The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 418 Xuanwu Astrology! 【Part 4】

Chapter 418 Xuanwu Astrology! [fourth more]

Now that the cheat book is selected, it is natural that Li Wenxi and Qin Xianger are not required to accompany them in the underground secret room, so Shen Qi let the two go out and leave him to practice here alone.

Although Li Wenxi said that the period of childbirth is three years, who dares to say that it will not be premature?Therefore, the sooner these three martial arts are practiced, the more stable Shen Qi will be.

The first thing Shen Qi practiced was "Shangqing Shenguang Talisman".

I don't know when the talisman was handed down on Yuan Wuxing. I don't know if it was born in the local area or it was passed down from the outside world. In short, the history is very long, but now it is almost cut off, and it is even considered absurd. Was excluded from martial arts.

However, he first had the experience of researching the "Misu Mustard Seed Talisman", and now he has perfected the "Shangqing Shenguang Talisman" through the Yanwu Pavilion. Shen Qi knows that the talisman is also a kind of martial arts, which is broad and profound, and even directly related to the Dao Communicate!
Shen Qi planned to sort out all the miraculous skills and secret techniques in the obtained cheat books about talismans after the matter of the devil's fetus was dealt with, and use Yanwu Pavilion to come up with a systematic way of talisman cultivation.

Of course, what he has to do now is to practice "Shangqing Shenguang Talisman" to at least a small success.

With the memory left by Yanwu Pavilion perfecting the "Shangqing Shenguang Talisman" before, the difficulty of Shen Qi's practice has been reduced by several levels, and he originally cultivated all three ways of spirit, energy and spirit, although the way of refining qi is higher than the other two. Too much, but it does not hinder the integration of spirit, energy and spirit, so the practice progresses quickly.

In just three days, Shen Qi had practiced the "Shangqing Divine Light Talisman" to a small success.

At this time, he can increase the power by engraving the supernatural light talisman on the spirit jade; he can also increase the power of the cinnabar of the talisman by using his own blood essence.

Because he didn't know when the Daoist Daoist would come, so Shen Qi immediately used his own blood to draw a line on Li Wenxi's snow-white back and round belly in Li Wenxi's boudoir one night. The supernatural light talisman.

When the fusion is completed, a layer of clear brilliance suddenly emanates, and the surrounding aura also shows color, becoming more gentle than the aura in other places.

As far as Li Wenxi's feelings are concerned, it seems that her heart, which was usually throbbing because of the approaching delivery, has become extraordinarily stable at this moment.

So she smiled gently and said, "This Shangqing Divine Light Talisman seems to have the effect of calming the nerves and tranquilizing the fetus."

Shen Qi also smiled, and said: "It's nothing to be able to ward off evil spirits, guard against the attack of the primordial spirit, and calm the nerves, it's just an additional effect."

Immediately after, Li Wenxi looked at the blood stains on her body that seemed not to dry up, frowned slightly and said, "How long can you use the blood essence amulet to keep its effect? ​​I can't keep cleaning my body, can I?"

Shen Qi said: "Based on my current cultivation, the power of drawing a talisman with blood essence will not decline for at least seven days. As for cleaning the body, you are already born with the eighth level of birth, and the pores of your whole body have true energy flowing, which lasts for one year." If you don't take a bath, you don't necessarily get dirty, so for the sake of the child, what's the point of enduring it for seven days?"

"It turns out that it only works for seven days. I thought it would last for at least one month." Li Wenxi said, then looked at Shen Qi worriedly, and Guan asked, "It's just that it consumes so much blood, so your body doesn't matter, right?"

Shen Qi smiled and said: "Don't worry, draw amulets once every seven days, and with the mystery of "Sanjiu Xuangong", it doesn't take two days to replenish the lost essence and blood."

The next day, Shen Qiyou brought all kinds of spiritual jade from the warehouse where the spiritual jade was stored in Xuanmen, and arranged a large-scale supernatural light amulet with spiritual jade in Li Wenxi's courtyard that could protect the entire courtyard.

This is probably the reason why the energy contained in Shen Qi's blood essence is higher than that of ordinary spirit jade. After the arrangement of the Shangqing Divine Light Talisman covering the entire courtyard, although it also emitted a layer of clear light to cover the entire courtyard, it did not Not as clear as Li Wenxi's body, obviously the effect is worse.

Shen Qi didn't take it seriously, and that night he began to practice the "Three Yin Killing Sword" against the northern starry sky.

