Sweeping the world

Chapter 437 The New World

Chapter 437 The New World
The influence in the blocked land is still continuing, and it is still fermenting at this moment, causing a commotion in all directions.

However, Chen Ming didn't care about these.

At this moment, he is standing in the ancestral land of the Emperor Chen clan, where he is gradually realizing the inheritance contained in the Emperor Armor.

The inheritance contained in the emperor's army is extremely rich, and it is like an incomparably huge database. At this moment, it is open to Chen Ming in front of him without any cover.

Back then, when the Emperor Chen left the imperial soldiers in his hands, it seemed that he did not directly leave the imperial soldiers, but injected all the knowledge he had learned in his life into the imperial soldiers.

While endowing the Emperor Armor with great power, it also makes the inheritance contained in the Emperor Armor extremely rich. Just the Emperor Armor itself is like an extremely huge database that can be consulted by future generations.

It can be said that even if the power contained in the Emperor Armament itself is excluded, the inheritance left over from it is already a priceless treasure.

After defeating the Great Scarlet King, Chen Ming hid in the ancestral land of the Emperor Chen clan, where he quietly felt the message contained in the Emperor's soldiers.

At this moment, after experiencing the battle between Cai and Sage just now, he has reached the peak of Tianxiang at this moment, and his current strength is only a corner away from the final state of Sage.

This level was the peak strength of Chaos Demon back then.

According to what Luan Mo said before, he spent nearly ten thousand years in this realm before he finally found a chance, but he fell before he succeeded in catching it.

And with the foreshadowing of chaos and demons, Chen Ming had a faint understanding of the next road at this level.

Sages are a group of people who master the truth between heaven and earth.

They grasp the truth between heaven and earth, grasp the laws of operation between heaven and earth, and contain these things in their own bodies. Only when they truly understand all these can they be regarded as a true sage.

If one cannot comprehend the truth between heaven and earth, and cannot grasp the law of the movement of heaven and earth, then no matter how powerful or terrifying one's own power is, one cannot be regarded as a true sage.

Chen Ming is now stuck on this step.

At this moment, with the seeds of the world and the blessing of supernatural powers, if he wanted to, he could raise his own power to an extremely terrifying level at any time, reaching a level very close to that of a sage.

But if he can't understand the Sacred Heart, if he can't comprehend the truth between heaven and earth, he won't be able to truly be promoted to success and become a sage.

For ordinary people, this process is extremely difficult, just like the chaotic demons in the past, it took a full ten thousand years to get stuck at this level before there was a glimmer of light.

But fortunately, before the emperor Chen left, he very thoughtfully contained a body of Dao fruit in the emperor soldier.

As long as one slowly comprehends the message contained in the emperor's soldiers, and slowly comprehends the inheritance left by the Emperor Chen's back then, and accumulates over time, as long as one's qualifications are not too bad, sooner or later one will be able to touch a glimmer of light.

But for Chen Ming, this speed was still too slow.

"The truth between heaven and earth..."

Sensing the message contained in the Emperor Armament, combined with everything that Luan Mo had told him before, Chen Ming fell into deep thought.

If you want to comprehend the truth between heaven and earth, the best way is of course to be between heaven and earth, and follow the movement of heaven and earth to trace back, and constantly comprehend in the process.

In this way, combined with the inheritance contained in the emperor's army, the speed of comprehension will be faster when the two are combined.

Thinking of this, thoughts circulated in his heart, and at this moment he slowly made a decision.

After informing the members of Emperor Chen's clan, Chen Ming continued to sit in the blockade.

Because of the prestige of the fall of the Great Scarlet King, during this period of time, although the major forces have sent spies to the surroundings of the Emperor Chen clan, wanting to inquire about the situation, but few really dare to act.

Before the real reason for the fall of the Great Scarlet King was found out, no one dared to act in advance, for fear of touching that mysterious existence and causing himself to be killed.

Therefore, although the four weeks seemed very lively during this period of time, it did not pose much threat.

Of course, this situation is only temporary.

With the passing of time and the continuous testing of people around, sooner or later someone will really try to do it, trying to test the details of the Emperor Chen's family.

At that time, it is another kind of trouble.

Therefore, at this moment in front of him, even though he had already made up his mind, Chen Ming hadn't left immediately, and was still sitting in the Emperor Chen's clan, standing quietly among them.

In this way, time passed slowly, and soon half a year later.

