Chapter 143
Huan Chang's face changed slightly.

He naturally knew that the shield was not top-notch.

The most important thing is that Bu Jingyun's martial arts are so strong that few of his peers can catch this person's sword.

Huan Chang was about to speak out to remonstrate, but after seeing Qing Deng's fiery eyes, he swallowed his words immediately.

"you sure?"

Bu Jingyun stared at the blue light, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"bring it on!"

Qing Deng waved his shield and said nonchalantly.

"Then, please be careful, Your Excellency."

Bu Jingyun was not a talkative person, since Qingdeng was willing to accept his sword, Bu Jingyun stopped talking.


A powerful sword intent soared into the sky, and the nearby swordsmen suddenly felt that their swords were about to move.


Bu Jingyun opened his arms, and immediately eight sharp swords separated from their masters and quickly flew into the sky.


There was a soft shout, and the eight sharp swords carried unrivaled sword energy, and stabbed at the shield in Qing Deng's hand.


The powerful shock wave spread along the shield in all directions, and Huan Chang couldn't help but take a few steps back.

At this time, everyone only saw the bright sword light and the dust flying in the sky.

After the dust dissipated, the crowd did not find Qing Deng's figure, but only saw a big pit in place.

"Wow, what a powerful attack!"

"Could it be that the man was chopped into a pulp by a sword?"

There was a lot of discussion.

However, Bu Jingyun's face showed a dignified look.

"Oh, oh, the clothes are dirty again!"

Just when everyone thought that the green lantern was more ominous than good, a voice came from the pit.


Afterwards, Qing Deng held the shield and jumped up in a disheveled manner.

He dusted off the dust on his body, and said with some complaints: "I said, young master, you can't do this."

"It's nothing to smash me flat, but now the ground is full of potholes, which not only affects the appearance, but also costs money to repair, what a waste."

"What if a child accidentally falls down and cries when it hasn't been repaired?"

"But the move just now was really powerful!"

Qing Deng's handsome but dusty face was full of excitement, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

When Bu Jingyun heard Qing Deng's teasing, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

Without saying anything, he turned around and walked outside.

"Hey, hey, you just made one sword strike, the hundred swords and thousand swords you agreed to!"

Qing Deng held the big shield in his left hand, waved his right arm desperately, and chased in the direction Bu Jingyun left.

"If I say one trick, I will only do one trick!"

After Bu Jingyun left this sentence, he immediately performed lightness kung fu and left here.

Seeing that Bu Jingyun insisted on leaving, Qing Deng didn't continue to chase after him, but walked into the crowd with his head held high.

He patted his chest first, and then the shield with a proud face.

"Did you see it, did you see it, did you heroes see it!"

"This shield is something that the Buddha used. It is absolutely indestructible. A shocking blow by the young master of Famous Sword Villa cannot leave even the slightest trace on it!"

"What are you still doubting, why are you still hesitating, you missed today, but you can never buy this kind of shield again!"

Seeing the success of the Qingdeng villain, the corners of Huan Chang's mouth twitched a few times.

Although the warriors onlookers were surprised, they all knew that this guy in front of him was a complete liar.

Now, only a fool would buy that shield.

Qing Deng yelled for a while, and felt bored seeing that no one was willing to buy the shield.

With a roll of his eyes, he ran to the side of the bearded man with a smile on his face.

"Hero, you bought that peerless sword just now, and I think this shield is quite suitable for you, so go ahead and buy it."

The corner of Huan Chang's mouth twitched again, then turned around and walked out of the crowd.

It's not like he's seen a shameless person before, but this is the first time he's seen someone as shameless as Qing Deng.

The big bearded man scratched his head and said, "But I don't have any money with me."

Qing Deng wanted to say something else, but after seeing Huan Chang leave, he immediately stuffed the shield into the big man's hand.

"You and I are destined, this shield will be given to you for free!"

After saying that, he ran over to pick up his big sack, and chased after Huan Chang like flying.

Bu Jingyun, Qing Deng, and Huan Chang all left one after another.

However, the enthusiasm of the crowd still did not dissipate in the slightest. On the contrary, they began to speculate about the identities of Qing Deng and Huan Chang.

Bu Jingyun just struck, even if he didn't use all his strength, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary warriors to catch it.

But that Qing Deng who was a bit out of tune, although he looked disheveled, did not show any signs of injury.

Moreover, even the shield that Bu Jingyun focused on attacking was intact.

Just this control power made most of the warriors amazed, and they also began to lament the awesomeness of the younger generation.

"Hey Hey hey!"

Huan Chang was taking the black donkey and was about to find an inn to stay when he heard someone calling himself.

He turned around, only to find that Qing Deng was carrying a sack and striding after him.

"Brother, you and I are destined, so why not talk about it in the restaurant."

Huan Chang asked curiously, "Why are you going to the restaurant?"

Qing Deng was taken aback for a moment, and then said strangely: "Of course it's drinking and eating meat!"

Huan Chang laughed a little and said, "You just said that you are a monk, why are you going to a restaurant to drink and eat meat now?"

"So, isn't it disrespectful to the Buddha?"

Qing Deng hastily put one hand on his chest, and Bao Xiang solemnly said: "That tofu, Oumi."

"Piety lies in the heart. The wine and meat passed through the intestines, so the Buddha kept it in his heart. As long as there is a Buddha in his heart, why should he care about other things."

Seeing Qing Deng's serious nonsense, Huan Chang became more and more curious about this person.

"Since my brother is not afraid, it's not easy for me to shirk, so let's go to the restaurant and talk about it."

When Qing Deng heard this, he immediately showed joy.

The two went hand in hand to look for restaurants, but found that almost all the restaurants in Wanjian City were full.

Huan often wanted to find an inn to rest, but he couldn't find a vacant room at all.

Even if there were vacancies, the price would be ridiculously high. Huan Chang looked at his little money left, and immediately hesitated.

Qing Deng rubbed his stomach, and said with a bitter face: "Wanjian City is crowded with people from all walks of life. It used to be a very cheap restaurant, but now it is difficult to go in and eat."

"I can't do anything about it, so I ran out to sell weapons in exchange for money."

After Bu Jingyun made such a fuss, almost everyone knew that the weapons in the Qingdeng sack were ordinary goods.
"This guy is still bragging about his weapons."

"But I don't know what kind of martial arts Qing Deng practiced to make his face so invulnerable."

Huan Chang didn't expect that even though he didn't agree with the things he talked about indiscriminately, he was not far behind, and Qing Deng's face was indeed invulnerable.

 More today.

(End of this chapter)

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