Chapter 142 Sophistry
Huan Chang's actions once again attracted everyone's attention.

Many warriors looked at Huan Chang with a little unkindness, but they didn't say anything.

Huan Changyi was not afraid, and stared at Bu Jingyun calmly.

Since Mingjian Villa wants to get rid of its master Xu Huang, Huan Chang will naturally not have a good impression of Mingjian Villa.

If it is possible, he doesn't mind creating some troubles for Mingjian Villa.

Bu Jingyun looked Huanchang up and down for a few times, and then said: "What's your opinion, but it's okay to say, I will listen carefully."

A smile suddenly appeared on Huan Chang's face.

He looked around and found a big tree not far away with luxuriant branches and leaves.

Huan Chang jumped into the air, picked a leaf from the tree, and then picked up a bluestone from the ground.

Everyone felt a little baffled by Huan Chang's actions.

Only the smile in Qingdeng's eyes is stronger, and the look in Huanchang's eyes is also full of interest.

Go to the center of the crowd again.

Huan Chang held a bluestone in his left hand and a green leaf in his right. His eyes wandered around the crowd.

"Which do you think is stronger, this leaf or the bluestone?"

As soon as Huan Chang finished speaking, everyone was in an uproar.

Many people even sneered and said, "Needless to say, bluestone must be stronger!"

In the chaotic crowd, Ren Bu Jingyun frowned slightly, and he also looked at Huan Chang with some puzzlement.

Huan Chang smiled even more, and then threw the bluestone in the air, and then threw the leaf in his hand like lightning.


An insignificant sound sounded, and the emerald green leaves were all embedded in the bluestone.


The bluestone fell to the ground, and the crowd who were still booing slowly quieted down.

Everyone looked at Huan Chang, full of disbelief.

Huan Chang is not yet 19 years old, much younger than Bu Jingyun and Qing Deng, everyone thinks that Huan Chang's martial arts are not very good.

Just by showing one hand, those martial artists with extraordinary eyesight know that this elegant-looking young man has unfathomable martial arts.

At the very least, ordinary warriors in the burglary realm cannot do this at all.

What's more, Huan Chang is too young, to have such cultivation at such an age is enough to shock the world.

"Everyone, please see that the green leaves are inlaid into the bluestone, so who can say that the green leaves will not be stronger than the bluestone?"

Everyone was amazed at Huan Chang's martial arts, but they heard a clear voice.

The noisy crowd suddenly became silent.

"Sturdy and sharp are also relative terms."

He walked slowly to Bu Jingyun's side, and said: "I don't know Your Excellency, can you lend me the precious sword first?"

Bu Jingyun frowned, but still handed over the sword.

At this time, he didn't care, what was the big man with the beard thinking, and his eyes were fixed on Huan Chang.

Huan Chang took the sword and walked to the side of the big man with the beard.

"As a swordsman, you should have a belief that the sword in your hand is invincible."

"Only in this way can the sword technique be practiced to the extreme."

The big man with the beard was stunned for a moment, and then showed a thoughtful expression.

"If even the swordsman himself doesn't feel that the precious sword in his hand is invincible, even if it is really a precious sword, it is useless."

Having said that, Huan Chang turned around on the spot, looking at everyone peacefully.

"If a swordsman has a firm belief, even if he holds a wooden knife in his hand, he can be invincible."

Huan Chang's voice became louder and louder, and the onlookers were all shocked.

"I once heard that a senior held a green bamboo sword and leveled Mount Hua by himself."

"That green bamboo sword may be useless to us, but in the hands of that senior, it is invincible!"

Having said that, Huan Chang turned his head away and fixed his eyes on Bu Jingyun.

Bu Jingyun, who had always been calm, finally changed his face when he heard this, and a powerful sword intent suddenly emerged from his body.

Huan Changyi is not afraid.

He returned the treasured sword to the big man with beard, and then took the shield from Qingdeng.

"In the same way, if a shield user doesn't have the unwavering faith, how can he maximize his defense?"

"It's not so much that Brother Qingdeng is selling weapons, it's better to say they're selling beliefs."

He walked to the side of the bearded man again, and said sincerely: "If you have the belief that everything is invincible, one day you will be able to achieve great saber skills."

The big man with the beard was stunned on the spot at first, and after a long time, he solemnly clasped his fists and saluted: "Thank you, little brother, for your guidance!"

After he finished speaking, he tightly hugged the big knife in his hand, with a blazing light in his eyes.

Even Huan Chang didn't know that it was what he said today that created a great swordsman.

No one else dared to imagine that a seemingly impossible seed finally took root, germinated in the heart of the bearded man, and grew into a towering tree.

Even in the future, the big knife, which was actually made of ordinary material, eventually became rusty and broke in two, and was still used by the bearded man.

In the heart of the bearded man, the big knife in his hand is invincible.

Huan Chang smiled even more.

He raised the shield in his hand and said loudly: "A foreign object is an external object after all, only a firm belief and one's own powerful martial arts are everything."

"As long as you have strong ability and faith, dead leaves and flying flowers can be indestructible, and ordinary wooden shields can be indestructible!"

"Clap clap clap!"

After hearing this, the onlookers finally burst into applause.

After those people calmed down, Huan Chang said to Bu Jingyun with a smile: "Invincibility and nothing can be broken, in fact, it is not an irreconcilable paradox."

"Invincibility lies in the heart, presence and belief, and the same is true for nothing that can be broken."

"Brother Qingdeng is well-intentioned, why should the Young Master make things difficult for him?"

Bu Jingyun frowned even tighter, and felt powerless for Huan Chang's eloquent teeth.

After being silent for a long time, he suddenly said: "The belief you said is too illusory. If you just rely on these to defraud other people of all their property, I'm afraid it's not appropriate."

"And it's still unknown whether your statement is really reasonable."

Bu Jingyun's white clothes were windless and automatic, and the warriors onlookers felt a kind of sharp sword intent.

"If you can rely on your faith and hold that shield in your hand to take my move, it will be as if what happened today didn't happen."

Bu Jingyun's eyes were like lightning, and the swordsmen who were closer felt the great oppression.

Huan Chang narrowed his eyes.

Although he is confident, he also knows the gap between himself and Bu Jingyun, it is impossible for him to receive the opponent's sword with a shield.

Just when Huan Chang was in a dilemma, he heard Qing Deng's laughter.

"How difficult is this."

"I'll just hold the shield, not to mention taking one sword from you, so what if I catch a hundred swords or a thousand swords?"

Qing Deng stepped forward and took the shield from Huan Chang's hand, with a playful smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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