Sweeping the world

Chapter 429 Persecution

Chapter 429 Persecution
What happened to the Emperor Chen's clan attracted the attention of the Quartet.

Accompanied by the changes in the ancestral land of the Emperor Chen Clan, at this moment around the Emperor Chen Clan, I don't know how many forces have dispatched their own forces to the Emperor Chen Clan at the same time. It is necessary to find out why this change happened.

And under such circumstances, the people sent by the Protoss also arrived.

"Can't even I go in?"

Outside the ancestral land of the Emperor Chen clan, a tall, handsome young man who looked to be in his early twenties stood there alone, looking at the faintly visible ancestral land of the Emperor Chen clan, with a smile on his face at this moment .

"Sorry, Young Master Anchi."

Looking at the young man in front of him, the old man was standing aside. Although his heart was nervous and his scalp was numb at this moment, he still smiled and said to the young man in front of him: "The ancestral land of the Emperor Chen clan is only Only people from the Emperor Chen clan can enter..."

"Young Master Anchi, although you have a noble status, after all..."

The old man looked at the young man in front of him with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"There are differences between inside and outside, I understand, I understand..."

Looking at the old man in front of him, An Chi showed a smile on his face, and nodded there at this moment, with a very reasonable look: "The ancestral land of your Emperor Chen clan is of course not easy for outsiders to enter, and it is not convenient for outsiders to go in and see something. ..."

"Did you say so?"

He turned around and looked outside, at the few people around him, and said so.

An Chi in front of him is none other than the young master of the Protoss, that is, the biological son of the Great Red King.

At the same time, he was also the one who was about to marry the emperor daughter of the Emperor Chen clan, so he came here directly as a representative of the entire God Race at this moment.

But at this moment, because of the movement among the Emperor Chen clan, not only the God Clan, but also representatives of several other major forces followed.

The strength of each of those forces is extremely terrifying. Each one alone may not be as powerful as the power of the Protoss, but several forces gather here at the same time. Even the Protoss will feel a burst of pressure and cannot be ignored.

That's why An Chi said that in front of his eyes.

In front of him, listening to An Chi's words in front of him, the old man's expression remained unchanged, but he was slightly relieved in his heart.

He was afraid that these people in front of him would be completely unreasonable, so he would rush out to find out what happened.

In that case, it will be over.

Once they found Chen Ming in the clan area, the development of things would be unpredictable.

At this moment when the Emperor Bing hadn't fully recovered, the Emperor Bing was connected to the entire Di Chen Clan's ancestral land, and couldn't move at all.

Therefore, at the moment before them, once they broke into the ancestral land of the Emperor Chen clan, they would be able to find the Emperor Armor immediately.

Fortunately, the worst-case scenario did not happen.

Although these forces in front of them are extremely troublesome, because there are too many people coming, they also form restrictions on each other.

No one wants other people to enter Di Chen's ancestral land and obtain the secrets of Di Chen's clan.

And as the most powerful person present, and also as the young lord who is about to become the husband-in-law of the Emperor Chen clan in the future, An Chi's opening seemed smooth and not too much.

But obviously, in front of his eyes, the old man was too happy.


Standing in place, An Chi smiled, turned around at this moment, looked at the old man beside him, with a warm smile on his face, and said there: "They are outsiders, but as the husband-in-law of your future young master, But it's not an outsider..."

"This is the ancestral land of the Emperor Chen family, I must be qualified to enter it?"

He looked at the old man in front of him, with a warm smile on his face at this moment, and a little indifference in his golden eyes, and he just said that.

Suddenly, in an instant, the old man's body froze.

"This this……"

His whole body froze, and he stood there in a daze at this moment, looking at An Chi in front of him, not knowing what to say.

In fact, he really wanted to say no, but it was obvious that his strength would not allow it.

Today's Emperor Chen clan is no longer the overlord in ancient times.

At this moment when the Dichen clan has declined, among the entire Dichen clan, I am afraid that even a Broken Realm cannot be brought out.

Not to mention An Chi's father in front of him, that great red king who is in the realm of sages, even An Chi himself in front of him may be enough to wipe out the Emperor Chen clan in front of him.

Therefore, facing An Chi in front of him, the old man didn't dare to refuse, or even dare to say something radical, for fear of causing the other party's dissatisfaction.

"Young Master Anchi wants to go in, of course you can..."

After a while, looking at An Chi in front of him, the old man took a deep breath, and finally his face was calm, with a smile on his face, where he said in an ordinary way: "It's just that you and my little girl are not married yet after all, It’s a bit inappropriate to go in now.”

"Why don't you go in after you and your little girl get married?"

"How about getting married tonight?"

Looking at the old man in front of him, after listening to his words, the smile on the young man's face became even wider, and he just spoke at this moment.

The faint words fell, and in an instant, the bodies of the members of the Emperor Chen clan stopped in front of them.

Chen Qingling quietly stood aside, standing in a corner, listening to An Chi's words at this moment, silently lowered her head.

She didn't dare to raise her head, for fear that the expression on her face would be discovered by the other party, and she didn't even dare to show the slightest anger and killing intent.

Because once these emotions in her are discovered by the other party, it is likely to bring disaster to the entire Emperor Chen family.

The expression on the old man's face also froze. At this moment, even the original calm could not be maintained. After a long silence, he said: "According to the original agreement, the wedding day of the young master and the young girl seems to be a few years away. ..."

"so what?"

The expression on An Chi's face remained unchanged, and the smile on his face did not change from time to time. He just stood there looking at the old man in front of him and said, "Since the matter has been settled, it is a foregone conclusion..."

"My young lord already hates those messy etiquettes. Among my protoss, if you want to get married, you only need the opinions of both parties. There are not so many inexplicable etiquettes at all..."

