Sweeping the world

Chapter 392 Emperor Chen Secret Realm

Chapter 392 Emperor Chen Secret Realm
"This place is full of energy along the way, and the scenery is very beautiful. It must be a treasure."

Along the way, looking at the cave in front of him, Zhang Sanli's eyes lit up, and he said flirtatiously.

He seems to be very researched in Feng Shui, and he has demonstrated his technique many times along the way.

Seeing this now, I couldn't help showing off again.

While speaking, he sighed regretfully, and said, "I just don't know, what a wonderful place this place used to be."

"Emperor Chen Secret Realm." Chen Ming couldn't help opening his mouth.

"how do you know?"

Zhang Sanli was stunned.

Chen Ming's face was calm, and he pointed casually: "Isn't it all written?"

Zhang Sanli turned around and saw that in front of the cave, a stone tablet was erected there, with a few large characters written on it: Emperor Chen Secret Realm.

Immediately, he was a little speechless, and didn't know what to say at this moment.

The stele in front of him is a bit unreasonable.

Logically speaking, isn't this kind of place very mysterious, and it takes latecomers to guess and guess to find out the origin?
What is it if you just put a monument here?
He was a little speechless in his heart, and for a while, he even lost his thoughts on showing off a lot.

But Zhang Sanli didn't know that seeing the stele directly in front of him was the only treatment they could have at this moment.

The cave in front of him is surrounded by a powerful formation, which envelops the area heavily.

Even if ordinary people find this place, if they don't have the chance, they won't be able to walk in at all, let alone see the stone tablet.

As for what is the standard of being destined or not, it depends on the face.

Different secret realms have different requirements. The Emperor Chen clan's secret realm is in front of us. The fate we are looking at is naturally the blood of the Emperor Chen clan.

On this point, Chen Ming naturally greatly met the standard.

Therefore, they walked all the way without encountering any obstacles, and entered this place directly.

All the way is unimpeded.

Chen Ming walked in front and walked forward slowly.

As they continued to walk in, he felt a wave of vicissitudes.

The area in front of me seems to have gone through a long time, and the entire cave is filled with a sense of history, and there are traces of the ancestors in the past, which were discovered by Chen Ming at this moment.

"At least 10 years old, maybe even more than that."

In the mind, Luan Mo's dignified voice came: "If nothing else, this secret realm is probably older than me."

"Boy, are you still hiding something from me?"

he asked.

"Why do you ask."

Chen Ming said casually.

"This secret realm has existed for so many years, but I didn't hear anything about it in that era, as if it had never appeared before."

"And when it comes to you, you just came here and found this place?"

Luan Mo's voice was full of suspicion: "What is your relationship with Emperor Chen?"

"what relationship?"

Chen Ming thought about it seriously, and said, "Is he and I both human?"

Luan Mo was speechless for a moment, but he didn't continue to ask.

Following the principle in front of him, Chen Ming moved forward all the way to the limit of this cave.

"No way?"

Behind Chen Ming, looking at the scene in front of her, Feng Wu was a little puzzled.

The place in front of him has suddenly become a Jedi.

The surroundings looked empty, with no roads.

It seems that the road has been exhausted, and all that remains ahead is nothingness.

"Look there"

Zhang Sanli pointed to the front.

Chen Ming looked up.

I saw a stone tablet standing in front of him, with faint handwriting remaining on it.

"The descendants of the emperor Chen are not allowed to enter"

Zhang Sanli was taken aback, and subconsciously looked at Chen Ming.

With his previous experience, he had already vaguely guessed something at this moment.

In front, Chen Ming walked forward silently with a calm expression.

As he walked into the stone tablet, within his body, a stream of purple blood was boiling.

The blood that belongs exclusively to the Emperor Chen family is boiling, and it is spontaneously recovering at this moment, reminding something.

Feeling the revival of his own blood, Chen Ming calmly walked to the stone tablet.

Then he held out his hand.

"Boy be careful!"

The voice of chaotic demons sounded in my mind: "In places like this, there are usually strong restrictions. If you act without authorization, accidents are easy to happen."

He spoke anxiously.

However, he spoke a little late.

Chen Ming's hand was already on it.

A faint gleam flickered on the spot.

Unrivaled Emperor Qi began to recover spontaneously.

On Chen Ming's body, a burst of purple emperor's blood was spontaneously revived, and the extremely tyrannical Emperor Chen's blood began to boil, and the unrivaled emperor's energy contained in it was escaping, making Chen Ming at this moment look like an ancient one. The reincarnation of the great emperor was full of majesty.

Majestic, sacred, like a heavenly emperor descending to the world, you can't look directly at it, it is extremely noble.

Several people present were stunned on the spot, including the chaotic demon in Chen Ming's body.

"I should have thought of that earlier."

Inside Chen Ming's body, he muttered to himself: "What a freak"

He didn't seem to be surprised, but his tone became more and more strange at this moment, and he was obviously a little numb.

