Sweeping the world

Chapter 423 The Land of the Extreme North

Chapter 423 The Land of the Extreme North
Taking advantage of the moment when the situation was relatively stable, Chen Ming got up anyway.

Before leaving, he found Luanmo in front of him, and asked him about the descendants of the ancient emperor Chen.

Finally, from Luan Mo's mouth, he got an accurate answer.

"The descendants of the Chen family, the ancient emperor, did disappear directly in a certain period of time. The originally prosperous power fell to the bottom of the valley and completely disappeared in the entire mysterious world."

Hearing Chen Ming's explanation, Luan Mo's face was solemn, and he said to Chen Ming, "And the emperor soldiers of the Emperor Chen family are indeed likely to be taken away by the descendants of the original Emperor Chen family."

"If that blocked place really exists, if possible, you'd better go and have a look."

Facing Chen Ming, he said: "You have the purest blood of the Emperor Chen family in your body, and you once dreamed back to ancient times to see the ancient Emperor Chen family. You are the most orthodox descendant of the Emperor Chen family. The inheritance of the emperor Chen."

"In your capacity, if you go to the blocked land and find the emperor's soldiers from the Chen family, you will be able to match up with the emperor's soldiers, directly obtain the emperor's soldiers from the Chen family, and become a new generation of emperor's soldiers."

"And this is extremely important to you."

"The Imperial Armament of the Emperor Chen Clan not only means a top-level imperial armament, but also the recognition of the entire Emperor Chen Clan."

"As long as you obtain that piece of Emperor Chen's Imperial Armament, you will be able to obtain the allegiance of the entire Emperor Chen's descendants logically, and thus directly obtain a group of top-notch forces."

"This is self-evident for your future benefits, and it is a matter of great benefits."

He looked at Chen Ming in front of him and said, with some seriousness in his words.

The descendants of Emperor Chen themselves represent a group of powerful forces.

Even if the complete imperial soldiers left by the Emperor Chen clan were excluded, the descendants of the Emperor Chen clan were worth Chen Ming's effort.

A descendant of an ancient emperor not only represents a complete lineage, but also represents the fate of the ancient emperor.

With Chen Ming's present status, once he obtains the emperor soldiers of the Emperor Chen family, he can naturally obtain the allegiance of the entire descendants of the Emperor Chen family, and thus become the king of the Emperor Chen family. everything.

And these things are extremely important even to Chen Ming in front of him.

Whether it's the real expansion of power in his hands, an imperial weapon, or the blessing of luck in the dark, these are all real things, worthy of Chen Ming's efforts.

Listening to Luanmo's words, Chen Ming didn't speak, but was silent for a long time, thinking for a while.

Finally, he raised his head and nodded to the chaotic demon in front of him: "I understand..."

After confirming this point from Luan Mo's mouth, Chen Ming finally got up, left from Yuan Mo Sect, and headed all the way to the extreme north.

When he left this time, he didn't bring Zhang Sanli with him, only Feng Wu.

The reason why Feng Wu is brought alone is because of its own special practice method, which seems to have inherited a certain way of destiny in ancient times.

This time, going to the extreme north to find the so-called blockade is a huge project. If there is no special assistance, and Chen Ming can only rely on Chen Ming to search in that vast area, if there is no accident, I am afraid it will not be too late. Know when to find it.

Compared with Chen Ming, Feng Wu practiced the ancient way of destiny, and she had all kinds of premonitions about the fate in the dark, so she seemed particularly relaxed about this kind of thing.

Therefore, bringing Feng Wu with him may play a big role in the purpose of Chen Ming's business.

Before leaving, he informed Qinglong Shenjiang, Yuan Mozun and others of his purpose this time.

Unsurprisingly, Yuan Mozun and the others seemed ecstatic when they heard Chen Mingmu.

"With your current strength, if you can gain the allegiance of the descendants of the ancient emperor Chen, you will immediately surpass the entire mysterious world, unify the entire demon sect, and become the demon master of the entire demon sect!"

Yuan Mozun's face was agitated, and he looked extremely excited at this moment, even his body was trembling subconsciously, as if thinking of that beautiful vision: "You can go at ease, with me in Yuan Mozong, I will be here in a short time There will never be any problem."

"Holy Son, please rest assured. We have already made preparations during this time. No matter what happens, it is enough to ensure that this area is safe and we can wait for your return with peace of mind."

