Sweeping the world

Chapter 432 The Essence of a Sage

Chapter 432 The Essence of a Sage
"It's you, the strange descendant of Emperor Chen."

Da Chi King stood in that corner, tall and tall, just stood there, looked at Chen Ming in front of him and said lightly: "It's quite rare to have such a powerful source in your body. It's also a pity."

"I'll give you a chance."

"Put down the sword in your hand, and then leave with me, worship at the foot of this seat, worship me as a foster father, and I will let you live."

He said lightly, looking at Chen Ming in front of him with admiration in his eyes.

"Let me worship you as foster father, you really dare to think."

Chen Ming's face was calm, and his tone was very flat at this moment, without the slightest turmoil: "What you want is for me to take the initiative to put down the magic weapon in my hand, so that I can be better taken down later."

"You don't need to say anything, just make a move..."

He raised his head and looked forward, looking at the big red king in front of him, and said so lightly at this moment.

"Don't eat and drink a toast..."

The Great Scarlet King shook his head, looking at Chen Ming in front of him, with murderous intent in his eyes.

He didn't care that Chen Ming saw through his intentions.

It's just some small means. It's good to be successful, but it doesn't matter if you can't.

As a sage, he is confident enough to suppress everything, even if the golden long sword in front of him is very strange, suspected to be the imperial soldier left by the ancient emperor Chen, he is not afraid.

After all, judging from the situation in front of him, it was obvious that the emperor soldier had some accidents, and he didn't have the unique aura that belonged to the emperor soldier. Instead, he looked very ordinary, just like an ordinary long sword.

In front of his eyes, although Chen Ming's cultivation base is strong, he has reached the realm of celestial phenomena, and he is only one step away from a sage, but to him, a real sage, it is nothing.

His strength is enough to suppress everything, even if it is an existence at the peak of astronomical phenomenon, he can't pass a few moves in front of him.

Therefore, he didn't say anything more to Chen Ming in front of him. He directly reached out his hand at this moment, and just grabbed it.

A faint sound erupted at this moment, and as he stretched out his hand, the world in front of him suddenly began to change.

In Chen Ming's eyes, at this moment, the surrounding flowers, plants and trees began to change, and there seemed to be thread after thread continuously emerging. The original colorful appearance was continuously peeled off, leaving only a little bit of essence.

It was a track one by one, and it was obvious one by one at this moment, and it was displayed so heartily at this moment, it appeared in front of Chen Ming's eyes, and he was directly in his eyes.

Then at this moment, with the shot of the Great Red King in front of him, Chen Ming felt that a unique change was taking place in his body, as if his own existence was shaken by some force, and he was a little unstable at this moment .

In an instant, the flesh and blood in his body began to collapse. At this moment, the foundation of the entire body seemed to no longer exist, and the entire body seemed to collapse directly.

And at this moment, the golden emperor soldier in his hand began to glow slowly, and a force in it slowly spread to Chen Ming's body, making Chen Ming's body that was constantly collapsing began to stabilize.

Therefore, at the moment in front of him, facing the offensive of the Great Scarlet King in front, Chen Ming was still calm. At this moment, he took a deep breath and raised his right hand directly, the golden emperor soldier in his hand exuded a faint brilliance.

The blood aura that belonged exclusively to the Emperor Chen family was diarrhea, covering all directions at this moment, faintly covering the surrounding land.

An inexplicable force affects the nature of the world around it, opposing the power of the sage ahead.

These two forces confront each other, and the final result is that everything in front of them has not changed in the slightest.

The surrounding world is quiet, without the slightest change, everything is just like before, nothing happened at all.

"Is that so..."

Sensing everything in the world around him, a kind of enlightenment emerged in Chen Ming's heart, as if he had vaguely understood something.

It is also a great experience for Chen Ming to face the offensive of the sages without dying.

In the short moment of confrontation just now, he seemed to have grasped part of the essence of the realm of sages and understood some things.

The essence of a sage has already transcended the mundane, and has reached a very high critical point.

Just like what Luanmo said in the past, at this level of sages, the focus is no longer on the manipulation of external forces, but on the essence of reality, on the rules of operation of everything in the world.

Only by truly mastering the rules of the movement of the heaven and the earth, and comprehending the fundamental principle of the movement between the heaven and the earth, can one truly understand the Sacred Heart and be promoted to this realm.

Therefore, after reaching this level, ordinary power manipulation is no longer important, what really matters is its own essence.

