God catch

Chapter 310 She Is a Super Scholar

Chapter 310 She Is a Super Scholar
"The friend of the captor has received the kindness of Luoyingjian. Even if Bu Jingfeng doesn't pay him back, that person will stand up for Luoyingjian. It can be regarded as repaying the favor. Outsiders don't understand, so naturally they misunderstood, and thought it was Bu Jingfeng The energy, but it is not the case." Xiao Qiyue said.

"I see. Let me tell you, how can Bu Jingfeng's 'Wen Dian', a minor sixth rank, have such great capabilities?" Hong Tianlang shook his head. In Dachu, there was an official who specialized in managing cultural and historical materials, called 'Wen Dian' ', in fact, modern society is called the Archives Bureau.

Although the official is not big and does not seem to be important, but he keeps and manages quite a lot of confidential information.

"You have to leave for your post tomorrow morning at the latest. Hurry up and solve the Luoyingjian case. I have something to do recently, and I will give you full authority over Jiangdu's affairs." Hong Tianlang said.

"Senior, Haijiang City is a provincial capital, and there are many officials there who are older than me. What if there is a problem?" Xiao Qiyue shook her head quickly.

This Hong Tianlang clearly wants to be the shopkeeper and go to have a good time by himself. This mess is all left to him, so he can't let him be so happy.

"That's a problem. Otherwise, I'll give you all of this. But don't take it out unless you have to." Hong Tianlang threw a sign to Xiao Qiyue.

"This is your token, senior, it's useless to give it to me?" Seeing that it was actually the token of the 'Four Directions Inspector', Xiao Qiyue's face was filled with bitterness.

In fact, secretly happy.With it, I am afraid of a bird, the power of this token is not small.

For Jiangdu Province, it is no different from Shang Fang's sword, and the governor, governor, admiral, and military sect have to give some face.

"You're really annoying, I'll just write another 'Letter'. Then, they will accept it with confidence." Hong Tianlang immediately took out a piece of jade and poured his true energy into it.

Soon, the blank jade piece was reflected in the air, and Hong Tianlang directly wrote a letter with his fingers in the air. This should be the 'letter of sincerity' used by masters.

Written directly with the true meaning of martial arts, including Hong Tianlang's image, it is so realistic that it is extremely difficult to fake it.

"Boy, this is not just a letter, I also gave you some benefits, and you can borrow its power if necessary. How about it, I, Hong Tianlang, treat you well? Handle the case well, and you will be rewarded." Hong Tianlang After forcing the letter to Xiao Qiyue, the shadow disappeared in a flash.

"This Hong Tianlang is really not simple. He can use the shadow technique to such an extent." As soon as Hong Tianlang left, the mermaid Yu Huang showed her body and smiled.

"Well, the body is like a shadow, this skill seems to be somewhat similar to yours." Xiao Qiyue nodded.

"Can his be compared to mine? I am natural, with the body of Tianxin Fish Sauce." Yu Huang curled her lips with disdain.

"Do you want to learn the art of shadow?"

"Can you do it?" Xiao Qiyue was startled.

"Of course not, but, hehe, I learned it by stealing just now." Yuhuang smiled wryly.

"You will be able to do it in just a few hours? No way, since it is Hong Tianlang's secret technique, there must be a formula or something to cooperate with it. I'm afraid you only learned a similar shape but no essence. At that time, do It's troublesome if the shadow of the shadow is not like the shadow and the real person is not like the real person." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"Look!" Yuhuang smiled and moved her body. Suddenly, a vague shadow appeared on the wall, almost blending with the wall.

Of course Xiao Qiyue could see it with her causal eye, but she was also taken aback.

"It's evil, have you really learned it?"

"Didn't the fish mother tell you before she left that my body can be disassembled.

When he cast the shadow technique just now, I dismantled my body and merged into the air.

So, I empathize with his every move.

And, what's even more ridiculous is that he didn't notice it.

Moreover, my body actually became a part of his shadow.

You said, can I not learn? "Yu Huang smiled proudly.

"Hehehe, from now on, with you, I won't have to worry about learning martial arts." Xiao Qiyue gave a dry laugh.

"That depends on the girl's mood." Yu Huang couldn't help rolling her seductive eyes.

"Well, I also got some 'Tianxin Fish Sauce' breakthrough upgrades to cleanse the marrow and cut the tendons, so there is me in you, and you in me. We are connected with each other. What is there for each other?" Xiao Qiyue salivated laughed.

"Your point..." Yu Huang curled her lips, obviously contemptuous.

"No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat. What's more, you were molded into a human body under my nose." Xiao Qiyue said.

"What does that have to do with you? You didn't do anything. Besides, I showed you it all for nothing. If it wasn't for the fish mother's confession, I'd goug your eyes." Yuhuang gave Xiao Qiyue a hard look.

"What did I see? I can't see through you." Xiao Qiyue hurriedly called out to Qu.

"Of course, otherwise, do you think your eyeballs can still grow in your eyes?" Yu Huang snorted.

Xiao Qiyue was suddenly startled into a sweat, and said to herself that fortunately, my father's karma eye is the same, otherwise, it would be fine for the mother of fish to see, and I'm afraid I would be blind.

In five hours, Xiao Qiyue had initially mastered the shadow technique, and had a great time playing in the house.

It's like a ghost, and it's extremely difficult for other warriors to see it.

After breakfast, Xiao Qiyue said goodbye to King Yuzhou.

"Guard Xiao, this Yuzhou is your home, and you can come back anytime you want in the future." The king of Yuzhou took Xiao Qiyue's hand with a friendly face.

"That's necessary. When the time comes, don't worry about it, my lord." Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"Sigh... If Guard Xiao can sit in Yuzhou, there is no case that can't be solved." Luo Zhaotong shook his head with some regret.

"It's a pity that the temple in Yuzhou is too small, but I believe that the guard Xiao will help you if there is anything in the future." The king of Yuzhou smiled.

"My lord thinks highly of me, Xiao, and I will definitely come back." Xiao Qiyue agreed.

The king of Yuzhou has been sent to the land ten miles outside the gate of Haishakou.

"My lord, take a step to talk." Xiao Qiyue said, and Luo Zhaotong heard it, and quickly retreated two miles away.

"This king also wants to have a private chat with you, Guard Xiao. This king has a son named 'Wen Tan Bi', who is currently practicing and studying at the Dachu Royal Academy.

However, this kid is quite different from what I think.

In the past, I took up the pen "Wen Tan Pen" because I hoped that he would learn more cultural knowledge, learn from others' strengths, and become a master of Chinese studies for a generation.

Alas...he has let down this good name in vain.

Nephew, you are amazingly talented, you have entered the top 100 of the Qinglong list at only seventeen, you are truly a generation of talents.

I believe that sooner or later you will enter the Royal Academy for further studies, and that is where you must go. "Wang Wen of Yuzhou said with a smile.

"Why is your lord so sure that I will enter the Royal Academy?
You know, the Royal Academy belongs to Da Chu, but isn't there a more powerful 'Imperial Academy' in Da Chu's territory?

That's where geniuses most want to go, because the students it recruits come from an area southeast of Fang Tianyu, covering more than a dozen countries.

The geniuses who came out of it not only occupied the Qinglong list, but even occupied a lot of places in the wind and cloud list.

In terms of history, the 'Imperial Academy' was earlier than the founding of the Great Chu, and even Chu Beishan, the founding monarch of the Great Chu, went to the Academy for further studies. "Xiao Qiyue really didn't understand.

(End of this chapter)

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