The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 417 3 Yin Slaughter God, Supreme Purity Divine Light, Emotional Tie!

Chapter 417 Sanyin kills the gods, the divine light of the supernatural, and the knot of love!
The cultivation of "Yin Killing Finger" requires the use of the power of the soul to draw the power of the Big Dipper into the Heart Sutra of Shaoyin. After training, one practice can store the power of the Big Dipper for seven shots, and it can be stimulated to any place within ten feet from the air. In the middle, the soul will be damaged at the slightest, and the soul will be scattered in severe cases!

Obviously, this is a secret technique that directly harms the soul!

The cultivation requirements are very strict. Firstly, the meridians related to the Heart Meridian of Hand Shaoyin must be unobstructed and tough enough, and secondly, the soul must be strong enough—because it is a remnant, it does not state how strong the soul needs to be.

When the power of the Big Dipper is introduced into the body, ordinary people have to endure unimaginable pain, which is similar to the practice of refining the shape of the sky demon.In short, it is extremely difficult to practice.

The reason why it is called "Yin Killing Finger" is because the creator classified the soul and the primordial spirit into one category, and they both regard them as the "god" among the three treasures of human spirit, energy and spirit.However, the spirit is hard for ordinary people to see, has little influence on reality, and is very fragile, so it is called Yinshen; while Yuanshen can be seen by ordinary people, can interfere with reality, and is relatively powerful, so it is also called Yangshen.

The Yin Killing Finger can only cause damage to the Yin God, so it was named so modestly.

Ordinary people get the secret book of "Yin Killing Finger", the first thing they face is that the content is incomplete, and they can't get a glimpse of it, let alone practice.Even if it is practiced well, it can only deal with ordinary spirits, but not primordial spirits, so it is useless to solve the problems Shen Qi is facing now.

But Shen Qi has a systematic Martial Art Pavilion to help, and this "Yin Killing Finger" is of great value, so it was selected by Shen Qi as a priority for perfection and derivation.

It is not enough to only have a method that can cause harm to the Yuanshen, Shen Qi feels that a method that can protect the Yuanshen from a sudden attack is also needed.

Therefore, he soon set his sights on another secret book among the many miraculous skills and secret methods of the huge paper - "Shangqing Divine Light Talisman"!
This is an incomplete talisman cheat book that looks like a godsend, mixed with an unknown amount of inexplicable and useless content.I'm afraid that even those innate masters who saw it would probably regard it as a deceptive martial art and dismiss it.

However, he has cultivated martial arts to Shen Qi's level and has extensive knowledge, but he chose this secret book from the contributions of an unknown sect.

Excluding the messy content, this is an authentic but incomplete talisman secret technique. It pays attention to the temporary integration of the three treasures of energy, energy and spirit, so that the effective supernatural light talisman can be drawn.Theoretically, even ordinary people without martial arts roots can use it, but its effect must be linked to the state of the user's energy and spirit.

However, the effect sounds very tasteless - guard against evil spirits!
What is a demon?What is Fang Bie evil spirits?
In the eyes of ordinary warriors, this is simply inexplicable.

However, Shen Qi had studied and studied the "Misu Mustard Seed Talisman", so he had considerable confidence in this "Shangqing Divine Light Talisman", so he selected it as a priority for perfection and derivation.

Then, Shen Qi felt that he still needed a miraculous skill and a secret technique that could control the primordial spirit.After searching on the huge paper, he set his sights on a miraculous skill called "Thousand Silk Nets".

This technique requires practitioners to have at least the eighth level of congenital cultivation, at least to be able to separate the body from the gas form.Because this extraordinary skill is to use the power of the soul to temper the true energy in the body with the secret method, and refine it into a strand of filaments, the number of which can reach a thousand at most!

After the practice is completed, throw out the filaments of true energy during fighting to cover the enemy, and the filaments of true energy will sink into the enemy's body, making people feel as if the soul is caught in a net, unable to move, and thus truly will not move.

The cheat book itself focuses on the control of the physical body, but Shen Qi saw the possibility of it controlling the soul.

Naturally, this miraculous skill is incomplete, the cultivation conditions are high, and there is a hidden requirement for the realm of the soul, so it is difficult to practice, so it is also regarded as weak by other martial arts masters.However, Shen Qi caught it at a glance and selected it as a priority for perfection and derivation.

