Sweeping the world

Chapter 443 Horror Life

Chapter 443 Horror Life

"What are these things?"

Looking at the scene in the city in front of them, Fan Jue and Yu Jingjing were stunned. At this moment, they stood there in a daze, not knowing what to say.

To be honest, in these years, both Fan Jue and Yu Jingjing have traveled far and wide, seeing a lot of things along the way, and they can be regarded as well-informed people.

But it was the first time they had seen such an exciting scene before them.

At the moment, the two of them were ashen-faced, staring blankly at the densely packed strange life in front of them, and didn't know what to say at this moment.

It wasn't until the next moment that those strange beings raised their heads one after another, and at this moment, some of the strange beings stared at the two of them, and they suddenly realized, like waking up from a dream, and quickly reacted.

"Come on!"

Fan Jue pulled up Yu Jingjing who was on the side, and quickly walked to the side at this moment, and quickly entered a building, using the complex terrain of this area to avoid those strange lives behind.

"where are we going."

Being dragged forward by Fan Jue, Yu Jingjing hadn't reacted at this time, she stared blankly at Fan Jue in front of her, and said so.

"Let's go to the corpse."

At the moment, Fan Jue's face was livid, and he looked at the terrifying life rolling in behind him at this moment, and said so.

The scene in front of me was terrifying. Thousands of strange beings poured in from the center of the city, and at this time they were killing and looting in the city.

In such an environment, Fan Jue could hardly think of where else they could go, and the only place they could go was where the god corpse was.

Only there is it possible to bring them shelter, and it is possible for them to escape in such a dangerous environment and not be attacked by those terrifying lives.

In an instant, Yu Jingjing on the side also understood her situation, without any hesitation at this moment, she quickly walked towards that place.

They quickly rushed towards the place where the corpse was. At this moment, they were at an unprecedented speed. In just a few minutes, they passed one building after another and came to an empty place.

At this moment, they couldn't help but feel a little rejoiced.

In the past, in order to prevent the divine corpse from being taken away by others, they set the location of the divine corpse not far from themselves, so it is very convenient to escape at this moment.

Not long after, they came to an empty hall.

The main hall looks very empty, there are not many things in it, there are only glass windows one by one, which looks like an exhibition hall.

In the center of this hall, a golden coffin was quietly placed there, and in the coffin, the figure of a young man lay quietly in it.

However, to the surprise of Jingjing and Fan Jue, there were already many people surrounding the hall in front of them.

These people all looked terrified. At this moment, they were all around the golden coffin, with expressions of fear and anxiety on their faces.

Seeing it this way, in this dangerous time, there are not a few people who have the same thoughts as Yu Jingjing and the two of them. At this moment, they all put into action and came to the place where the god corpse is.

Among them, Fan Jue also recognized a few of his acquaintances.

"Sheriff, what's going on!"

He looked at one of the middle-aged men, his face was livid at this moment, and he looked at him and asked.

"Why don't you go out and resist?"

"If resistance worked, would I still be sitting here?"

Beside the golden coffin, the middle-aged man's face was ashen. At this moment, he looked at Fan Jue who was running from a distance and shook his head. He said, "It started last night."

"Since last night, several large holes have been opened in the center of the city, and a steady stream of this kind of strange life has poured out of those holes."

"Then this morning, I received an order to lead people to suppress it, but it didn't work at all..."

"These things are not normal life at all, but existences similar to weirdness..."

Having said that, he paused, his face looked livid, and he didn't know what to say: "They don't have normal flesh and blood organs at all, and ordinary guns hitting him can only temporarily kill them. If it is broken, it will recover soon, and it will not produce much effect at all!"

"So there is no way, I have to let my people evacuate, issue notices in various places, and try to take the people in this city to evacuate safely."

"Safe evacuation?"

Fan Jue's face was livid, and he looked at the middle-aged man fixedly at this moment: "Now those things have poured into the whole city, and they are killing the whole city."

"Is this what you call safe evacuation?"

"Do you think I want this?"

