God catch

Chapter 392

Chapter 392

5 is over!For monthly tickets, more than [-] tickets will be added today tonight.

"My... my lord, you are my cousin... little uncle."

"As the saying goes, there are no fathers and sons in casinos. In the face of justice, this king only sees right and wrong, and has no relatives!" Zhennan Wang has a righteous face.

"This court announces that at the suggestion of Tiandu Academy committee member Xiao Qiyue...Nalan Hongtian is the executive vice president of Tiandu Academy, managing the daily affairs of the academy..."

There was only hatred in Chu Guiyun's eyes, an unforgettable hatred, and this hatred was directed towards Xiao Qiyue.Because he didn't dare to hate King Zhennan.

"Congratulations to Executive Vice President Nalan!" Xiao Qiyue didn't hang on to him, hate him if you want, immediately congratulate him on the spot, and slap him when he makes it clear.

These days, the walls are falling and everyone is pushing, there are few people who send carbon in the snow, but there are many people who make the icing on the cake.

Naturally, for a while, congratulations continued.

Chu Guiyun slowly got up, staggered, walked away lonely, lonely, and frustrated.

Even Cui Xishan, his crotch supporter, changed his mind at this moment and did not go with him.

However, Xiao Qiyue found that Zhennan Wang was not paying attention to him, but had been paying attention to him from the corner of his eye. His expression was quite complicated, and the scenes revealed in his popularity were even more ups and downs.

Dean Wang for a while, Chu Guiyun for a while, and even Bu Jingfeng for a while.

Xiao Qiyue knew that King Zhennan was 'looking back' in his consciousness.

Moreover, after these scenes reappeared, there was a lot of fog, which showed that King Zhennan couldn't figure out many things.

Could it be that he suddenly appeared and helped me out again?

What is intended?

"Hahaha, it's really gratifying to congratulate a genius under the rule of this king." Zhennan Wang turned his head, laughed and glanced at the crowd, and said, "Where is the butler?"

"My lord!" Lord the butler hurried forward to respond.

"This king wants to give a big reward to the 'Xuebawang' of the Third Academy Grand Competition, and a fourth-rank promotion elixir...Finally, this king decided to award Xiao Qiyue the 'War Catcher' bestowed by the emperor."

"Hehehe, Xiao Xueba originally had the reputation of 'the bald god catcher', and now he has won the prince's heavy award of 'war catcher', which really complements each other. The prince respects geniuses and rewards warriors, which is my great blessing." At this time , Governor Yu Beilong walked over with big strides laughing, while Zhang Jingyao beside him had a sour face.

The Grand Competition of the Three Hospitals is also a major event in Jiangdu Province, and as the chief officer, of course he has to come to join in.

"War arresting residence, is it the residence of Tao Guangyao, the god arrester of my great Chu generation in the past?" Jiang Fang, a sage scholar, couldn't help asking.

"That's right! Of course, Tao Guangyao is not from Jiangdu Province.

He solves cases like a god, and those Jiangyang thieves are frightened when they hear his name.

In the end, he was the first-class bodyguard with a knife in the Longting Court of Great Chu, and the chief arrester of the court, which was recognized by the royal family.

Everyone in the world knows that his God of War lives in the capital, but who knows that he also has a branch in Jiangdu Province.

Back then, he solved the shocking 'shark case' related to pirates, beheaded the notorious and vicious 'Shark King' Liu Fuyun, and once killed 380 pirates with a single 'killer whale knife'.

But back then, he lived in our provincial capital of Jiangdu for a full year and three months, and he was bestowed with the title of "war capture residence".

This king was lucky to quell the pirates more than ten years ago, so he was rewarded with this 'war capture'.

Today, the king awarded Xiao Qiyue this battle.

A talented man matches a beautiful woman, and a good horse wins a master. I hope our bald god catcher can continue the prestige of the war catcher, raise my Jiangdu province's prestige, and protect the great Chu..." Zhennan Wang was impassioned, domineering Taotian.

"Thank you, my lord, for the reward!" Xiao Qiyue clasped her fists and said.

Zhang Jingyao's face almost turned into a pig's kidney color.

Because many people knew about his grievances with Xiao Qiyue, so naturally, they were also paying attention to the changes in his expression.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhang, aren't you happy?" Xiao Qiyue glanced at him and asked with a smile on purpose.

