Sweeping the world

Chapter 384 Suppression

Chapter 384 Suppression
The majestic Buddha power manifests in situ.

In the vast and splendid inheritance hall, as Chen Ming waved his palm, great compassion was imprinted here, and everything was changed.

Life and death were reversed in an instant, and in an instant, a vast Buddha spirit enveloped the entire secret realm, causing the entire secret realm to begin to recover.

The lush flowers and plants began to grow, and in just a short moment, the original decades of time passed quickly, became withered, and then began to bloom again, flourishing again.

I am the only one, and the overbearing Buddha power is manifested here, and it also carries the Buddha power that belongs to Chen Ming to the front.

In the same place, in the vast inheritance hall, the originally silent formation moved slightly, as if feeling the volatilization of the Buddha power in Chen Ming's body, and began to recover spontaneously.

A burst of powerful divine power descended silently and directly blessed Chen Ming's body, allowing him to fully display the Great Compassion Seal of this strike.

boom! !

At this moment, in the dark, many monks seemed to hear a crisp sound.

Formless, imageless, selfless and endless, the unrivaled Buddha's power erupted, and in an instant, faintly merged with the palm issued by the external Buddha king, and finally moved forward together to suppress it.

The two Buddha powers merged together in an instant, and finally completely suppressed the devilish energy constantly surging out of the ground.

In the induction of everyone present, under the secret environment, the demonic energy that had been spewing out ceased to vibrate at this moment, and seemed to start to shrink. It was oppressed by the large formation in front of it, suppressed again, and retracted to the ground.


Feeling the devilish energy retreating towards the ground in front of him, Xuan Shan's expression gradually returned to calm, and he let out a sigh of relief.

No matter what, as long as the terrifying existence in front of me is suppressed again, this is the best result.

This is true both for them and for others in the outside world.

As the demonic energy that spewed out before was slowly suppressed, the turbid and chaotic atmosphere gradually disappeared in the surrounding area, and was completely expelled by the clear and transparent Buddha light.

This place has restored the tranquility and peace unique to the secret place of Buddhism, and the faint Buddhist spirit is still left, which makes this place a little more, which belongs to the artistic conception of Buddhism.

However, compared to before, there are a lot more corpses in the secret realm in front of us at this moment.

That was left by the warriors in the previous secret realm.

Facing the raging demonic energy, most of these warriors could not resist. They had already become demonic puppets one after another before.

But at this time, the devilish energy was expelled by the Buddha's light, and these puppets with devilish energy were also completely purified by the Buddha's light, turning into a corpse directly.

Of course, in addition to these corpses, there are also survivors, but there are not many of them.

In the face of the flood of demonic energy before, there were also some people who barely survived, and did not completely become puppets of demonic energy, and therefore were not completely purified by the Buddha's light under this boundless Buddha's power.

For example, Yang Zhang is like this.

As the Demon Lord of the Demon Sect, he undoubtedly has a strong resistance to the demon energy in front of him, and in a sense he is the top group.

Therefore, even though he was infected and eroded by the billowing devilish energy early on, he persevered until the end, when Buddha King and Chen Ming shot at the same time, completely purifying the devilish energy everywhere.

Of course, although he left a life behind, his condition is not very good at the moment.

Infected by the magic energy first, and then purified by the Buddha's light, his body suffered two serious injuries in a short period of time. At this moment, he was dying, lying on the ground, and it seemed that he had only his last breath left.

Looking at Yang Zhang's appearance, Xuan Shan slightly raised his head, and could not help but sigh slightly.

He walked out of the inheritance hall and gave Yang Zhang a helping hand. A ray of Buddha power was quietly sent to Yang Zhang's body, helping him to suppress the injury and prevent his last vitality from being completely cut off.

In this incident, Yang Zhang is one of the most important key figures.

There are some details that can only be traced back through Yang Zhang.

Therefore, no matter from which aspect, it is best for Yang Zhang to stay.

After treating Yang Zhang's injuries well, Xuan Shan turned around and looked at Chen Ming in the distance.

He looked at Chen Ming with complicated eyes.

After experiencing the previous conversation, he has already understood the identity of Chen Ming. He is one of the disciples of the living Buddha, and his status is comparable to the living Buddha.

But even he didn't expect that Chen Ming would reach this point in just ten years.

From that palm at that time, it can be seen that Chen Ming's cultivation has already surpassed the limit at the moment, far surpassing him.

He has truly reached the realm of brokenness, standing in the same realm as the current Buddha King.

In just over a dozen years, he has gone from a mortal to the present, and the gap is really awe-inspiring.

I am afraid that even the reincarnation of the Buddha is nothing more than that.

This thought flashed through his mind, and he sighed softly.

