Sweeping the world

Chapter 412 Battle

Chapter 412 Battle

"Who are you..."

Withdrawing his eyes from the Azure Dragon God General in front of him, he looked at Chen Ming who appeared in the distance at this moment, and felt the powerful aura on Chen Ming's body that was far beyond the broken peak, faintly countering him.Mozi Muyan's face was a bit solemn, and at this moment, he looked at Chen Ming in the distance and said, "Which era is the arrogance of heaven, please report your name..."

Sen Ran's words resounded in place, and he looked at Chen Ming in the distance and said so. From this look, he obviously regarded Chen Ming as a revived genius from some era, not a current figure.

No wonder.

After all, in this era when the vitality of the world is declining, even venerables are not common, and the existence of the Broken Realm can be called the pinnacle of the world, let alone a legendary realm.

In today's profound world, although Mozi Muyan is not the only one in the realm of legends, there is no doubt that every one of them is a person who has been sealed from ancient times to the present, and is definitely not a current person.

Of course, this is not to say that the current generation is inferior to the arrogance and outstanding people in ancient times.

The reason for this is only because before that, the vitality of heaven and earth in the entire mysterious world was suppressed, resulting in the practice of the entire mysterious world being generally weaker than that in ancient times.

But at the moment when the vitality of heaven and earth is gradually recovering, the current Tianjiao has no time to grow up, so he directly bumps into the revived strong man in ancient times.

The environments and conditions of the two are completely different, so naturally they cannot be compared.

It was precisely because of this that at this moment, after feeling the aura of Chen Ming, Mozi Muyan subconsciously thought that the other party was just like him, and also an outstanding person from ancient times who had lived to this day.

Looking at the devil Mu Yan in the distance, Chen Ming's face was calm and he didn't speak.

It's just that on his body, a faint blood is constantly emerging.

The unique blood energy gathered by the fusion of the four major bloodlines emerged on his body, and directly turned into a pillar of heaven, rushing towards the sky, like a purple blood dragon roaring upwards, emitting its own voice.

The whole world began to roar. At this moment, echoes echoed continuously in the surrounding world. They were echoes of heaven and earth, responding to Chen Ming's own existence and resonating with the blood in his body.

Afterwards, looking at the devil Mu Yan standing on top of the giant elephant in front of him, Chen Ming stepped forward, and his figure appeared in front of the Azure Dragon God General in an instant.

Afterwards, everything changed in the entire Yuanmo Sect.

The already silent formation began to revive spontaneously, and within it was a wave of divine power, which rose directly into the sky at this moment, rushing towards Chen Ming like beams of starlight, directly matching the aura on his body.

Accompanied by a loud bang, at this moment, a violent aura spread out from Chen Ming's body. At this moment, it enveloped the whole world, and directly competed with the devil Mu Yan on the opposite side.

Looking at it like this, it is not inferior to the other party.

Mozi Muyan's face changed instantly, and at this moment, there was a little bit of divine light in his eyes, and there seemed to be golden light shining in them.

"This kind of majestic vitality, you are not the arrogance of heaven that has been sealed in the past until now, but the outstanding people of this world..."

There was a golden light in his eyes, looking at Chen Ming in front of him at this moment, his face looked a little restless, and there was also a little bit of surprise.

Before they knew it, an outstanding person in the world had come to this step without anyone knowing.

At this moment, the aura from Chen Ming's body radiated out undisguisedly, and Chen Ming's own strength was completely felt by me.

The pinnacle of legend.

The existence in front of him is also an existence at the pinnacle of legend, and its blood energy is vast, full of a kind of exuberant vitality, far younger than the devil Mu Yan himself.

Mozi Muyan, although he is also an unrivaled arrogance, but he became famous in ancient times, and now his real practice years are not short.

No matter how detailed the number is, there are at least thousands of years.

But the majestic aura emanating from Chen Ming in front of him was shocking, and it was unbelievable how young he was.

There is a kind of vigorous vitality in that kind of air mechanism, like a new life, like the rising sun, exuding a kind of exuberant vitality.

Much younger than Mo Zi Mu Yan.

"You are……"

Looking at Chen Ming in front of him, the Azure Dragon God General jumped in his heart at this moment, and quickly raised his head, looking at Chen Ming's familiar face, he froze in place at this moment: "Holy Son..."

He spoke subconsciously, revealing Chen Ming's identity in one mouthful, and it spread everywhere in an instant, causing waves of waves.

"Holy Son, is that the Holy Son of the Yuan Demon Sect?"

