Sweeping the world

Chapter 440 Sleeping Ancient God

Chapter 440 Sleeping Ancient God

The sound of hurried footsteps came from the outside, and it sounded there at this moment, extremely loud.

Finally, a middle-aged man covered in dust walked in from the outside. His face was excited at this moment, and he looked at Fan Jue in front of him: "Boss, I found something!"

After the words fell, Fan Jue jumped up. At this moment, he quickly looked at the person and asked, "Quickly tell me, what's the matter!"

"Boss, you will know when you go out and have a look."

Looking at Fan Jue and the others in front of him, the man was a little incoherent, and motioned them to go out and have a look.

So, Fan Jue and the others walked out, and then came to a construction site.

I saw that at the construction site, some unusual things were dug out of it at this moment.

Those are pieces of golden crystals, which look very unique, like pieces of beautiful gemstones, beautiful and pure.

Under the sunlight, these gemstones exude a faint golden radiance, just shining on people's arms, looking very beautiful.

"This is……"

Immediately, Fan Jue and the others were startled, staring blankly at the gems at this moment, wondering what they were thinking.

In the end, Fan Jue looked at Yu Jingjing who was on the side, staring at her with some doubts.

Yu Jingjing seemed a little hesitant, but looking at these gems and feeling the aura contained in those gems, she still nodded at this moment.

Immediately, the expressions of the people present changed.

"Dig! Dig for me!"

Fan Jue's face showed joy, at this moment, he looked at the construction team around him, and said loudly: "Call everyone here, within today, I will hollow out this place for me!"

He said loudly, his face was dark at this moment, and he looked extremely serious.

For his seriousness, no one present had any doubts.

Soon, under his order, all the construction teams who were originally scattered around and digging were all mobilized, and at this moment they all came towards the mountain.

Looking at it like this, it seems that he really wants to hollow out this mountain in one day.

Under this unprecedented mobilization, their efficiency is also very high.

The mountain peak in front of me was rapidly descending at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon revealed the scene inside it.

Under their continuous excavation, pieces of golden gemstones appeared continuously in this cliff, before everyone's eyes.

And as they go deeper, the number of these gemstones will increase, making them extremely unique.

The discovery of this kind of gem also inspired them to a certain extent, making them more motivated to dig. At this moment, they were fully fired, moving forward non-stop, and constantly digging.

This went on for a day and a night before it finally came to an end.

"I got it! I got it!"

When the entire mountain peak was completely cut off, the scene below was finally fully revealed.

Fan Jue walked forward with Yu Jingjing and the others. At this moment, he was stunned looking at the scene at the bottom of the mountain. He stared at the front in a daze. He didn't know what to say at this moment.

Below the mountain peak, at this moment, there is a piece of golden gold stone.

And in the center of this piece of golden gems is a golden coffin.

The golden coffin is very bright, with mysterious purple textures engraved on it, which looks very mysterious and has a unique charm.

On top of this golden coffin, there seems to be a unique power circulating in it, which is very beautiful and bright, and at the same time extremely dangerous.

At least because of Jingjing's induction, this golden coffin was almost like a sun, which contained extremely terrifying power, and it might explode at any time, blowing everyone present to pieces.

However, Fan Jue obviously didn't care about it, and even his face was agitated at the moment, ignoring the possible potential danger, he ran forward directly.

"This is the coffin of the gods, and it is normal to be a little dangerous."

He smiled, his face was extremely excited at this moment, and he said to Yu Jingjing and others: "If there is nothing unique about it, then I have to doubt whether this place is real or fake."

He said so, with a strong fanaticism on his face at this moment.

Yu Jingjing and the others could not dissuade them, so they could only walk down with him, watching him open the golden coffin in front of him.

In front of Yu Jingjing, Fan Jue walked up to the golden coffin and pushed the golden coffin hard with both arms.

To the surprise of everyone present, there was nothing unusual about the golden coffin, and it was pushed down very easily, revealing the situation inside.


After seeing the situation inside, everyone present couldn't help but froze, and at this moment they froze in place.

I saw a figure lying quietly in the golden coffin.

