Sweeping the world

Chapter 397 Familiar people

Chapter 397 Familiar people
Chen Ming's footsteps were suddenly stamped.

Zhang Sanli and Feng Wu were a little surprised. Looking at Chen Ming who suddenly stopped, they didn't know what happened.

"This voice..."

Chen Ming's body froze. At this moment, I couldn't help being stunned when I heard that voice.

In that voice, he felt an extremely strong sense of familiarity, as if he had passed by somewhere before, and felt a deep familiarity.

An inexplicable excitement rose from his heart. At this moment, he turned around silently, delusional about the direction the voice came from.

I saw there, among the robbed caravan, in a carriage, a girl shouted hurriedly.

It was a girl who looked very weak, wearing a long white dress, her face looked a little pale at this moment, without the slightest trace of blood.

He seemed to be frightened by the thieves outside, and his delicate face was full of tension, with a kind of fear and anxiety about the future.

Chen Ming stared at this face closely.

On this face, he felt a strong sense of familiarity, which originated from a certain person he had met before.


Chen Ming's face was calm, and he silently read a name in his heart.

The girl in the distance gave Chen Ming an extremely familiar feeling.

Although the aura on her body was different, the girl's appearance was clearly the same as Yang Anjing's.

However, compared with Yang Anjing in the past, this girl in front of her looks much weaker.

She was wearing a long skirt and her long hair was hanging down. She looked quiet and elegant. At first glance, she looked like a decent lady from a big family, slightly different from the former Yang Jing.

But that unique appearance is exactly the same, almost no different from the former Yang Anjing.

"Your Excellency..." Behind her, looking at Chen Ming who stopped in front of her eyes, the girl's face was a little surprised, and she seemed a little hesitant.

He thought that Chen Ming in front of him had discovered something, so he couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter?"

Chen Ming didn't answer.

The place fell silent for a while, except for the screams in the distance, there was no more sound.

At this time, not only the female deed, but also Zhang Sanli and Feng Wu were a little confused, and really wanted to ask something.

The next moment, there was a soft bang, which spread out in place.

Standing directly on the spot, Chen Ming was silent for a moment, but suddenly shot at this moment.

A slender arm stretched out suddenly, at this moment the whole world was trembling, the surrounding space was shaking layer by layer, and a mighty and boundless divine power rushed in all directions, pressing across the area at once, turning into A golden palm pressed down violently.

boom! !

There was an astonishing explosion sound in this place, but in an instant, all the space was distorted, and the surroundings appeared to be nothingness.

The group of thieves in the distance froze in the blink of an eye, as if someone had cast a spell on them. At this moment, their bodies stood there in a daze, motionless.

The next moment, a gust of wind blew slowly across the area.

The bodies of those martial artists began to change in an instant, and every inch of their bodies turned into fine dust, which was blown away by the wind.

Without even making a sound, he just died like this and returned to the world.

The place immediately fell silent.

Chen Ming looked calm, looked at the girl sitting in the carriage in the distance, hesitated for a moment, and walked forward.

Then Zhang Sanli and Feng Wu looked at each other in blank dismay, and after a moment of hesitation, they still walked forward.

"Is it okay..."

Inside the heavy carriage, the weak girl was pale and struggled to get out of the carriage, just in time to see the incoming robbers around them turn into a puff of dust and be blown away by the breeze.

She froze in place immediately, her face was pale at this moment, she stared blankly at this scene, not knowing what to say.

"Are you okay..." A voice came from the side, the voice sounded very soft, with a certain unique quality, a kind of power that calms the mind.

Hearing the sound, she subconsciously turned around and looked around, then froze.

Beside her, I saw the figure of a young man standing not far away.

The boy was wearing a black robe, extremely handsome, with deep eyes, standing there at this moment, looking at him quietly.

He doesn't look too old, but what is very surprising is that he has an aura that cannot be ignored, and he is full of an amazing aura. The moment people see him, He couldn't help looking at him, unable to move his eyes away.

"Are you all right?"

