Sweeping the world

Chapter 442 The change of terror

Chapter 442 The change of terror
Various visions began to appear in the world.

In just a few months, through the monitoring of all parties, people in this world discovered a unique phenomenon.

Some natural disasters in the world began to intensify, and at this time began to produce some unique effects.

Earthquakes began to come continuously, and in some island countries, volcanoes began to erupt continuously, and natural disasters began to emerge continuously.

It would be fine if it was just a normal natural disaster, but behind these natural disasters, many testing agencies have obviously discovered some unusual places and something behind these natural disasters.

Behind the earthquakes and volcanoes, there are obviously various strange forces driving them. There are obviously no factors that can constitute natural disasters, but they still make these natural disasters happen and cause various effects.

At the same time, in some areas, bursts of black mist also began to rise, with some inexplicable strange aura in it, which made people feel a little unusual.

Once the black mist is generated, it is like a plague. It will infect some people with weaker resistance, causing them to suffer from various strange diseases, and then the infection will start from these weaker people, making them passed on to others.

The whole process is like a plague, which spreads continuously from person to person, and in the end, every area becomes a sick area.

And for this strange disease, people in various places have no suitable method, no matter how many experiments, there is no way to find a suitable solution.

Many medical experts checked these strange diseases in the past, and the final result was that these medical experts and medical staff themselves were suffering from this strange disease.

The continuous development of this strange disease immediately attracted the attention of countless people, and everyone was shocked by it and felt waves of fear.

This strange disease didn't happen in a single area, but it happened in several places all over the world at the same time.

Within the scope of the world, there are black mist rising in several unconnected areas, which seems extremely strange and terrifying at this moment.

This unusual phenomenon instantly caused people to panic, and made everyone feel terrified, feeling that an unusual atmosphere was coming.

Under such circumstances, a large number of terrorists took to the streets, declaring that the end of the world is coming, and started a carnival.

And this result led to even more terrifying chaos.

Regarding this change in the world, Fan Jue and Yu Jingjing didn't understand what happened.

Naturally, they would not believe the rumors of the end of the world, but they could also feel the unusual atmosphere and understand the difference in the world in front of them.

The development of things reached a peak at a certain period.

On a certain night, when people looked up at the sky, they were surprised to find that there were two suns standing side by side in the sky.

Beside the originally golden sun, a bloody moon suddenly appeared at the same time. At this moment, it hung high in the sky, looking extremely strange and unique.

Among them, the blood-colored moon hangs high in the sky, shining on the entire earth like this, slowly emitting a faint blood-colored brilliance, and at this moment, everyone in the entire world can see it.

Whether it is day or night, that round of blood-colored moon always hangs high above the sky, just shining in the whole world.

This unusual phenomenon obviously surprised everyone and felt a kind of unusualness.

The original weird atmosphere became more intense. Among the countries, the talk about the end of the world became more and more popular. At this moment, it was almost impossible to suppress it. No matter how suppressed by the agencies of various countries, there was no way to completely suppress it.

At the same time, one after another, the strange events also tended to erupt. At this moment, almost every moment, one after another, the strange events began to happen.

Faced with this situation, while Fan Jue and Yu Jingjing felt at a loss for a while, they also felt a sense of uneasiness.

They hold the ancient god corpse, which has become a key force at this moment.

But even if the ancient god corpses could suppress the weirdness one by one, there was really no way to support the situation in front of them.

Under the current situation, there are too many strange numbers born in various places.

They looked up, and there were strange births in almost all areas. At this time, they hardly knew where to go.

Faced with this situation, even the two of them felt flustered at this moment, not knowing what to do.

"This situation is clearly unusual..."

In a quiet room, Fan Jue raised his head and looked at the various forms in the room. At this time, his head was covered with cold sweat, and even his clothes were directly wet.

"I don't need you to tell me..."

Yu Jingjing looked at the materials in front of her, and her face was also very ugly at this moment, she didn't know what she was thinking.

As a group of people who have mastered the corpses of ancient gods, they can receive first-hand information discovered by various countries, and they can understand the seriousness of the current situation better than others.

"Ancient ruins have been excavated in various places, and at this time they began to appear by themselves."

Fan Jue's face was ugly. Looking at the photos in front of him at this moment, his face looked livid: "This is not a relic that was excavated, but a relic that appeared by itself."

"These ancient ruins were originally lying under the ground in good condition, but recently, they appeared one by one spontaneously, which is so weird that it is unbelievable."

"Military forces from various countries went to these ruins and found some unusual things in them."

He took out a lot of documents from the side, found a few photos among those documents, and placed them on the table in front of him.

Those are photos of several unique creatures, and what are revealed on them are several extremely unique creatures.

Some are similar to ants, and some are similar to humans, like a combination of two creatures, which looks extremely weird.

The surface of these unique beings is covered with layers of armor, but they look like humans, with ants on their heads, hideous mouthparts, and several disgusting tentacles growing on their chests. It looks as weird as it needs to be.

Looking at these photos, both Fan Jue and Yu Jingjing looked a little ugly, and they didn't know what to say at this moment.

"What do they want us to do?"

Yu Jingjing's face was very ugly. At this moment, she turned to look at Fan Jue who was beside her, and asked like this.

"They want us to take the corpse of the god over there, and bring it to the ruins for a try..."

"Even if it's possible, they want us to try and throw this corpse of a god directly into that ruin to see if it can have any effect on the lives that exist in it..."

"This is impossible!"

Yu Jingjing spoke resolutely, her face looked very resolute: "There is only one corpse of the God-man, and anyone can know how precious it is. If something happens, there will be no second one."

"Besides, there is only one body of the god-man, but there are so many relics, how do you decide where to throw it?"

She looked embarrassed, and her attitude was very firm at this moment, so she just said that.

"That's what I answered them too."

Fan Jue's face was ugly, and he let out a burst of sighs at this moment: "So they are still arguing, and at this point, I don't know what the result will be."

"Things are getting more and more troublesome..."

At this time, thinking of the current situation, both of them couldn't help sighing, and some didn't know what to do.

After a while, bursts of clear and crisp sounds rang in their ears.

Hearing this crisp sound, the two of them were stunned for a moment, with some doubts on their faces at this moment.

"It's the sirens outside."

There was some hesitation on Yu Jingjing's face. At this moment, she looked up at the outside world, a little confused: "Is this voice...is it on fire?"


Fan Jue raised his head suddenly, and woke up suddenly at this moment: "This is the highest alarm sound, it is definitely not an ordinary fire!"

"Quick!! Let's go out and have a look!"

Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately pulled up Yu Jingjing in front of him, and started running outside without stopping, and immediately ran to the outside world.

Then, they saw clearly what the outside world looked like.

On the streets of the outside world, unique beings with all kinds of strange appearances began to appear, and they appeared at this moment, as if they appeared suddenly.

It was a single creature that looked somewhat like ants, but also somewhat similar to humans, exactly the same as what they saw in the photo.

However, different from the form they saw in the photos before, the unique existence they saw at this moment looked much more terrifying. It appeared in front of their eyes at this moment, causing them a kind of panic. Extremely strong impact.

Moreover, the unique existences that appeared in front of their eyes at this moment were not just one or two, but tens of thousands, an almost inexhaustible number.

On the streets of the outside world, this unique existence began to appear continuously, and at this moment, a deadly killing began in this city.

They were killing in the city, almost killing anyone they saw. At this time, the mouthparts on the head hardly stopped, chewing the flesh and blood of people all the time, and they were stained with a little bit of bloody smell.

There is a bloody smell rising in the whole city, and it is impossible to contain it at this time.


Looking at the situation in front of them, the two were stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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