Sweeping the world

Chapter 439 Searching for the Ancient God

Chapter 439 Searching for the Ancient God
"What the hell do you want to do?"

The woman took a deep look at the middle-aged uncle in front of her, with doubts on her face at this moment: "Wake up the god that existed in ancient times and let him purify the world. How can you be confident that that god will help you do all this? "

The gods that existed in ancient times were not puppets. Although, as a person who knew a lot of inside information, the woman firmly believed that the ancient gods and men were real, but it didn't mean anything.

Even if the ancient gods existed, would they definitely do something for them?

He is not a puppet, but a real god, so why should he help mortals like them?
"Of course I know, but it's a hope after all, isn't it?"

The middle-aged uncle in front of him had a wry smile on his face. He seemed to think of something at this moment, and he gritted his teeth: "Those weird existences have hurt us deeply enough so far."

"Yu Jingjing, as a member of that family, you must be very clear about those weird things."

"Otherwise, the members of your family wouldn't be in your grandfather's generation, so they would have moved to this Black Mountain."

He stared fixedly at Yu Jingjing in front of him, and said calmly.

Yu Jingjing fell silent for a moment.

But in front of him, the middle-aged uncle did not stop his words, and continued to speak there.

"From decades ago, with Montenegro as the center, all cities within tens of thousands of miles nearby have developed very well. A large amount of capital and a large number of people have flowed into this area, making this place develop more and more good."

"Economists believe that this place has no room for good economic development at all, and does not have the conditions to attract foreign capital. According to common sense, it should not develop like this."

"But people who really know what this place means will not have the slightest surprise..."

"According to the legends back then, Black Mountain is very likely to be the place where the ancient gods and men slept..."

"The ancient man of God slept in this place, and the aura from his body overflowed. Although there was no instinct to target, it still purified everything around him, so that the strangeness could not cause trouble near the Black Mountain, thus forming a sacred place... ..."

"It is precisely because of this that a large number of capital and top families have migrated to the vicinity of Montenegro to seek the protection of the ancient gods..."

"After all, in the face of a unique existence like Weird, all we can do is to move to the vicinity of Montenegro to seek the protection of that ancient god."

"Especially for some families that are haunted by weirdness."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and there seemed to be deep meaning in the eyes of the woman in front of him.

Immediately, Yu Jingjing in front of her eyes also changed, and she seemed to understand something at this moment.

"According to what I have learned from my investigation, there was a change in your family decades ago. Most of the family with hundreds of people died overnight, leaving only your grandfather." A lucky one survived."

"And after that, your grandfather didn't dare to stay outside. He just hugged your father who was young at that time, and ran directly to the vicinity of Montenegro. That's how he survived."

"I don't know what I'm saying, right?"

Yu Jingjing fell silent for a moment, and opened her mouth at this moment, wanting to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

"Because you ran near the Black Mountain, your family was protected by the breath of that ancient god, so that it was not harmed by the strange."

"But just this, is it really enough?"

The middle-aged man in front of him looked at Yu Jingjing fixedly, and there seemed to be some unique emotions emerging in his voice at this moment: "Although you and your family are blessed by the ancient gods, nothing will happen again, but this way Come, it means that your family will be tied to this black mountain for generations, and you will not be able to escape at all..."

"Just to ask, can you really accept such a result?"

He looked at Yu Jingjing in front of him, and said so.

Suddenly, the place became silent, and there was no sound from the surroundings, and it sounded quiet.

Yu Jingjing was silent for a while, and after a while, she spoke again.

"What can't I accept?"

She raised her head and looked at the middle-aged man in front of her, with a smile on her face at this moment: "I'm just an ordinary woman, I grew up in this place, even if I stay here all my life, what's the point?" ?”

"What is really unacceptable is you and the people behind you, right?"

"you caught me."

The middle-aged man nodded, looked at the girl in front of him at this moment, and admitted frankly: "Indeed."

"Not everyone can calmly accept the result of being bound in this place, so naturally they want to actively find a way.

"And there are still some people who hate the existence of weirdness and want to find a really feasible way to really eliminate these weirdnesses."

