Sweeping the world

Chapter 420 Decision

Chapter 420 Decision
"If the suzerain can see you like this, he will be very happy..."

Standing in front of him, looking at the transformation of his body's aura, Chen Ming, who faintly looked even more terrifying and unfathomable, the Qinglong God General was a little excited, looking at Chen Ming at this moment and speaking like this.


Looking at the Azure Dragon General in front of him, Chen Ming also showed a smile on his face, and said like this: "Where is the master?"

"The suzerain is not here..."

Qinglong God General shook his head, and said to Chen Ming in front of him: "As early as a few years ago, the suzerain predicted that the devil Muyan would come to challenge the Yuanmo sect sooner or later, so he moved the entire Yuanmo sect early. Moved to another place…”

"At this moment, what is left in the Yuanmo Sect in front of us is just some empty shells, and there are not many people still living in it."

Hearing this, Chen Ming couldn't help but frowned, and looked at the Azure Dragon General in front of him: "What about you, uncle?"


The Azure Dragon God General smiled, seemed a little surprised by Xiao Ming's question, and also a little dumbfounded: "Even if they have moved away, but in order not to make it too obvious, there is always a need for someone to sit in the gate of the mountain."

"Among the four great generals, I am the oldest and the strongest one, so naturally I will sit in this place."

"But it's different from what you imagined. I didn't think about fighting at the beginning, but I had to fight later..."

"I have to?"

Chen Ming was a little puzzled. Looking at the Azure Dragon General in front of him at this moment, he didn't know what to say.


The Azure Dragon God General looked a little helpless, and at this moment he was sighing, and also had some inexplicable complex emotions: "The devil Mu Yan came too fast, and I was trapped by the other party before I could react. , there is no way to leave this place..."

"The other party seems to have come here in the last few days, but in fact, the other party has been lurking around here as early as when the appointment was just made. As long as I dare to leave, I will be killed by the other party immediately."

"The reason why I have been able to survive until now is only because Mu Yan hopes to kill me openly in the eyes of the world, so as to establish his supreme prestige..."

He was a little helpless, and said in front of Chen Ming, "If you hadn't rushed over this day, I'm afraid I would have turned into a corpse now..."

With the realm of the peak of the venerable, to face a strong man at the peak of the legend, this is naturally a dead end.

If the Azure Dragon God General had no other choice, he would definitely not want to do such a stupid thing.

It's just that before, he had no other choice, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and carry on with the matter.

Fortunately, Chen Ming arrived in time in the end, and did not cause any damage to him, and he was able to preserve it safely.

"But after this time, things are a little different..."

Looking at Chen Ming in front of him, the Azure Dragon God General showed a smile on his face. At this moment, he looked a little excited, and said in front of Chen Ming: "You defeated the devil Muyan, and you defeated him in front of the world. Winning the supreme glory for you is enough to make you the most powerful person praised by the world overnight..."

"With this kind of prestige, coupled with the full support of our Yuan Demon Sect, it is enough for you to stand out in the shortest possible time, replace Mu Yan, and become the new king of the entire Demon Sect..."

He spoke to Chen Ming with some excitement, and he seemed very excited and excited about the situation in front of him.

To some extent it is true.

Chen Ming was not at all surprised by the reaction of the Azure Dragon God General in front of him, and even had some clear and true emotions.

Being in the Yuan Demon Sect and having lived in the Yuan Demon Sect for more than ten years, Chen Ming is naturally very clear about the urine nature of the upper and lower members of the Yuan Demon Sect.

Generally speaking, everyone in Yuan Mozong seems to be quite normal, but in fact, everyone is ambitious and trying to make things happen.

Forget about Chen Ming's master Yuan Mozun, the other top powerhouses are not easy to worry about.

Everyone among them was a person with their own ideas at the beginning, and each of them was ambitious, trying to create a new world in this era.

It was precisely because of this that, when Chen Ming had just reincarnated into this world, they would go to compete for the disciples of the Buddha under the leadership of Yuan Mozun, in an attempt to revitalize the entire Yuan Mozong with the Buddha sons.

Later, after Chen Ming appeared, they pinned their hope of Yuan Mozong's recovery on Chen Ming.

It was precisely because of this strong sustenance that they behaved like this one by one after Chen Ming disappeared. They searched wantonly in the entire mysterious world, just to find some clues about Chen Ming.

It was not until now that they finally saw Chen Ming's figure again, and they saw Chen Ming here.

And the surprise that Chen Ming brought to them this time was destined to be bigger than what they had imagined.

After the first battle, not only the crisis in the entire Yuan Demon Sect was directly resolved, but Mu Yan, who was originally in the entire mysterious world and had dominated the situation for a hundred years, was also killed in the first battle and directly fell into the Yuan Dynasty. Outside the Demon Sect, the entire land was dyed red.

It can be said that from this day onwards, the reputation of the Yuan Demon Sect will spread to the entire mysterious world together with Chen Ming, and spread to all directions in the shortest possible time, becoming another name that makes people awe-inspiring.

In a way, this can be said to be a double blessing, two things accomplished at once.

"Send a letter to the master and let them come back..."

Looking at the Azure Dragon God General in front of him, Chen Ming's face was calm, and he smiled at this moment, and said: "There is no problem here..."

"it is good……"

The Azure Dragon God General nodded, with a happy expression on his face, and he didn't have any objection to Chen Ming's statement.

Time passed slowly, and soon, another few months passed.

After Mozi Muyan was shot dead by Chen Ming, several months passed, Yuan Mozun finally received the news and rushed back from the outside world.

After returning to the original address of Yuan Mozong, he looked at Chen Ming who reappeared in front of him. At this moment, he showed a happy expression. His expression was the same as that of the previous Qinglong statue, and he looked very relieved.

Over the years, Yuan Mozun's appearance has not changed much, but the aura on his body has changed slightly, making it appear much deeper.

His cultivation has also made a breakthrough, and he has gone one step further from the original peak of the Venerable to the half-step broken level.

(End of this chapter)

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