Chapter 431
"Little Lord!"


A burst of exclamation sounded continuously on the spot.

Looking at An Chi who was flying backwards straight ahead, at this moment, An Chi was thrown to the side. On the side, a few generals suddenly opened their mouths and let out bursts of exclamations.

The next moment, a huge palm fell from the sky, and a faint blood engulfed everything around it, like a blood-colored dragon roaring, swallowing everyone in it.

A burst of blood spattered, and in an instant, with Chen Ming's palm slapping down, those gods would be smashed to pieces, as easily as swiping a fly.

No, or in front of Chen Ming's eyes, they are worse than a fly.

Flies can at least fly in front of people, and know how to escape, but these gods in front of Chen Ming don't even have room to escape, and they are directly smashed into pieces, and there are no surprises at all. rise.

Looking at this moment, the expression of the old man on the side remained unchanged. At this moment, his face still had the previous respect, but looking at the scene in front of him, a burst of joy emerged in his heart.

As the king of the entire blocked land, over the past few years, the people of the Protoss have been dominating the Emperor Chen's clan.

The people of the Emperor Chen clan had endured this for a long time.

The scene in front of him can be said to be what the old man wanted to see a long time ago.

But at this moment, the matter is not over yet.

So, he raised his head and looked at An Chi in front of him.

In front, An Chi rushed out from the ground again. At this moment, his whole body was filled with terrifying power, which directly disrupted the wind and rain in all directions, causing the surrounding formations to instinctively target him.

The aura on his body was terrifying, and at this moment, a faint majesty emerged from his entire body, as if he was as tall as a god and demon, standing there at this moment, with an angry look on his face.

"you dare!"

There was anger on his face, and he rushed out from the ground at this moment, looking at Chen Ming standing in the distance, his face was full of anger.

A huge hand slapped down again.

Looking at An Chi who rushed forward again, where he kept roaring, Chen Ming's face was calm, a slender hand stretched out lightly, the slender palm slapped down, and the five fingers were like a knotted dragon, forming a fist at this moment , smashed down heavily.

boom! !

Another crisp sound erupted from here, and at this moment, everything was over.

In an instant, An Chi's body exploded, a large head flew out, and was smashed heavily on the ground, creating a deep hole in the ground.

As for his body, it was completely useless at this moment. When Chen Ming punched him, he exploded immediately, leaving no suspense at all.

But even at this point, he still didn't die.

If it was an ordinary human race, even if it was a warrior in the legendary realm, after being beaten to this point, facing the injuries in front of him, he should have died long ago.

But An Chi in front of him was different.

As a protoss, there is no doubt that his vitality is extremely tenacious. Even if his body explodes directly at this moment, leaving only a head, he can still support it there, and the last vitality has not disappeared, and he is still tenacious. exists there.

A sound of crisp footsteps came from not far away, and then a shadow enveloped the place and came to An Chi's head.

Chen Qingling had a cold expression on his face. At this moment, he put on that silver armor and walked up to An Chi. His eyes were full of killing intent at this moment, and the spear in his hand was stabbed out fiercely.

Just for a moment, the crisp sound of the silver spear piercing into the flesh came out, and then An Chi's last life force was directly swallowed up in front of him.

A powerful martial artist whose strength was as high as the legend died directly in the hands of Chen Qingling, without even a single wave or ups and downs.

"I've already seen this guy unpleasant!"

Looking at An Chi who had completely lost any signs of life in front of him, Chen Qingling snorted coldly, her face was full of coldness at this moment, as if she had held grudges for a long time.

In fact, not to mention him, even the old man on the side, when he saw the scene in front of him at this moment, he felt a burst of joy in his heart.

If it weren't for the compelling situation, who would want to marry their daughter to someone else?
You must know that when the gods came to ask to marry the emperor's daughter, the means they used were not so glorious. It was not a marriage in a fair manner, but a forced one.

As the biological father of the emperor daughter, it is impossible for the old man not to hold grudges, and it is impossible for the old man to forget about this matter.

At this moment, the general ledger was directly calculated.

But at the same time he felt a burst of joy, there was also a burst of sadness in his heart.

"An Chi is the young master of the Protoss and one of the most honorable figures in the Protoss, so we just killed him..."