From the devil's body Buddha's blood, to the heaven and earth's spirit fetus, and finally to the current Tianchen Emperor's blood, who knows what he has witnessed.

Luan Mo felt that he had almost used up all the wonders in his life.

But on the other side, Zhang Sanli and Feng Wu didn't have such good concentration. At this moment, they stared blankly at Chen Ming's back, feeling the overwhelming imperial aura. They didn't know what they were thinking at this moment. The complexion is very wonderful.

Looking at their appearance, Luan Mo felt inexplicably balanced and comforted, as if a townsman saw two country bumpkins.

"So. Is that so?"

In front, Chen Ming frowned.

Inside the stone tablet in front of him, there was a burst of information, faintly matching the aura in his mind.

Obviously, the message that attracted him came from the stone tablet in front of him.

But where did the stele in front of him come from, and who is going to lead him here?

In other words, what does the other party want to do?
Doubts arose in Chen Ming's mind.

The currently known information is too little, and many things cannot be analyzed at all.

So far, Chen Ming hasn't even seen a single figure, only the stone tablet in front of him.


Behind him, Feng Wu's voice came, breaking the silence.

"what happened?"

Chen Ming subconsciously turned around, looked at her and asked.

"Stone tablet."

Feng Wu pointed to the stele.

Chen Ming looked in the direction she pointed.

I saw in front of my eyes, on the stone tablet, a little purple light flickering.

The purple brilliance is bright, although it is bright, it is not too dazzling. At this moment, it continuously emerges from the stone tablet and slowly envelopes it outward.

Chen Ming's hand that had been placed on the stele before had been completely shrouded in purple light.

A faint sense of warmth came from the eyes.

Chen Ming was a little surprised.

Under the wrap of this purple shimmering light, he didn't feel any discomfort, instead, the emperor's blood in his body was boiling, as if there was a faint sense of intimacy.

It seems that these things will not cause him any damage?
This thought just flashed in my mind, and the next moment, the light in front of me shone brightly, enveloping Chen Ming's entire body.

A faint echo gushed out of my mind.

The purple source force interface is flickering spontaneously, and the Tianxin column above is constantly changing, flickering, as if to indicate something.

A faint revelation emerged in Chen Ming's mind.

Although he was puzzled, he believed that his feelings were right.

So the next moment, he activated his supernatural powers.

A faint purple source power enveloped everything.

The next moment, the figures of all the people on the spot were wrapped and disappeared directly on the spot.

A hazy darkness came, and in the darkness, there were faint sounds, which sounded strange.

When Chen Ming woke up again, he found that he had changed places.

It's not very strange to change the place, after all, every time he activates the supernatural power, he has to change the place, this time it's just a normal operation.

But this time the place is a bit strange.

"It's so rich in heaven and earth vitality."

Sensing the surrounding environment, Chen Ming showed surprise on his face.

In his induction at this moment, the vitality of the surrounding world is extremely abundant.

The terrifying vitality that is so huge that it is almost visible to the naked eye permeates the surrounding world, containing almost every aspect of the surrounding world, circulating in the entire world.

Not to mention trying to draw vitality on purpose, even if you simply take two steps and breathe casually, you can feel the roar of vitality in the world around you.

In the surrounding world, no matter whether it is still plants or other living beings, their bodies are full of vitality. During daily breathing, powerful vitality is constantly being exhaled and absorbed, and slowly remains in the body. into the bodies of these beings.

In other words, pulling up any wild grass in the vicinity can be regarded as a spiritual thing.


Zeng Jin Chen Ming thought that, just like in the mysterious world, the vitality can flow endlessly, and it can almost condense into liquid, which is already very remarkable.

But compared to this place in front of me, Xuanjie suddenly looks like a dilapidated settlement, not worth mentioning at all.

Squeeze casually at the place in front of you, and you will see the vitality that is so thick that it is almost frozen.

"I go!!"

A scream suddenly came from the side.

Zhang Sanli also woke up, looking at the area in front of him at this moment, feeling the so strong vitality around him that he could hardly melt away, his expression was directly dull at this moment: "I'm not dreaming!"

He looked down at Feng Wu at the side: "What are you doing?"

On the side, Feng Wu clenched her fist with her right hand, and at the moment she punched Zhang Sanli in the stomach.

"Does it hurt?" Feng Wu said seriously, her cute little face was full of seriousness.


Zhang Sanli nodded, and then suddenly said: "So, it's true!"

He immediately became excited: "I'm going to get rich!"

"Boy, what is this place?"

Chen Ming withdrew his gaze from Zhang, Sanli and Li, and then the voice of chaotic demons began to sound in his mind.

At this moment, his voice also sounded a little shocked, and he seemed to be equally amazed by the environment in front of him.

"do not know."

Chen Ming shook his head and looked into the distance: "However...you can find out if you ask someone."

(End of this chapter)

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