Afterwards, Shen Qi basically used these three cheats as the standard, and selected the cheats that could cause damage to the soul, control the soul, and protect the soul from attacks and damage.

After the final selection, there were more than a dozen cheat books selected from the three aspects!
However, after some weighing, Shen Qi still chose the three books that caught his eye most at first——"Yin Killing Finger", "Shangqing Divine Light Talisman", and "Thousand Silk Net".

In fact, Shen Qi was the first to focus on these three cheat books before, which has already proved that they have considerable advantages over other similar cheat books.Later, I continued to select other cheats, just hoping to do one more vertical comparison.

Afterwards, based on the principle of not delaying the matter, Shen Qi first used the system Yanwu Pavilion to perfect the three secret books.

As a result, "Yin Killing Finger" is still "Yin Killing Finger" after it is perfected, but the effect has become that the soul of the person in it must be destroyed, and it will also cause some damage to the primordial spirit!
In addition, it is clarified that one must practice "Yin Killing Finger" to reach at least the out-of-body stage.However, the pain suffered when drawing the power of the stars into the body will be less, and the attack range has reached thirty feet.

Although the perfect effect of "Yin Killing Finger" is already very good, it is still far from Shen Qi's expectation. Of course, he is not willing to stop here, so he deduces "Yin Killing Finger" again. After a full 81 points, Obtained a supernatural power - "Three Yin Killing Sword"!
The practice method of "Sanyin Killing Sword" is changed to use the Heart Meridian of Hand Shaoyin, the Lung Meridian of Hand Taiyin, and the Heart Meridian of Hand Jueyin to contain the power of the Big Dipper stars. What came out was a black knife, the longest attack could reach hundreds of feet, it was not only as sharp as sword gang, but also could cause permanent damage to the primordial spirit!

What is permanent damage?That is the damage that cannot be recovered without it.At this moment, Shen Qi felt that the millions of points he had spent for this was all worth it.

It only took less than 20 points to perfect "Shangqing Shenguang Talisman", which is relatively small, and the name has not changed, but it has truly removed the chaff and kept the essence, filling in the gaps.It also stated that as long as the user's spiritual state is high enough, even the primordial spirit can be alerted and defended!

There are also examples of how high the energy and spirit are needed to defend against the invasion of the primordial spirit.As long as the comprehensive strength of the physical body, soul, and true energy can reach the virtual state, it can basically prevent the invasion of the primordial spirit of the supernatural power state.

Obviously, the perfect version of "Shangqing Shenguang Talisman" has already met Shen Qi's requirements.

Moreover, "Shangqing Shenguang Talisman" does not require a foundation of cultivation, but it is effective in defending against the attacks of spirits and primordial spirits. It can be recommended to all core disciples of Taoism to learn!
After the "Thousand Silk Net" is perfected, it is still "Thousand Silk Net", but the cultivation method is more specific and clear, and it is famous that it requires the soul to at least reach the out-of-body stage. Live in Yuanshen.

Unwilling to be reconciled, Shen Qi also deduced "Thousand Silk Nets", and after spending nearly a million points again, obtained a strange supernatural power - "Thousand Silk Nets, Love Thread Knot"!
The most important change in the cultivation requirements is that not only the power of the soul must be used when refining this strand of true qi, but also the heart should be cared for, such as twisting and twisting, and injecting strands of it.And the function of love thread is to form a love thread knot on Qiansi Net.

After practice, the Thousand Silk Net and the Emotional Knot will work together, even those who are strong in the supernatural powers will be locked by the Emotional Knot because of their primordial spirit, and the physical body will also be trapped and unable to move!

Shen Qi was quite pleasantly surprised - it would be really difficult for someone with no relationship experience to practice this supernatural power, but he completely meets the requirements.

Of course, because love silk is more abstract than the power of the soul, whether it can be successfully practiced depends on practice...
[Third update.Thanks to all the veterans who gave rewards! 】

 Thank you [Liberation [-]D] for your support!

  Thanks to [qieSha] for the 1000 starting point coin reward support!
  PS: In the past, "the five aggregates are all empty and the gods are empty" was wrongly written as "the five aggregates are all empty and the gods are bright", and now they are all changed to the gods.sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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