Sweeping the world

Chapter 411 Blocking

Chapter 411 Blocking
"It's not Master..."

Looking at the figure that appeared in the distance, Chen Ming looked calm and shook his head inwardly.

Having been in Yuan Mozong for many years, Chen Ming is naturally very familiar with the aura of Yuan Mozun, and he is extremely familiar with every movement on his body, and he will never admit his mistake.

But in front of him, on the opposite person, there was no aura that belonged exclusively to Yuan Mozun, but it was somewhat similar to another person Chen Ming was familiar with.

Azure Dragon God General.

There are four guardian gods in Yuan Mozong, named after the four great beasts of Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu and Suzaku.

The Azure Dragon God General is also one of Chen Ming's masters. He has raised Chen Ming since he was a child, so he is also very familiar with him.

At this moment, the person who walked out from the Yuan Demon Sect in the distance didn't have the slightest aura of Yuan Demon Venerable on his body at this moment, but he was very familiar with the Azure Dragon God General in Chen Ming's memory.

Obviously, Yuan Mo Zun didn't come out at all at this moment, and he probably left this place with the people of Yuan Mo Sect at this moment, and he didn't know where he went.

What appeared in front of him was only the Azure Dragon God General, not the real Yuan Mozun himself.

For this matter, Chen Ming was not surprised, even very clear, it was already in his expectation.

Based on Chen Ming's understanding of Yuan Mozun, the other party was definitely not the kind of person who would just sit and wait for death.

Mozi Muyan, although his body strength is powerful, the martial arts domain all over his body spread out at this moment, covering an area of ​​countless miles, and grasping all the troubles in this area.

But if the members of the Yuan Demon Sect had been prepared, no matter how powerful Mu Yan was, he would not be able to stop all the members of the Yuan Demon Sect.

After all, Mozi Muyan has come all the way, and he has slaughtered many holy places and holy masters of the demon sect in these years.

As long as Yuan Mozun knows a little about his personality, he can naturally understand that the other party will find Shangyuan Mozong and Shangyuan Mozun himself sooner or later.

Based on Chen Ming's understanding of him, Yuan Mozun probably transferred all the people in Yuan Mozong out long ago.

All that's left now is an empty shell.

Of course, Mozi Muyan probably guessed this point, so he was not surprised.

"I don't care if you are the real primordial demon lord, but if you dare to appear in front of me today, the ending is already doomed..."

Sitting on the giant statue, Mo Zi Mu Yan slowly raised his head at this moment, his eyes were sharp, and there was a faint murderous intent in them: "I will use your blood to commemorate the destruction of the Yuan Demon Sect..."

Standing opposite Mozi Muyan, the Azure Dragon Sect who came out of the Yuan Demon Sect stood there. At this moment, one face was covered with a bronze mask, so that people could not see his specific expression clearly. Standing there like this at this moment, a strong aura spread out from all over his body, confronting the devil Mu Yan on the opposite side.

The next moment, a majestic martial arts field rose from the body of the Azure Dragon God General. At this moment, it gradually spread outwards, abruptly opening a hole in the surrounding tightly sealed fields.

Then he stepped forward, with a strong breath all over his body, and slowly walked forward, took the initiative to step out of the big formation covered by the Yuan Demon Sect, and came in front of the devil Mu Yan.

And as he stepped forward, the aura that existed on his body gradually disappeared. At this moment, he became incomparably nothingness, as if he didn't exist at all.

The two faced each other head-on, and at this moment, the auras in their bodies collided with each other and intertwined with each other.

In the next moment, Unrivaled Conquest broke out here.

Two shocking visions unfolded behind the two of them, each one was so terrifying that it appeared in the area in front of them like a giant.

The majestic aura condensed on the body of the two dharma forms, and every ray of aura overflowing from the whole body is enough to change the appearance of a piece of land, and change a piece of land forever.

Then the next moment, the two faced each other head-on and shot at each other.

Facing the Azure Dragon God General in front of him, Mo Zi Mu Yan did not hesitate at all. At this moment, he stretched out one arm, and pressed down hard with his right arm.

boom! !

Accompanied by a crisp sound, the surrounding space seemed to burst immediately. Unable to bear the majesty of this palm, it immediately began to collapse, and then bursts of sparks splashed in mid-air, continuously shooting towards the body of the Azure Dragon God General in the distance. rush away.

A blood-colored angry dragon rose from the same spot. At this moment, behind the Azure Dragon God General, the large formation covering the area in front of him began to recover spontaneously. Blessed on the body of the Azure Dragon God General.

Two forces erupted in the central area, and an astonishing muffled sound erupted at this moment.

Then in an instant, the aura behind the Azure Dragon God General began to slowly dissipate. At this moment, he was close to nothingness, and he collapsed under this blow, unable to withstand the opponent's strength at all.