Looking at the girl in front of him, Chen Ming calmed down and asked, "Aren't you hurt..."


The girl froze for a moment, her face turned red instantly, she looked at Chen Ming in front of her with a submissive look, not knowing what to say.

I didn't say a word for a long time.

Looking at his appearance, Chen Ming didn't make a sound, just stood there silently, looking at the girl in front of him.

After a while, the girl in front of her regained her composure.

"This... this young hero..."

She looked at Chen Ming in front of her, her face looked a little shy, she hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Thank you, Young Hero, for saving my life..."


She wanted to say that there must be a report in the future, but suddenly remembered that they seemed to have nothing to show for it.

For such a powerful person, the things on them are simply impossible to take out.

Did you say that there will be a report in the future?It seems that it is not suitable, and there is suspicion of not wanting to repay.

So in the next life, you will be a cow or a horse?

The girl looked up at Chen Ming in front of her, feeling somewhat reluctant for some reason.

Then there is only one choice left.

"Little girl..."

She bit her lip and was about to speak.

"what's your name……"

In front of him, Chen Ming's face was calm, and he didn't give the other party a chance to ask, so he asked directly.

Hearing Chen Ming speak, the girl froze for a moment, and then said: "Qiu Xiaoya..."

"Qiu Xiaoya..."

Chen Ming took a deep look at the woman, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The name and aura of the woman in front of her are different from that of the previous person, logically speaking, this is another person.

But the appearance is so similar.

Almost like twin sisters.

"There are a lot of warriors on this road, if you walk on this road, I'm afraid it's a bit dangerous..."

Chen Ming turned around, said calmly, "Go back early, maybe there's still time..."

After saying this, he turned around and wanted to leave.

In the distance, looking at Chen Ming who behaved like this, Zhang Sanli and Feng Wu looked at each other, and they both saw the strangeness in each other's eyes.

During this period of time, they have been following Chen Ming, and they already have some understanding of Chen Ming's temperament.

Don't look at Chen Ming who looks very normal on weekdays, he is approachable and doesn't have much airs.

Eat everything Actually, Chen Ming doesn't care about many things deep down.

His personality is indifferent, unless it is someone he already knows or is familiar with, even ordinary people in front of him, no matter what they do, it is impossible to attract his attention.

It's really rare to see the current appearance, so they can't help but feel a burst of surprise.

However, what surprised them even more was yet to come.

"Young hero..."

Qiu Xiaoya bit her lip, looked at the corpses around her, and then looked at Chen Ming in front of her, she spoke out of nowhere.

"This trip is too dangerous. My bodyguards are almost dead. Even if I turn back the way I came, I'm afraid I won't escape..."

"I don't know if you can let me follow the young man and follow you..."

She bowed deeply to Chen Ming in front of her eyes: "The little girl is willing to serve as a maidservant to the young hero..."

The place immediately calmed down.

Chen Ming's face was calm, and he fell silent for a moment.

It was not until a long time later that he opened his mouth softly and nodded slowly.

"You don't need to be a maid..."

He looked at the girl in front of him, with a calm face, and said, "I'll send you to the city, and then you find your own way out..."

After the words fell, Zhang Sanli and Feng Wu were stunned.

Even the daughter-in-law couldn't help being stunned at this moment, staring blankly at Qiu Xiaoya who was standing in the distance and kept sizing her up, as if she wanted to see what was so special about her.

As the leader of a tribe, who was able to lead a group of old and weak women and children to survive on this land for such a long time, the female deed felt that she was very accurate in judging people.

In his opinion, a person like Chen Ming should be a seeker who has nothing else but to pursue martial arts wholeheartedly.

For this kind of person, let alone a stranger standing in front of him, even someone he knows standing in front of him, if he really blocks her way, he may also be left behind by him. What will happen.

The scene in front of her undoubtedly exceeded her expectations.

"Is there anything special about that woman..."

Even the chaotic demon in his mind couldn't help asking at this moment, and asked Chen Ming in surprise.

