Sweeping the world

Chapter 383 The Living Buddha King

Chapter 383 The Living Buddha King
In the inheritance hall, Chen Ming stood there quietly.

His face was calm, and he seemed very calm about the situation in front of him, without the slightest panic.

And beside him, Zhang Sanli and Feng Wu stood beside him, looking nervously at Chen Ming in front of him, and at Xuan Shan in the distance, not knowing what to say for a moment what's good.

They didn't know if it was an illusion, but they always felt that something happened between Chen Ming and Xuan Shan in front of them.

boom! !

At this moment, there was a crisp sound in the distance.

Chen Ming and others followed the sound and saw that on the land far away, the palace that originally stood here collapsed, and the earth suddenly sank.

A deeper and more terrifying demonic energy began to emerge from under the ground.

Indistinctly, countless divine lines could be seen flickering, rising from the ground.

It seemed to feel that something under the ground was about to break out. Above the Inheritance Hall in place, a Buddha's light flickered, and the large formation inside it suddenly gathered, and it began to recover spontaneously at this moment.

The formation began to recover spontaneously, and the spirit of the secret realm within it began to control the formation to suppress it, as if it wanted to suppress some kind of existence under the ground and prevent it from breaking out.


Bursts of muffled sounds continued to be heard in situ.

The front has become a battlefield where two forces clash.

The two forces clashed and fought fiercely, causing the entire secret realm to tremble at this moment.

In the distance, feeling the power erupting in front of him, Chen Ming couldn't help but secretly frowned.

The power in front of him was too terrifying.

It's okay to say that the devilish energy that spewed out before, although terrifying, is not a threat to him.

But at this moment, the guardian formation in the inheritance hall completely exploded, and that terrifying power swept away everything, faintly reaching a higher level above the Broken Realm.

At this point, even Chen Ming couldn't ignore the power of the battle in front of him, which made him feel horrified.

This is a power that transcends the Broken Realm, and is vaguely a level higher than the Broken Realm.

The one who set up this big formation back then must have been a peerless sage, otherwise it would be impossible to have such power, and the remaining big formation alone was enough to make Chen Ming have such a reaction.

But what surprised Chen Ming even more was that even in the face of such a terrifying force, the existence under the ground still had some strength left. It was not suppressed by the large formation at all, but kept going upwards, trying to break through the seal.

The boundless magic energy began to rise, and a layer of fog gradually rose in front of the eyes, gradually covering the sight in front of the eyes, making it impossible for people to see the scene below.

Chen Ming raised his head, and a faint golden Buddha power appeared in his eyes. In an instant, the light in his eyes penetrated through the heavy barriers, and he looked towards the scene below.

Finally, with the help of Buddha's power, he seemed to see a scene vaguely.

Under the deep earth, a piece of broken ruins stood in it.

In the center of the ruins, a huge ancient bronze coffin floats quietly, in which lies a majestic figure.

That figure was majestic and majestic. Although the figure was almost the same as that of ordinary people, the breath all over his body was extremely frightening. Just a little breath escaped instinctively, which made people feel extremely terrifying. To tremble.

The unrivaled majesty spread, and without a sound, it seemed that a great terror was descending on this place. It seemed that an invisible field opened up, bringing everyone under its control.

"Who is that..."

Looking at the figure sleeping in the ancient coffin, Chen Ming was a little puzzled, and was about to bring up the power of Buddha and continue to look forward.

The next moment, as if aware of the peeping, in the ancient bronze coffin, that majestic figure suddenly opened his eyes.

A pair of faint eyes with deep magic in them suddenly opened, and they stared at Chen Ming in the distance.

A silent confrontation began, and in an instant, Chen Ming let out a muffled snort, the blood in his body was boiling, and he took a step back involuntarily.

A faint warm current emerged from his body, Chen Ming raised his right arm subconsciously, and saw a brand new crack appearing on it, in which the light golden Buddha's blood flowed continuously, looking extremely bright and holy.

Before he really stood in front of the opponent, just looking at him with a single line of sight caused Chen Ming's body to shatter, and he couldn't bear it.

This is an extremely terrifying thing.

Chen Ming himself has four top bloodlines, and he has reached the peak of brokenness. His body is indestructible. Let alone warriors of the same level, even warriors of a higher level come here. Compared with his physical body alone, he may not be as good as him .

But at this moment, just the gaze of a line of sight made his body a little unbearable, and he collapsed directly.

How powerful should that person be?
On the spot, Chen Ming frowned, and this thought came to his mind.

"Little benefactor, how is it?"

In front, looking at Chen Ming, Xuan Shan asked, with some concern on his face.

Previously, after he understood Chen Ming's identity, his attitude had changed. Now he looked very friendly, and he vaguely put himself in the lower position.

