Sweeping the world

Chapter 424 The Imperial Army Is Lost?

Chapter 424 The Imperial Army Is Lost?

The frozen soil in the extreme north is extremely vast.

There are many traces left by the catastrophe of ancient times buried under this area, and there are many corpses buried under the ground, and it is displayed in front of Chen Ming at this moment, which makes people feel extremely shocked at a glance.

After a while, Chen Ming turned around and left this area, and continued to move towards other areas, trying to find the location of the blocked land.

Unconsciously, he stayed in this place for several years.

For a whole year, he often stayed in this place, just searching in the nearby area, searching for the existence of the ancient ruins.

In the end, with the joint efforts of him and Feng Wu, he successfully found a ruin.

"Is it here?"

Chen Ming raised his head, looked at the ruins in front of him, and said lightly.

"If the deduction is correct, it should be here."

Feng Wu raised her head, looked at the unremarkable ruins in front of her, and said with some uncertainty.

Everything in front of me looks ordinary. Around the ruins, a vast glacier stands in it, and it seems that there are Taoist and divine patterns constantly emerging in it, and some extraordinary things can be vaguely seen.

However, such relics left over from ancient times can be said to be everywhere in this extreme northern land.

In the past few years, Chen Ming has discovered many such relics left over from the ancient times through continuous searching around here.

Overall, however, the gains were minimal.

These relics left over from ancient times, although there are still traces of ancient times, but the truly valuable things in them have completely disappeared with time.

A long time has passed, enough to obliterate many things.

Whether it is a rare elixir or a so-called diluted material, it will slowly pass away and gradually disappear under that long time.

Even if it is excavated again by later generations, all that can be obtained is a piece of wreckage, and nothing of value can be obtained at all.

"Let's go in and take a look..."

Chen Ming raised his head, looked at the ruins in front of him and said, then stepped out, stepping into the ruins in front of him.

Then, with his arrival, the ruins in front of him suddenly began to change.

A faint divine pattern appeared in this place, and a force that Chen Ming was extremely familiar with began to recover spontaneously in this place. At this moment, with Chen Ming's arrival, he began to react spontaneously.

Feeling the familiar power around him, Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, and somehow realized something.

"Has even this place been prepared?"

He stood on the spot, feeling the constant vibrating breath around him, and this thought flashed through his mind at this moment.

Accompanied by his arrival at this moment, the power flickering out from the surrounding ruins is none other than the power of Emperor Chen's blood that Chen Ming is very familiar with.

At this moment, with the arrival of Chen Ming, the power of Emperor Chen's bloodline remaining in this ruin began to be activated spontaneously, and at this moment a tiny portal was forming in it, gradually covering Chen Ming's body Above, try to teleport him away from this place and go to the next area.


Looking at the figure of Chen Ming in front of him gradually blurring from behind, Feng Wu's face was a little anxious. At this moment, she opened her mouth and tried to stretch out her hand to pull Chen Ming out of it.

Then in the ruins, Chen Ming shook his head, looked at Feng Wu standing outside, and said at this moment: "Don't worry about me..."

"During the time I was away, you just waited outside, waiting for me to come out from inside."

He said lightly, and then his figure gradually became illusory, disappearing directly into the ruins in front of him, and went to an unpredictable area.

In an instant, the surrounding world began to change, and all the scenes in front of me began to become nothingness, and then appeared again.

A deep land began to emerge in front of Chen Ming's eyes.

The dark earth appeared in front of Chen Ming's eyes, and a little devilish energy was rising in it, emerging from this place, making Chen Ming frown instinctively.

After being teleported from that ruin to this place, Chen Ming stood on this piece of land and began to feel the situation in this world.

On the ground in front of him, there is a piece of demonic energy everywhere, and in the surrounding ground, one after another terrifying aura is rolling in. At this moment, all of them are surging upwards, directly sweeping from all directions, covering this piece of land.

This seems to be a world completely polluted by devilish energy. Pieces of devilish energy vibrated on the surrounding land, covering the whole world, with no gaps visible.

But fortunately, compared with the devilish aura that Chen Ming felt in that Buddhist secret realm in the past, although some auras in this world enveloped the whole world, they were not so harmful.

At least standing in the middle, Chen Ming didn't feel the extremely powerful pollution, and it wasn't that harmful to Chen Ming.

But just this level is actually extremely terrifying.