"Who said, I'm happy, of course I'm happy, the prince's virtue is beneficial to all sides." Zhang Jingyao squeezed out a smile, but that smile was uglier than crying.

"Hahaha, same joy, same joy." Xiao Qiyue smiled, and Zhang Jingyao felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a dead fly.

Naturally, many people at the scene were watching the joke.

"Let's go, I will accompany you to Zhan Zuju to see your new home." Zhennan Wang actually slapped Xiao Qiyue on the shoulder and strode forward, and suddenly broke his glasses again.

The prince is too kind to this kid, right?
Xiao Qiyue glanced at it, and Zhang Jingyao only had a face that was about to be furious.

The governor, Yu Beilong, looked at his background with a half-smile, and Xiao Qiyue glanced at it, and was a little surprised.

Because, amidst Yu Beilong's popularity, a nun actually appeared.

From the aura on the nun's body, it can be seen that the nun is not young, seven to eighty years old, or even a hundred years old.

However, the nun is well maintained.

Who is she?
What does Yu Beilong think of 'her' at this moment?
Is it possible that Yu Beilong, a dignified second-rank official, still has the habit of "torsing" with nuns?

"Ah... It's been my fault for a hundred years. It's my fault. Lord, ask someone to uncover it." Xiao Qiyue discovered that the door plaque of the Zhanju residence was actually covered with wooden boards.

When Housekeeper Luo arranged for someone to remove the cover, a wave of killing rushed over, like a wild river that had been locked up for a long time before being released.

"Murderous! Protect the lord!" Some of the guards retreated more than ten steps.And Chu Zhaonan, the head of the guard, drew out his sword and shouted loudly, and all the guards rushed forward and completely surrounded the prince.

"Battle capture, it's really extraordinary." King Zhennan waved his hand and said.

"Of course, Grandmaster Tao Guangyao not only cracked cases like a god, but also had astonishing combat prowess, like a god of war descending to earth.

So, in the end, he actually became the commander of the Imperial Forest Army in the capital.

It is said that his strength can directly catch up with the Great Chu State Teacher back then, and some people call him the number one warrior of Great Chu.

This plaque was written by him himself. Although it has gone through a hundred years of vicissitudes, the martial arts and killing intent contained in it still makes Xiaoxiao's generation frightened.

It is said that some of those Jiangyang thieves in his "war arresting residence" in the capital did not believe in evil.

As a result, when I saw the door plaque, I was so frightened that I ran away. "The chief guard Chu said with a sigh.

Xiao Qiyue found that the 'Zhan Zhuju' was not big, only about ten acres in area, which was not in proportion to the 'Purple Bamboo Forest' at all.

Moreover, Xiao Qiyue also discovered that the wood used for construction and living is all ordinary wood, but it has only been treated with anti-corrosion treatment, and it has not even been reinforced.

This is quite unbelievable for a warrior residence with explosive combat power.

After all, such a powerful martial arts master's residence must be constructed of special materials, which can withstand huge impacts without being destroyed.

First, I often have to practice, and second, it is also a necessary setting to prevent hatred.

"Mr. Xiao, what do you think?" Standing in front of the small wooden building, King Zhennan turned to look at Xiao Qiyue and asked.

"An ordinary place shows an extraordinary place." Xiao Qiyue laughed.

"Oh, how do you say that?" The chief guard of Chu didn't understand.

"Lou is so ordinary, but people are extraordinary.

With the prestige of war capture, if he gets angry at any time, the building will collapse.

But, you see, this building is in good condition, there is not even a scratch.

War catchers like to use knives, why can't they find even a trace of a knife? "Xiao Qiyue said.

"Yes, there is indeed no knife mark." Many guards asked themselves sullenly.

"If you have a knife in your heart, what's the use of it?" Xiao Qiyue said.

"If you have a knife in your heart, what do you need it for..." Chu Zhaonan repeated twice, then suddenly slapped his thigh and said, "Mr. What's the use?"


A plaque hanging on the main hall of the building suddenly made a strange sound, which frightened the guards to hesitate.

Then, the plaque turned over, and something was directly inserted on the long table under the plaque.

(End of this chapter)

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