The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 66 One Half State

Chapter 66

After Shen Qi left, Ye Hongmei said to the Taoist disciples: "You guys continue to practice around the camp, but don't go too far."

"Yes, Master."

All the disciples responded in unison, and scattered around the camp.

Jiang Huan originally followed behind a group of disciples from the inner court, but after walking a few steps, he excused his stomach ache and found a place where there was no one around.

Carefully looking at the surrounding environment, after making sure no one was peeking, Jiang Huan took out a round and plump pill from his bosom, looked at the pill with bright eyes and muttered: "The head said that the unknown It may be a disaster if you eat the fruit, but this panacea is harmless, right? Hehe, I never thought that I would get the panacea out of so many senior brothers, the fate is really not shallow."

"That's not right, maybe there are other people like me who got the panacea and didn't tell the head? Well, it's safe to eat such a good thing. When my strength increases greatly, Liang Xuan shouldn't Will you ignore me again? Maybe you can catch up with Kang Hu, get an extra Peiyuan Pill from the head of the sect, continue to increase your strength, and become a hero that everyone admires."

Fantasizing about the scene after his strength increased greatly, Jiang Huan couldn't help but smirked.After regaining consciousness, he saw that the spirit pill had softened a bit after holding it in his hand for a long time, so he quickly swallowed it...
Shen Qi went outside the eastern gate of the ruins, and found Chu Suran after searching for a long time.

"Uncle Master, Ji Changsheng hasn't come out yet?"

"Not yet." Chu suddenly shook his head, then pointed to the warriors around him, and said, "I'm listening to the people around me chatting, and I've gained a lot, you can listen to it too."

Chu Suran was located more than 100 steps away from the edge of the ruins, which happened to be between low-middle school martial artists and high-star school martial artists, so there were many people waiting and chatting around.

When Shen Qi came over, he had already heard some interesting things, now that he stopped to listen carefully, he got even more information.

"Unexpectedly, in just three days, the remaining four high-level sects of Qingzhou Mansion have arrived, plus Qingyang Sect and Penglai Pavilion. Now this Qingcang Valley is the gathering of the six sects of Qingzhou."

"What is this? I heard that people from the prefectures in the north of Xuzhou are rushing here."

"You mean Peng Mansion, Yan Mansion, Huaiyin Mansion, and Lianyun Mansion?"

"That's right. Although these four prefectures belong to Xuzhou, they are the territory of the Qingyang Sect. The martial arts sects from other prefectures want to come to share a piece of the pie, and it depends on whether the Qingyang Sect agrees or not."

"One thing I don't understand. Seeing that there are fewer and fewer blessings in this ruins, it is estimated that they will be explored. Why are they here?"

"What do you know? Those big sects are waiting for the ruins to be explored."


"It is said that the ruins of Qingcang Dao Martial Arts were very famous in ancient times, so there are relevant information handed down from many high-level sects. It seems to say that the reason why this ruins can still be so mysterious after thousands of years is mainly because Because there is a wood charm who has activated spiritual intelligence in the ruins. I heard that this wood charm is full of treasures, and the heart of wood charm is a rare spiritual treasure; Heart of wood charm!"

"Wood Charm? Isn't that a legendary monster? Does it really exist?"

"Just because you don't know it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it's just that you and I are too low-level to touch it..."

After a while, seeing that there was no interesting information to be heard, Chu Suran pointed to those warriors sitting cross-legged on the edge of the ruins, and introduced them to Shen Qi.

"Look, there are disciples of the Langya Sect of the Yimeng Mansion Zong who wear long swords, wear gold and iron high crowns, and chat happily with people. The Langya Sect is known for being well-informed, so most of its disciples take advantage of the gathering of tens of thousands of people to move around. , inquiring and selling news."

"The man with disheveled hair and sackcloth is a disciple of the Weishan School of Weishan Prefecture. The Weishan School adheres to the spirit of asceticism, so all disciples wear sackcloth and don't wear any accessories. It is easy to identify."

"Those females wearing red silk jackets and green gauze and holding iron floating dust are the disciples of the Qingyuan Sect of the Yuanzhou Mansion Sect. The Qingyuan Sect is a branch of the Qingyang Sect. Yangzong still has deep connections, so don't provoke them easily."

"The few people wearing square scarves on their heads, holding swords around their waists, and talking loudly together are the disciples of Zongji Xuegong in Zizhou Prefecture. The people in Jixue Palace pursue worldly cultivation, have the deepest contact with the people, and manage the territory Best. If you have a chance, you can communicate with them."

