of years.

Otherwise, it cannot be called an ancient secret realm.

And for such a long time, if something was really suppressed in this secret place of Buddhism, it was only at this moment that he found an opportunity and broke out.

So, to be able to survive at least tens of thousands of years, how strong should the sealed existence be?
You must know that the lifespan of heaven and man is only a thousand years, and even a venerable person only has a lifespan of close to five or six thousand years.

Even if it is a Broken Realm, its lifespan will not exceed ten thousand years.

And the existence that can survive tens of thousands of years under this secret Buddhist realm, its own realm is definitely above broken.

What level should that be?

Thinking of this, the faces of the monks present all changed drastically, and all of them looked extremely ugly at the moment.

If the guess is true, there is no doubt that a peerless demon will break out from here.

At that time, the whole world will be devastated.

This is absolutely not a lie.

It's fine if it's an ordinary devil. Although most of the demons behave strangely and have perverse temperaments, under normal circumstances, there is no unrivaled devil who is idle and harms the common people of the world.

But the devil suppressed under the secret realm in front of him is not necessarily the case.

Just spreading out wisps of magical energy that instinctively escapes can make people polluted and transformed into something else.

If it is really completely broken, I am afraid the final result will be unimaginable.

At that time, their Buddhist sect, as the chief culprit who suppressed this demon head, will probably bear the brunt of it.

"If our guess is true, then we must send someone to spread the news..."

Someone's expression changed drastically, and he spoke solemnly.

"Because the devil here has not completely broken out, maybe things will turn around."

"When I was just now, I had already used my supernatural powers to convey the message of this place..."

In front, Xuan Shan sighed softly.

"If there are no accidents, the Buddha King will soon receive news from this place and rush to this place..."

"I just hope that before the devil under this secret realm breaks out, the Buddha King can arrive first..."

He sighed lightly, and said so.

While the other monks around were sighing, Chen Ming calmly looked aside.

At this moment, with the devilish energy coming from below, the warriors around were constantly being eroded by the devilish energy.

It looks like if there is no accident, sooner or later it will be completely wiped out here.

Of course, strictly speaking, these people have nothing to do with Chen Ming, even if they are all wiped out here, it has nothing to do with him.

But among them, there are two acquaintances of Chen Ming who are also struggling.

Zhang Sanli with a fat face and a round figure, and Feng Wu who looks very young and looks like a girl.

At the moment they are also among the crowd, dodging in the crowd.

With a bitter expression on his face, Zhang San kept dodging left and right among the crowd, trying hard not to be eroded by the devilish energy, and from time to time he had to cover up Feng Wu at the side.

Despite his fat body, Zhang Sanli's strength is indeed not bad. He has recovered to the state of a master at this moment, and he will be able to support it for a while.

But as time passed, sooner or later he would be swallowed by the devilish energy coming from here, and he couldn't escape after all.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Ming shook his head, feeling the two people in front of him who were struggling to dodge.

Finally, meeting the somewhat surprised eyes of the people around him, he walked out slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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