In a way, this speaks for itself.

Those living on this piece of land are probably not normal life forms, but creatures that have already been demonized.

"The so-called blocked land suppressed by the ancient emperor..."

Looking at the land in front of him, Chen Ming muttered to himself, with a calm face at this moment, looking around.

The surrounding land seemed to be peaceful, and the surrounding world seemed to be quiet, and there were not many things that could be seen at all.

Of course, with Chen Ming's strong perception ability, he could still find a lot of things.

So at this moment, he turned slightly to look into the distance, swung out with one arm, and grabbed directly into the distance.

A figure moved thousands of miles away in an instant, and was caught in front of him by Chen Ming in an instant.

It was a very short-looking figure, about one meter tall, who looked a bit like a human child, but his skin was black, and he looked extremely deformed and weird.

From this unknown life, Chen Ming felt a faint demonic aura, which belonged to the aura of extraterrestrial demons.

In other words, the short creature in front of him also belongs to the range of the extraterrestrial demons.

Feeling this, Chen Ming shook his head, and then exerted a little force on his hand.


With a crisp sound, the body of the creature in front of him was shattered and crushed instantly. Only a little true spirit was directly controlled by Chen Ming, and he merged into his body.

A series of memories began to continuously appear in his mind. At this moment, the memories belonging to the creatures in front of him were directly extracted by Chen Ming.

"Thousands of races coexist... Emperor Chen..."

Feeling the memories constantly emerging in his mind, Chen Ming frowned, feeling a burst of doubt at this moment.

From the mind of the creature in front of him, Chen Ming felt the situation in this world.

Unlike the situation in the mysterious world where only the human race dominates, in this world, there are many races co-existing.

Among them, there are not only human races, but also many different races.

In it, Chen Ming also found information about the descendants of Emperor Chen.

In this world, the descendants of Emperor Chen's family did not seem to be doing very well. They have been in decline for a long time in this world. At this moment, there are not many strong people in the entire race, and they have been reduced to ordinary third-rate races.

The emergence of this situation made Chen Ming feel puzzled and unbelievable.

This is not in line with common sense.

As the descendants of the ancient great emperor, the descendants of the Emperor Chen family will have the protection of the luck of the Emperor Chen family. Even if their descendants decline, they will never be weakened to this point.

Not to mention, when these descendants of the Emperor Chen family left the mysterious world to go to the blocked land, they also took away the imperial soldiers left by the original Emperor Chen family.

Even if an emperor soldier does not have a soldier master, but only relying on the power exerted by the emperor soldier's instinct, I am afraid that it will not be weaker than a sage.

And with such a background, no matter what the descendants of the Emperor Chen family do, it is impossible for them to decline to the current level of obscurity.

After all, judging from the situation Chen Ming obtained, even in this blocked place, the level of force in it is not too suffocating. Although there are several sages in the legend, they are just That's it.

With Chen Ming's current level, he can be regarded as a top powerhouse in the world before him, let alone a descendant of Emperor Chen who owns an imperial weapon.

After discovering this, Chen Ming felt doubts in his heart, without much hesitation, he immediately started to attack, and arrested a few people nearby to supplement his information.

Afterwards, the doubts in his mind were resolved.

"Emperor Chen's soldiers have already disappeared?"

Hearing this news, Chen Ming was stunned for a moment. Some inexplicable emotions arose at this moment, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

It turns out that after countless years, in this blocked land, the imperial soldier that the descendants of Emperor Chen took away has long since disappeared. It is unknown where it went or where it was left .

It is precisely because of this that the entire Emperor Chen clan gradually fell into disrepair, and gradually fell to the level of a third-rate race in this blocked land.

But at the same time that one doubt was solved in his mind, another doubt arose in Chen Ming's mind at the same time.

Is it possible that the soldiers of the Emperor Chen family were left behind by the descendants of the Emperor Chen family?
One must know that the Imperial Armament of the Emperor Chen Clan is not an ordinary thing, but a top-level Celestial Armament.

As the emperor soldiers who accompanied the ancient Emperor Chen Clan for countless years, the Emperor Chen Clan Emperor Soldiers already had intelligence, which was equivalent to a living creature.

It is theoretically impossible to take this imperial soldier away from the descendants of the Emperor Chen family.

But now, this thing just happened.

This made Chen Ming feel puzzled for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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