Chapter 396
As a latecomer, Chen Ming can appreciate the difference between the two eras.

Every problem exists for a reason.

There are indeed big problems in martial arts in this era, some of which are extremely obvious to Chen Ming.

But there is also a reason for this.

Some of the flaws for the warriors of later generations may not be flaws in this era, or in other words, although the flaws exist, they are not as big as imagined.

Such is the situation at hand.

Martial arts in ancient times directly connected the vitality of heaven and earth, which is a huge flaw in the eyes of later generations, but it may not be the case for people of this era.

The environment of the two is different.

The world of later generations has already been broken. If warriors do not exercise their bodies first, temper their bodies to the extreme, and open up the bridge between heaven and earth that exists in the dark, they will not be able to sense the vitality of heaven and earth that exists in the dark, let alone is to incorporate it into the body.

But this defect does not exist in this era.

The world of this era is far more perfect than the world of later generations, not only the rules between heaven and earth are perfect, but also the vitality in it is abundant to an extreme.

Even if you don't practice, just breathe instinctively, you will accumulate a huge amount of vitality in your body after a long period of time, let alone practice deliberately.

This condition is incomparable to the people of later generations.

In addition, in ancient times, the blood of the human race on the earth had not completely degenerated, and most of them had some divine veins left in their bodies. Even ordinary people can live up to two hundred years, which is much better than the people of later generations.

With such conditions, it is understandable that the martial arts society in this world is what it is today.

There is no change without demand.

Under the current environment, even such a simple method of practice can play a huge role, so naturally there is no need to change it.

The reason why the cultivation methods of later generations became what they are today must have experienced various changes in the environment, and had to make improvements in the face of the ever-decreasing vitality of the world.

However, understanding belongs to understanding, but it does not prevent Chen Ming from benefiting from it.

He took out the specially prepared copies of the method and handed them over to the female deed.

"This perfect tempering method! Did you create it yourself?"

Looking at Chen Ming in front of her, the girl's face was overjoyed, and her attitude at this moment seemed extremely respectful.

He almost knelt down to Chen Ming on the spot.

"I am willing to give everything in exchange for Your Excellency!"

After a moment of contemplation and careful consideration, the female deed made such a decision and assumed such an attitude.

A smile suddenly appeared on Chen Ming's face.

Not bad, very good.

Isn't that why he assumed the attitude he had before.

Just casually took out a few foundation building methods, and Chen Ming got most of the savings of this tribe in exchange.

Among them was the spar that the middle-aged man wanted to grab.

It's funny.

The middle-aged man was bound to get what he wanted at the door, and now he was handed over to Chen Ming so easily by the female deed.

Of course, to a certain extent, the female contract does not suffer.

The methods that Chen Ming took out were only the most basic foundation building methods, but they were deduced by Chen Ming himself, and even used his own power of origin to assist and deduce them.

Just on the foundation building, it has reached an extreme.

Even the chaotic demon in Chen Ming's mind was full of praise.

Although it is only a basic chapter, the importance of this thing is self-evident to the tribe where the female deed belongs.

In fact, they actually do not lack too advanced methods.

The tribe where the female deed belongs is very extraordinary. Most of them have appeared in the past with the most powerful people, and there are inheritances of the most powerful people, and there is no lack of profound inheritance.

If Chen Ming really wants to come up with some profound inheritance, except for a few unique skills including the Great Compassion Seal, the other party may not be interested in the rest.

The world is so real.

Standing alone on the side, Chen Ming played with the spar.

The spar is golden, and it looks very pure and beautiful. At first glance, it looks like a huge golden gemstone, and it is shining with a pale golden brilliance in the sun at this moment.

On it, Chen Ming felt a familiar rhythm.


A smile appeared on Chen Ming's face.

He felt a warm current rising in his body, which came from the supernatural power in his body.

In front of his eyes, the purple source force interface began to emerge, and the source force numbers on it continued to increase.

Not easy.

