Laughing and Proud's Life

Chapter 142 Magical Means

Chapter 142 Magical Means
"You Lin Pingzhi is amazing, and I'm not a vegetarian either!"

Zhu Hongfeng obviously wants to fight the trapped beast!Grabbing the cooked copper stick with one hand, the body backed away slightly.

"No wonder you want to betray Shaolin Temple, it turns out that eating meat in Shaolin Temple is not free!"

Zhu Hongfeng was taken aback when he heard this, and his condensed momentum dissipated slightly. Did I mean that? What I said was that I am very powerful, okay?Besides, lay disciples can't help drinking and meat, as long as they don't use it in temples.

Bah, why do I think these!

Zhu Hongfeng raised his stick with both hands, and smashed Lin Pingzhi's head and face.

Lin Pingzhi did not retreat but advanced, stabbing straight with his sword, but before the sword arrived, a masculine sword energy had already penetrated the sword, directly hitting Zhu Hongfeng's chest, only piercing his clothes, leaving a little white mark on his skin, No harm was done.

"Hahahaha, Lin Pingzhi, did you see that?"

Zhu Hongfeng seemed quite proud of being able to block the attack with his body.

"Where did this go?"

Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly, if this set of kung fu in Shaolin Temple can ignore other people's defenses, it is definitely not certain.At least not just anyone can practice to that level, nor can they completely ignore attacks of the same level or higher, but they can prevent low-intensity attacks and reduce the damage caused by some high-intensity attacks.Otherwise, but with this set of kung fu, Shaolin Temple can run rampant all over the world.

In addition, these kung fu often have some hoods, which are weaknesses, but they are not easy to find.

However, there is no need to worry about that, the saturation attack will do, just greet.

"Li Yun, I can handle it. Go and see what is going on with those poisoned people, especially those with deep inner strength. Don't let them recover on their own."

Zhu Hongfeng's defense is relatively high, but his speed is slightly lacking.It's not that his agility is poor, but that his agility is his relative shortcoming.

For ordinary people, there may not be much danger.It's just that Lin Pingzhi is facing him today, and his attack power and agility are top-notch.

The Lanhua Brush Point Hand, the Luoying Excalibur Palm combined with the Luoying Excalibur, and the Yiyang Finger combined with the Haoran swordsmanship, specially covering Zhu Hongfeng's big acupoints all over his body.In the beginning, there were only white marks, and more and more, some marks were repeatedly attacked, and more and more marks were attacked, and were attacked many times.

The skin was broken, and the powerful Qi and blood spurred the blood in his body to shoot out.

This is like a strong container that can hold more gas, and even compress the gas to store more.And Zhu Hongfeng's skin and muscles are strong, like a container, with strong qi and blood, and more gathered in his body.Once the defense is broken, the situation is very serious.

Zhu Hongfeng never imagined that the defense he was proud of was broken by Lin Pingzhi's fast and intensive attack.

The more he fought, the more anxious Zhu Hongfeng became. His own attack power was very strong, but every time he attacked, he didn't fall on Lin Pingzhi. Instead, his mouth grew more and more.

Finally, Zhu Hongfeng couldn't hold on anymore, he was out of breath, his movements became slower and slower, and even his body became staggering.

One of Lin Ping's swords pierced Zhu Hongfeng's chest, and another pointed at his acupuncture points.

"Lin Pingzhi, kill me!"

"Don't worry, why panic? I still have something to ask! You are an outstanding disciple among the lay disciples of Shaolin Temple, Shaolin Temple has the grace to teach you, but you want to betray it?"

"You don't need to ask? Winners and losers, what's the point of talking about right and wrong now!"

"What should I do? I want to know, but you don't want to say it! I have to use some tricks! It is said that 'ants kill elephants more often', but I don't believe it is true. Let's see if I can kill people today. ?You are covered with wounds now, and if I smear you with honey, it will definitely attract ants, but I don’t know if the ants can bite through your hard defense and finally eat up your flesh and blood? "

"Are you from Jianghu? How can you be so despicable?"

Lin Pingzhi laughed, "You deserve to say that you are a real Jianghu? You have joined the Demon Sect, betrayed your teacher, and harmed your fellow martial artists. Why should you care about the rules of the Jianghu when dealing with you? It's a pity that I still have to escort Mr. Wang, so I don't have time to watch You were eaten by ants bit by bit, I can only trouble you to see for me how you were eaten by ants yourself!"

Laugh!Lin Pingzhi swung the long sword, and the sword energy overflowed, tearing Zhu Hongfeng's clothes. Immediately after the long sword shook, the pieces of Zhu Hongfeng's clothes flew up like a group of gray-black butterflies.

A bottle of honey was held by Lin Pingzhi. After all, it was a necessity for Lin Pingzhi who was traveling in the rivers and lakes. When sleeping in the mountains and forests, brush a little on the meat to make it more fragrant and sweet.

With a flick of the thumb, the cork flew off, and the sweet scent of honey diffused out.Lin Pingzhi opened his mouth and took a sip. With a "poof", the spray protruded and evenly sprinkled on Zhu Hongfeng's upper body.

"Master Lin, I... said..."

Lin Pingzhi swallowed the second mouthful of honey, intending to spit it to Zhu Hongfeng's lower body.

"It would be nice to say it earlier, I wasted the last bottle of honey!"

Lin Pingzhi took out a piece of clothing from his baggage and threw it on Zhu Hongfeng's body. Forcing a man with a bare horse belly and blood all over his body to tell his past stories was not Lin Pingzhi's hobby.

I only heard from Zhu Hongfeng that he came down from the mountain after he finished his studies, and was going to venture into the rivers and lakes and make some achievements.Relying on his own martial arts skills, he successively wiped out several cottages that endangered one side, and killed some leaders and backbones of the middle and lower level organizations of the Sun Moon God Sect.

All of a sudden, his reputation in Jianghu rose, which naturally attracted the attention of the Sun Moon Sect.So when Zhu Hongfeng was traveling in Hunan, he saw a group of people chasing and killing a woman.The woman almost lost her strength, walked staggeringly, and could barely hold a lancet.The clothes on his body were also torn, and occasionally a little white skin was exposed.

The next step is the clichéd hero saving the beauty, the beauty promises her body, and then the womb is secretly tied.When the child was born, the woman said that she was a member of the Demon Cult.On one side is the righteous way of the world, on the other side is his wife and children.The woman asked Zhu Hongfeng to make a choice. If she chose the right way, she asked Zhu Hongfeng to kill herself and her son.

The cooked copper rod was held high, but it could not be lowered. The woman's eyes were full of tears, and the son was crying loudly...

A few years later, Zhu Honge Yicheng went down the mountain, and a nine-section chain lashed the rivers and lakes. The underworld villains were frightened by the news, and the demons and demons fled away.

However, one day, his elder brother, sister-in-law and nephew were caught. Zhu Honge had no time to find his fellow disciples in a hurry, so he had to go alone to rescue him, but he was ambushed.

In front of his eyes, two of his elder brother's toes were cut off, but he did not give in; his sister-in-law was stripped of her clothes and insulted by many people, and his mind was shaken; and finally, his five-year-old nephew was put in a In front of the vicious dog, the vicious dog's saliva fell drop by drop, smashing into the dust, and the iron chain that restrained the vicious dog was tightened and tightened by the vicious dog, making a rattling sound...

Zhu Honge burst into tears, and since then secretly surrendered to the Demon Sect. Later, he realized that all of this was designed by his brother, but he had already done so many evil deeds that he could not turn back...

(End of this chapter)

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