This supernatural power is really difficult to practice, even though Shen Qi has experienced all kinds of pain because of practicing, this time he still feels unbearable.

Following the secret method, he ran like a wolf, jumped like a tiger, danced like a snake, and danced like a crane, changing into seven different postures in a row, and opening his mouth to the sky, like a whale swallowing the moon, he suddenly felt various discomforts.

I only felt uncomfortable feelings such as soreness, itching, numbness and soreness in the bones and muscles of the whole body; then there was noise in the ears, as if thousands of people were making noise; finally, there were many illusions, scenes of life that had been experienced or even not experienced, Joys and joys, pain and joy, all emerged, almost driving him crazy!


Shen Qi was so uncomfortable that he yelled at the northern starry sky.

At this moment, if he hadn't been thinking about Li Wenxi and the unborn child in his heart, he almost wanted to give up!
Not far away, Li Wenxi, Qin Xiang'er, Ye Hongmei, Chu Suoran and others all watched with concern.

Qin Xiang'er was the youngest after all. Although the elf was usually as weird as a goblin, she couldn't help it at this time and asked, "Is the sect master all right?"

"No, definitely not!" Li Wenxi stared at Shen Qi in the distance and said with absolute certainty. It was not so much an answer to Qin Xiang'er as a prayer to himself and a prayer for Shen Qi's safety.

After enduring unimaginable suffering for ordinary people, Shen Qi seemed to be able to see the northern starry sky outside the endless void through many illusions. It was a starry sky outside the Nine Ring World, where the stars were extremely bright Among them, seven suddenly moved slowly, faintly forming an astrological pattern of dragon head, turtle body, and snake tail.


At this moment, Shen Qi had a clear understanding in his heart - this astrology is the legendary beast, Xuanwu!
Immediately, he felt that he was repeatedly fused with the Xuanwu astrology, he was Xuanwu, and Xuanwu was him!
The feeling in it is mysterious and mysterious, indescribable!

But Li Wenxi and the others who were watching from a distance couldn't help opening their mouths, because they saw seven starlights shooting down from the northern starry sky, injecting them into Shen Qi's body, and then forming a strange beast with a dragon head, a turtle body, and a snake tail outside Shen Qi's body. Virtual image.

Thinking of the starry sky in the north, this strange beast roared and swallowed the starlight!
"This is... the mythical beast Xuanwu!" Meng Ji held Chu Suran's arm and exclaimed in an inconceivable tone.

It lasted about an hour and a half before the vision ended.

When Shen Qi returned in a hurry, everyone realized that his whole body was covered with sweat stains. Although his clothes were dry at this time, his whole body must have been soaked at that time.

Seeing that everyone opened their mouths to speak, and looked like they didn't know how to ask, Shen Qi grinned and said, "The "Three Yin Killing Sword" is finished!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Qi stretched out his right palm, and there was a shiny black foot-long knife glow protruding out, making a chi-chi sound, and there were even subtle spatial ripples around it, which was obviously very sharp.

"It's good to practice it." Li Wenxi also smiled, and then couldn't help asking: "The remaining "Thousand Silk Nets, Love Silk Knot" shouldn't be so dangerous to practice, right?"

Shen Qi smiled and said: "Don't worry, although that martial art is difficult to practice, it is definitely not dangerous."

Li Wenxi heaved a sigh of relief, and so did the others.

Shen Qi didn't tell the people in front of him that he had only reached a small level of mastery in the "San Yin Slaughtering Sword", and he could only release seven profound knives at the moment, and it was still a short time before he could release 21 profound knives to cut the surrounding hundreds of feet of space. not far off.

However, even if there are only seven profound knives, if you can control the Yuanshen through "Thousand Silk Nets, Love Threads Knot", it will not be a problem to deal with the Yuanshen.

What Shen Qi didn't know was that just as he was practicing the "Three Yin Killing Sword", in the thick fog at night in Yunmengze, Jingzhou in the south, Chu City, which was floating quietly, suddenly seemed to shake like an earthquake. trembled.

"What's wrong?!"

"Earthquake? How could there be an earthquake in Chu City?!"

"What's going on?!"

Many people in Chu City either woke up from sleep or opened their eyes from cultivation, all of them were full of shock, and even panicked.

Before people figured out what happened, they felt something even more frightening. The trembling Chu City was rising inch by inch!
[Fourth more. 】

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(End of this chapter)

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