Chapter 428
In the quiet area, there are pieces of altars standing in it.

The place in front of me is a piece of altar, with a series of steps standing in it, which looks extremely brilliant at a glance.

And in the central area of ​​this altar, a golden long sword stands in it, lying quietly on that altar at this moment.

The golden long sword looks very delicate and gorgeous, it looks like a fine work of art, not like a weapon used to fight on the battlefield.

On this golden long sword, Chen Ming felt a surge of familiar aura.

The aura that belonged exclusively to the Emperor Chen clan was slowly surging on the long sword. At this moment, it emerged in it, and there were many textures emerging in it. At this moment, I felt the arrival of Chen Ming, and there seemed to be some Dao Dao divine power is flickering, exuding a little bit of brilliance.

"This is……"

At Chen Ming's side, Chen Qingling looked at the scene in front of her, feeling a little surprised at this moment.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but at this moment in front of her, she clearly saw that the golden long sword seemed to move on the altar in front of her, and the divine power in it seemed to fluctuate inexplicably. It seems to be much more lively.

Before she could judge whether it was an illusion or not, the scene in front of her suddenly changed.

In front of her eyes, Chen Ming's face was calm. At this moment, he took a big step and walked directly forward.

His body was tall and straight, and his expression looked very calm. With every step he took, the breath in his whole body began to change slowly.

The blood aura that belonged exclusively to the Emperor Chen family began to emerge, and at this moment, Chen Ming's appearance began to slowly change.

A series of purple-gold textures began to wrap around Chen Ming's body. At this moment, they wrapped around his body, setting off his body incomparably brilliant and incomparably sacred.

Bits of purple blood continued to emerge, and purple-gold blood energy emerged from his body, rushing towards the midair like a long blood-colored dragon, disturbing the wind and clouds in all directions.

The whole earth began to shake. At this moment, with the arrival of Chen Ming, the surrounding earth began to recover. Even if no one urged it, the large formation in it still began to surge spontaneously. At this moment, it seemed that it felt the arrival of Chen Ming. , began a spontaneous recovery here to welcome his arrival.


Chen Ming looked ahead, although his face was still as calm as ever, but there was a little ripple in his heart.

On the golden long sword in front of him, he clearly felt a sleeping will, and fell asleep in that golden long sword, sinking and floating quietly in it.

Two At this moment, with his arrival, in that golden long sword, the sleeping will seems to have some reactions.

Unlike Chen Qingling who was at the side, Chen Ming saw the change in the golden long sword very clearly, and understood in his heart that it was definitely not an illusion, but a real scene.

"Have you started to react..."

Chen Ming raised his head, and walked quietly like this. It didn't take long before he walked in front of the altar and in front of the golden long sword.

Looking at the golden long sword in front of him, he hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his right hand and directly held the hilt of the golden long sword.

A crisp sound resounded in place. At this moment, it was like the sound of a bell ringing continuously. It began to ring continuously in this place, and it sounded very crisp and moving.

On that golden long sword, as Chen Ming stretched out his hand and made contact with it, a series of textures began to emerge spontaneously on that golden long sword, as if there were strands of divine power in it. In spontaneous gushing.

Among them, the spirit of the sleeping magic weapon began to revive, and a unique power of the magic weapon began to emerge towards Chen Ming's body along the connection between the two.

Then everything started to change.

At this moment, the aura on Chen Ming's body began to change, and the realm that seemed a little unstable because he had just been promoted for a short time also began to stabilize, and this moment slowly settled down.

Streams of profound knowledge kept popping up in his mind. At this moment, with the revival of the golden long sword in front of him, it began to spontaneously flood into Chen Ming's mind.

A large amount of information rose from his mind, and with all this happening, Chen Ming's own strength began to increase slowly, gradually climbing towards a higher level.


Feeling this and the changes in himself, Chen Ming nodded, feeling a little clear in his heart at this moment.

Just as he thought, on the emperor soldiers in front of him, the Emperor Chen family had already left his own imprint, which contained the whole body of the Emperor Chen family.

As long as someone can inherit this Emperor Armament and is truly recognized by the Emperor Armor, he can inherit the Dao Fruit of the Emperor Chen Clan, so that his cultivation can rise rapidly and reach that incredible level.

Of course, even if there is the existence of the Dao Fruit of the Emperor Chen Clan, it is impossible to rely on the Dao Fruit in it to reach the realm that the Emperor Chen Clan was in back then.

But through this piece of imperial weapon, as long as the qualifications of the holder are sufficient, there is absolutely no problem in reaching the realm of sages through the branding that exists in this piece of imperial weapon.

It's a pity that the branding contained in this long sword is limited.

