God catch

Chapter 288 Reaching the half-step metamorphosis

Chapter 288 Reaching the half-step metamorphosis

This fish mother is very likely to be a strong person in the Xuanling Realm.

Moreover, the five qi have been completed, and it is estimated that he will soon step into the realm of a real baby.

Guessing this, Xiao Qiyue couldn't help feeling a little bit cold.

Now I am inborn Dzogchen, but when facing the Xuanling Realm, wouldn't that make a three-year-old challenge an adult?

This ending, needless to say, is such a word 'dead'.

After a while of sad reminders, it is better to die than to die anyway.

At least, die with dignity.

Xiao Qiyue endured the pain of bone scraping to deal with the impact and whipping of the water column, and at the same time took out the jade pendant that Chu Mochou bet on.

At that time, the method of blood refinement was used, but the recognition of the Lord by dripping blood was not successful.

This time, he simply sprayed the blood directly on it, and, Xiao Qiyue desperately controlled his body, and violently bombarded the red water column with this jade pendant.

Since this is a pillar of fire energy, one of the five qi in the Xuanling Realm, the fire energy in it must be terrifying.

Sure enough, the jade pendant turned red under the constant bombardment.

And the blood spot that was originally impenetrable also changed. The next moment, after Xiao Qiyue's most violent impact, the blood spot was finally opened.

Xiao Qiyue's blood went straight to Huanglong, and the anger of one of the five qi of the fish mother followed all the way through, but was used by Xiao Qiyue and became Xiao Qiyue's accomplice in refining the jade pendant.

There was a terrifying scream, and the phoenix on the ornament seemed to come alive, a shadow leaped out and hit the five jets of water heavily.

The fish mother probably didn't expect that Xiao Qiyue could suddenly burst out with such terrifying power, which was simply impossible to be the power that a congenital Dzogchen can erupt.

That kind of strength can only appear in a strong person who has reached the stage of transformation.

Capsize in the gutter!
The five jets of water collided with each other immediately, and after five bangs, the five jets of water were instantly destroyed.

And Xiao Qiyue has already rushed out, spreading his wings and gliding away.

"Oh...you pass!" The fish mother actually sighed, Xiao Qiyue only felt her body sink, and fell to the ground with a slap.

Looking around, he just landed on the blood jade lion.

All pools and water columns are gone.

However, the mermaid was still standing by.

"Unfortunately, the old body used the five qi to train your body, but you still failed to break through the official threshold of transformation." The fish mother was quite dissatisfied.

"Senior, kid, I was just a weak person who didn't open the gate of heaven two months ago." Xiao Qiyue muttered.

"Oh, giggling..." The fish mother seemed to be taken aback, laughed three times, and said, "Then I can rest assured, boy, 'Yuhuang' was born after 200 years of breeding by me using the turtle's breath technique." .

However, she was conspired under the Martial Arts Curse.

Although the old body has gone through 200 years and borrowed many secret techniques to borrow the essence of the moon, but it can only melt away the head and body, but the feet still cannot be restored.

Therefore, unless the martial arts curse is undone, she will always be a mermaid with a scissors tail.

However, since your kid is so talented, I can entrust her to you with confidence.

Once you find the Martial Arts Curse, I will come back to you.

If the old body never comes back, it must be dead.

Yuhuang is begging you, don't think that the old man has found a burden for you.

In fact, it is your blessing to know Yu Huang in this life.

Because her life experience is mysterious and comes from a distant place.

The one who came to Fang Tianyu just to escape, unfortunately, hateful, he was actually cursed by the martial arts. "

"Martial arts curse, how did you fall into the martial arts curse?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Back when I entered Fang Tianyu, I heard that there was a treasure in the 'Zhoutian Secret Realm', so I followed it out of curiosity.

As a result, after a scuffle, only a group of strong men entered the core secret area, which turned out to be a huge pool of water.

It is said that the heavy treasure is in the water pool. For this reason, all the masters fought in the water pool.

Blood flowed like a river, but the blood of thousands of people flowing into that pool did not change the color of the pool even a little bit.

The old man was surprised at the time, this pool must be very mysterious.

Later, the water pool changed, and the remaining hundreds of strong men went down to the bottom of the water pool, and many people died in the water pool.

As a result, I suddenly discovered that this pool of water is actually a treasure.

Moreover, I actually entered the treasure.

Moreover, the water pool seems to flow, and after the earth-shaking, unexpectedly arrived at the mouth of the Red River.

Moreover, the two rivers were mobilized to form a strange vortex.

However, the old man couldn't get out anyway. " said the fish mother.

"Although you can't get out, you can use some secret means to attract some fish and beasts to come and use them for you.

For example, the huge blood jade lion beast was cultivated by you.

Also, the people of Yunwu Tea, including Jiang Qianye, and those eight fish shells.

You used people like Jiang Qianli to trick some warriors down, and in the end, you made your phalanx of the living dead.

And you use the living dead circle to supplement the energy of the blood jade lion, and the purpose of the blood jade lion is to absorb the moonlight.

Finally, transform into the formation of fish and dragon eight that you set.

And the eight fish shells are the core of this array, the key to absorbing the moonlight.

However, boy, I originally thought that you wanted to use Yuehua to break the shackles on you. How could I have thought that you have another purpose, which is to breed embryos and cultivate Yu Huang. " Xiao Qiyue answered.

"You are so amazing that you know this, who told you?" asked the fish mother in amazement.

"Boy, I guessed it myself." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Then you really have the talent to be a fast catcher!"

"Boy, I was originally a high-level catcher, Jin Weiyi, and I also got the title of a bald catcher." Xiao Qiyue nodded.

"No wonder! Well, you can speculate that I admire the old body here.

A shrewd catcher will definitely be able to better protect Yuhuang, so I feel more at ease.

However, I want to tell you that Yuhuang is in the body of 'Tianxin Fish Sauce', so only you can see her, and no one else can see her.

Unless, of course, there are exceptions.

Few people in the world can see Yuhuang.

At that time, the old body did this for her safety.

After all, Yuhuang's life experience is mysterious and involves a lot.

Boy, from now on, you are Yu Huang's personal servant.

The two of you have formed a symbiotic body. If she dies, you will die, and if she lives, you will live.

And, I want to warn you.

Don't think about her, you don't deserve her at all.

Otherwise, you will die a miserable death. " said the fish mother.

"I can agree to be her bodyguard kid, and I also promise to protect her until you come back, senior." Xiao Qiyue nodded.

"Don't play tricks with me, you must be thinking, after the old body is gone, you can do whatever you want? Or even occupy my daughter?" The fish mother snorted sinisterly.

"This old woman seems to know her heart..." Xiao Qiyue cursed secretly, then quickly shook her head and said, "Don't dare!"

(End of this chapter)

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