The middle-aged man's face was also very ugly. Looking at Fan Jue in front of him at this moment, he didn't know what to say: "If there is a way to deal with those things, why would I come here to chat with you?"


Fan Jue was furious, and was about to continue to say something.

But at this moment, in the outside world, a burst of crisp sound kept ringing, and at this moment, it rang in the ears of everyone around.

Hearing this voice, everyone present paused for a moment. At this moment, they couldn't help turning around and looking outside.

At the same place, through the optical fiber in the hall, they can clearly see that in the distance, a bunch of strange beings are coming from the outside world, and at this moment, they are slowly walking towards where they are.

Those lives looked extremely ferocious and terrifying. At this time, almost every strange life carried a faint bloody aura. It seemed that they had already killed other creatures.

At this moment in front of them, they seem to feel that the flow of people in this place is beginning to gather, and they are coming to this place one after another. Pairs of bloody eyes are watching this place, and there is a pure desire to kill.

As they approached, bursts of light bang bangs began to resound in place, and gradually reached the ears of everyone present, which sounded extremely crisp.


Fan Jue's face turned livid as he watched the strange life gradually coming to this place from the outside world, and at this moment he didn't even care about arguing with the person in front of him.

At this moment, all the faces on the scene were ashen. At this moment, with some anxiety and tension, they stared blankly at the strange beings constantly coming from the outside world. At this moment, they didn't know what to say.

They wanted to leave this place, to get away from the sight of those strange beings, but at the same time, their reason told them that at this moment, they had no way to escape.

The speed of these strange beings does not seem fast, but in fact their walking speed is far beyond the imagination of others.

With the speed of ordinary people like them, there is no way to deal with these strange beings at all, and they will be caught up by them in the shortest time, and then killed by them.

At this moment, the safest place in the whole city is the current hall.

"Gods that existed in ancient times, please protect us..."

Someone stood on the side of the golden coffin, praying devoutly there. At this moment, his face looked extremely devout, full of deep fear.

They began to pray from the bottom of their hearts, praying that the sleeping person in the golden coffin could recover, show his strength again, and expel those strange existences to ensure their safety.

It was the only thing they could do at the moment, and the only way that seemed promising.

Hearing the bursts of prayers around him, Fan Jue's face turned livid, but he didn't say anything at this time, he just led a few people to block the door of the main hall in front of him, hoping to block the pace of those strange beings.

Then, with a bang bang bang sound, the wooden door of the main hall in front of him vibrated, and then it was directly broken open by those strange beings.

There is no way to stop it for long.

But at this time, Fan Jue and Yu Jingjing had no choice but to retreat silently behind the golden coffin like everyone else, quietly looking at the scene ahead.

Under their nervous gaze, at this moment in the distance, those strange beings are slowly coming, and at this moment they are slowly moving towards the hall.

The surrounding world suddenly became quiet, except for the crisp footsteps of those strange beings in front of him, there was only the sound of heartbeats around him.

The whole hall suddenly calmed down, and even the sound of people's breathing could be heard clearly.

Under their nervous gaze, in front of them, those strange beings slowly raised their steps and walked towards the hall.

They walked slowly into the hall in front of them. It seemed that nothing unusual happened, so they just walked in directly and walked towards where they were.


Looking at the scene in front of them, many people showed despair on their faces. At this moment, they looked at the strange beings walking in front of them, with deep despair on their faces.

"Have the ancient gods abandoned us?"

"God, please open your eyes, these evil beings are trying to disturb your sleep!"

Fan Jue's face was also tense for a while, his eyes were fixed on the strange creatures in front of him, but at this moment, after listening to the words of the people beside him, the corners of his mouth still couldn't help twitching.

Disturb the sleep of the gods?
Compared with these terrifying lives in front of them, it seems that they are the ones who really disturbed the sleeping gods and dug them out of the ground, right?
If the sleeping gods in ancient times really had their own spirituality, after seeing the scene in front of them, I am afraid that they would not bless them, but would turn to support these terrifying lives in front of them?

(End of this chapter)

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