Sweeping the world

Chapter 436 Influence

Chapter 436 Influence
The golden light shines on the sky and the earth, and this one shines on the entire world, turning this world into a golden ocean.

In the blink of an eye, the golden imperial soldier held by Chen Ming began to glow slowly, and the power inside it completely exploded, and the terrifying power belonging to the imperial soldier rushed forward directly.

In an instant, the terrifying power surged forward like a storm like a tide, striking directly at the target ahead, as if wanting to kill it directly.

Then under the impact of this force, the Great Scarlet King could no longer maintain his previous figure, and at this moment his whole body began to become unstable.

His body began to distort, and at this moment he seemed a little confused. Inexplicable forces began to emerge from the wounds all over his body, entangled on his wounds, and hindered the healing and recovery of the wounds.

Feeling all this afterward, a feeling of uneasiness rose in his heart, and at this moment he was more tense than ever, and his whole body was focused on the front, and at this moment he concentrated on peeping forward, trying to suppress Chen Ming.

But the power that erupted afterwards told him something abruptly.

He thinks too much.

The golden long sword held in Chen Ming's hand in front of him has been in a state of recovery since the very beginning, but it was not activated before that.

But at this moment, under Chen Ming's active promotion, that golden emperor soldier erupted with unrivaled power, and the power in it overflowed, making him, a sage, start to tremble instinctively. are stirring.

His body began to be washed away continuously, and at this moment, it turned into a little bit of blood and fell directly.

The earth began to become dark, and the surrounding world seemed to become hazy. This moment seemed extremely unique.

At this moment, in the eyes of the Great Red King, all the scenes in the surrounding world have been blurred, and only the figure of Chen Ming in front of him and the golden long sword in his hand are left in front of him.

Then the next moment, in the blink of an eye, the golden long sword swayed suddenly, and disappeared in the next moment.


He froze for a moment, subconsciously froze at this moment, then looked down at his chest.

Waves of pain continued to come from his chest. At this moment, before he clearly saw his chest, a big hole had been pierced, and a golden long sword pierced out of it, directly from his chest cavity. Penetrating, piercing his entire chest with a big hole.

And above the golden long sword, a faint power of the magic weapon is slowly rising, penetrating into his body along his wound, and rippling on his body.

Even the essence of a sage began to tremble at this moment. Feeling the power possessed by the emperor soldier at this moment, he had to start trembling. At this moment, an inexplicable feeling emerged all over his body, being held by something In general, there is no way to move at all.

His power was directly suppressed in an instant, and he couldn't move the whole body at this moment. At this moment, he was not so much a living sage as a sculpture.

In his body, accompanied by the concurrent wounds, the golden imperial weapon is extremely brilliant and sacred at this moment, but there is a faint blood color in it.

The golden blood was flowing at this moment, and drops of blood continued to flow out of the body of the Great Scarlet King. At this moment, it was like rivers flowing downwards, and there was no way to stop them.

In the blink of an eye, at this moment, the entire body of the Great Scarlet King was frozen there. At this moment, his whole body was frozen by a terrifying force, and he couldn't move there.

This is only the appearance on the surface, but in the deeper realm, inside his body, a golden light has already shone in it, and at this moment it is like a sharp magic knife slashing down.

boom! !

A crisp crackling sound continued on the spot.

Not far away, under the watchful eyes of the old man and Chen Qingling, the body of the Great Red King in front of him began to crack, and cracks began to appear one after another on his intact body.

Just like an undamaged statue began to have accidents, at this moment on the body of the Great Scarlet King, cracks began to appear one after another, and began to surface on his body.

At the beginning, these cracks were very faint and sparse, and they couldn't be seen at first glance. Even with Chen Ming's vision, he needed to pay close attention to them before he could see any clues.

But as time passed, with the continuous blessing of the emperor's soldiers, the cracks on Da Chi King's body became bigger and longer, and in the end there was almost no way to stop it, and it was just shown at this moment .

boom! !

A faint roar continued to sound on the spot. At this moment, a handful of golden imperial soldiers fell directly, and the body of the Great Scarlet King in front of him was directly shattered. At this moment, the blood from all over his body dripped onto the surrounding ground, splashing I don't know how many thousands of miles of land.

At the same place, in this huge blocked land, at the moment when the body of the Great Red King collapsed, at this moment, I don't know how many people looked up at the same time, and looked at the direction of the Emperor Chen clan at the same time.

At this moment, with the fall of a sage, various strange changes began to take place in the entire ancestral land of the Emperor Chen clan.

A purple blood energy soared into the sky, and at this moment it turned into a sky pillar, standing there like a sky pillar supporting the heaven, earth and sky in the beginning of ancient times. It is incomparably magnificent and vast at a glance.

And within this celestial pillar, there seems to be faint sounds of curses coming from it, and there is a faint scene of a majestic figure falling into the abyss, falling on the earth.

"The heaven and the earth have changed, this is the fall of the sage..."

One after another suspicious voices kept ringing in the blocked land. Looking at the vision that emerged above the Emperor Chen clan at this moment, I don't know how many people looked horrified, and they didn't know what to say at this moment.

Feeling the change that happened in the Emperor Chen clan, looking at that sky pillar rising into the sky, as if boundless, at this moment, I don't know how many people feel the throbbing of the heaven and the earth, feel that An unusual pulsating breath.

The impact of the fall of a sage is extremely terrifying. At this moment, I don’t know how many people were awakened. At this moment, they woke up from a deep sleep and stared blankly at the direction where the descendants of Emperor Chen were. That aura changed his face in an instant.

