Sweeping the world

Chapter 461 Reincarnation

Chapter 461 Reincarnation

It is necessary for Chen Ming to open up that world seed and evolve that world seed into a brand new world.

On the one hand, after opening up a brand new world based on that world seed, it means that those ancient emperors can break away from the restrictions of the mysterious world, stand in the new world, and openly confront those who have stolen the power of the world. The extraterritorial demon shot.

On the other hand, this brand new world created by the seeds of the world is enough to allow the ancient emperor to return again.

The ancient great emperor has long since fallen in this era.

Of course, in fact, when they reach their realm, even if they fall, as long as they think about it, they can recover at any time and return to the current world.

The reason why they didn't do so was only because of the oppression of that extraterritorial demon.

The battle after the ancient times was actually the first time that many figures of the ancient emperor level joined forces to fight against the evil spirit from the outer world.

Back then, many figures at the level of the ancient emperor fought together to fight against the extraterritorial demon who had stolen the power of the world.

The two sides fought in the world, and the world was shattered under the first battle, and the entire complete world was shattered.

It was precisely because of that battle that the originally complete world was shattered, a core area was turned into a mysterious world, and the rest of the fragments were turned into various other worlds.

And after that battle that year, many ancient emperors were suppressed one after another, and the extraterritorial demon who stole the power of the world also fell into silence. .

Until now, this era has gradually recovered.

And after the battle that year, many ancient emperors also realized that as long as they were in the world, they would have no way to really take action against that kind of extraterritorial demons, even if they were defeated, they would have no way to truly exterminate them.

After stealing the power of the world, the extraterritorial demon has already become one with the whole world at this moment, representing the will of the world itself.

To destroy this extraterritorial demon directly means to destroy the whole world to a certain extent.

Therefore, Emperor Chen gave that world seed to Chen Ming to cultivate a brand new world.

At this moment, when the seed of the world was conceived by Chen Ming, it meant the emergence of a new world.

And at that time, many ancient emperors could be reborn in this world, cut off the connection with the past mysterious world, and revived and returned in this world.

At that time, many ancient emperors returned one by one, and at the same time cut off the connection with the past world, so naturally they could calmly attack that extraterritorial demon.

This is the purpose of those ancient emperors.

Standing quietly in place, at this moment, Chen Mingming realized this.

Sitting in the center of the world, feeling the breath of the world constantly emerging, looking at the golden marks in front of him, Chen Ming sighed softly, and then waved his hand.

The mighty power spread instantly, and broke out at the moment in front of him.

The power far surpassing that of the sages emerged at this moment, and then under the urging of Chen Ming's power, a source of power emerged instantly, directly enveloping the golden marks.

Afterwards, Chen Ming directly pushed and sent these golden marks to every corner of the world in an instant.

These golden imprints were sent to every corner by Chen Ming's power, and each rushed towards a region under the traction of instinct, each looking for its own mother body, so as to be born again in this world.

At the same time, in every corner of the world, under Chen Ming's thought, places of good fortune spontaneously emerged one after another. At this moment, all of them flocked to the places where those golden marks fell, providing strength for those who were born in the world.

Under Chen Ming's gaze, those golden imprints fell into the distance, and each one chose a different birth method.

Some people choose to join the ordinary human race, conceived by the mother, and reborn as an ordinary human race.

Some people choose to invest in the mountains and rivers, conceive through the spiritual veins of the heavens, the earth, the mountains and rivers, and then transform into them.

The various methods are different and appear to be extremely unique.

Sensing the reincarnation of these ancient emperors one by one, Chen Ming's face was calm, and he was silently sensing it at this moment.

Silently, he began to mobilize the power in the world, and use the power of the world to protect those ancient emperors, ensuring that they can grow up smoothly and not die halfway.

Those golden imprints are the imprints manifested after the fall of the ancient emperors, and in essence, they represent the last imprints of each ancient emperor.

However, although they represent the ancient emperors, these imprints did not restore their memories of being the ancient emperors before they finally regained their cultivation in the previous life, and each of them was a brand new existence.