The Azure Dragon God General also nodded. At this moment, he looked at Chen Ming in front of him and said.

After getting the replies from the two people in front of him, Chen Ming left with confidence, walked out of the Yuan Demon Sect, and walked slowly towards the extreme north.

This time, he did not walk slowly in the extreme north like in the past, step by step.

In today's mysterious world, because of the birth of Zongmeng, many holy lands in ancient times, Chen Ming couldn't allow Chen Ming to move forward slowly.

So this time, instead of continuing to parade around, he walked slowly all the way to the extreme north, but directly used his supernatural powers to connect his own martial arts domain to the outside world, and in an instant, with the power of the ubiquitous providence, He took Feng Wu and left this place directly.

In just two days, he came to the extreme north from the Central Plains.

If this time is known to other people, they will definitely be horrified and feel unbelievable for a while.

The territory where the Xuanjie is located is extremely vast. From one continent to another, the range that needs to be crossed is extremely vast. If it is a mortal, it may not be possible to do it even if it takes several years.

And if you want to go from the Central Plains to the Extreme North, it will be even more difficult. Even if a strong man of heaven and man rushes non-stop, if you want to go from the Central Plains to the Extreme North, I am afraid it will take one or two days. time of year.

But at this moment, Chen Ming used all his strength, and with only one person beside him, he arrived at his destination in just two or three days.

From the land of the Central Plains, he crossed countless regions in an instant, and came to the place where the extremely northern glacier is located.

"Is it here?"

After arriving in the extreme north, Chen Ming did not continue to move forward, but just randomly found a place to stop and looked around.

The place in front of him was the one marked by Zhongqiu, and it was located at the edge of the Far North.

In Chen Ming's eyes at this moment, this place looked very desolate, surrounded by glaciers, the surrounding temperature seemed extremely low, and there seemed to be no life at all.

Not to mention warriors, even ordinary mortals would not stop in this place too much. At a glance, there was no trace of human habitation within a range of thousands of miles, which seemed extremely desolate.

"Did you notice anything?"

Chen Ming turned around, looked at Feng Wu at the side, and asked her in a low voice.

Feng Wu shook her head, a little doubt and hesitation appeared on her face at this moment.

"I feel that there is a powerful force under this piece of land, which prevents my perception ability from fully functioning, and is directly blocked by that force..."

She looked a little hesitant and confused, and said to Chen Ming at this moment: "Under that force, I'm afraid it will take a long time to find the location of the blocked land..."

"It's ok."

Chen Ming nodded, not paying attention to Feng Wu's statement, just smiled slightly, and said: "You move slowly here, and I will take a good look around too."

He said so, and then also stood up, and began to search aimlessly around.

This piece of glacier in the extreme north is very barren, except for some tiny creatures, there is no life in it.

However, under this ice field, Chen Ming also discovered something.

Under the ground thousands of meters below the ice sheet, there is an endless expanse of permafrost.

In that piece of frozen soil, there are many corpses of living things.

These creatures looked all sorts of strange things, some of them were ordinary creatures, and some were unique creatures that Chen Ming had never seen before.

But in front of them, the lives of these creatures have already passed away, and the aura above the corpses has already returned to nothingness at this moment, without even a trace of life.

But above these corpses, Chen Ming also felt a strange aura.

Although very faint, these auras were almost exactly the same as the aura Chen Ming felt in that Buddhist secret realm.

"The breath of an alien demon..."

Sensing the breath emanating from the corpses under the ice field, Chen Ming frowned.

At this moment, he thought of many things.

The place in front of me is the ruins left over from a great war that year, and there are many demons suppressed by the ancient emperors.

And in that Buddhist secret realm, the monster that was suppressed under the Buddhist secret realm is also a demon from a foreign land.

The aura of the two bodies is almost exactly the same, except for some differences, there is not much difference in the rest.

"A demon from a foreign land..."

Chen Ming shook his head. At this moment, an inexplicable feeling emerged in his heart. Finally, he stopped talking and just turned around and left this place.

In the following time, he continued to search forward and went to other places.

Along the way, he saw more corpses with the aura of extraterrestrial demons, and they were just buried under the frozen soil in front of him.

There are countless corpses buried in the mighty frozen soil. If they are really excavated, it may be enough to make people feel suffocated. It is hard to believe that there are so many corpses in it.

The traces left over from the ancient times still exist under this piece of frozen soil, and it looks incomparably vast at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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