Sweeping the world

Chapter 391 Message

Chapter 391 Message
There were not many people in the quiet Zhuangzi, only a middle-aged old man was standing there at the moment.

The middle-aged old man was dressed in black cloth clothes. Although he looked a little old, he was still energetic. He was fiddled with a few fields in Zhuangzi at the moment, plowing the fields one after another. It seemed that he was preparing to farm?
In Chen Ming's eyes, the old man in front of him had obvious signs of aging. If there were no accidents, he might die of old age in a few years.

Life is numbered.

Standing in place, looking at the old man in front of him, Chen Ming was silent for a long time without opening his mouth to speak.

Behind him, Zhang Sanli opened his mouth, looking like he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end.

It seems to see something.

"Boy, who is this to you?"

In his mind, Luan Mo asked with some doubts.

"My father."

With a calm face, Chen Ming spoke lightly.

"Your father."

Luan Mo was stunned for a long time, and it took a while to realize: "Are you sure you're not joking with me?"

He couldn't believe it, thinking that Chen Ming in front of him was joking.


Can a freak like Chen Ming be born by ordinary people?

Any peak physique does not appear out of thin air. Under normal circumstances, any top physique can be born, and its parents must be extraordinary, and most of them have some kind of uniqueness.

If you can give birth to a Buddha child with Buddha blood, then most of the ancestors have Buddha blood, but the Buddha blood in the body is very sparse and gradually no longer appears.

Even if the Buddha blood in this kind of people's body is thin, it will still have a very strong influence, and it can be seen at a glance that it is extraordinary.

In the same way, the devil body and the holy fetus are the same. Parents who can give birth to this kind of physique must have something special about them, and they will not appear ordinary.

The old man in front of him looked very ordinary, there was nothing special in terms of body or cultivation level, even at this moment he looked like he was going to die.

If there is no accident, the old man in front of him will probably die of old age in a few years, and there will be no accident at all.

It is impossible for such an ordinary mortal to give birth to a freak like Chen Ming.

At least in Luan Mo's impression, this is completely impossible.

Chen Ming stood there silently, staring at the old man in the distance, but did not respond.

To a certain extent, what Luan Mo thought was true.

The several major physiques in his body were not born from the inheritance of blood, but were possessed by Chen Ming himself before his reincarnation.

When he was reincarnated, he was reincarnated together with his original source. In fact, the parents in this life only played the role of a medium, and actually did not cause much influence.

Of course, even so, the biological parents are the biological parents, which cannot be changed no matter what.

"It looks like they're doing pretty well..."

Standing there, observing the old man in front of him for a while, Xiao Ming muttered to himself.

Before coming here, he had already inquired.

After he was taken away by the people of the Yuan Demon Sect, because of his revealed identity as a Buddhist, his biological parents in this life were also valued, so he did a lot of things.

The group of Buddhists brought Chen Ming's biological parents to the county seat, gave them a sum of money to settle down, and allowed them to resettle in this place.

This kind of action is just a matter of little effort for them, but it has changed a lot for Chen Ming's parents in this life.

At least judging from the current situation, they are living a pretty good life now.

Ahead, there was a slight sound of footsteps.


A childish voice came from inside.

Under Chen Ming's line of sight, two children ran out of the house in the distance, walked towards the old man, and threw themselves into the old man's arms.

Looking at the two children, the old man also had a gratified smile on his face, looking very happy.

A happy scene.

Looking at this scene, Chen Ming's face was calm, and he sighed silently in his heart.

He knew he didn't need to do anything more.

The other party already had his own life at this moment, and those experiences of Chen Ming in the past were just memories for the other party.

If he appeared, it would actually disturb the peaceful life of the other party.

Instead of that, it's better to just get along with each other in peace.

With a sigh in his heart, he silently made this decision.

So, instead of appearing in front of the old man, he went to the local county magistrate, and through the other party gave the old man a fortune to make his life easier.

Then he came to the old man again and personally baptized the other's body.

He baptized the opponent's body with his own divine power, from the source to the body inside and out.

An unrivaled powerhouse from the Shattered Realm personally baptizes him. This is an opportunity that countless people in the world can't wait for.

It can be said that after being baptized by Chen Ming, the old man's originally decayed body suddenly glowed with vitality, just like a dead tree sprouting new shoots, it regained its vigorous vitality.

The withered blood in the other party's body has become vigorous again. Although the external appearance has not changed at this moment, the state of the whole body has returned to the peak period, even in the past prime of life. peak.

In the current state of the other party, if he lived a good life like this without any accidents, he could at least live until he was a hundred years old, and he still had decades to live.


In the process of baptizing the other party, Chen Ming suddenly froze, feeling a strange feeling.

There seemed to be something contained in the other party's body, which existed in the other party's body, faintly, bringing a strong sense of traction to Chen Ming.

This thing exists in the origin of the opponent's body, and it is not revealed at ordinary times. Only at this moment, when Chen Ming thoroughly baptized him, did he discover the existence of that thing.

Suddenly, he frowned, feeling something unusual.

The old man in front of him was just an ordinary person, except for giving birth to Chen Ming, there was nothing special about him.

But it is such an ordinary old man, why does this kind of thing exist in his body?
Chen Ming's face gradually turned cold, and a wave of divine power spread along the opponent's origin, and he grabbed that thing out in an instant.

Then a message followed the source and emerged in Chen Ming's mind.

That's nothing special, it's just a message, which contains a location.

The next moment, Chen Ming was stunned, and felt a familiar breath.

In his body, the moment he felt this breath, the emperor's blood in Chen Ming's body was spontaneously revived.

The blood of Emperor Chen's family revived again, and at the moment it sensed that message, it began to become active spontaneously, vaguely as if it wanted to warn Chen Ming, telling him something.

