God catch

Chapter 287 Water Snake Waist, Scissors Tail

Chapter 287 Water Snake Waist, Scissors Tail

Water snake waist, scissors tail, slender hands, hair like a waterfall hanging down to the calf.

The amazing figure is matched with the beauty of the country and the city. For a time, even Xiao Qiyue, who has seen countless people in the two generations, is also heart-beating. Like offering flowers.

"Brother, am I beautiful?" The mermaid smiled slightly at Xiao Qiyue, and suddenly, the world was darkened.

"Beautiful!" Xiao Qiyue nodded involuntarily.

"Do you need me?" When the mermaid smiled, there were two shallow dimples beside her cheeks.

"Yes, but my beloved ruler fell into the pool." Xiao Qiyue nodded and said.

"Okay, I'll help you pick it up." The mermaid burrowed in, and soon, water dripped out of her head, holding two Michu rulers in her hands.

She can't be a fish mother, otherwise, why would you give me back Miqiu Chi?

If she is not a fish mother, then who is she?
Maybe she is a fish mother, but she doesn't know that Miqiutu is Miqiuchi.


Xiao Qiyue suddenly had multiple hypotheses in her mind.

However, he couldn't connect the mermaid made of pure water with the ferocious fish mother.

Maybe this is a trick, she still needs herself...

Thinking in her heart, Xiao Qiyue reached out and took Mi Qiuchi.

"You... who are you?"

"I don't know." The mermaid shook her head.

Pretend to be garlic!How can there be someone who doesn't even know his own name, and it's not a three-year-old child.

Xiao Qiyue was thinking like this in her heart, but said in her mouth, "Have you been in this pool all this time?"

"I don't know." The mermaid shook her head again.

"Then how did you come here?" Xiao Qiyue was going crazy with anger.

"I don't know," said the mermaid again.

"You don't know anything, your tricks are too clever, I'm not a monkey!" Xiao Qiyue felt that his temper was particularly strong today, and suddenly became angry, and asked loudly.

"What is a monkey?" asked the mermaid.

"You..." Xiao Qiyue felt dizzy and was about to faint.

"Then what am I?" Xiao Qiyue pointed at herself.

"I don't know, but I like being with you." The mermaid shook her head and nodded again.

God, are you pretending to be garlic or are you really as white as a piece of paper...

Xiao Qiyue quickly glanced at her head, fortunately, she was popular.

Popularity tends to favor oneself, and there is no malice.

Apparently, what she said was true.

But she also looks fifteen or sixteen years old, why is she as 'white' as a piece of paper?
However, she can talk again, is her head burned out?
Everything here is like a mystery.

That's right, could it be that this is also the 'Space of True Meaning' created by 'Miqiutu'?
What you see is not the real scene, but only the image of the past.

At this moment, Shuitan suddenly became frantic like a lion in heat.

Not long after, five terrifying fountains popped out of the pool.

The next moment, five fountains soared into the sky, spraying directly to a height of tens of meters.

Feeling an unprecedented crisis, Xiao Qiyue immediately "oiled the soles of her feet", spread out the corpse glue and ran outside.

I felt my body jerk forward, and I jumped to 20 meters in the air.

I was taken aback immediately, glanced out of the corner of my eye, and realized that I didn't know when I had been promoted to two levels and broke through to the state of 'Innate Dzogchen'.

No wonder his movements are so light, like a bird with wings.

"Boy, I want to run away when I get the benefits!" At this moment, the voice of the fish mother suddenly came.

Five jets of water stretched out, condensed into five huge water palms, and captured Xiao Qiyue who was in the air.

"What's the benefit, kid, I don't understand?" Xiao Qiyue struggled, letting go of her causal eyes, trying to find a place where the mother fish could hide.

"You got my daughter's 'Tianxin Fish Sauce', otherwise, do you really think that there will be pie in the sky, and you will be promoted two levels in a row? You almost set foot on the path of transformation." The fish mother snorted.

"What Tianxin fish sauce, senior, I really don't know, kid?" Xiao Qiyue really didn't understand.

"The remnants of the water column cut off by the swirling knife are 'Tianxin Fish Sauce', don't think that it is ordinary water, it is the fish treasure that nurtured my daughter.

So what about the snow crystal lotus in Tianshan Mountains, it is a pity that it is rare in the world.

But how much Tianxin fish sauce you have eaten, and you secretly filled several water skin bags, do you think that the old man doesn't know? "The fish mother sneered, Xiao Qiyue blushed suddenly, she had indeed filled several water bags just now.

"I just feel that the water tastes good, drink it as mineral water." Xiao Qiyue said casually.

"Can mountain spring water be as pure as Tianxin fish sauce? Fart! Well, I'm going to take back everything you own now. Boy, you wait to die, there is no way to take advantage of my daughter." The mother of fish snorted , Xiao Qiyue was immediately thrown into five jets of water.

The water column collided with Xiao Qiyue's body like an arrow, and at the same time, it seemed that there were many iron rods in the hands of the Shaolin monks slapping her body continuously.

A little hot, a little cold, a little...

That kind of discomfort is simply worse than death.

Xiao Qiyue exhausted all means and used all the martial arts and spear techniques that could be used, but it was useless.

Xiao Qiyue felt that if the water column continued like this, it was very likely that she would be dismembered.

Right now, he finally found a trace of strangeness.

The colors of these five water jets are all different, one is golden, one is wood blue, one is water, one is earthy, and one is fiery red.

Does it represent the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, heaven and earth?
In order to prove her reasoning, Xiao Qiyue shot one of the red water columns fiercely.

The water jet was picked up by the gun and splashed a lot of red water, which immediately burned Xiao Qiyue's body in pain.

Each human body attribute has its own characteristics, some have the fire attribute, some have the water attribute, some have the metal and wood attributes, and some have all five attributes.

However, these five water columns do not seem to be the attributes of the human body.

Otherwise, if it was sent by the fish mother, then she should be a warrior with five attributes.

Karma Eye took a comprehensive look around for a while, and Xiao Qiyue understood somewhat that she was definitely not a five-attribute warrior.

Most likely, these five water columns represent the realm of the fish mother.

After condensing Yuandan, warriors will form five qi, which are gold qi, wood qi, water qi, fire qi, and rustic qi.

Cultivating Yuandan among the five qi is like an embryo developing a baby.

Once mature, the time when the five qi are in the Yuan Dynasty is the day when the melons are ripe.

This process is the 'Xuanlingjing'.

Once the mastery reaches the peak of the Xuanling Realm, the five qi are toward the Yuan, the mastery is mellow, the Yuan Dan is opened, the real baby appears, and grows in the five qi, the warrior enters the "True Infant Realm" and steps into the ranks of great masters.

Just like Fang Tianguo's chief executive, 'Feng Heyun', he has become a generational powerhouse.

(End of this chapter)

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