God catch

Chapter 235 Try Killing Me

Chapter 235 Try Killing Me
The power of the sword held by a strong man in the metamorphosis state will not be much worse than that of a peak ordinary soldier under the innate qi.

How can flesh and blood bear it?

Manager Guo was so frightened that he closed his eyes, he couldn't bear to see Xiao Qiyue's body and bloody move.

"Kill it, that secret will rot in your stomach forever." Xiao Qiyue said coldly without blinking.


At the critical moment, Mo Yunya slanted his palm an inch, and the powerful palm immediately sliced ​​a solid chair opposite in half.

Luo Zhaotong breathed a sigh of relief, but Xiao Qiyue was also sweating in his heart, this was a back and forth in the gate of hell.

At this moment, Xiao Qiyue was filled with unprecedented anger.

Here, the strong can reap the lives of the weak at will, and first write down the old guy's ruthless account.

"What's the secret, tell me!" Mo Yunya looked cold, as if he was forcing the murderer.

Clay figurines also have a three-point strength, not to mention Xiao Qiyue, a young man with vigorous blood, raised his eyebrows and said, "Why should I tell you?"

After saying this, Luo Zhaotong scolded in his heart, 'You stupid pig, do you still want to live? '

"Boy, your mouth is tough enough. A small sixth-class guard, just a thousand households in rich clothes, I will tear up your stinky mouth first, and crush you to death, a grasshopper. Is there anyone else who can help you get ahead? "This time, Mo Yunya was completely on fire, his whole body was full of momentum, and his whole body was undulating with Gang Qi like waves.

It seems that there is an active volcano growing, if it hits at any time, Xiao Qiyue will be smashed to pieces, dead and soul disappeared.

"Uncle, it's about my cousin." At this moment, Mr. Butter couldn't help it anymore.

"Hmph, I will keep your head. If you can't find 'Cheng Gang', you have to be buried with him!" Mo Yunya flicked his sleeves and regained his momentum.

"The last general and others have made up their minds, and they will not find the little prince to die with him!" Luo Zhaotong said generously.

In fact, it's useless not to express your opinion.

If Mo Chenggang really died, Prince Teng's head would be the head of the city lord of Haishakou first.

In order to prevent the matter from being revealed, all those who knew about it must be killed.

Guo Zhennan couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart, lamenting that he was too unlucky.

It's impossible if you don't get involved, because you are Luo Zhaotong's iron rod.

Mixing in and living with your head in your head, the sea sand mouth of the Red River is so dangerous, and Mo Chenggang has been missing for several days, and his life is likely to be 'disappeared'.

And Xiao Qiyue has always insisted on not returning the Yuanshi, so it was naturally prepared to save his father and brother.

Without hard currency, going down to the mouth of the Red River will undoubtedly lead to death, so how can you talk about saving your father and second brother?
Of course, Xiao Qiyue still has a trump card that has not been revealed, which is the spy token.

If Mo Yunya really wanted to kill himself, he could only show it. Even Mo Yunya would not dare to kill a secret agent in a fair manner.

To put it bluntly, the status of a secret agent is the emperor's dog, and every secret agent has the privilege of directly reporting to the emperor.

Therefore, the status of spies is high, but the number is extremely rare.

The work is extremely secretive, and it is not a last resort, and generally will not reveal its identity.

After all, privilege always comes with risk.

If you want to report other people's affairs to the emperor, can't they kill you behind their backs?

Therefore, being a secret agent is actually a very hot profession.

"Everyone, if you can find Prince Mo, all of them will be promoted to one level. In addition, there will be great rewards." Mr. Butter encouraged everyone present.

"It is our honor to serve the prince." Luo Zhaotong took the lead in responding.

"After this incident was revealed, I heard that people from the Jianghu also organized a monster-killing party. At that time, not only people from the government, but also people from the Jianghu. It was quite chaotic." Several people sat down to discuss the details.

"It's a pity that guard Xiao has already revealed his identity, otherwise, we can infiltrate them to spy on some news, and we can deal with it easily." Director Guo said.

"It's okay! I can go in and spy on it in disguise." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"It's too dangerous. It's said that there are some of them who are innately superior. Once your identity is exposed, they will think you are a spy sent by the government and they will kill you!" Mr. Guo shook his head.

"Well, at present, although some disguise methods are relatively clever.

However, under the strong feeling of being strong, it is extremely difficult to perfectly conceal one's identity.

Guard Xiao is an indispensable key figure in our search for the little prince this time, because we need his talent in solving cases!

Therefore, he cannot take any damage. Luo Zhaotong nodded solemnly.

"This is a fifth-grade 'Thousand Illusion Pill'. It can not only conceal the breath, but also partially change the shape of the face and some parts of the human body. If the opponent does not have a strong person such as the mortal state, it is generally impossible to tell the authenticity. "Cream Boy took out a jade bottle from his sleeve.

"Thousand Illusion Pill, it is said that this thing is the unique secret pill of the 'Thousand Illusion Sect'.

As for the fifth grade Thousand Illusion Pill, only core disciples or elders in the Thousand Illusion Sect are eligible to get it.

This kind of panacea that can change people's appearance will not be sold out, it is only for internal use. "Director Guo seemed to be in disbelief.

"That's right, the Thousand Fantasy Sect can be said to be one of the most mysterious sects in the world.

It is almost impossible for you to see the true faces of the disciples of this sect. It is said that the head of the Thousand Illusion Sect can change into hundreds of shapes.

Once upon a time, there was a disciple of the Thousand Illusion Sect who went around doing evil and raping prostitutes.

Finally aroused public outrage, all martial arts people formed a "Killing Dog Alliance" and killed him several times along the way. As a result, that guy continued to do evil everywhere.

In fact, those dead were all scapegoats, who were transformed into their own appearances with the Thousand Illusion Pill.

Later, a core elder of the Thousand Fantasy Sect came out to deal with him.

Only then did I realize that guy was a traitor from the Thousand Illusion Sect and had disappeared long ago. "Luo Zhaotong nodded and said.

"Hehe, you don't believe in my Master's Thousand Illusion Pill?" Mr. Buttercup smiled, shook the medicine bottle in his hand, and said, "Why don't you try it, General Luo?"

"Nine... oh... no! This Thousand Illusion Pill is too difficult to get, so I can't waste it." Mo Yunya blurted out, but he immediately realized something, this statement is worthy of scrutiny.

"Nine, what does it mean?
Is there a word "nine" in the name of this 'Cream Boy'?Could it be that this person is the ninth son of Prince Teng, it seems that something is wrong.

If he is Prince Teng's son, and Mo Yunya is his uncle.

How could he speak to his uncle in a commanding tone?
If it wasn't Prince Teng's son, and his status was higher than Mo Yunya's, and this person was called Uncle Mo Yunya, then this person must be Mo Yunya's nephew.

Then isn't this person's father Mo Yunya's nephew?

According to Luo Zhaotong, Prince Teng is related to the Queen Mother, could this person come from the palace?

Ninth Prince..." Xiao Qiyue deliberated in her heart for a while, and the result of deliberation immediately shocked him.

(End of this chapter)

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