The imprint left by Emperor Chen in the imperial army was only enough for one person. Once someone inherits the imprint, the latecomers will never have the opportunity to realize all this.

Therefore, it is likely that Emperor Chen's preparations for everything in front of him were to make today's scene happen, so that Chen Ming could arrive here and be promoted to a sage as quickly as possible.

"Is it so impatient..."

Looking at the emperor soldier in front of him, feeling the pulse of the golden long sword in front of him, Chen Ming muttered to himself, this moment flashed in his mind.

As for Chen Qingling who was standing on the other side at the moment, she was completely dumbfounded at this moment.

He looked at the emperor soldier who was beginning to recover at this moment in front of him, and looked at Chen Ming, who was full of aura at this moment, holding the golden long sword in one hand, like a heavenly emperor descending, staring blankly at this moment, I do not know what to say.

At this moment, an inexplicable throbbing feeling emerged in his heart, which made his whole body start to tremble, and he knelt there directly at this moment.

She looked at Chen Ming in the distance, her eyes were full of awe at this moment, as if she had really seen an ancient emperor descending, her whole body was trembling.


Ahead, a soft voice came from above the altar.

Hearing this voice, Chen Qingling raised her head subconsciously, just in time to see that in front of her, Chen Ming turned around and looked at him there.

"Leave this place first..."

Looking at Chen Qingling behind him on the altar in front, Chen Ming calmly said, "Have someone seal this place, and no one is allowed to enter..."

"Come and call me after everything is ready..."

He spoke like this, and then continued to walk forward, and began to meditate directly at this place, earnestly comprehending the imprint of the law contained in the emperor soldier in front of him.


Looking at Chen Ming, who was so majestic at this moment, like a heavenly emperor descending, Chen Qingling had a strong awe on his face, and nodded respectfully at this moment, then turned around and walked slowly towards the outside world.

Soon, she walked out of this secret place and came to the outside palace.

Outside the palace, she saw several anxious clan members walking towards her, including the patriarch of the Emperor Chen clan, the old man who had spoken to Chen Ming before.

"what happened?"

The patriarch of the Emperor Chen Clan looked anxious, looking at Chen Qingling in front of him at this moment, he couldn't help asking there.

Looking at his appearance, Chen Qingling was stunned for a while, and then told the old man in front of him in detail what happened.

"Is that so..."

Hearing Chen Qingling's words in front of him, the old man finally understood what happened, and couldn't help but sighed deeply.

"Patriarch, what happened?"

Chen Qingling was a little puzzled, looking at the expression of the old man in front of him, feeling his entangled emotions, she couldn't help asking at this moment.

"The timing is not right..."

Looking at Chen Qingling in front of him, the old man shook his head, and said: "Just now after you entered, the outside world immediately began to turmoil, and the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth was drawn in, rushing directly towards the ancestral land... "

"Such a huge vision, let alone our surroundings, will be discovered in other places..."

He sighed, and facing Chen Qingling in front of him, he said: "I'm afraid the people from the Protoss are already on their way by now."

After all, the Emperor Chen clan is the descendant of the ancient Emperor Chen clan. Even if they decline, their every move is still watched by countless people.

As long as there is a slight disturbance, it will be noticed by interested people immediately.

Not to mention, before that, there was another king of the God Clan, the Da Chi King, who tried to marry the emperor daughter of the Dichen clan, so as to control the entire Dichen clan.

Judging from the great red king's covetousness towards the entire Emperor Chen clan, the phenomenon that appeared in the Emperor Chen clan at this moment may have already been discovered by the other party.

If there is no accident, I am afraid that at this moment, the other party's people are already on their way.

"so what should I do now?"

Hearing the words of the old man in front of him, Chen Qingling was stunned for a moment, and a little surprise appeared on his face at this moment.

No one wants to make extra trouble at this time.

Seeing that the days of suffering were about to pass, Chen Ming brought the coordinates of the outside world, and soon he could bring the entire Emperor Chen clan to the outside world.

Under Chen Ming's control, the emperor soldiers of the Emperor Chen clan also showed signs of coming to the recovery room, and it is very likely that they will be revived again in the opponent's hands.

As long as it succeeds, the entire Emperor Chen clan can be reborn immediately, and the original declining trend can be curbed immediately.

At this juncture, no one wants this rhythm to be interrupted by others, and no one wants to create extra problems and attract other people's prying eyes.

"Do not worry……"

Looking at the appearance of Chen Qingling in front of him, the old man shook his head, and a smile appeared on his face at this moment: "The sky is falling, and I have this old bone in front of it."

"Compared to the past, now we only need to delay enough time."

(End of this chapter)

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