In the ten years before he came to the mysterious world, because he was confined to a small mysterious world, Chen Ming's scope of action was severely restricted, and he gained very little source power.

This also led to the fact that in the previous ten years or so, he could only rely on his own efforts in cultivation, and now that he is almost an adult, he can barely reach the peak of brokenness.

Although this speed is enough to scare a group of people if it is said, it can scare nine out of ten, and the remaining one is not human.
But this kind of progress made Chen Ming a little dissatisfied.

It's better now.

Touching the golden spar in front of him, Chen Ming made a little estimate.

Just this golden spar can add at least [-] source power to him.

This number is undoubtedly very large and terrifying.

So Chen Ming couldn't help being a little curious.

"What is this thing?"

He pointed to the fading golden spar on his hand, and asked the chaotic demon in his mind.

"not sure."

Luan Mo's voice was dignified: "It looks like a god stone"

"Sacred stone?" Chen Ming was a little puzzled.

"It is said that after the fall of the ancient god, the treasures transformed from part of its original essence and blood, the old man is not clear about the specific use of it."

Luanmo's helpless voice came.

Knowledge is not enough.

He thought that as an old devil who had lived for tens of thousands of years, it would be easy for him to assist Chen Ming, a junior, but he didn't expect that the things that happened to Chen Ming became more and more exciting.

With his old bones, he felt powerless.

Chen Ming didn't care about Luan Mo's answer.

Although Luanmo is an old devil in ancient times, he has rich experience and profound knowledge, which is enough for ordinary people.

But this is not antiquity, but reason.

This is beyond the scope of Luanmo's knowledge, and suddenly turned him from an old antique into a newcomer.

Originally, the mind was full of knowledge, but faced with everything in ancient times, at this moment, it became completely confused.

Chen Ming understood this and was not going to embarrass Luanmo.

Anyway, he only needs to know how to use this thing and how to get it.

As for the specific origin, it is not important.

Chen Ming put away the golden gold stone and put it in the package close to his body, ready to place it close to his body, quickly absorb the power from it, and transform it into the source power of his body.

Then he turned around and walked towards where the others were.

Zhang Sanli collected the rubbish in the eyes of ordinary people solemnly.

Feng Wu played happily with the children, and seemed to be having fun.

Both of them seemed to be having a good time.

So Chen Ming nodded and left in peace.

Find a place to practice with peace of mind.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was several months later.

With Zhang Sanli and Feng Wu, they set off again and walked towards the distance.

This time, there was a female guide in the team.

She happened to have something to go to the city, so she acted as a guide for Chen Ming and the others by the way, and was responsible for sending them to the teleportation array closest to this place.

In this regard, Chen Ming is happy to see success.

When you come to an unfamiliar area, it is good to have a guide by your side.

Much better than wandering around alone.

After walking for another four or five months, they continued to move forward, and finally came outside a huge city.

The city in front of me is very huge.

It was so huge that it was bigger than all the cities Chen Ming had seen in the past.

A tall city wall stands around the city, and every brick and tile of the city wall is engraved with densely packed divine patterns, and one after another brand marks can be faintly seen engraved on it, as if with some kind of unique divine power, and The whole city became one.

The city wall in front of him is the most complete large formation, which is composed of countless tiny formations, and the body is full of vast power.

Once it breaks out, it is enough to suppress the gods and demons and sweep everything away.

Chen Ming raised his head with a serious expression on his face.

"This is the handwriting of a sage..." Luan Mo said in his mind.

"To be able to arrange such a large formation in front of me, it must be done by a sage himself, and it took an infinite amount of time to do it..."

"There may even be more than one sage involved..."

Luan Mo's voice was dignified, and he said so.

Although he was a bit outdated, his knowledge was wider than Chen Ming's after all, and he saw something at once, and recognized the unique trace on it, which belonged to a sage.

"The city built by the sages himself..."

Chen Ming raised his head and stared at the city in front of him seriously.

