Chapter 421
"It's good to be back, it's good to be back..."

Back in Yuan Mozong, Yuan Mozun looked at Chen Ming, stared there for a long time, and then spoke slowly, his face was full of relief.

In the following time, while Chen Ming was still in Yuan Mozong, Yuan Mozun quickly sent people to spread the news.

Under Yuan Mozun's order, the entire Yuan Mozong's network was quickly mobilized, and a news was quickly spread throughout the Central Plains overnight.

Over the past hundred years, I don't know how many sects and holy places have been destroyed in the past hundred years. Mu Yan, the demon child of so many holy places, finally fell under the Yuan Demon Sect. kill.

With the spread of this news, Chen Ming's name spread throughout the entire mysterious world overnight, and resounded throughout the entire mysterious world.

Stories about Chen Ming began to spread widely in the entire mysterious world. Under the full operation of Yuan Mozun and others, various deeds about Chen Ming continued to be spread at this moment.

Under such circumstances, Chen Ming's reputation continued to be raised, and at this moment, he was vaguely replacing the old devil Muyan and became a new generation of devil.

While various rumors from the outside world continued to spread, Chen Ming didn't pay attention to the situation outside, but quietly drank alone in the Yuan Demon Sect, silently digesting his own strength.

After killing the two Mozi Mu Yan in the First World War and breaking through the legendary peak, Chen Ming's current strength is strong, but his strength has not been polished. At this moment, he still needs a long period of rest before he can fully grasp his own strength.

It was precisely because of this that Chen Ming didn't go out of the mountain, but only lurked in Yuan Mozong, sitting quietly in this place, and didn't go to other places.

"You have broken through the legend at this moment and reached a whole new realm..."

In the mind, the voice of chaotic demons continued to sound. Feeling Chen Ming's situation at this moment, he slowly said: "This realm can be called celestial phenomenon, or it can be called the peak of legend..."

"This is the power that can only be possessed by those who have reached the limit in the legendary field. Every move can draw the vitality of the world and cause a turmoil. It is as vast and unimaginable as a god and demon. It possesses all kinds of incredible power. ..."

In Chen Ming's mind, his voice was a little dignified and a little emotional, and he said seriously at this moment: "At this level, even I don't have much to teach you..."

"After all, even when I was at the peak, I was only in this realm. Compared with you at this moment, I just walked a little longer..."

"And after this realm, there is the realm of sages..."

"I see……"

Chen Ming raised his head, thoughtful at this moment: "After the peak of the legend, is the so-called sage..."

"Back then, I had already reached the limit at your level, and I was only one step away from the final breakthrough..."

In the mind, the voice of chaotic demons continued to sound, and he began to talk to Chen Ming about a corner of the realm of sages: "Sages refer to a group of people who master the principles of the world..."

"They have mastered the principles of the world, the laws governing the operation of the heaven and the earth, and their every move is consistent with the Tao. Their own existence represents some fundamental principles of the heaven and the earth..."

"If you want to reach the realm of sages and sages in the future, you must realize your own principles, combine them with yourself, and go to the extreme of them, only then will you be able to achieve..."

Facing Chen Ming, Luanmo spoke seriously, his voice sounded extremely dignified at this moment.

At this moment, he no longer had any secrets about Chen Ming, and directly explained everything he knew to Chen Ming in detail.

And listening to his explanation, Chen Ming also began to have his own vague understanding of the so-called sage realm.

The so-called sages are a group of people who have mastered the principles between heaven and earth.

This truth does not refer to the truth among mortals, but the law and origin between heaven and earth. To a certain extent, it is the root of why heaven and earth can operate in a complete and continuous manner.

Only by truly mastering this point, mastering a certain fundamental mechanism of the operation between heaven and earth, and understanding the laws and power in it, can one truly become a sage and obtain the terrifying power of a sage.

In Luanmo's mouth, this step is also called realizing the Sacred Heart.

Only when one understands the Sacred Heart and understands the fundamental principle of the operation between heaven and earth, can one truly comprehend the real key, and thus walk into that realm naturally.

According to Luanmo, he used to be stuck in this step, so he kept procrastinating and procrastinating until he finally fell, but he didn't really succeed in promotion and turned into a sage.

"Do you understand the Sacred Heart..."

In the same place, Chen Ming muttered to himself, thinking at this moment.

But generally speaking, although this step is a necessary step to be promoted to a sage, it is still very far away for Chen Ming at the moment.

At this moment, he has just been promoted to Tianxiang, and he has not polished to the extreme in this realm, and has not really reached the peak of this realm.

There is still a very long distance from the lofty sage realm.

Although in Chen Ming's view, that day is not far away.

After obtaining the seed of the world, at this moment, if Chen Ming wanted to, he could use his source power to forcibly improve his cultivation.

It's just that if it comes like this, the characteristic of his own unstable strength may become more obvious.

At this moment, he has just been promoted to Tianxiang, and his grasp of his own power has already become the level he is now.

Chen Ming didn't plan to continue to advance and reach the next level before he fully mastered his own strength.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be endless.

"Shall I help you find a body?"

In the same place, feeling the existence of chaos in his mind, Chen Ming said with a calm expression.

Previously, after experiencing Emperor Chen Dongfu and his party, most of the power of Chaos Demon had been recovered, and most of its originally severely damaged original power had been healed.

A few days ago, during the battle between Chen Ming and Mo Zi Mu Yan, Chaos Mo could even leave Chen Ming's body for a short time, revealing himself directly, showing the legendary peak strength, enough to rival Mu Yan and others.