He frowned, with a worried look on his face, and looked at Chen Ming in front of him at this moment: "If there is no accident, I am afraid that the king of the gods will come here soon..."

There is no doubt that An Chi, as the young master of the Protoss, must have special means on him.

I'm afraid that he just fell here on the front foot, and the Protoss has already received the news on the back foot.

In a few days at most, the king of the protoss clan will probably rush to the Emperor Chen clan.

There is no doubt that this is a great pressure.

In the realm of a sage, even when the ancient emperor was alive, he was an extremely powerful existence, and he was the top of the world.

But in front of the eyes, the ancient emperor has long since disappeared, and in the era of declining martial arts, a sage is the pinnacle, a terrifying force that can sweep away everything.

Not to mention, behind this sage stands an extremely ancient race with a long history.

It can be said that as long as the other party finds out what is happening in front of them and confirms what happened here, I am afraid that in the entire blocked area, the Emperor Chen clan will never have peace, and there will be no place to breathe.

But even so, at this moment, the old man was not flustered.

It has been quite a while now since Chen Ming first came to the Emperor Chen Clan.

During this period of time, some altars needed for teleportation have been successfully built, and some people can be taken away with just an order from Chen Ming.

Although due to the rush of time, it is impossible for the priests they built to teleport everyone away, but even so, they can teleport the most core part of them away.

And this is enough for the Emperor Chen clan today.

As long as some people can leave in time, return to the outside world, leave this blocked place with harsh environment, and have the protection of Chen Ming and the emperor's soldiers, the Emperor Chen clan will be able to bloom again at the fastest speed.

For this, even if most of the clansmen are sacrificed, they will not hesitate.

The old man sighed in his heart, thinking so in his heart at this moment.

But obviously, he still underestimated the seriousness of the situation.

"It won't take a few days..."

Standing on the altar in front of him, feeling the energy of heaven and earth coming from all directions, Chen Ming stood there and shook his head silently at this moment: "He has already come..."


Before the old man realized what Chen Ming meant, he heard a voice.

A faint blood color enveloped everything, and at this moment, not far away, a burst of crisp footsteps resounded continuously.

"How did you find out about this king?"

A burst of crisp footsteps sounded continuously, and then a figure slowly walked out from a shadow.

It was a young man who looked very young, with a handsome appearance, and powerful fluctuations of divine power were being produced all over his body.

He walked out of the corner just like that, and after coming to this world, the whole world seemed to calm down immediately.

The movement and fluctuation of the surrounding world stopped in an instant, as if it was directly suppressed by an inexplicable existence at this moment.

The vitality of the heavens and the earth stopped moving, stopped its own operation, and at this moment, it continuously spread out from the heaven and the earth in all directions, was affected by the breath of the young man, and was directly frozen by it.

He stands in this piece of heaven and earth, like the master of the whole heaven and earth. At this moment, he looks extremely stalwart and extremely sacred. Even if he doesn't do anything, just standing there alone makes people feel heart palpitations. There was a burst of fear and embarrassment.

When he saw the young man in front of him, the old man was stunned. At this moment, his whole body was extremely cold, and his heart was full of fear.

The person in front of him can be said to be the nightmare of his life, the shadow of his life.

It was none other than the king of the Protoss, the so-called invincible Great Red King.

"The smell of blood on your body... can't be concealed at all..."

Standing on the altar, Chen Ming held the golden long sword in his hand. At this moment, he looked at the big red king who was walking slowly in front of him, and said lightly, "How many people have you killed? It is only when there is such a terrifying grievance condensed on my body that I can't even ignore it..."

"You can actually see those..."

Looking at Chen Ming at the top, the Da Chi King seemed a little surprised, and said at this moment: "If a person wants to go up step by step, he will inevitably have to do some things."

"Letting someone else's life disappear is better than losing your own."

"So... that's why you're desperate to save yourself?"

Chen Ming's face was calm, he looked up at the big red king in front, and said at this moment: "From just now until now, you have been standing there, even if your own child died in front of you, did you not feel the slightest bit of indifference?"

"It's just a child, and if it dies, it will die..."

The Great Red King shook his head, looked up at Chen Ming in front of him, and smiled on his face: "In this king's life, besides this one, there are more than 300 children. It doesn't matter if this one dies..."

"It's you, the strange descendant of Emperor Chen..."

(End of this chapter)

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