The gap between the two sides is really too big.

Compared with the devil Mu Yan in front of him, the strength of the Azure Dragon God General is only at the peak of the Venerable, and he is two big realms away from the devil Mu Yan.

Not to mention that Mozi Mu Yan is a generation of arrogance himself, a generation of Mozi who ruled across the ancient times, and even if he is two big realms away from Qinglong God General, it is absolutely impossible for Qinglong God General to be able to shake.

The difference between the two is too great, and the so-called will and fighting experience can no longer make up for it.

boom! !

A crisp sound sounded on the spot.

Under Chen Ming's gaze, the Azure Dragon God General in the distance flew upside down. Even with the blessing of the big formation behind him, at this moment, it was just to ensure that his body would not collapse directly, and fell directly into a disadvantage at this moment.

The gap between the two is evident at this moment.

Even with the blessing of a large formation, the Azure Dragon God General is by no means an opponent of the devil Muyan in front of him. Even the opponent's casual blow is very difficult, and he cannot bear that kind of terrifying power.

However, faced with all this, the Azure Dragon God General didn't feel discouraged, nor did he feel any surprises. He just got up silently at this moment, and the aura on his body was close to nothingness.

It was an extremely hazy feeling. The naked eye could clearly see the existence of the other party, but in the induction of the martial arts domain, the other party seemed to have completely disappeared. At this moment, the breath disappeared directly in the martial arts domain, without the slightest trace Appear.

And in the induction of Mozi Muyan, the figure of the Azure Dragon General seemed to appear in all directions at this moment. At this moment, his own spiritual perception was completely disturbed, and he could not really perceive the location of the Azure Dragon General.

"It's kind of interesting..."

Mozi Muyan spoke coldly, this one was bursting with devilish energy, and vigorous power was emerging from it.

The next moment, the sky began to change, and the space began to be directly distorted. At this moment, the vitality of heaven and earth in an area of ​​countless miles was directly drawn, rushing towards the direction where the Yuan Demon Sect was located.

In front of his eyes, Mozi Mu Yan's attack was aimed at the entire Yuan Demon Sect. It seemed that he wanted to directly razed the entire Yuan Demon Sect to the ground with this blow.

The majesty of the vastness is spreading, and the whole world is trembling at this moment.

Around Chen Ming, the people from the demon sect who had originally gathered did not dare to make a sound at this moment. They were trembling all over at this moment, and did not dare to make the slightest sound at all.

It seems that the whole soul and even the body are trembling under that force, and the extremely terrifying force is erupting, which makes people feel a kind of fear from the heart.


Standing beside Chen Ming, the young man from before sighed deeply. Looking at the scene in front of him, an inexplicable feeling of sadness emerged in his heart.

There will be no exceptions.

With the strength of Mozi Muyan, with this palm strike, together with that figure in the distance, the entire Yuan Demon Sect will be doomed, and they will disappear completely under this blow, without any trace. accident.

A holy land that has been passed down for a long time and was once incomparably glorious is about to be destroyed.

Thinking up to this point, even though the young man didn't have a good impression of Yuan Mozong, he still couldn't help but feel a bit of sadness in his heart at this moment, and felt a burst of inexplicable complex emotions.

But in the same place, after a while, he couldn't help but froze.

Because in front of his eyes, he didn't feel the changes in Yuan Mozong in front of him.

Standing in front, the aura of the Azure Dragon Divine General still exists, and it is still standing in front of the Yuan Demon Sect at this moment, and has not completely disappeared.

Feeling this, he raised his head and looked forward.

In front of him, in front of the Azure Dragon God General, a faint golden barrier appeared. At this moment, it was like an indestructible shield, directly blocking the majestic power coming from the front.

A sacred brilliance, with some vast and majestic domain power, unfolded at this moment, covering the surrounding area at this moment, competing with the domain that unfolded on the devil Mu Yan in front of him.

And the source of the power in that field is none other than a figure standing beside the young man.

"No way..."

Sensing the source of that breath, in front of his eyes, the young man stared blankly at Chen Ming who was standing in front of him at this moment, his expression became dull at this moment.

Chen Ming stood quietly on the spot, and looked up into the distance at this moment.

He looked at the devil Mu Yan in the distance, and at this moment the aura from his body slowly swayed out.

A faint golden field emerged from his body. At this moment, majestic power surged from his body, spilling out directly, competing with the field emanating from the distant devil Muyan.

The power emanating from the other party before gradually dissipated, and was directly offset by Chen Ming's own power.

Then a force far surpassing the Venerable, even the peak of Shattering, spread from Chen Ming's body and rushed out directly.

In the induction of many people in the surrounding demon sect, he is not inferior to the demon son Mu Yan in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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