God catch

Chapter 234 Let's meet again

Chapter 234 Let's meet again
I have to go on a long trip in the past few days, so I have two shifts every day for these three days and come back on the 10th to resume the third shift, thank you.

Xiao Qiyue naturally recorded the walking path, and soon, passing through the bamboo forest, a two-story bamboo building with a thatched roof appeared in front of him.

"Zhennan, come in." Luo Zhaotong's voice came from inside.

As soon as he entered the hall of the hut, Director Guo was stunned for a moment.

Because, I found that my uncle and grandfather who were competing with my group in Yipinxuan just now were sitting in the hall leisurely.

Mr. Butter is sitting where General Luo Zhaotong usually sits, and the one on the left is that uncle, and the one on the right is the general.

It seems that the two uncles have a high status, and General Luo can only sit in the 'lowest' position here.

"Boy, as I said, we will meet again." Buttercup stared at Xiao Qiyue coldly.

"Hehe, my guard also said that we must meet." Xiao Qiyue was not afraid, she cupped her fists and greeted politely.

"You are so bold!" The uncle suddenly went into a rage, and pushed with his palm, Xiao Qiyue hastily fought with all his strength.

beep, beep...

The 'Human Flower Water Leopard' pounced forward, and Xiao Qiyue was pushed back seven or eight steps while the leopard-shaped air flower flickered, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and sat down on the ground.

"Hahaha... Boy, aren't you doing well? You are still a sixth-class guard, and you can't even bear my uncle's palm. Didn't you get this sixth-class guard by opening the back door?" Mr. Buttercup laughed happily. Finally, Gui Yuanshi was extorted and exhaled just now.

"This bodyguard is just innate strength, how can it compare with the 'Leopard King Flower' who has become a mortal master? It's not shameful. If it were you, it might not be much better than this bodyguard?" Xiao Qiyue taunted went back.

"Leopard King Flower, tell me quickly! What do you mean?" Uncle suddenly stepped over and pinched Xiao Qiyue's neck like a duck, lifting Xiao Qiyue's feet into the air, and he couldn't breathe.

"If you lose my breath, you won't know the secret." Xiao Qiyue was actually very calm, looking at him coldly, without even showing a trace of struggle.

"Okay! Tell me, what do you mean?" The old man let go of Xiao Qiyue.

"Shooting is as fast as a cheetah, senior has the attack speed of a cheetah." Xiao Qiyue said.Naturally, he would not say that he could see the 'human flower' on his head.

That is the secret of every metamorphosis expert, and it is also their biggest hole card.

Once leaked, it may endanger your own safety.

That's why the old man was so nervous just now.

"Then how do you know that we are from the capital? How dare you follow us?" After this hurdle was passed, the old man asked another question.

"Hehe, you can't find masters at the level of the Mortal Transformation Realm in our Haishakou, so they must come from other places.

And when you make a move, it's a few 10 taels, and the bank note is issued by our big Chu "Datong Bank".

Combined with your looks, the two of you are probably from our Great Chu.

It is difficult to find such a proud rich man even in Yuzhou.

So, boy, I naturally thought about it at the capital level.

However, he was right. "Xiao Qiyue said ambiguously.

"But why did you say that we will meet again, and it is necessary?" Buttercup is not that easy to fool.

"Hehe, the general told me about the disappearance of Mr. Mo Chenggang and asked me to assist in the search.

I think, it is impossible for Prince Teng to really disregard his son's life in order to keep some secret?

Therefore, someone will definitely be sent down secretly.

Combined with your skills, the people sent by Prince Teng are ready to appear.

And you are afraid that I will reveal more secrets, and you don't want me to think of your identities from the capital.

Because, I am afraid that someone will speculate.

So, I left in a hurry, and, who seemed to be quite 'capable', gave me the Guiyuan Stone.

In fact, you know in your heart that sooner or later the stone will be yours.

Because, we will meet again.

So, don't be in a hurry. "Xiao Qiyue smiled frankly, and her reasoning was well-founded.

Buttercup and Uncle couldn't find a reason to refute for a while.

"You've made some sense." Buttercup snorted.

"Hehe, you guys are so anxious to meet each other. Firstly, it must be because of Guiyuan Stone. Secondly, you want to surprise me and slap me hard in the face." Xiao Qiyue laughed.

"Hahaha, you really deserve to be called the 'Bald God Catcher'. If you have a few tricks, you will pass." The uncle slapped the table, laughed, and stretched out his hand from below, "Bring the Guiyuan Stone here, we won't do anything else." Pursued."

"This, this... I'm sorry, in order to strengthen my underwater combat ability, I took that stone to repair a water tool." Xiao Qiyue spread her hands.

"You are so bold, since you guessed that we need it, you still dare to possess what you already have, aren't you afraid of losing your head?" The uncle was furious, and the murderous aura emerged again, approaching Xiao Qiyue.

"Guard Xiao, this is Prince Teng's younger brother Mo Yunya. Sir Mo is the commander of Jin Yiwei's right deputy, and he is still your superior. Hurry up and ask for your understanding." Luo Zhaotong saw it and hurriedly interceded.

"Jin Yiwei 'Jiangdu Institute' Qianhu Xiao Qiyue has seen the Commander-in-Chief of the Deputy Capital." Xiao Qiyue immediately cupped his fists and bowed slightly to salute.

This Mo Yunyagui is the commander of the right deputy capital, a serious official of the third rank.

And the biggest head of Jinyiwei in Dachu is called "Zhangling", a first-rank official, and the chief commander is further up by a prince who presides over it.

There is also a deputy commanding officer under it, and then it is the turn of the commander of the capital, and the commander of the deputy capital.

Although Mo Yunya is only a third-rank official, his report can reach the "Tian Ting".

Therefore, the governor, governor, and admiral of one side are a little apprehensive when they come to the local area.

Otherwise, how could Luo Zhaotong, the leader of the majestic Bronze Armor regiment, the fourth-rank general, be respectful like a primary school student.

You know, generals are directly under the Military Aircraft Department.

For example, the Bronze Armored Army is the elite of the Great Chu military, and its immediate leader is also at the prince level, but in the Yuzhou area, it is controlled by the Yuzhou King.

This shows that Jin Yiwei's hands are so long that even the military has penetrated.

But why Mo Yunya's official rank in Jinyiwei is much higher than Jiangnan's governor, but his strength is not as good as Ning Yuan's fourth-rank governor.

That's naturally a nepotism, because he is Prince Teng's younger brother.

"Hmph, hurry up and bring back the Guiyuan Stone, and I will spare you. Otherwise, come and see me." Mo Yunya had a stinky face and a majestic expression.

"Then Lord Mo just kill me, because the Guiyuan stone has been used up." Xiao Qiyue straightened her waist, and put on a posture of seeing death as home.

Manager Guo at the side was in a hurry, and he didn't understand.

It should be too late for Fei Gezi to pass the letter to the pharmacist Buqiong. Don't tell me you, Xiao Qiyue, really don't want to die?
"Bold!" Mo Yunya slashed at Xiao Qiyue's head with a vertical palm as a knife.

(End of this chapter)

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