Standing in the same place in the ancestral land of the Emperor Chen clan, Chen Ming raised his head and looked at the corpse of the Great Red King, indifferent and speechless at this moment.

The aura on his body was very stable. After suppressing the Great Scarlet King at this moment, the golden emperor soldier in his hand appeared extremely brilliant. Not only did the power in it not decrease in the slightest at this moment, it appeared even more terrifying and powerful.

Of course, this is just an appearance.

In fact, after the blow just now, the power left by Emperor Chen has been consumed a lot at this moment.

Now the power contained in the emperor soldier seems to be more radiant, but in fact it's just that the power in it has been stimulated, so it looks more active.

Although the power left by the ancient emperor Chen is powerful, after countless thousands of years of tempering at this moment, the power left behind will inevitably begin to suffer some damage.

According to Chen Ming's estimate, the sword that was sent out just now, which is enough to kill the existence of a sage, judging from the power contained in the emperor's army at this moment, he can only make two more strikes at most.

That is to say, he still has two chances to launch a lore, to launch an attack that is enough to kill a sage.

To a certain extent, this is a trump card, a method that will not be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

But no matter what, in front of us, with the fall of the Great Red King, the greatest crisis that the entire Emperor Chen family has encountered has finally been declared resolved.

"it is finally over……"

The old man looked at the big red king who fell on the ground in front of him, and looked at his shattered corpse. At this moment, tears welled up in his eyes, and his heart was extremely excited.

From the beginning to the present, he didn't know how long he had been waiting for today's scene.

Originally, he thought that it would be impossible for him to see this scene in front of him again in his life.

But he didn't expect that he still had the opportunity to truly see the moment when the Emperor Chen clan rose up and beheaded the king of the god clan to the ground.

The emperor soldiers of the Emperor Chen clan had already recovered at this moment, and they displayed their supernatural power, beheading the king of the god master directly to the ground.

And this kind of performance also means that the rise of the Emperor Chen clan will be unstoppable.

With the protection of the emperor's soldiers, it is invincible above the innate. If there are no major accidents, it is enough to face all unexpected situations.

Even if the power left by the former emperor Chen is exhausted in the emperor's army that has been completely revived, the revival of its own divine soldier's spirit is enough to be worthy of a sage.

And a sage, under normal circumstances, is already extremely powerful.

Thinking of this, the old man couldn't help but burst into tears. He was so excited and excited at this moment that he felt an urge to cry.

Beside him, Chen Qingling stood there quietly, still holding the silver spear in her hand, her face was also a little excited and flushed at this moment.

The members of the Emperor Chen clan were all very excited at the moment.

This is caused by long-term depression.

I don't know when, in this entire blocked land, the Dichen clan has gradually declined, to an extremely weak point.

As the king of the entire blockade, it can be said that he has enjoyed all the glory in the entire blockade. During these countless years, it can be said that he has oppressed the Xuanyuan clan in various ways.

Some people even forcibly married the emperor daughter of the Emperor Chen clan more than ten years ago, the king of the gods, the great red king.

This incident can be described as a great shame and humiliation for the entire Emperor Chen family, and it is enough to remember for a lifetime.

At this moment, all the shame and aggrievedness of the past have finally been swept away.

This can't help but make them feel excited and excited, and they can't help being excited at this moment.

At the moment in front of them, they stood there and raised their heads, staring at Chen Ming in front of them with fiery eyes.

Sensing the fiery gazes around him, Chen Ming's face was calm, and he was standing quietly on the altar at this moment, holding the golden emperor sword in his hand.

Standing there, he looked very calm at this moment. Feeling the gazes of the people around him, he didn't say much, but turned around silently and looked at the old man.

"Is everything ready?"

"Already prepared."

The old man's face was flushed, and he nodded emphatically at this moment: "The altar needed for teleportation is ready, and most of the clansmen can be teleported directly with just one order."

"Shall we leave this place now?"

Looking at Chen Ming in front of him, he asked.

"Don't be so anxious..."

Chen Ming shook his head, looked at the old man and said calmly at this moment.

"The Great Scarlet King has fallen here, the most urgent matter has been resolved, and we still have plenty of time, so we don't have to be as nervous as before."

"You continue to collect materials as before, and continue to build the teleportation altar until you can teleport everyone out."

"As for the others, leave them all to me."

He looked at the old man in front of him, and said so lightly.


The old man's face was very excited. At this moment, he looked at Chen Ming in front of him and nodded respectfully. Without the slightest doubt, he just turned around and walked to the side.

Things were arranged so slowly, everything was in order, and it was proceeding slowly.

During this period of time, the fall of the Great Scarlet King gradually became apparent, and its influence began to emerge in the entire blocked land.

During this period of time, there were a large number of people walking on the ancestral land of the Emperor Chen clan almost all the time.

These are spies sent by other forces. At this moment, they are directly surrounding the Dichen clan, looking for various news.

After the news came out that the Great Red King had fallen among the Emperor Chen's clan, it can be said that the entire blocked land was directly shocked at this moment.

As the descendants of the ancient emperor Chen family, the Emperor Chen family has always attracted the attention of all parties. It can be said that their own details have already been investigated by the major forces.

As for the king of the gods, Dachi King, as a sage in the world, all the traces of his growth can be traced. He can be called the supreme powerhouse. He suppressed the entire blockade for countless years, and he is also extremely powerful.

Such a character fell into the ancestral land of the Emperor Chen clan. It can be said that it immediately aroused the situation in all directions, and all the big forces couldn't help but be affected. They couldn't help sending out spies from their own forces. It is necessary to determine the details of the Emperor Chen family.

(End of this chapter)

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