Chapter 65
"Master." Seeing Shen Qi and Ye Hongmei approaching, the disciples stood up again.

Shen Qi looked around at the crowd and said, "After you entered the ruins, Master Ye, you got three Fire Spirit Dates, but although the Fire Spirit Dates are elixir, they are only effective for those who cultivate the internal energy of the fire attribute. If people eat it, they will lose their merits and die."

"I said this to tell you that no matter what you get in the ruins, it doesn't necessarily mean a good thing. Therefore, I hope to understand what you encountered in the ruins and help you Please advise."

After Shen Qi finished speaking, the atmosphere in the camp immediately became weird.

Some disciples looked at the people around them with flickering eyes; others frowned, as if hesitating.

Fortunately, someone will come forward soon.

"Leader Qi, I helped a tigress give birth in the ruins and got an unknown fruit." Somewhat beyond Shen Qi's expectation, the first one to stand up was the most beautiful disciple in the inner and outer courts. Known as Liang Xuan.

She held an ugly looking fruit and handed it to Shen Qi.

Shen Qi took the fruit and looked at it, and saw that it was black and uneven, and even exuded a faint stench. If it wasn't for the hidden moiré in the sunken part, it would look like a lump of dried excrement.

However, Shen Qi's eyes lit up, because the ugly fruit was also recorded in "Nine Secrets of Panacea".

Liang Xuan wrung her hands together, looked at Shen Qi and said a little anxiously: "Master, this fruit of mine was given to me by a tigress, and it seems to have a fishy smell. Is it just an ordinary wild fruit?"

Shen Qi returned the fruit to Liang Xuan, and said with a smile: "You are not an ordinary wild fruit, but a very rare psychic fruit, which can be eaten directly. It is said that after being convinced, the affinity for beasts will be greatly increased, and even Possibly acquire the ability to communicate with beasts."

"Really?!" Liang Xuan's eyes lit up in surprise.

"Of course it's true." Shen Qi said, "You can eat it yourself, if you want to replace it with other things, I can also help you."

"The headmaster thinks I should eat better by myself, or should I replace it with other things?" Liang Xuan seemed to have no idea.

Shen Qi pondered slightly, and said: "It is said that there are some martial arts sects whose core inheritance is the ability to control ferocious birds and beasts and even strange beasts. Although my Taoism does not have this inheritance, if you like to communicate with animals, you can try to practice martial arts. In addition, we will develop in this direction.”

"The master wants me to eat this psychic fruit?" Liang Xuan looked at Shen Qi with crystal clear eyes.

Shen Qi said: "That's right. Although your talent in martial arts is considered good among the disciples in the inner courtyard of Xuanmen, it can only be regarded as mediocre in the entire world of martial arts. If you want to achieve great achievements in martial arts, you must have great perseverance and great opportunities. In this case, why not explore the way of taming animals, maybe the achievements will be better."

"Yeah." Liang Xuan nodded happily, and said, "I would like to follow the instructions of the sect master."

After speaking, she brought the psychic fruit to her mouth, and Qiong wrinkled her nose slightly and bit it down.

The psychic fruit is about the size of a peach, so Liang Xuan ate it in a few mouthfuls, then frowned and muttered, "I don't feel anything."

Shen Qi said with a smile: "Perhaps you have to wait until you return to the sect to deal with the horses in the stables and the cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks and other poultry in the farm before you know whether it will work or not."

"Yeah." Liang Xuan nodded again and again, her eyes full of fascination, as if she wanted to go back to the sect to experiment now.

After Liang Xuan, Kang Hu also came forward, and handed a simple-looking hatchet to Shen Qi and said, "Master, I old man who cut wood and asked me to help him chop it. firewood, and then he gave me the hatchet."

Kang Hu's hatchet looks nothing special except for its simple appearance and a little bigger than ordinary hatchets. Therefore, several disciples couldn't help laughing when he heard him stammering.

Shen Qi didn't smile, but grabbed the hatchet, and casually chopped off a tree with a crooked neck that was as thick as a calf, and chopped off the tree with a crooked neck!
Seeing that the fracture was as smooth as a mirror, the surrounding disciples were stunned.

This is not a hatchet, it is clearly a precious sword!

Shen Qi returned the treasured knife to Kang Hu with a smile, and said: "Not bad, it will be convenient for you to chop wood in the kitchen in the future."

Hearing what Shen Qi said, Kang Hu couldn't help feeling ashamed, probably blushing, but his face was so dark that others couldn't see it.

Shen Qi said seriously again: "I see that you are focused and sharp when chopping wood, which means that you have a certain talent in sword skills. It's a pity that my Taoist "Bazi Sword Art" is too common. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will look for it. I will pass on the better knife skills to you."

"Thank you, headmaster." Kang Hu cupped his hands.

When the other disciples heard this, they couldn't help showing envy.

After Liang Xuan and Kang Hu nodded, six outer court disciples shared their encounters in the ruins and their blessings.Two of them got red gold crutches, one got Huoling jujube, and the other three simply got different amounts of gold, some more than a dozen taels, and some less than one tael.

"Did you all find nothing in the ruins?" Shen Qi looked around at the remaining inner and outer court disciples and asked strangely.

He remembered that the first people who entered the ruins seemed to gain something when they came out, thinking that as long as they entered the ruins, they would be lucky again.Now it seems that it is not?
Hong Yao said: "After the disciple entered the ruins, he also met an old lady by the river, but the grandmother only let me cross the river by myself. I followed her instructions to cross the river and came out of the ruins."

After finishing speaking, regret was evident on his face.

Afterwards, several disciples talked about their own experiences, all of which were similar to Hong Yao's. They met someone or something who brought blessings, but they were ignored, and they were fooled out of the ruins in a daze.

Shen Qi looked at Ye Hongmei again.

Ye Hongmei understood that Shen Qi wanted to know more information, so she said, "There are quite a few of us Xuanmen disciples who have obtained blessings. Among them, most of them who entered the ruins came out empty-handed. The reason why they are now They are still scrambling to enter the ruins, in addition to touching the dwindling opportunities, the main reason is to cultivate inside. It is said that the concentration of spiritual energy in the ruins is much higher than that outside."

After hearing Ye Hongmei's words, Shen Qi figured it out after a little thought.

If the person who arranged the martial arts relics wanted to find suitable inheritors by casting a net for fishing, then the reason why everyone is blessed in the first place was to advertise and publicize, so as to attract more people to explore.However, the treasures in the ruins are limited after all, and it is impossible for everyone to have them, so there will be fewer and fewer treasures in the future.

Now that there are so many people going in to explore, Shen Qi estimates that the previous illusions will soon be abolished.

So why is the person who arranged the ruins so generous, allowing so many people to be blessed, instead of just choosing one inheritor?Shen Qi guessed that it might be to cover up the real inheritor, after all, if only one person gets the treasure and comes out, it is easy to become the target of public criticism.

Of course, it is also possible that the architect of the ruins had other purposes, but he was not in that position, so he couldn't think about it.

With these thoughts in mind, Shen Qi glanced at the inner and outer court disciples again, and asked: "The others don't need to ask me anything, do they?"

Most of the disciples shook their heads, indicating that there were no more.

Jiang Huan stood at the back, his eyes flickered, he hesitated a little and shook his head.

Shen Qi noticed Jiang Huan's abnormal expression, but he didn't say much, but said to Ye Hongmei: "Senior Sister, continue to guard here, I will go to Master Uncle to say a few words."

After speaking, he turned and left the camp.

[The first update, thank you for your favorites, recommendations and support! 】

 Thank you book friend [Xianlong Wuhen] for your reward and support!

(End of this chapter)

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