Sweeping the world

Chapter 460 Enlightenment

Chapter 460 Enlightenment

Chen Ming's source power ability itself can travel to and from different worlds.

Of course, if the main body shuttles, if no other means are used, it will be rejected by the world's will, which will lead to various consequences.

When Chen Ming was weak, he was often affected by this incident.

But at this moment, after reaching the level in front of him, Chen Ming already has a way to deal with this kind of rejection by the world's will.

You only need to consume your own source power, bless the traveler with source power, and isolate it from the outside world. In fact, it can prevent it from being suppressed by the world's will and allow it to survive in other worlds safely. down.

And at the moment in front of him, through this method, Chen Ming began to lead other people to shuttle, and gradually came to other worlds.

Yuan Mozun and Yang Ye are all within the scope of his choice.

These people were originally heroes in the mysterious world, and they were talents that never came out of the world. They were all extremely powerful in terms of natural talent and temperament, as well as the source of luck in the dark. It was only limited by time and environment that they did not grow up.

But there is no doubt that the talents and potential of these people are extremely extraordinary, and even under normal circumstances, they all have such a glimmer of hope of being promoted to sages.

But at this moment, under Chen Ming's leadership, their promotion speed has undoubtedly accelerated a lot.

At the moment in front of him, with Chen Ming's continuous shots, Yuan Mozun and the others continued to travel through other worlds, and began to experience continuously.

The flow of time in different worlds is not the same. Sometimes, it is possible that only one year has passed in the mysterious world, while hundreds of years have passed in other worlds.

Therefore, under this different passage of time, Yang Ye and the others are progressing at an extremely rapid speed.

They shuttle between different worlds, experience everything in different worlds, experience slowly in this process, and gradually improve themselves.

During the process of them experiencing different worlds, Chen Ming also continued to take action, gathering heroes from other worlds and pulling them into his own small world to enrich the power of his own world.

Not only the human race, but even some unique races in other worlds, Chen Ming also pulled some of them into his own world, allowing them to continue to multiply in his own world.

In this process, time slowly passes.

Everything in the world began to change, and the whole world had some changes.

Soon thousands of years passed.

For thousands of years, the world has changed extremely rapidly, and the surroundings are changing with each passing day. It can almost be said that new things happen every once in a while.

And in such a long time, the relationship between the human race and the god race has gradually become peaceful.

The foundations of the many imperial families continued to emerge, and one after another sages came out of the ancient regions, re-blooming their own brilliance and revealing their own voices in this era.

And with the birth of those sages, the power of the Protoss gradually shrank, and they began to return to their own secret realm under the oppression of other forces.

In fact, in today's era, there are not only the alien races of the Protoss in the entire mysterious world.

For thousands of years, along with the continuous recovery of the heaven and earth vitality in the world, races in the entire mysterious world began to be born one after another, and this era in front of us has just descended into the mysterious world.

Although no one has specifically counted the number of races that appear in the mysterious world today, there are no less than a dozen of them that can only be called names.

So many races were born together, which naturally made the whole mysterious world extremely lively, and the atmosphere was completely different from the era when Chen Ming was active in the past.

During such a long period of time, the Emperor Chen clan that Chen Ming was born into also began to grow stronger. They continued to multiply during such a long period of time, and now they have grown vigorously and reached a terrifying level.

Because of the recovery of the emperor's soldiers, the newborns in the Dichen clan exploded. At this moment, a large number of babies with the blood of the Emperor Chen are born every year in the entire Dichen clan, which brings a lot of blood to the Dichen clan. A steady stream of fresh blood.

Under such circumstances, the Emperor Chen clan also revived in the mysterious world, gradually revealing their ferociousness during these thousands of years, announcing their own arrival.

All in all, in today's mysterious world, it is no longer the time when Chen Ming just came.

Today's mysterious world is full of a unique atmosphere, there are many powerful warriors, from the powerful sages to the weakest warriors.

And in the world, the ever-recovering vitality of heaven and earth has also reached a peak, and in today's era, it can be said to have reached an extremely terrifying situation.

Even if it is not much different from the ancient world that Chen Ming went to that year, he has really caught up with that world.

