Spring and Autumn Confucian Heroes

Chapter 241 The first line of life and death

Chapter 241


The sea roared, and the waves engulfed Huan Chang again. Huan Chang struggled desperately, but his strength was exhausted.

"Can't die."

Huan Chang knew that if he gave up survival, he would be swallowed by the sea forever, so he shouted loudly in his heart.

He struggled with all his strength, but the waves swept in and rolled up his body again.

The sea wind howled, the waves were rough, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and all the seabirds in the sea disappeared.

Cold, silent, empty.

Huan Chang struggled for a long time, and was swept into the water by waves countless times. His true energy had long been consumed, and his consciousness was a little fuzzy.

"I can't die, I absolutely can't die!"

As he was dying, Huan Chang thought of his master and Xiao Hei who was wandering by the sea, and he regained consciousness again.

"The waves are endless. No matter how strong my physical strength is, I will eventually be exhausted. What should I do?"

Huan Chang's head turned quickly, and his body also exploded with amazing potential in the midst of life and death, recovering some strength.


Suddenly, Huan Chang saw a fish appearing and disappearing in the sea with the dim light.

The waves roared and easily engulfed the fish, but after a while, the fish resurfaced on the surface of the sea.

The fish swam, jumped, and played recklessly in the direction of the waves.

"Fish have no strength, obviously not as strong as me, but they can swim freely in the sea. How can I do this?"

Observing the melody of the fish swimming in the sea, Huan Chang couldn't help imitating it.

"It seems a little familiar."

There was a little light in Huan Chang's tired eyes, and his spirit became uplifted.

"Swimming fish technique!"

At this time, Huan Chang thought of the set of body skills he learned when he participated in the group arena in Wanjian City.

The light in Huan Chang's eyes grew stronger, and he no longer resisted the washing of the waves.

As the waves rolled in, Huan Chang began to perform the fish-swimming bodywork in the water, and kept imitating the fish's trajectory to perfect this bodywork.

At this time, Huan Chang had already exploded to his full potential.

Time passed slowly before Huan Chang began to perform the Fish Swimming Technique, and there were still many jerky points.

After the continuous erosion of the waves, and Huan Chang's perfection of this body technique, the surging waves can no longer pose any threat to him.

Today's Huanchang seems to be transformed into a real swimming fish, churning forward with the waves in the sea.

The waves swept in, and Huan Chang's body was as nimble as a fish swimming, and he easily dissipated the huge force of the waves.

With the help of the waves, Huan Chang's body drifted a few meters away.

Some time ago, the reason why Huan Chang was exhausted, his true energy and physical strength were exhausted was because he frequently fought against the waves.

Now Huan Chang no longer fights with the waves, but drifts with the waves, and can relieve the force of the waves every time.

In this way, Huan Chang not only saved a lot of energy, but also regained some of his true energy in the waves.

Half the night passed in a flash.

For Huan Chang, this half-night seems to have passed a whole century.

Even with the passage of time, Huan Chang's physical skills have become more and more proficient, and he can completely remove the force of the waves every time.

However, Huanchang's spirit has reached the brink of collapse after continuing the high-intensity struggle in the middle of the night.

True Qi can be recovered slowly in the sea, but the spirit needs to be recuperated slowly.


The waves rushed over again, and Huan Chang's body moved forward a few meters with the washing of the waves.

"The waves seem to be getting smaller."

Huan Chang, who was a little dizzy, felt the force of the waves, so he thought.

as predicted.

The waves became smaller and smaller, and the turbulent sea slowly returned to calm. Huan Chang was floating in the sea, feeling like he was alive after a catastrophe.

"I'm sleepy."

As the sea storm receded, Huan Chang's tense body instantly relaxed, and intense tiredness swept over his whole body.

"No, this is the sea, I can't fall asleep."

Huan Chang shook his head, tried to wake himself up, relaxed his body completely, and lay on his back on the sea.

The density of the human body is very close to that of water, and the density of sea water is even higher than that of fresh water.

As long as the right method is mastered, people can float on the sea surface with almost no effort.

Today's Huan Chang can't stand any troubles.

Huan Chang kept telling himself to keep his mind awake and never just fall asleep like this.

"I still want to order something else, otherwise it will be easy to fall asleep."

Huan Chang, who was exhausted, tried his best to replay the experiences of the past two days in his mind.

The waves are surging and endless.

Each wave doesn't look like much, but when the endless waves accumulate together, it is absolutely terrifying.

"If, if it is possible to create a sword move, which can be as continuous as the waves of the sea, who can resist it?"

Thinking of this, Huan Chang, who was already drowsy, suddenly became excited.

"Wave after wave, just when others thought the attack was blocked, the next attack came next."

A light flashed in Huan Chang's mind.

"By the way, there is also the principle of sea water refraction. If the real attack can be hidden, it will be a very powerful ultimate move."

Huan Chang is now physically exhausted, and has no way to practice it himself. He can only float on the sea and conceive moves in his mind.

After an unknown amount of time, the sky finally turned pale.

"That is, the island?"

Huan Chang caught a glimpse of a vague shadow, and his eyes couldn't help showing ecstasy.

"Saved, saved, I'm finally saved!"

Even though he survived the sea storm, Huan Chang, who lost his oars and sense of direction, has no confidence in surviving in the sea.

However, Huan Chang saw the island, which meant that he was about to be saved.

"I'm going to swim over!"

Huan Chang had regained some strength, and swam desperately towards the island, with a strong desire to survive in his eyes.

near, near.

Huan Chang was getting closer and closer to the island.


Suddenly, Huan Chang felt a strong torrent, and he became vigilant.


Just as Huan Chang started to be vigilant, he saw a huge figure rushing out of the sea, and quickly rushed towards him.

"Shark, shark, shark!"

Huan Chang turned pale in shock, no longer caring about his physical strength and true energy, and frantically swam towards the island.

However, with Huan Chang's current state, how can he outrun a shark in the sea?

The distance between the two became closer and closer, but Huan Chang still hadn't reached the island.


The shark quickly caught up with Huan Chang, opened its mouth full of thorns, and bit Huan Chang fiercely.

"What to do? What to do? What to do?"

Huan Chang was very anxious, but he didn't care too much. He waved Zhanlu in the water and stabbed straight at the shark.

It's just that Huan Chang has very little true energy, so it is impossible for this sword to pose a threat to the shark.

If the shark bites down with one bite, Huan Chang will definitely die on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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