Laughing and Proud's Life

Chapter 141 The Inner Ghost

Chapter 141 The Inner Ghost
At noon, Lin Pingzhi and Lin Liyun escorted Wang Xueshi and Mrs. Wang who was disguised as a man. She felt insecure without her husband, so she had to let her disguise as a man and follow in the team.

"Under Shaolin, Zhu Hongfeng (Zhu Honge, Huo Zhongyi) has met Lin Shaomen."

"Three brothers, this trip is a heavy responsibility, we must be careful."

The three agreed in unison.

Zhu Hongfeng is about [-] years old, with a burly body, a square face, thick eyebrows, single eyelids, and firm lines.He is a master of Shaolin hard skills, and he is good at dragon claws in his fists and feet. His weapon is a cooked copper stick.Zhu Honge is his younger brother, who looks quite similar to him, except that he is a little younger, has a relatively soft temperament, is good at multi-rod fingers, and his weapon is a nine-section soft whip.Huo Zhongyi, on the other hand, has a handsome appearance, dressed as a Confucian scholar, and is good at Shaolin Dazhi Wudingzhi and Dharma Huijian.

"Young sect master, his subordinate is Zeng Yichao from the Henan branch. He has always been in charge of the route from Luoyang to the north, via Kaifeng, Baoding, and the capital. The road conditions are relatively familiar. These bodyguards often take this route."

After a brief introduction, the team set off.

Everyone rode horses, took the official road to the north, and transferred to the ferry boat at the Yiluo River, followed the Yiluo River to the northeast into the Yellow River, and arrived at Kaifeng from the Yellow River. After all, the waterway is the most stable.Moreover, the riverside has a wide view, and if there is an ambush, it is easy to be exposed.And the ship is on the river, and the attack distance on the shore is relatively far.

After traveling on the water for half a day, it was already dark, and it was dangerous to sail at night, so we dropped anchor to rest.

There is dry food on board, and everyone simply settles it on board.Zhu Hongfeng said that he was from the north and was not very used to taking a boat, so he felt very uncomfortable, so he proposed to spend the night on the shore, near the boat, and Zhu Honge said that he would accompany his brother.

After Zeng Yichao asked Lin Ping for instructions, he agreed.

Three shifts.

"Master Wang, why are you still awake? Do you feel uncomfortable on the boat?"

"It's not, I'm just worried that this trip will not go well."

Suddenly, Lin Pingzhi felt the sound of "boom" "boom" and "boom" coming from the bottom of the boat.

"There are water ghosts under the boat, they are digging the boat!"

It was the boatman who reacted first, he still knew something about this kind of thing.

Lin Pingzhi yelled, "Enemy attack!"

Everyone explained the horror, Lin Liyun leaped with Mrs. Wang in his arms and landed on the shore, while Lin Pingzhi flew off the deck with Wang Xueshi.The Zhu brothers who were sleeping on the shore also woke up quickly, took out their weapons, and were on guard at any time.

Some people with good lightness skills in the escort agency also quickly jumped to the shore, only the two boatmen were still on the boat, Lin Liyun made another leap, jumped onto the boat, rescued the two boatmen ashore, and the boatman jumped into the water , and soon swam to the shore.

At this time, the battle is considered to begin.

A group of men in black lit torches and came out from the darkness in the distance, "Fire arrows!"

Following this loud cry, the man in black stuck the torch on the ground, took out his bow and arrows and shot indiscriminately.Some of the people held up their weapons to call arrows, and some held up their shields to protect themselves.

No matter how critical the situation was, Lin Pingzhi never left within three steps of Lord Wang and his wife.Lin Liyun and the three disciples of Shaolin Temple also used the fastest way to kill and ruthless methods to harvest these little guys.

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi never left and had been invited to fight several times, the people who were attacked felt that he was not an opponent at all, and they were helpless, so they consciously summoned their subordinates to leave together.

"Master Young Master, I chose this route, and no one told me about it. Moreover, we changed to a ferry temporarily at the ferry, but our whereabouts were still exposed."

"You mean, there are ghosts in our team?"


"Well then, tomorrow we will divide the team into two teams and distribute them randomly at any time, so that Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang will be with us. Then tomorrow we will announce the route of the other team of virtual soldiers."

At night, Lin Pingzhi and Lin Liyun took turns keeping vigil until dawn, but they were not attacked again.

"Huo Zhongyi, Lin Liyun, you and I, and these fellows continue to take the boat down the Yiluo River. Zhu Hongfeng, Zhu Honge, you and I will lead Mr. Wang on land."

Although there are no horses, these people are all northerners, so they don't feel the pain of seasickness, and they don't feel tired from walking.

Just because Mrs. Wang was there, the speed of the team slowed down greatly.

Originally, I could get to the scheduled place in one day, but now I have only gone two-thirds of the scheduled distance.

In the evening, I arrived at a place where there was no village and no shop, so I had to sleep in the wild.

Lin Pingzhi was by Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Wang's side, the weather was already warm, so no fire was lit, lest anyone pay attention.

In the middle of the night, Lin Pingzhi seemed to hear the sound of clothes being turned over.Lin Pingzhi opened his eyes slightly, and saw a big man flipping Lord Wang's clothes.

"Hmph, as long as I find the ledger and destroy it, then my mission is complete. Lin Pingzhi, it's ridiculous that you thought you were smart enough to send Huo Zhongyi and Lin Liyun away, leaving you alone. How can you protect their safety?"

"Besides, you have already poisoned his food, so it must be successful this time, right?"

Another person next to him was asking him.

"Really? What you're looking for is on me."

The man looked back and found that Lin Pingzhi's long sword was on his shoulder.

"Didn't you be poisoned by me, how could you still be alive? Second child, what are you still doing? Leave me alone, if you do something to Wang Xueshi and his wife, you will set up for my Sun Moon God Sect." Great work."

"Sorry, you've got the wrong person! I'm not Zhu Honge!"

Zhu Honge erased the mask, revealing Lin Liyun's face.

"How could it be you? Lin Liyun! Where's my younger brother Zhu Honge?"

"He has been subdued a long time ago. Our route was so secret yesterday, if there is no ghost inside, I'm afraid it would be difficult to find out. And at night, only your brother went to the shore to rest, so I followed. Your light work is very good, and you ran fifty miles Somewhere outside, people who have found you will sneak attack at night."

"And your younger brother was captured by Huo Zhongyi today, let me pretend to be, let's see what else you can do!"

"Zhu Hongfeng, let's capture him without a fight!"

"Do you think you have already won? Of course there are still our people here."

"Brothers, come out! What are you waiting for?"

Zhu Hongfeng shouted loudly, but there was still no one!
"Where are our people?"

Only then did Zhu Hongfeng realize his dangerous situation, and sweat rolled down one by one.

"You know how to use poison, so I can too! Tonight the moon is bright and the breeze is blowing. I have a kind of poison that can be passed on by the wind. It is colorless and odorless. By the time they realize it, they are already weak and unable to move."

"The three of us have been together, how could you have the opportunity to poison?"

"Wrong, I wasn't the one who poisoned. The team was divided into two teams, but each team was followed by people from Fuwei that I specially arranged. As a bodyguard, I always think Do more and do more to ensure your own safety."

(End of this chapter)

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