Such a brilliant and rich vitality of heaven and earth naturally stimulated a brilliant world.

In every corner of the world, Tianjiao is born every once in a while, showing his ferocity for a long time, and now it has occupied the mainstream of the entire mysterious world.

There are not even less than ten sages.

For thousands of years, the reincarnation of the Buddha King and other sages has already regained their former cultivation base. In this era, they have become sages again, and they truly possess the great power that belongs to sages.

The reincarnated sages returned to their peak one by one, plus the sages born from the god race and other alien races, the number of sages in the entire mysterious world is already quite a lot.

In today's era, some people have deduced what the future of this era will be like.

The final results obtained are astonishing.

Some sages once deduced that the era in front of us will continue the glory of the ancient era, and there will be people of the level of the ancient emperors born in this era, who truly possess that kind of stalwart character.

This kind of statement has been circulated in this era and has been recognized by many people.

Such remarks also aroused the upward hearts of all heroes in this era.

Every hero and arrogance was born in this era, showing ferociousness in every corner, working hard, wanting to get the final chance and become one of the future protagonists of this era.

Facing everything in front of him, Chen Ming's expression was calm, and he just sat quietly in his own world, sitting there peacefully.

Thousands of years have passed, and now, the world that evolved from the world seed has also begun to change.

After Chen Ming's careful cultivation and the hard work of countless people, this small world, which was only equivalent to an ordinary secret realm, has now grown to a very large size.

Although it can't be compared with Xuanjie yet, it is not inferior to the former East Boundary.

It can already be said that it is a real world.

And at this point, a message gradually spread out from the Emperor Armament in Chen Ming's hands and reached Chen Ming.

The imperial soldiers left behind by the Emperor Chen family back then contained the inheritance and information left by the Emperor Chen family back then. Now that Chen Ming has grown to a certain level, it finally began to be fully revealed.

Standing quietly in the center of the world, feeling the message emerging from the Emperor Soldiers, Chen Ming calmly waved his hand.

At the moment in front of him, among the golden emperor soldiers, one after another golden imprints continuously emerged, and they were just revealed in front of Chen Ming's eyes.

Those imprints were incomparably bright and brilliant, and each imprint contained terrifying power, which was just revealed in front of Chen Ming's eyes.

But what is contained in those imprints is an extremely terrifying essential power.

Each imprint contains an essence far beyond that of a sage, and once the essence is revealed, it is enough to make any sage-level figure feel horrified and horrified.

Even at this moment, Chen Ming felt the power contained in those imprints, and couldn't help being horrified, feeling an indescribable terrifying power emerging.

And to make Chen Ming have this kind of reaction at this moment, the owners of these imprints in front of him are probably people at the level of ancient emperors.

"Let me open up the seeds of the world and open up the world in front of me. Is that what I did in the first place..."

Feeling the power contained in these golden marks, feeling the terrifying essence contained in them, a flash of understanding flashed in Chen Ming's heart, and he stood there alone, muttering to himself.

Only at this time did he understand the real purpose of Emperor Chen's letting him open up the seeds of the world.

According to what the Emperor Chen said back then, in the mysterious world at this moment, that extraterritorial demon has stolen the authority of heaven and earth, and in essence, it is enough to represent the outside world.

Before that, the reason why the extraterrestrial demon did not show any traces and did not move was because the outside world had not yet recovered, so it also fell into a deep sleep.

And at this moment, with the continuous recovery of the vitality of the outside world, the extraterritorial demon will also gradually recover, and start to show his feet, revealing his actions in the whole world.

Di Chen and other ancient emperors wanted to deal with that extraterritorial demon in the mysterious world, even if they were ancient emperors, it was not easy.

After all, after stealing the power of the world, that extraterritorial demon now represents the whole world.

Wanting to target that kind of extraterritorial heavenly demon in the mysterious world is equivalent to trying to drive others away in their home field.

Of course, this is not easy, and it can even be said that it is almost impossible.

It is the same even if it is a character at the level of the ancient emperor.

That's why Chen Ming needed to make a move to open up that world seed.

(End of this chapter)

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