It was the figure of a young man, who looked very young, about sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing a white robe, which looked a little old.

He has a handsome face, which has reached the extreme. His face is calm and deep, and his long hair is hanging down. He is lying quietly in that shocking coffin at this moment, looking very serene and calm, with a kind of feeling that makes him People feel the temperament of peace of mind.

When people see it, they can't help but be infected by the breath on their body, and the whole body and mind can't help calming down, all emotions are calmed down, and the only thing left is a kind of peace.

The golden sunlight shone down from the sky, shone in the coffin, and shone on the young man's body, making his skin look fairer. At this moment, it looked like it was cast from white jade, and it looked extremely delicate.

There is an ethereal and quiet atmosphere on the whole person's body, which is unforgettable at first sight.

Just seeing it just now, I can't help but remember it deeply in my heart.

"Is this what the ancient gods looked like..."

Looking at the young man sleeping in the coffin, everyone present was stunned. At this moment, they stared blankly at the figure in the golden coffin, not knowing what to say.

"Is the ancient god still a young man..."

Looking at the sleeping boy in the coffin, Fan Jue also froze at this moment, staring blankly at the figure inside, not knowing what to do.

There is no doubt that the situation in front of him is completely different from what he expected.

He had thought about what this unknown god would look like. It might be a previously unknown appearance, or it might be a sun, or it might not have any form at all.

Unexpectedly, the god in the coffin in front of him looked like a human being, and even looked like a teenager.

And for their arrival, the reaction of the gods in front of them is also somewhat unique.

There was no rejection or welcome, and he maintained an indifferent attitude from the beginning to the end, just sleeping there.

Even though they disturbed the god's sleep, dug him out from the ground, and opened his sleeping coffin, he was still sleeping in it, seemingly unresponsive.

"What should we do now?"

Infected by the breath of the gods, Fan Jue couldn't help but calm down at this moment. He looked at Yu Jingjing and the others aside at this moment, with some doubts in his eyes.

The ancient gods were indeed found, but at this time, the ancient gods obviously didn't care about them, and at this time they still seemed indifferent to their arrival.

This can't help but make people feel puzzled for a while, not knowing what to do.

No matter what purpose they want to achieve, whether they want this ancient god to take action and get rid of all the weirdness in this world, or want to use this ancient god to achieve other goals, there is a premise.

That is, this ancient god-man can show power and do various things with his own power.

But in front of his eyes, this ancient god is still sleeping in it, and at this moment, it is not known when he will wake up.

Can a sleeping ancient god-man still show his power and achieve their goal?

Fan Jue was very skeptical about this.

But to another extent, after seeing this posture of the ancient god man, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

From the heart, Fan Jue and others asked themselves, if they were suddenly dug out by a group of mortals while they were sleeping soundly, I am afraid they would not feel so good.

At that time, let alone agreeing to their request and doing things for them, it would be considered good not to directly destroy them humanely.

In the current situation, the ancient god-man is still sleeping, they are naturally very safe, they will not be destroyed by this ancient god, and they are still in a safe stage.

"So what should we do?"

Fan Jue turned around and looked at Yu Jingjing and the others. At this moment, he couldn't help feeling a little confused: "Should we take this god out directly, or stay here and wait for this god to wake up?"

"Let's just take it out..."

Yu Jingjing frowned. At this moment, she stared blankly at the sleeping boy in the coffin. After a long silence, she said, "Find a safer place and take him out."

"I'll find a way to revive this ancient god."

"Are you sure it's safe?"

Someone expressed concern: "We just dug him out and woke him up from his deep sleep..."

"If this god really wakes up at this time, will he kill us all in anger?"

Hearing this, Yu Jingjing glanced at her in surprise, the look in her eyes was very strange: "You only started to be afraid after doing everything, isn't it a little late?"

"Do not worry."

Without waiting for the person to refute, Yu Jingjing shook her head again, and said at this moment: "The mood of this god should be very gentle, otherwise, we would not be able to dig him out alive."

"With the power of this god, as long as we did a little bit of manipulation when we were sleeping, we, the tomb robbers who will come later, will be cold immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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