In front, Chen Ming didn't think so much.

At this moment, he quietly looked at the turbulent demonic energy under the ground in front of him, his whole body was shrouded in Buddha's light, and then he turned around and looked forward.

In the direction he was looking at, a new figure had appeared before he knew it.

It was a tall, middle-aged man with no hair on his head. He had been shaved like an ordinary monk, but his face was unparalleled and handsome, full of a unique charm.

His body was covered with a faint sense of Buddha. At this moment, he was wearing a cassock, holding a Buddhist bead in his hand, and he just stood there, facing each other with Chen Ming.

Two faint Buddha powers rose from the two of them at the same time. When the middle-aged heroic man appeared, the Buddha blood in Chen Ming's body began to boil, and he spontaneously felt a breath appearing in front of him.

A sense of kindness and vigilance rose from his body.

Chen Ming looked at the middle-aged man in the distance, with a solemn expression, and stood there for a long time.

After coming to this great world for decades, this was the first time he saw someone whose cultivation level was no lower than his.

The middle-aged monk in front of him was no less cultivated than him.

Has reached the state of Broken Peak.

Of course, Chen Ming wouldn't care too much if it was just an ordinary Broken Peak.

After all, he has the four top bloodlines and one body, destined to be extraordinary, standing within the same rank, he can be called invincible.

Even if another Broken Peak is facing him, he is probably not his opponent.

But the middle-aged monk in front of him was an exception.

In the opponent's body, there was a vague and deep aura lurking in it, which was somewhat similar to the aura on Yang Zhang's body before, and it seemed to be covering something hazy.

An instinctive premonition arose in Chen Ming's body, giving him a faint sense of understanding.

If the two started to confront each other, Chen Ming would certainly not lose, but he probably wouldn't win so easily either.

The middle-aged man in front of him obviously had many things hidden in him, just like Chen Ming, he had many secrets in his body.


The incomparably handsome middle-aged monk who was looking at Chen Ming in front of him recited a Buddhist mantra lightly, and then smiled.

"My little monk is empty and quiet, I have seen the benefactor..."

He recited a Buddha's name, and said softly to Chen Ming, with a smile on his face.

A faint Buddha power kept flickering on him, fluctuating with his movements.

Even if you don't do anything, just a little movement can cause a wave of Buddha's power.

This level is almost close to the legendary realm of Buddha, and only one step away from the legendary realm of sages, with the atmosphere of ancient sages.

But in Chen Ming's memory, among the current Buddhist sects, there is only one person who can have such an aura.

That is the current Buddha King.


Listening to the self-introduction of the middle-aged man in front of him, Chen Ming nodded, thinking suddenly, he was not surprised at all.

In fact, at this point, there is no need to introduce yourself at all.

The moment the two met face to face and saw each other, they felt the deep Buddha power in each other, and instantly understood each other's identity.

This is the most direct contact and the most real feeling.

After all, the identity can be faked, but the pure Buddha power in the body cannot be faked no matter what.

Facing Chen Ming, the current Buddhist disciple in front of him, the Buddha King was very calm.

Neither did he attack Chen Ming because he came from the Yuan Demon Sect, nor was he as polite as Xuan Shan, but just confronted calmly.

Perhaps for a person of his level, no matter what he faces, it is enough to treat it calmly. Even the so-called living Buddha can't let him take a high look, as he is a member of all living beings.

Chen Ming's attitude was the same.

In his eyes, the living Buddha King in front of him is also just a member of all living beings, and there is nothing unusual about it, and he will not look up to him because of his reputation as a Buddha King.

There is just a deep peace.

"Under the ground in front of me, the demonic energy has not been completely suppressed, and there is still a danger of escaping."

In front of his eyes, the Buddha King folded his palms together, chanted the Buddha's name, and spoke softly to Chen Ming in front of him.

"I want to summon the strong to suppress this place, but I don't know what to do next?"

He looked at Chen Ming in front of him and asked.

"So good."

Chen Ming nodded and agreed.

Under the secret realm in front of him, it was obvious that many things were being suppressed.

Once that terrifying demonic energy erupts, its power is beyond the imagination of the world.

At that time, no matter if it is Buddhism or Demon Sect, they are all destined to face the threat that exists under this secret realm.

So on this point, Chen Ming's position is the same as that of Buddha King.

"If necessary, I can wish the Buddha King a helping hand..."

He nodded, looked at the Buddha King in front of him and said.

"it is good."

The Buddha King nodded slightly, then turned around to arrange for others.

This time, the secret realm of Buddhism was opened, and a large number of Buddhist people gathered around.

Now that the Buddha King is here in person, these Buddhists naturally need to come to see him.

(End of this chapter)

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