"The holy son of the Yuan Demon Sect who has been missing for decades has returned?"

"It's so powerful!!"

In all directions, the members of the demon sect who had gathered here gasped, and looked at the figure of Chen Ming in front of them at this moment, with strong awe in their eyes.

They did not expect that at this juncture, the holy son of the Yuan Demon Sect who had been missing for decades would return again, and in such a way.

Looking at the appearance of the holy son of the Yuan Demon Sect in front of him, the breath from his body is not weaker than that of the demon son Mu Yan on the opposite side. It can also be seen that it has far surpassed the broken realm and reached a more unfathomable level.

To a certain extent, if the identity of the other party is really the Holy Son of the Yuan Demon Sect, then the news will undoubtedly shock the Quartet.

At this moment when the vitality of the earth is slowly recovering, and the forces of the entire ancient era are returning one after another, this is the first strong man in the world who has surpassed the broken state.

If the news really gets out, it will probably cause a commotion in all directions and make all the forces excited about it.

"A man of the age..."

After a while, Mo Zi Mu Yan took a deep breath, looking at Chen Ming in front of him at this moment, with a terrifying killing intent in his eyes.

Undoubtedly, there was some murderous intent in his heart. At this moment, looking at the figure of Chen Ming in the distance, the breath on his body became more terrifying and stronger.

An outstanding person who has been promoted to legend and reached the peak level of legend in such a short period of time.

This kind of existence itself is extremely terrifying. If it is given enough time to grow, it is destined to have great achievements in the future, and it is not impossible for him to surpass him at this moment.

And this is precisely what he cannot accept.

So at this moment, some murderous intent moved in his heart, and the world around him seemed to have changed in a single thought.

Deadly murderous intent flickered in all directions, covering the land in all directions at this moment, as if it was going to wipe out the entire world and cut off all vitality in this area.

The vast field of martial arts unfolded, and at this moment, he rushed towards Chen Ming in front of him, wanting to suppress the opponent directly on the spot without leaving any room.

However, even with such power, when it was transmitted to the opposite Chen Ming, it was like a breeze blowing on the face, unable to cause much damage to the opponent at all.

On the opposite side, Chen Ming's face was calm, and he just stared at the front silently. The power of the domain all over his body was quietly opened, and the power of his body was condensed, and he was not affected much at all.

"Boy, do you want my help?"

In his mind, the voice of chaos rose in Chen Ming's heart.

After passing through the previous emperor Chen's cave, he has recovered a considerable amount of power at this moment. Although he has not yet recovered to the peak of the past, the power at this moment is enough to affect the current battle situation, enough to interfere between the two duel.

"No need..."

Looking at the figure standing in front of him, Chen Ming looked calm and shook his head silently: "You haven't recovered your body yet, once your strength is exhausted, it will be very difficult to recover..."

"Let me do it myself..."

"By the way, let me get used to the power at this moment..."

He looked up into the distance with a calm face, and said in his heart at this moment.

After experiencing Emperor Chen's Dongfu and his party, his strength experienced skyrocketing again and again.

From the original broken peak to the legendary peak, this kind of improvement is undoubtedly huge.

And such a huge improvement was not a small burden for Chen Ming.

Although its own strength has increased, its own control over the body and the growth of its own consciousness have not kept up, so no matter how great the strength is, it is just a beautiful show.

And the devil Mu Yan in front of him is a good opponent.

By fighting the person in front of him, Chen Ming might be able to quickly adapt to his current strength and completely adapt to his current strength.

boom! !

In the next moment, there were not many words, and with the eye contact, the two figures collided directly in an instant.

A faint majesty continued to rise in front of him, and at this moment the entire land began to collapse.

If one looks down at the ground from mid-air, one can find that on the ground at this moment, huge potholes are constantly appearing, and the whole ground is spreading outward like a huge spider web, breaking into pieces. road cracks.

And above the sky, two figures were also confronting each other head-on.

At this moment, along with the display of Chen Ming's own strength, behind Chen Ming, a huge figure slowly appeared.

It was a majestic and sacred figure, dressed in an emperor's robe, with a mighty majesty, as if a heavenly emperor came to the mortal world, at this moment, he bloomed his aura to his heart's content, crushing the void in all directions.

The power of the legend was fully unfolded. At this moment, the entire sky began to tremble, and the space burst into pieces. Following the flow of that breath, he rushed forward continuously, and rushed directly to the body of the devil Mu Yan.

boom! !

The two figures intertwined in an instant, and then retreated back at extremely fast speeds.

(End of this chapter)

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