In more than half a year, the preparations for the entire Emperor Chen clan have been made.

The altar for teleportation has been successfully built. As long as Chen Ming gives an order, the entire Emperor Chen clan can be directly teleported and moved into the mysterious world at any time.

But at this time, the entire Emperor Chen clan was not in a hurry.

Owning the teleportation altar meant that they always had the hole cards to get out of the way at any time, and naturally they didn't need to be afraid of anything at this moment.

At this moment, not only did they not feel as urgent as before, but they wanted to stay in the blocked place for as long as possible.

After all, after leaving the blocked land, some unique substances and materials that can only be produced in the blocked land can no longer be found in the outside world.

If you don't take advantage of this time and seize the opportunity to scrape in the blocked land once, after you get to the outside world, I'm afraid these materials will be fried to the sky.

It was precisely with this thought in mind that during this period of time, the entire Emperor Chen clan changed their previous conservative attitude and took action in the blocked land, spending a lot of money, purchasing in various places, and letting those who were watching around The forces were a little stunned, not understanding what happened.

Under such circumstances, Chen Ming also left the Emperor Chen clan.

At the moment when the teleportation altar was built, Chen Ming gave the coordinates of the outside world to the members of the Emperor Chen clan, allowing them to have the ability to advance and retreat on their own, and then left with peace of mind.

Accompanied by flashes of purple light, Chen Ming's figure gradually disappeared from the same place, and at this moment, it quickly blurred and disappeared directly from this place.

In a hazy and dark world.

Activated his own abilities from the blocked land, and Chen Ming came to another world in an instant.

There was a desert in front of him, and the surroundings were quiet, appearing extremely barren.

On the ground, there are some sparse weeds growing, just experiencing the baptism of wind and sand, growing tenaciously on the ground.

And among the surrounding mountain peaks, there is a strange aura appearing.

"This world looks weird..."

Standing in place, feeling the strange aura rising around him, Chen Ming froze for a moment, talking to himself at this moment.

In the world around him, he felt a unique and strange atmosphere.

This strange aura was extremely unique, somewhat similar to the Xie Mei that Chen Ming had encountered before, but with some subtle differences.

But in the final analysis, this is a kind of uncomfortable information, which is definitely harmful to ordinary people.

"Another special world..."

Feeling the evil aura constantly rising around him, Chen Ming shook his head, muttered to himself, and then walked out casually.

Accompanied by his actions, in the surrounding world, a vague sense of repulsion is constantly rising.

This time shuttle, he didn't simply travel through the soul, but directly brought his entire body together.

The aura that belonged to another world was undoubtedly displayed, and it was sensed by the providence of this world, so at this moment, it began to instinctively reject it.

However, Chen Ming didn't care about these, and even accepted them happily.

The purpose of his coming to this world is precisely because of these.

If you want to go further from the level of celestial phenomena and truly reach the realm of sages, you need to understand the essence and truth between heaven and earth.

Entering other worlds and bearing the suppression of the will of the whole world is itself a process of comprehending the essence of the world.

In this environment suppressed by the will of the world, it is the most suitable time to comprehend the essence of heaven and earth.

Under such circumstances, Chen Ming could go a step further and comprehend everything about the sages and sages through the inheritance carried in the emperor's soldiers at the fastest speed.

It is precisely because of this that this time, he did not use his own abilities to help cover up, but just came into this world and endured the oppression of the world.

Under the oppression of the world, he walked slowly towards the surroundings, without the slightest concealment of his divine power.

He lifted his steps and walked around. In an instant, his figure was like a purple sun, piercing the sky and illuminating the surrounding area.

Then he came to a huge city.

The city in front of me looks very old, somewhat similar to ancient times.

Everything in it looks very old, somewhat similar to the ancient decorations of Chen Ming's previous life.

"Hasn't civilization developed to that point..."

Looking at the scene below, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind, and he said so in his heart at this moment.

In the city in front of him, he didn't feel any extraordinary presence.

Not only does it not have any extraordinary aura, even some stronger life entities do not exist.

It looks very ordinary, nothing unique.

Feeling this, Chen Ming shook his head, then continued to walk towards the next place.

Soon, in just a short period of time, he traveled through dozens of cities one after another, almost spanning the entire world.

After traveling through such a long region, he finally determined that the world in front of him was nothing more than an ordinary world, and there was no trace of any extraordinary person at all.

(End of this chapter)

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