On the city pool, there are shimmering lights flickering, and an invisible field is opening above it, silently groping towards the surroundings, connecting with the surrounding void.

That power is extremely huge, although it cannot be seen by the naked eye, but the spiritual sense can accurately sense it. Once a powerful force arrives, it will immediately sense the supreme energy, and its own breath will be suppressed instantly.

The more powerful the unrivaled powerhouse, the more obvious what he can feel when he arrives at this place.

The meaning of this is very clear.

It's the dragon lying down, and the tiger lying down.

An obvious disqualification.


Looking at the city standing in the distance and visible in the distance, the girl's face was slightly relaxed, and she seemed to breathe a sigh of relief: "After entering the city, as long as you pass through the large teleportation array, you can reach the place where the ancient imperial court is... "

The female Qi said so, then she was taken aback, and turned to look to the side.

In the distance, a wave of fluctuation is coming, with some bloody and killing air.

The aura of iron and blood killing was surging, and in an area not far away, someone was fighting, and the aura of blood was boiling, and some of the aura spread to this place.

The sightlines of the people present were undoubtedly very sharp. After noticing this at this moment, they all saw the scene in that area clearly.

On a piece of grass, several corpses fell on the ground, and screams continued.

Several warriors were wearing black robes with stern faces. They were attacking a convoy at the moment. They kept waving the swords in their hands. Every time they struck down, a figure fell down.

There is no doubt that these few are warriors with good strength, and the strength of each of them is not inferior to Xiantian.

Because the world is different, the standard of strength is also somewhat different.

If it is in the mysterious world, the innate warrior is already very good, and it is enough to dominate one side in some remote places, barely considered the hero of one side.

Only those with good aptitude and enough opportunities can reach this point, and they can be regarded as absolute elites.

But in this world it is different.

The vitality of the ancient world is abundant, and the difficulty of cultivation has also been reduced a lot.

The innate level can be regarded as an elite for future generations, but for warriors in this world, although it can be considered good, it cannot be regarded as such a high level.

In other words, in this world, these few martial artists can only be regarded as second- and third-rate, and they are not considered figures.

But even so, everything depends on the comparison.

Second- and third-rate ordinary warriors are also warriors, and they are also invincible existences compared to ordinary people.

And at this moment, their target is a group of ordinary mortals.

Not just ordinary mortals, but a group of unarmed mortals.

This instantly formed a suppression. With the strength of a warrior, facing a group of unarmed mortals with a sharp blade, the scene was of course very relaxed, and it looked like a massacre.

Several black runners had cold expressions on their faces, and the long knives in their hands kept swinging down, and a figure could be seen falling down with each knife.

"It's the bandits in this area..."

Nu Qi turned around, glanced at these people, and didn't care about it.

A few thieves are nothing to her.

Don't look at Chen Ming, she bowed her knees, like a younger brother.

But to ordinary people, she is a big shot, and ordinary people don't even have the qualifications to stand in front of her.

It was nothing to her that several mortals were massacred by warriors.

Zhang Sanli also looked away.

His attitude was similar to that of the female deed, and he was not surprised by it. Looking at the scene in front of him at this moment, he didn't even have the slightest idea in his heart.

Already used to it.

Warriors have come all the way, and they have reached their current level. Which one has not experienced a bloody storm, and has not been killed from a mountain of blood?
This kind of thing in front of them has long been numb to them.

Only Feng Wu, because she is still young, has not taken this kind of thing lightly, and she still can't bear it in her heart, and wants to rush forward to save people.

She moved her body, as if she wanted to go up to save someone, but she glanced at Chen Ming beside her, but she still didn't move in the end.

Chen Ming's figure remained unchanged, his face was calm, and he continued to move forward.

It seemed that there was no fluctuation at all, and there was no intention of stopping at all.

But the next moment, a voice came.

"Help!" A voice came from the front, it sounded like a young girl's voice, faintly familiar to Chen Ming.

Then Chen Ming stopped abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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