"Or, you actually don't want to marry your daughter to me, so you deliberately set up those inexplicable etiquettes to prevent the king from marrying your daughter?"

He looked at the old man in front of him, staring at him with a pair of golden eyes at this moment, and said coldly there, his voice gradually became cold.

There was a sudden silence on the spot, the surroundings were quiet, and there was no sound coming out.

Why the marriage contract between the Emperor Chen Clan and the God Clan was set after a few years? Both parties are well aware of the reasons for this.

As for the meaning and plan of the great red king among the gods, the people of the Dichen family can naturally understand that he has absolutely no good intentions. It will be delayed until when.

Originally, when nothing happened, the Protoss didn't care about the small actions of the Emperor Chen's family.

After all, as long as the matter is settled, no matter how unwilling the Emperor Chen clan is, sooner or later they will hand over their daughters and marry them into the god clan.

There is no difference between the early years and the late years for the people of the Protoss.

However, in the present situation, the situation is quite different.

There is a change in the ancestral land of the Emperor Chen family. I don't know what happened. Maybe it is the inheritance of the former Emperor Chen family.

It is inevitable that the night will be long and the dream will be many, so let others go in first, naturally the sooner the better.

The reason why An Chi in front of him is going to marry the emperor daughter of the Emperor Chen clan first, and then go in is not really because, as the old man said, he respects the rules of the Emperor Chen clan, so he has to go in as his own .

The reason why he wanted to marry the emperor's daughter before entering the ancestral land of the Emperor Chen clan was mainly because he was afraid of some arrangements among the Emperor Chen clan.

No one knows that the Emperor Chen clan had once been brilliant, and what methods were used to survive in their ancestral land.

An Chi first married the emperor's daughter of the Emperor Chen clan, and then, as the husband-in-law of the Emperor Chen clan, dragged the emperor's daughter into it together, which could also avoid some risks to a certain extent.

But obviously, if he had to follow the original plan and enter it after several years, he obviously didn't have that patience.

Ye Chang had many dreams. At this moment, he looked at the old man in front of him and said bluntly, "Let's prepare from now on..."

"I don't need you to prepare too much. Even the formal etiquette can be implemented after a few years."

He looked at the old man in front of him, and said lightly, his golden eyes were full of indifference: "In short, after three days, I want the noble emperor to go in with me."

"What's the problem?"

He looked at the old man in front of him and said, his voice was extremely cold at this moment, with a little bit of hidden and imperceptible killing intent.

In an instant, the old man's body stiffened, and he sighed deeply at this moment.

"I see……"

Standing here, facing An Chi in front of him, he finally nodded. He didn't know what kind of mood he was feeling at this moment.

After getting a clear answer, An Chi showed a satisfied smile on his face, then looked around, shook his head, and left this place with his people.

In the following time, the old man dealt with the people sent by other forces one by one, and finally sent them away one by one before returning to the previous place, where he sighed deeply.

"Patriarch, what shall we do now?"

Standing in the corner of the main hall, Chen Qingling walked out from there, and came to the old man. At this moment, a beautiful face was covered with ice-cold, full of killing intent.

"What else can I do..."

The old man sighed deeply, looked at Chen Qingling in front of him at this moment, and said: "I just hope that his movements can be faster."

"Otherwise things will be bad..."

"Young master, that old man is clearly delaying time, why are we?"

Leaving the previous place, on the other side.

Beside An Chi, a black-armored god general couldn't help but speak, with some doubts on his face.

"You think I don't know he's stalling?"

With a playful smile on An Chi's face, he stood there with a tall and handsome figure: "But so what?"

"What do you think he can do in three days?"


The black armored general was stunned.

"The movement in Emperor Chen's ancestral land must be something born, either the inheritance of Emperor Chen's family, or other sacred objects."

"But obviously, they can't take this thing away, otherwise they would have taken away the contents long ago, so there is no need to find an excuse to stop us outside."

A smile appeared on the face of the Heijia God General: "Since that thing can't be taken away, it doesn't matter if it's now or three days later."

"And it's also a good time to look at their roots."

He stood there with a tall figure, and his face looked extremely stern at this moment, making people feel a chill in his heart: "What do you think they will do next?"

"How will it be done?"

The Heijia God General was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and then said: "It must be delaying time."

"Either using the emperor's daughter as an excuse, or using other reasons, in short, accidents will inevitably happen, and it is impossible for us to go in easily."

"That's right."

An Chi smiled: "Actually, they are procrastinating there, so why not us?"

"Father has already received the news at this moment, and has officially left the customs."

With a calm face, he said lightly: "At most three days, father can come over."

"By then, everything will be settled."

"Whether he agrees or not, call out the Empress. It doesn't matter if the others refuse to accept it, beat him until he agrees."

He spoke viciously, obviously well versed in the essence of doing great things in a muffled voice, and he has already made all plans secretly.

The Heijia God General was stunned, admiring, but also feeling speechless for a while.

Should we be so cautious?
With your current strength, if you want to go crazy, one person is enough to suppress the group of old, weak, sick and disabled, and you still need to call your parents?
But standing there, looking at An Chi in front of him, he still didn't say anything in the end.

It's better to be cautious.

At least after the Da Chi King, a sage, is also present, no matter what the Emperor Chen's family is planning, I am afraid they will be powerless.

Unless, they can also pop out a living sage.

But that's also not possible.

If the Emperor and Chen clan had this strength, how could they be reduced to the point where they are being bullied by others, and they can't even keep their own emperor daughter, and they will be forced to marry off.

So, the Black Armor God General shook his head, feeling that this wave has stabilized.

Time passed slowly without knowing it.

Soon, it was the third day.

Not surprisingly, on this day, the patriarch of the Emperor Chen clan had a new reason to shirk.

(End of this chapter)

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