After reaching this step, the chaotic demon can actually leave alone, can leave Chen Ming's body, and no longer needs the demon body in Chen Ming's body to conceive.

From another point of view, the chaotic demons are always in Chen Ming's mind, which is not a good situation after all.

After going through so many things, Chen Ming already had some trust in Luanmo, but after all, it would be a little troublesome to have an extra person on him for no reason.

It's okay in normal times, but once in some more private occasions, the existence of chaotic demons is a big obstacle.

With Chaos Demon on his body, Chen Ming has never traveled to other worlds, and has been staying in this world for a long time because of its existence.

Chen Ming's own ability is his biggest hole card, if possible, it's better not to show it to anyone.

After going through all kinds of things before, although Luan Mo had gained Chen Ming's trust, he hadn't reached the point where he could dig out everything and let him know everything.

"it is good."

Hearing Chen Ming's words, Luanmo nodded without thinking too much, and burst into laughter directly in Chen Ming's mind: "It's just right, there is a good material recently..."

"Then Mu Yan's corpse is pretty good!"

In Chen Ming's mind, he said with a smile: "Then Mu Yan is also a demon body like you. Although the demon blood in his body is far less rich than yours, it is also a rare treasure. It is suitable for my old man!"

"Be careful..."

Chen Ming opened his mouth and reminded him kindly: "That Mu Yan's body was tampered with once. Although he has fallen now, who knows if the body has been tampered with in the same way?"

"If you use this sentence of the body, it will not be good if it causes any trouble in the future..."

"rest assured……"

In my mind, the voice of Chaos Demon continued to sound, and it sounded full of confidence: "This old man has traveled through the ages. Although he has not become a sage for countless years, his knowledge and courage will never be inferior to the sage..."

"Let's say it's a manipulative corpse, even if it's a sage's tomb, the old man dares to go down and dig it himself. What's there to be afraid of?"

He spoke like this, and he was quite confident in himself between the words.

Hearing what he said, Chen Ming didn't continue to dissuade him, but chose to believe him.

After all, it was a bit of a waste to put Mu Yan's body there.

For a good demon body, every drop of blood and every piece of flesh and blood on its body can be called a supreme treasure. It would be a pity to just put it there and keep it outside.

It's just right to put it here for Mu Yan to use.

Just use it as waste.

And at this time, as time passed, Chen Ming's reputation began to spread throughout the mysterious world.

Several people also noticed Chen Ming's reputation and his name, so they sent envoys to the Yuan Mo Sect at the same moment.

In a deep canyon, Chen Ming sat alone in it, fiddling with the tea set by himself, silently waiting for the arrival of others.

"It really is you..." A voice came from outside.

Yang Ye came from the outside, and at this moment he saw Chen Ming sitting in the canyon, with a smile on his face.

Beside him, Yang Ming stood quietly, holding the Chiming Excalibur in his hand, and also looked at Chen Ming there.

Farther away, one could vaguely feel a familiar breath coming over.

The power of Yueshan Dao was surging here, making Chen Ming smile.

Feeling the spread of Yueshan Dao's aura, Chen Ming got up and raised his head to look into the distance at this moment.

Under his gaze, in a distant area, a tall young man with a handsome face stepped forward. At this moment, he had a faint smile on his face, and he was carrying a golden long-haired man on his back. Dao came from the outside at this moment, walked slowly into the valley, and looked at Chen Ming head-on.

Although the face was different from the past and had changed a lot at this moment, the aura on the other party's body showed his identity, it was none other than the former Zhong Qiu.

Many years have passed, and Zhong Qiu's reincarnation body in this world has grown into an adult again. At this moment, it seems that he has recovered his former peak strength, and even reached the state of half-broken one step closer.

It's not just Zhong Qiu alone, even the other two are the same. At this moment, they have generally reached the state of half-broken, and are about to reach the state of Broken Realm.

It has only been 200 years since they first came to the present, and the three of them have reached the present stage. If they say it, it is enough to shock a large number of people.

But if you think about it carefully, it is not surprising.

The accumulation of the three people in front of me is unparalleled. Before reincarnation, they were already at the peak of the Venerable, and even as the Lord of the Divine Weapon. The fate books in the dark are all extremely powerful, and they can be called a momentary choice.

Chen Ming felt that if the people in the world were divided into three, six, and nine grades according to Luan Mo's statement, the three people in front of him would definitely be at the top, and each of them would at least be treated as a man of destiny.

There is no need to doubt that the three people in front of me have this potential if they have the magic weapon to recognize the master, and each of them is equivalent to a person of great luck, possessing the blessings of heaven and earth.

Because of this, these three people were able to be recognized as masters by the divine soldiers, and they were able to rise all the way from the Eastern Realm to finally reach the Mysterious Realm, and start a new journey in this world.

And with the talent and potential of these three people, in more than 200 years, not only have they further recovered their own strength, but they have also broken through the previous limit and reached the state of half-broken, which is not so surprising.

Standing there quietly, Chen Ming looked up at the three people walking in the distance, with a faint smile on his face at this moment.

Silently, the domain power of the few of them slowly spread out. At this moment, they collided with each other and intertwined with each other, forming an extremely strong vacuum area.

In this area, all the vitality of heaven and earth and even all kinds of power have been squeezed out, and the only thing left is pure breath, and the existence of these figures in front of him.

Chen Ming stood there, with a smile on his face at this moment, as if he had returned to that time back then, facing each other, discussing in this place.

As the host of this place, and also as the most powerful person among the four, Chen Ming nodded to the three who came from afar, and took the lead in talking about his experiences over the years.

He started talking about when he was reincarnated into this world, without any concealment, and just started talking directly.

(End of this chapter)

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