If they want to, of course they can stir up the situation in a single thought and cause an indelible impact.

But for them, this is no longer necessary.

Everything is carried out quietly, if you can resist it, nothing will happen, but if you can't resist it, then it will be turned into ashes in an instant, and there is no room left at all.

With Chen Ming's current nature, facing the first-level offensive of the Great Red King in front of him, he certainly couldn't stop it.

However, with the imperial soldiers in hand, the offensive of the Great Red King in front seemed insignificant.

The golden emperor soldier was extremely brilliant, and at this moment he had gradually merged with Chen Ming.

There was an extremely close connection between the two, and at this moment they almost shared each other's essence, thus forcibly elevating Chen Ming's essence.

If the Great Red King wanted to wipe out Chen Ming's essence, it meant that he had to wipe out the essence of this imperial soldier as well.

And this is obviously not something a sage can do.

It was also because of that that under the attack just now, Chen Ming appeared to be unscathed, and at this moment he was still standing there without any ups and downs.

"That sword..."

The Great Red King frowned, and looked at Chen Ming in front of him, with an uncertain expression on his face.

Then his eyes gradually shifted, and gradually moved to the golden long sword in Chen Ming's hand.

In his induction, the golden long sword looked very ordinary, there was nothing unusual on it, it was as ordinary as an ordinary long sword.

But at that moment just now, this golden long sword erupted with terrifying power, making the attack of the Great Scarlet King disappear, and it was wiped out invisible.

This strong contrast made people feel surprised, but at the same time, it made him unconsciously feel fear.

"The emperor soldiers of the Emperor Chen clan have long been lost, is it really beginning to recover at this moment..."

This thought flashed in his mind, then his face became calm, and he continued to attack.

This time, he no longer held back the slightest shot, no longer tried like before, and went all out when he shot directly.

The terrifying vitality of heaven and earth rolled in, and at this moment, it was condensed in front of your eyes. Under the control of that sage's power, it turned into the deadliest blade, the deadliest weapon, and fell towards Chen Ming.

At the same time, the essence of a sage was also swung down, and at this moment, it slashed fiercely at Chen Ming's body, as if cutting off the essence of his body, completely obliterating him here.

This is not only the obliteration of the essence, but also the oppression of the external world.

In the field of martial arts, the power of heaven and earth can be borrowed, which is the instinct of warriors themselves.

And after reaching the realm of sages, with the ability of the Great Scarlet King, once he starts to draw the vitality of the world, the results that can be caused will naturally be even more terrifying.

At this moment, the territory of hundreds of thousands of miles began to collapse, and all the essence in it was extracted by a force, turned into pure power, and rushed forward at this moment.

In the middle of the sky, streaks of purple thunder began to gather, and there was a dense thunderstorm among them, as if a terrifying thunder of destruction was brewing and was about to fall.

In the surrounding world, a scene of world destruction began to appear one after another, which made people feel extremely shocked at first glance.

Standing in the center of this storm, at this moment, feeling everything in the world around him, Chen Ming barely stabilized his body, and at this moment, he couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency in his heart.

After all, a sage is a sage, no matter what he says, he is also an existence beyond the sky.

After reaching this level, the existence of sages has surpassed the mundane, far above the celestial phenomena.

Only relying on Chen Ming's strength to face the big red king in front of him, he didn't even have the ability to fight back.

But even so, he didn't seem panicked in his heart.

The source power still exists in him, as long as he wants to, he can use the source force to strengthen himself to an unfathomable level at any time.

At the same time, his own ability can still be used. As long as he uses his own ability, he can leave this space at any time and teleport to other areas.

However, it is clear that things are far from that point.

In his hand, he seemed to sense the surrounding situation, the golden long sword began to tremble slowly, and a faint power began to emerge from it, erupting in the surrounding world.

A burst of silent power began to appear continuously, like an invisible but real hand, smoothing everything in the surrounding world in an instant.

In an instant, above Chen Ming's body, purple-golden blood energy soared into the sky, behind him the majestic Martial Dao domain unfolded at the same time, and a strange phenomenon emerged at the same time.

A stalwart was tall and majestic, as if the figure of the ruler of the world appeared behind Chen Ming. At this moment, it was covered with purple-gold blood, and a majestic aura of Emperor Chen's blood erupted from him.

It was as if the God of Heaven had descended.

(End of this chapter)

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