"As for the people of the Qingyang Sect, I don't need to introduce you? Look, those people with long swords hanging from their waists, wearing green clothes, and long hair half tied behind their heads are all..."

Under Chu Suanran's introduction, Shen Qi had a detailed understanding of the martial arts forces in the entire Qingzhou Prefecture by contacting some of the original body's memories.

There are seven prefectures in Qingzhou, among which Jiyin Mansion and Quan Mansion are directly controlled by Qingyang Sect; among the remaining five prefectures, Pengqiu, Weishan, and Yimeng are middle-level prefectures, which are the three four-star prefectures of Penglai Pavilion, Weishan Sect, and Langya Sect. The territory of the sect; Yuanzhou and Zizhou are both upper-class mansions like Jiyin and Quanfu, and they are the territories of the two five-star sects, Qingyuanmen and Jixuegong.

In addition, Qingyangzong also occupied the four prefectures of Huaiyin, Lianyun, Peng and Yan in the north of Xuzhou.Among them, Huaiyin is directly led by the Qingyang Sect, Lianyun Mansion and Peng Mansion also support a five-star sect, and the Salt Gang in Yan Mansion is even a six-star sect.

The four prefectures in the north of Xuzhou are also high-class prefectures. Therefore, although Qingyang Sect only occupies one and a half prefectures in the 23 prefectures in the world, it can rely on the prosperity and prosperity of Qingyang and Xuzhou to occupy the throne of one of the six seven-star sects for a long time.

Shen Qi was talking with Chu Suran about the martial arts inheritance and behaviors of various schools around him, but was interrupted by He Jing who rushed over.

"Master, master, it's not good..."

Seeing that He Jing was so flustered that people around him looked sideways, Shen Qi straightened his face and shouted: "What does it look like to be flustered?"

He Jing woke up when he heard the sound, took a deep breath to control his expression, and then said: "Master, something happened to Jiang Huan, please go back and have a look."

"Jiang Huan?" Shen Qi recalled Jiang Huan's strange expression when he asked the last question, and suddenly had some guesses in his mind, and said to Chu suddenly: "Master and uncle are watching here, I'll go back to the camp first."

"Well, let's go." Chu Suanran waved his hand indifferently.

Shen Qi followed He Jing back to the camp, and saw Jiang Huan lying on the ground twitching, as if he had been electrocuted.Looking at his face again, bloodshot from all seven orifices, his eyes turned white, even Shen Qi was startled.

"What's going on?" Shen Qi asked, looking around at the crowd.

Ye Hongmei was also full of anxiety, and said: "Before they were practicing near the camp, He Jing suddenly ran over and said that Jiang Huan was not feeling well. When I passed by, he was already rolling on the ground in pain, and he became like this in a short time. Why? ,I am not sure as well."

Shen Qi immediately looked at He Jing and asked, "What do you know?"

Under Shen Qi's sharp gaze, He Jing hesitated a little, and then said: "Jiang Huan seems to have eaten a panacea obtained from the ruins..."


Shen Qi had guessed a long time ago and didn't have much reaction yet, but Ye Hongmei and the other disciples around were all surprised, and soon some disciples from the outer court said——

"Jiang Huan actually obtained a panacea from the ruins?"

"Why didn't I see him tell the head before?"

"Don't you understand? I must have thought carefully and didn't want people to know about the panacea."

"The head doesn't take anything from what we got in the ruins, but this guy still treats the heart of a gentleman with a villain's heart, swallowing the elixir in private, he deserves such an end!"

"Hey, it's a pity that he has only been a disciple of the inner court for a few days, it seems like this is useless..."

Jiang Huan vaguely heard the discussions of these outer court disciples, and his heart was extremely bitter, but more of it was fear and fear—will he die?I’m still so young, my dream of being a hero has not come true, I really don’t want to die, woo woo...

Jiang Huan's tears were mixed with blood from the corners of his eyes.

When he was almost in despair, he saw Shen Qi's clothes in front of his eyes, Jiang Huan seemed to see the last straw, he immediately grabbed hold of it, and whimpered with difficulty, saying: "Master... Father, help... I···"

[Second update, please like friends to collect, recommend and support, thank you! 】

 Thank you book friend [Ai Feifei 1] for your reward and support!

(End of this chapter)

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