"So they ended up finding me, and I ended up finding you."

"Is this what you think..."

Yu Jingjing sighed softly.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do? What can you bring me?"

"As long as the conditions are right, I don't mind doing things for you."

She picked out her long hair, with a smile on her face at this moment, and said.

Listening to Yu Jingjing's words, the middle-aged man in front of him didn't speak, but smiled and silently raised three fingers.

"300 million?" Yu Jingjing was a little confused.

The middle-aged man shook his head.

"3000 million?" Yu Jingjing's breathing became a little short.

"Do not."

The middle-aged man smiled and shook his head, then put his hands on the table and stood up silently.

"It's a billion."

There was a sudden silence on the spot, the surroundings seemed quiet, and no sound spread out.

Yu Jingjing's face suddenly became flushed, and she even stopped breathing at this moment. Looking at the middle-aged man in front of her, her mind went blank.

At this time, she just wanted to say a word.

"Why didn't you say it earlier!"

Report this number earlier, where are the previous words.

With this sum of money, what can she do.

"Your task is also very simple."

In front of him, the middle-aged man looked at Yu Jingjing in front of him, with a smile on his face, and said lightly: "Use your own ability to help us find the place where the ancient god said to sleep."

"Just do that and the money is yours."

He said so lightly, the voice at this moment is that Jingjing sounds so tall, so stalwart.

It took a lot, half a month later.

Between a high mountain, an expedition team began to explore here.

"Are you sure your map is correct?"

Looking at the surrounding environment, Fan Jue couldn't help showing some doubts in his eyes at this moment.

"If the map handed down by my grandfather is not wrong, then this route is right."

Walking at the front of the team, Yu Jingjing didn't look back, she concentrated on comparing the routes, and said, "You know, from ancient times to the present, although other places have changed a lot, Montenegro Little has changed nearby."

"So this map handed down from ancient times should be generally reliable."

"But this place is too barren, isn't it?"

Fan Jue looked up and looked around, feeling a little dazed at this moment.

The place in front of him seemed ordinary to him, surrounded by mountains and forests, and some weeds, which looked no different from ordinary wild mountains.

Could such a place be the sleeping place of the ancient gods?
"Otherwise what do you think it will be like?"

As if he had guessed Fan Jue's thoughts, Yu Jingjing's voice continued to come from ahead: "The place where the gods sleep, if there is something special that is too easy to find, then how can you and I come here to find it?" ah?"

"It is estimated that someone else discovered it early and dug it out directly..."

Fan Jue was speechless for a while, but felt that what Yu Jingjing said was very reasonable, and was speechless for a while.

They walked on the mountain in front of them for a long time, and after more than a month of searching, they finally found a rough area.

After arriving at this place, the map completely lost its effect, and the last thing he could rely on was Yu Jingjing, who was specially recruited.

These people all have something in common, either they were infected by the aura of the gods in the past, or they have encountered strange attacks, but they survived very uniquely, thus possessing various incredible powers.

After having that unique situation, these people all have some special abilities. Although the effect is not very powerful, they have an extremely strong ability to sense that strange breath.

Because of this, they were specially found by Fan Jue, and began to explore in this place, pinpointing the exact location of the ancient gods.

Of course, for all their uniqueness, their true effects are open to debate.

"In three full months, we have hollowed out dozens of mountains..."

In a large tent, Fan Jue was holding a meeting with a helpless face: "Can you pay attention?"

Opposite him, several people headed by Yu Jingjing were also a little helpless. At this moment, they looked at each other, and they could see the doubt and pain in each other's eyes.

There is no doubt that the anxious situation in front of him is not only a great torture for Fan Jue, but also a pain for them.

"Forget it, don't worry too much..."

Fan Jue looked at Yu Jingjing and the others in front of him, sighed softly at this time, and comforted himself there: "Anyway, so many mountains have been dug, and it is not too late to dig a few more."

"There are so many mountains here, if you dig slowly, you will always find something."

He said so, and he really thought so in his heart.

But at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

(End of this chapter)

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