This is the attitude one should have when facing a living Buddha.

Living Buddhas, this kind of existence is of great significance to the entire Buddhist sect. It is equivalent to the Buddha's existence in the world. As long as they are in the Buddhist sect, they should respect them and dare not show any disrespect.

Although after the conversation just now, Xuan Shan already understood that Chen Ming was born in the Yuan Demon Sect, but he did not dare to show any disrespect, and at the moment he kept his attitude very low, looking very respectful.

"Under the ground just now, I saw something..."

At the same place, Chen Ming was silent for a while, and then continued to speak.

"In an ancient bronze coffin, lay a person..."

"Lying alone..."

Xuan Shan's face changed slightly, as if he remembered something at this moment.

A burst of Buddha light suddenly flickered outside.

While they were talking, there was a sudden violent vibration from outside, causing the whole hall to tremble, feeling an extremely strong pressure.

On Xuan Shan's body, a simple-looking white jade pendant shimmered. At this moment, there was a faint Buddha's spirit on it, and there seemed to be a faint message.

Looking at the glowing jade pendant in front of him, Xuan Shan's face suddenly showed joy.

"The Buddha treasure has responded, the Buddha king has already arrived..."

With a happy expression on his face, he spoke to everyone present.

Immediately, the faces of all the people present showed joy, and the originally heavy mood could not help but relax slightly.

Living Buddha King, this is a title that only the most powerful contemporary Buddhists can have.

To become a Buddha King recognized by Buddhism, one must not only have a peerless cultivation that overwhelms the current world, but also need to be recognized by past Buddha Kings before he can truly ascend to this position.

And this generation of Buddha kings, their cultivation base is extremely powerful, even better than the previous generations of Buddha kings, and their cultivation base has reached the peak of breaking in their lifetime.

The Buddha King himself is so powerful that he can't find a few opponents in the world, and he holds the treasure left by the Buddhist sages. Unless an ancient sage is resurrected, no one in the world can be his opponent.

Even though the danger erupting in the secret realm at this moment is extremely strange, many monks present believe that the living Buddha King is enough to suppress everything.

Under their expectation, a faint Buddha light flickered in the distance.

Bursts of burning sounds sounded out of nowhere in the midair, and above the secret realm, a phantom of a Buddha began to emerge, within which a majestic and boundless power was emerging, as if a Buddha was chanting scriptures and singing in it, extolling boundless Dharma.

Then, I saw that Buddha waved his right arm, and a powerful Buddha's light rushed down instantly.

It's like a dream, invincible in the world, and the supreme Buddha's will begins to manifest.

The original Buddha's light reappeared, and the immeasurable power overwhelmed everything, just like a real Buddha came to the world, facing the devil at this moment, he sent out a blow that surpassed the world.

"This is……"

When the Buddha waved his palm, on Chen Ming's body, the Buddha's blood in his body was spontaneously boiling, and the Buddha's power inside him spontaneously emerged, as if he had sensed something and started to recover spontaneously.

A wave of Buddha power that had been silent for a long time began to recover spontaneously, and it seemed that it was going to go straight to the sky to fight against the Buddha.

It's just that this impulse was suppressed abruptly by Chen Ming, and it didn't make it explode.

boom! !

In mid-air, with the palm of the Buddha waving, the entire secret realm was shaking.

The radiant Buddha's light enveloped everything, and in the secret environment, the guardian formation that was originally fighting against the powerful demonic energy suddenly flourished, pressing another force under him and suppressing it.

The tranquility and peace that belonged to the land of Buddhism enveloped the entire secret mirror again.

The boiling devilish energy was instantly suppressed and forced back to the ground again.

But even so, that magical power is still strong. Although facing the suppression of the Great Formation and the Buddha King at the same time, it still holds on tenaciously, without the slightest intention of falling down.

"Even if it's the joint efforts of the Buddha King and the large formation here, can't that demon be suppressed?"

In the inheritance hall, feeling everything in front of them, the expressions of many monks present changed drastically.

Chen Ming raised his head thoughtfully, looked at the figure of Buddha standing above the sky, then got up and walked forward.

He raised his arm, and the Buddha power that had been suppressed by him began to bloom all over his body, and was struck out by him along with the boiling Buddha blood all over his body.

In the end, under the surge of the boundless Buddha power, he raised his arm and made an unrivaled fist mark.

The faint meaning of the Great Nirvana Buddha began to evolve here, and without a sound, a cycle of life and death began to manifest, and the profound meaning of the cycle of all things began to manifest.

A phantom of a Buddha manifested behind Chen Ming, with an extremely bright and pure Buddha light, although it was faint, it was extremely bright, and instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

Following Chen Ming's movements, the Buddha suddenly moved forward and swung his palm down.

Great Compassion Seal!
(End of this chapter)

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