What exactly does this mean?What else do you want to tell Chen Ming?
Chen Ming frowned, feeling extremely surprised by this.

The old man's body had been tampered with. He originally thought that it was done by those Buddhists.

After all, his exposed identity at the moment is only Buddha's blood and demon body.

Even if others wanted to target him, it was at most because of these two physiques.

But the aura of Emperor Chen's bloodline in front of him undoubtedly vetoed this point.

Except for a few people in the Yuanmo Sect, he has never exposed his Emperor Chen's bloodline, and the Buddhists outside will not know this, and it is impossible to do anything in the old man's body.

Moreover, no matter what tricks are going to be done, the aura of Emperor Chen's blood in front of him cannot be concealed.

"Who is it?"

Chen Ming had some doubts and subconsciously muttered to himself.

Undoubtedly, the most direct way to solve this doubt is to go to the location shown by the other party.

Chen Ming felt it carefully, and found that this place was located in the wilderness, and the distance from this place was very far away.

"what happened?"

At this time, looking at Chen Ming's face, Feng Wu said with some concern.


Chen Ming shook his head, with a calm face, turned around and said, "Let's go to the frontier."

Listening to his words, Zhang Sanli and Feng Wu were a little surprised when he was there, but they didn't say anything in the end.

So, they quickly left this place and walked quickly towards the area where the frontier barren was located.

Time passed quickly, and soon, more than two months later.

Walking with all their strength, in more than two months, the area they can pass is beyond their imagination.

Even though the frontier was far away from the Central Plains, they still made it there.

In the wilderness, the scene here is obviously completely different from the scene in the Central Plains.

The surrounding figures gradually became rare, and more of them were all kinds of beasts.

All kinds of unseen beasts in the Central Plains can be seen almost everywhere in this place, and you can see several beasts wherever you go.

Among them, there are even powerful beasts that can be compared to innate warriors, wandering in this place. For ordinary people, as long as one of them appears, it is like a nightmare.

There are very few people in this place, and even if you can see other people occasionally, they are mostly barbarians with strange looks and very different appearances, which are very different from the Central Plains people.

"The barren land was also a prosperous place in ancient times..."

In his mind, after coming to the frontier, Luan Mo began to introduce Xiao Ming.

"In ancient times, this place was also a gathering place of demon gates. There are many ruins of demon sects preserved in it. Even now, most of them can still be found."

He seemed to be very interested in the relics left by the demon gates in the past, and said to Chen Ming at the moment: "If you want, I will take you to a few places to search, and maybe you can get some unexpected gains."

"Why are you so interested in this kind of thing?"

Walking on the road, sensing the surrounding environment, listening to the chaos in his mind, Chen Ming calmly said, "I always feel that you seem to be very skilled."

"That is."

In my mind, the voice of Luanmo continued to sound, and it sounded a little self-satisfied: "When I rose to the top, I dug a lot of people's graves along the way."

"Places like this ancient ruins are my favorite places to go."

He sounded quite experienced in this area, and he was still giving Chen Ming a popular science talk at the moment.

"Those so-called ancient secret realms should also be divided into types. Some secret realms are very good. Not only are there a lot of rewards in them, but they are also less difficult."

"Some secret realms are different. Not only are there no rewards in them, but they are also very difficult. It is clear that they are digging holes to bury people, and they are the kind that specifically trap latecomers."

"Among the many secret realms, I recommend the Buddhist secret realm first. Not only do I get a lot of rewards every time, but there are probably no specially arranged means in it, and there will be no danger."

He kept saying in Chen Ming's mind: "Compared with Buddhism, our Demon Sect is much worse. Not only is it not luscious, but also more sinister than the other. If one is not careful, one will fall into it."

Are you talking about yourself?
Chen Ming was a little speechless, and this thought flashed across his heart.

But to a certain extent, what the other party said did make sense.

When it comes to digging tombs, it is easier to dig the tombs of Buddhists. At least Buddhists are mostly honest, they are what they say, and they will not have any means of deliberately framing them.

There is a lot of difference among the people in the Demon Sect. Not only are they all poor and poor, but they are all old and ugly.

Digging a tomb of a demon gate, if you don’t bleed you, it’s not called a demon gate.

Therefore, in terms of digging graves alone, Buddhists still dig a little bit.

and many more
Chen Ming suddenly realized that he had been led astray.

He was a good disciple of the Buddha at that time, and a real devil in the future, why did he only think about digging graves?
"just forget it"

At that moment, he spoke righteously and rejected Luanmo's proposal: "I think it's good to be an upright person, why do such immoral things?"

"Really don't do it?"

Luanmo's voice sounded a little surprised: "Digging graves is our traditional skill. You don't even know this. How dare you call yourself a devil when you go out in the future?" '

"And I wasn't the one you dug out of the tomb?"

Chen Ming froze, speechless.

That's right, isn't it just that he dug it out of the grave?
Although it was not Chen Ming's original intention to dig him out, it was true.

At that moment, Chen Ming was speechless for a while, he stopped talking to Luanmo, and walked on his own.

Following the traction in his mind, he walked forward.

Finally, with Zhang Sanli and the two behind him, they came to a remote place.

The area in front of me is a valley, the mountain is an ordinary mountain, and the valley is an ordinary valley. In short, it looks very ordinary, nothing special.

Coming here, Chen Ming paused and looked forward.

"This place is not easy."

In the mind, the voice of Luanmo continued to sound, and it sounded a little dignified at this moment: "Although I don't know what is inside, the terrain in front of me is definitely not natural."

"You came here just to find this place?"

He asked with some doubts.


Chen Ming nodded, did not say anything more on this issue, and walked forward silently.

Later, as he walked in, more scenery appeared in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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