God catch

Chapter 309 Hong Tianlang

Chapter 309 Hong Tianlang

"First of all, the inspector of the four directions among the secret agents must be a master. If the Mortal Transformation Realm is too weak, then it should be at the Great British Realm.

Secondly, you are also responsible for the task of assessing and ranking me. It is impossible for the boss to entrust you with such an important matter without two brushes.

Of course, it is also possible that you are passing by, but your real purpose is the important task of Jiangdu Province.

However, it is difficult for you to complete this task by yourself.

So, you found me after you heard about me.And your boss also thinks that task is really difficult, so, in order to make you feel more comfortable, he sold you a favor and entrusted you with the task of ranking me.

And in order to let me work for you, of course you have to use the power in your hands to give me the highest ranking you can get.

Although the level has been fixed, I am a bronze medal agent, but there is a priority in ranking, which is of great benefit to future promotions and rewards. "Xiao Qiyue hummed.

However, he noticed that the corner of Hong Tianlang's mouth twitched several times.Looking at the popularity on his head, he actually had an expression of admiration.

That's right!
"Sure enough, you are worthy of being called the 'bald god catcher'. You really have two brushes. Hahaha, it seems that I, Old Hong, have found the right person this time. I deserve my luck, Tang Dingding, you are bound to lose this time." Hong Tianlang laughed out loud, quite happy.

"Who is Tang Dingding?" Xiao Qiyue asked casually.

"Never mind your business! Boy, do you understand the rules? As a secret agent, you can't ask a single word that you shouldn't ask. Otherwise, you won't know how you died." Hong Tianlang scolded others with a straight face.

"If you don't tell me, I know that there must be two tasks assigned by the superior this time, and Jiangdu Province is only one of them.

Moreover, Jiangdu province is the most difficult of the two tasks.

It's just that you and Tang Dingding may have made a bet or something. In the end, Tang Dingding was lucky and picked a mission first, and you can only take over Jiangdu Province's mission.

It was quite a depressing thing for you at first, but after you saw me, hope rose again. "Xiao Qiyue said, naturally, it is necessary to perform well in front of him, and to 'shock' this old guy at once.

"Why do I feel that you are the roundworm in my stomach? Okay, you passed the assessment, and I, 'Fire Eye True Monarch', decided to give you 'No. 59'." Hong Tianlang said.

"Hehe, not bad!" Xiao Qiyue nodded quite satisfied.

"This is not bad, is this the 'position' at the bottom?" Hong Tianlang sneered.

"Not counting, isn't there still number 60? At least, there is someone at the bottom." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

Because, he discovered the secret from Hong Tianlang's popularity.

This guy did it on purpose, and there must be a 'backhand'.

"You know that person." Hong Tianlang smiled mysteriously.

"Chu Zijiang?" Xiao Qiyue blurted out, because Chu Zijiang was also a bronze-level agent who had just been promoted not long ago, and he hasn't made much progress recently.

Moreover, Chu Zijiang's strength is too weak. If it wasn't for the support of the fourth prince behind him, he would definitely not be able to enter the rank of bronze agent.

"Great, you know that.

Anyway, you two will know sooner or later, so I won't hide it.

But boy, I'm giving you a chance.

This is only a temporary ranking for you. If Jiangdu's case can be solved this time, you can immediately jump to the 50th place.

Of course, this is also the highest ranking that this inspection can give you.

You know, Da Chu secret agents are not like Jin Yiwei detectives, they have always had 100 positions over the years.

If one comes in, one goes out.

This is the rule set by the founding emperor, and no one can violate it, otherwise, the ancestors will be severely punished by the family law. "Hong Tianlang said.

"Senior Hong, what kind of case is it that you have to come down to handle it yourself?" Xiao Qiyue was actually very curious.

"Well, this is a strange case that actually alarmed the people from the six doors.

Moreover, the people from the six doors were not invited by our government, and the higher-ups were very curious.

Now that the people from the six doors are dispatched, it would be too irresponsible for us to pretend not to know. "Hong Tianlang said.

Could it be that what Hong Tianlang was talking about was the 'Iron Armed General' Tieshan?
Xiao Qiyue's heart moved, and she pretended to be curious and asked, "I heard that people from the Six Doors must be at least at the altar master level when they go abroad to handle cases. I'm afraid that person is not easy?"

"The altar hosts the case, hehe, if you want to invite them to go abroad to handle the case, would you invite an altar host?" Hong Tianlang laughed.

"The higher the level, the better. I still want to hire the king catcher? But, how many big bosses of this level are there? I'm afraid the reward is sky-high." Xiao Qiyue laughed.

"Of course, there is a bit of weirdness in this matter, the person sent by the six sects is actually a catcher.

You must know that the status of the general is not low among the six gates, because the six gates are actually a country that is mainly managed as a policeman.

Therefore, arresting generals is equivalent to a third-rank general of great importance in our Dachu.

It would be no surprise if it was someone who was important in the court to pay the handover. The key issue is that the person who paid the handover was only a small official, and he was also from Jiangdu Province. "Hong Tianlang said with a puzzled look on his face.

"Bu Jingfeng?" Xiao Qiyue said.

"You...you knew?" Hong Tianlang choked.

"I'm from Jiangdu Province, and I've heard about the Luoyingjian case a long time ago. Moreover, there haven't been any extraordinarily large cases that have alarmed the Six Doors recently." Xiao Qiyue explained ambiguously.

"You kid has been fooling me." Hong Tianlang pulled his messy hair fiercely like a dream, and looked at Xiao Qiyue fiercely, as if he had been deceived.

"How dare my subordinates?" Xiao Qiyue clasped her fists and said.

"Why don't you dare? You dared to kill the county magistrate when the Tianmen first opened, and you dared to attack the Qingfeng Camp when you were in the psychic state.

Afterwards, he was even more daring and recklessly meddled in the private affairs of Hai'anhou's family.

No, it's even more popular now, and they actually came to Honghe to kill monsters.

Stepping on shit, actually solved the centuries-old mystery of the Red River Estuary, which is not a shocking event? "Hong Tianlang said sarcastically.

"Hey, this is just a coincidence. Besides, killing the county magistrate was a last resort." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Tell me everything you know, otherwise..." Hong Tianlang's threat was obvious, and he looked at Xiao Qiyue with a malicious expression on his face.

"I just happened to be lucky in this matter, and I happened to save the six-door catcher.

So, know something.

Moreover, I also thought that once he takes office in the provincial capital of Jiangdu, it is estimated that the Luoyingjian case will also fall on his head.

Therefore, it is necessary to know something early to make perfect preparations.

After all, if I take office, I have to get some results.

Otherwise, this butt can't sit still. "Xiao Qiyue said.

"Get to the point!" Hong Tianlang said.

(End of this chapter)

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