Spring and Autumn Confucian Heroes

Chapter 242 The Golden Python

Chapter 242 The Golden Python

With a strong sea wind, the shark came towards Huan Chang to kill him.

Huan Chang abandoned all distracting thoughts at this time, and prepared to fight to the death with Zhan Lu, even if he died.


Suddenly, there was a huge wave in the sea, and a golden shadow rushed over like lightning.


The shark that was heading towards Huan Chang seemed to be entangled by something, and its body crashed into the water.

The huge size of the shark splashed several meters of waves in the water and rushed towards Huanchang.

Caught off guard, Huan Chang's body was immediately washed away by the waves.

Huan Chang narrowly escaped death, did not stop at all, and swam desperately towards the shore.

Fortunately, Huan Chang was not far from the coast at this time, and his feet soon stood on the sand, bending his body and panting violently.

In Huan Chang's eyes, there was a rejoicing for the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

"what is that?"

After taking a few deep breaths, Huan Chang looked into the sea, but saw a scene that shocked him.

The waves in the sea were churning, and the shark's body kept rolling, looking extremely painful.

On the shark's body, there is a golden giant snake wrapped around it, and the thick python's body cuts deep into the shark's flesh.

The shark's skin, which was astonishingly defensive, was actually broken inch by inch, and bright red blood overflowed, staining the sea red.

"Then, that, could it be the golden python!"

When Huan Chang saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help showing shock in his eyes.

The whole body of the giant python is golden yellow, as if made of pure gold, because the body of the giant python tightly entangles the shark, Huan Chang has no idea how long the giant python is.

Two behemoths kept rolling in the water.

It didn't take long for the shark to lose his strength and his body gradually returned to calm.


Seeing the shark lose its breath of life, the golden python still didn't give up. Instead, it exerted more force and strangled the shark in half.

"What is it going to do?"

Huan Chang looked at the blood-stained seawater with suspicion in his eyes.

However, the golden python strangled the shark into two pieces, but it still didn't stop. It repeated the same trick and cut the two halves into pieces again.

Seeing this, Huan Chang seemed to realize something.

Giant pythons are not like ferocious beasts, they can tear off the flesh and blood of their prey before chewing and swallowing it into their stomachs.

Giant pythons swallow their prey directly, and then find a quiet place to digest it slowly.

Although this golden python is huge, the shark is not small in size. It is still quite difficult to swallow it directly into its belly.

However, as long as the shark is divided into four parts, it will be much easier to swallow it with the golden python's huge size.

Even so, Huan Chang was also extremely shocked by the giant python's terrifying ability to strangle.

"If someone is entangled by the golden python, I am afraid that the physical body of a warrior in the mortal state will not be able to stop this kind of strangulation."

Just when Huan Chang was startled, the golden python swallowed all the sharks that had been divided into four parts into its stomach.

Even if the shark was divided into four parts, after the golden python swallowed them all, its stomach became extremely swollen, and its figure looked very bloated and clumsy.


Huan Chang stood on the beach watching, and by the way he was recovering his true energy.

Suddenly, the sea water became turbulent again, and more than a dozen waves moved from far to near, and quickly swam towards the golden python.

"Lots of sharks!"

Huan Chang stared intently, only to realize that those waves were actually sharks that smelled of blood, and came rushing through the waves.

"A full boa constrictor will greatly reduce its combat effectiveness. Now that there are more than a dozen sharks coming, it won't be in danger, right?"

Huan often sees sharks swimming fast, and can't help but worry about the golden python.

In any case, the golden python saved Huan Chang just now, otherwise he might have been bitten to death by a shark.

Seeing that the shark was getting closer and closer to the golden python, Huan Chang couldn't help shouting loudly: "Run away, run away, it's dangerous!"

Having just swallowed a shark, the clumsy golden python seemed to understand Huan Chang's cry, and turned his head to look at Huan Chang.

Looking at the golden python, Huan Chang's heart couldn't help beating violently.

It was cold, cold without any emotion.


But what happened next left Huan Chang dumbfounded.

I saw the golden python writhing incessantly in the sea, and its swollen abdomen began to recover slowly.

"how is this possible?"

Huan Chang looked at the situation in front of him with disbelief on his face.

Pythons are known to take a long time to digest their prey after swallowing it.

But the golden python in front of him digested food at a strangely fast speed.

"Vitality fluctuations?"

Suddenly, Huan Chang seemed to notice something, and fixed his eyes on the golden python.

Only then did he understand what was going on.

This golden python is not an ordinary python, but a spirit beast, which not only opened up its spiritual wisdom, but also cultivated like a warrior.

When a martial artist in the Tangtang realm is training his body, his appetite will increase dramatically, and his digestion will become extremely terrifying.

This golden python has absorbed the vitality of heaven and earth, so naturally it cannot be compared with ordinary pythons.

The body of the golden python was still writhing, and its bulging abdomen began to become normal again, and the sharks had already pounced on it.

The golden python did not fight the shark.

Relying on its flexible body, it kept churning in the water, playing tricks on the sharks.

Time passed slowly, and the belly of the golden python finally recovered.


All of a sudden, the body of the golden python, which had been avoiding it all along, leaped to the surface of the sea, and its tail suddenly drew towards a shark.

The shark was small in size, and its head was actually cracked under the whipping of the golden python.


The body of the golden python is like a swimming dragon.

The huge body tightly entangled one shark, then rolled it up, and slammed it fiercely at the other shark.

On the surface of the sea, huge waves suddenly turned up.

The battle didn't last long, and there were already several shark carcasses floating on the sea.

The rest of the sharks finally felt afraid, no longer had the courage to fight the golden python, and fled desperately towards the distance.

The golden python didn't pursue it, and dismembered the huge shark, and then began to devour it.

Every time a shark is swallowed, the golden python will rest, and after the digestion is complete, it will swallow the rest of the sharks.

Not long after, all five sharks entered the belly of the golden python.

Standing on the coast, Huan Chang witnessed the golden python eating from beginning to end, and couldn't hide the shock in his eyes.

Even if the golden python is a spirit beast, unlike ordinary pythons, it is still unbelievable to swallow six sharks in a short period of time.


After the golden python devoured all the sharks, it immediately swam towards the river bank, scaring Huan Chang to retreat quickly.

Even though such a long time has passed, Huan Chang's true energy has almost completely recovered, and he still feels great pressure in the face of this powerful golden python.

"This golden python should not be targeting me."

Just as this thought flashed through Huan Chang's mind, the golden python's speed suddenly accelerated, and its huge body rushed to the shore.


Huan Chang was terrified, and was about to perform lightness kung fu to escape, but felt that his body was already entangled by the golden python.

(End of this chapter)

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