Looking at it like this, he was also very surprised by Chen Ming's reaction at this moment.

I have never seen Chen Ming at this moment.

"Can't you just treat me as an occasional kindness..."

Chen Ming walked ahead with a calm expression, and said this to the chaotic demon in his mind.

"It's not surprising that you are kind..."

"After all, you are still a disciple of the Buddha. As a Buddhist, it is normal to show kindness..."

Luan Mo said, his voice sounded a little playful: "But the way you showed kindness this time is a bit weird, and I can't figure it out..."

"Why did you fall in love with that girl?"

He tentatively said jokingly: "I think there is something wrong with the way that woman looks at you. If you are willing, you may hook your fingers, and the other party will pounce on you..."

Chen Ming didn't answer, his face was calm, and he walked forward silently, ignoring the chaos in his mind.

Looking at Chen Ming's appearance, Luan Mo also felt a little bored, so he stopped disturbing Chen Ming, lurked silently, and absorbed power to recover himself.

The group of them continued to walk forward, the only difference from before was that there was another Qiu Xiaoya in the team now.

After a few more days, they went to a place to rest.

Feng Wu looked at Chen Ming and Qiu Xiaoya who were not far away with some taste.

Under her gaze, Qiu Xiaoya was carefully sending up the things she had made.

"Young man, this is the meal I just made, do you want to try it..."

Qiu Xiaoya was all smiles, and put the hot food in front of Chen Ming, her face was full of brilliance.

"No, thanks……"

Chen Ming looked at Qiu Xiaoya in front of him, shook his head, and calmly refused.

"All right……"

Qiu Xiaoya felt a little regretful, and then she raised her spirits again: "Then I'll do something else..."

"Fox spirit..."

Looking at Qiu Xiaoya who was constantly busy playing around, Feng Wu muttered in a low voice.

"What did you say?"

Zhang Sanli stuffed the grilled meat into his mouth in one gulp, looking at Feng Wu with some doubts.


Feng Wu shook her head, feeling a little sad for a while.

Chen Ming didn't care about the emotions of the people around him, he just sat there calmly at the moment, thinking silently there.

"Personal experiences don't match up at all, and there's nothing wrong with what the other party said. No matter in character or aura, they don't match up with Yang Jingjing at all..."

Chen Ming looked at Qiu Xiaoya, who was constantly busy in the distance, and at the face of Yang Anjing, who was exactly the same as Yang Anjing, and couldn't help frowning at this moment: "Is it just a pure coincidence?"

If it's a coincidence, then it's too much of a coincidence.

There are so many people in the world, everyone has a nose, eyes, hands and feet, and they have various postures every day, but there are two people who look exactly the same.

Whether it is appearance, posture or body, all aspects are exactly the same as the previous person.

Can this be explained by so-called coincidence?

And it's not the first time something like this has happened.

Once in the Dagan world, Chen Ming also met a girl who looked exactly like Yang Anjing.

That girl is just like the Qiu Xiaoya in front of her, and she looks exactly like the former Yang Jing.

At that time, Chen Ming thought it was just a coincidence, but now it seems...

It's a coincidence that the same thing happened once, but what about it happening twice in a row?

I'm afraid it's not that simple.

"What's so special about Yang Anjing?"

Chen Ming thought silently, unable to understand it.

He travels through several worlds, and the accumulation of time is not a short journey. He has met a lot of people in different worlds.

But why is Yang Jing so special?
Chen Ming couldn't understand anything, he was thinking hard, trying to find an answer.

Of course, he didn't forget the chaos in his mind, so he asked sideways.

"Is there anyone who can exist in different worlds at the same time?"

Chen Ming was silent for a moment, then spoke again, asking calmly.

"Simultaneous existence. What do you mean?"

Luanmo looked a little puzzled.

"For example, I saw exactly the same person in a different world..."

"You mean..."

Chaos Mo glanced at Qiu Xiaoya who was busy in the distance. At this moment, he was thoughtful and had some inexplicable understanding of Chen Ming's previous behavior.

(End of this chapter)

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