Only after obtaining the previous life's cultivation base and re-climbing to the level of the ancient emperor, those imprints will restore the memory of the previous life as the ancient emperor, so as to truly be themselves.

Before that, the existences incarnated by these brand marks may still fall.

After all, even though he is a person of the ancient emperor level, after these imprints are reincarnated, his own talent, temperament, and even talent are unquestionable, and each of them is extremely powerful, even if you look at it through the ages, you can't find a few.

But as long as one day does not really regain the previous life's cultivation level, one day does not really reach the peak, there is still a risk of dying halfway.

What's more, in the world in front of him, Chen Ming's imprint on the world is not one or two, but dozens of people.

Dozens of characters at the level of ancient emperors were put into a world together and born at the same time. Needless to say, the scene in this should be conceivable.

Before retrieving the cultivation base and memory of their previous lives, the reincarnations of these ancient emperors don't know who they are, and they will never hold back one by one on the road of practice. It is not impossible to get rid of it.

Even though they were in Chen Ming's world, even though the reincarnations of those ancient emperors were killed by others and died halfway, Chen Ming could still let them reincarnate again and reincarnate again.

But in that case, after all, it would be a waste of time, and the time spent in one reincarnation is too long.

That's why Chen Ming had to adjust and shorten this time as much as possible, so that these ancient emperor-level figures could return as soon as possible, and return to the world in front of them as soon as possible.

However, this kind of intervention is carried out secretly, not on the surface.

The reincarnation of those ancient emperors will not feel the slightest influence, and they will only think that everything they have experienced on the road of cultivation is due to luck, and will not think it is other things.

Of course, this can also be interpreted as luck, so everything is invincible, and no matter what you do, you can go smoothly.

In fact it is.

After opening up the seeds of the world and opening up the world in front of him, Chen Ming now represents the world, and to a certain extent, he himself is the will of the world.

His will is the will of the whole world, and being favored by him can naturally be said to be loved by the world, and there is God's will in the dark.

This may also be the essence of those with great luck in some worlds.

Of course, compared to the lucky players in other worlds, Chen Ming's shot this time was much more generous.

This is not one or two, but dozens of people with great luck who were born at the same time.

If it was changed to another world of providence, I am afraid that it will go on strike immediately.

Even Chen Ming felt extremely strenuous at this moment. If he was not careful, some omissions might happen, causing those lucky people to die prematurely.

However, this process itself was also a training for Chen Ming.

During this process, Chen Ming's own cultivation base was also slowly improving, and at this moment, it was slowly improving, slowly reaching an extremely high level.

Of course, in reality, Chen Ming's cultivation at the moment has reached an extreme.

After opening up the seeds of the world and opening up the world in front of him, along with the continuous growth of this world, Chen Ming's own cultivation is also constantly improving.

After the world grows, all kinds of feedback during its growth process will be reflected on Chen Ming's body one by one, allowing Chen Ming's cultivation to improve every moment, even if he sits still, he can continue to improve his cultivation .

But at the present moment, after thousands of years, Chen Ming's cultivation has reached the pinnacle of a sage, and he is only one step away from the final threshold.

It is also the level of the so-called ancient emperor.

However, compared to the past, this step is destined to not be so easy to cross the past.

At the present moment, Chen Ming estimates that it will take a long time before he can slowly take the final step under the baptism of time, and truly become a figure comparable to the ancient emperor under the feedback of the world .

After throwing those ancient emperors into the world in front of him, Chen Ming didn't do anything else, just stood quietly in this world, watching those ancient emperors being born one by one.

Soon, under Chen Ming's observation, time passed slowly.

Decades have passed, and among the batch of ancient great emperors back then, some of them have already begun to appear, showing their prominence in the world in front of them.

There is no doubt that among the batch of ancient emperors, the first to be born must be those who were thrown into the human race. They were born directly in just a few years. After decades of growth, they have grown into human beings at this moment. , began to embark on the road of practice.

(End of this chapter)

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