God catch

Chapter 393 I have a knife in my heart, what is the use of a knife?

Chapter 393 I have a knife in my heart, what is the use of a knife?
Thanks to the 'Tai Hao Ting' brothers for the reward. This morning, there will be three updates in a row, and there will be an update at 8 pm.It's a pity that the monthly ticket still failed to reach [-] tickets yesterday, so there was no update last night, your enthusiasm is not enough.

It turned out to be a knife.

At this time, the silk wrapping the knife suddenly broke into pieces, like a butterfly dancing in the wind.

A simple, domineering knife appeared in front of everyone.

Even though the scabbard was wrapped in leather, the ruthlessness of the killing still made everyone on the scene feel the horror of the blade hitting their faces.

"Pinks are for beauties, and swords are for heroes. 'If you have a sword in your heart, what's the point of using a sword'? This sword is useless to me, and you are the only one who understands swords. Therefore, the rest of the 'killer whale sword' is given to you! "After the buzzing sound on the knife, a line of words appeared unexpectedly, and the inscription below - Tao Guangyao.

"Young Master Xiao, what are you still doing in a daze? Take the knife quickly." Zhennan Wang clapped his hands and laughed.

"This knife should belong to the prince, and I am ashamed of receiving it. I am already grateful for this building, so how dare I expect to get it again?" Xiao Qiyue told the truth.

Because, in the eyes of karma, there are mysteries everywhere in this building, and it is definitely a "sword testing building" for practicing swords.

"I want it too, but the senior is for you, not this king. Go!" Zhennan Wang shook his head and said, "If you don't believe me, go and try, who can pull out the sword, This king will ask Mr. Xiao to give you the knife."

"Let me try it." Chu Zhaonan, the head of the guard, was really tempted. After all, this killer whale knife is the knife of Tao Guangyao, a 'battle catcher'. Which warrior would not be tempted?

He strode forward, grabbed the handle of the knife and drew it upwards.

Immediately, the guy's face turned red, but he couldn't pull out the knife.


Chu Zhao Nanbao yelled loudly, the veins on his body were exposed, and he swelled up like locusts.It seems that he destroyed [-]% of his strength.However, the knife remained motionless.

"Start up again!" Chu Zhaonan couldn't get off the stage right now, his eyes turned red, and red spots appeared all over his body.The flower of life came out of the body, tied it on the scabbard, and roared fiercely, like a lion roaring at a mountain.However, the scabbard is still the scabbard, that is, it does not move.

"My lord, my subordinates are wrong." Chu Zhaonan withdrew his hands with a blushing face, and clasped his fists with embarrassment.

"Everyone thinks about Baodao, but Baodao only recognizes the owner, Zhao Nan, you can't get it if it's not yours, it's God's will. There are some things that you can't force." Zhennan Wang shook his head, saying Zen.

Xiao Qiyue also had doubts. Could it be that this knife is really spiritual?If you don't get its approval, you can't die?
So he took a step forward, and then grabbed the handle of the knife with all his strength and lifted it up violently.


Almost fell a somersault!
"Why is it so light?" Xiao Qiyue looked at it with a surprised face before she stabilized her body after spinning twice.

"Light! Why do I feel that it is as heavy as a mountain of gold?" Chu Zhaonan expressed disbelief.

"Look, it's really light." Xiao Qiyue waved her hand casually, and the sword danced like a feather, and she even played a few flying saucer modes in her hand.

"Young Master Xiao, try this." Housekeeper Luo threw a few swords over.

clap clap...

It was like chopping vegetables and melons, Xiao Qiyue made three strokes, and the hard sword was broken into pieces.

"Young Master Xiao, one of these is still at the level of Lingbing." Zhennan Wang laughed.

Immediately, many people at the scene were petrified.

Even a Lingbing-level sword can be chopped like a melon, so how sharp is this knife?

"Oh... Young Master Xiao, you are so lucky. This knife is so sharp and invincible even before it is sheathed, and you are just using the sheath to chop." Chu Zhaonan thought no more, sighed, and looked lost.

Because what Xiao Qiyue pulled out just now was just the scabbard, and the knife still didn't come out.

It's just that the scabbard was pulled out of the table. Tao Guangyao should have used the power of true intention to seal the scabbard on the table, so Chu Zhaonan couldn't pull it out.

"This king has something to say to Mr. Xiao, you stand down." King Zhennan waved his hand, and everyone retreated.

This is where we get to the point.

Xiao Qiyue thought about it secretly, without asking, and waited for the prince to speak.

"Alas..." King Zhennan sat on the chair for a long time, sighed, looked at Xiao Qiyue and said, "Everyone thinks that I am a prince with infinite glory, but who knows the suffering of this king."

"If you're not in your position, you're not planning your own politics, you're not in a high position, you don't know how to be at a high place, you won't be able to realize that there are swords, swords, and bloody winds behind the scenery." Xiao Qiyue nodded. , found that some chaotic characters appeared in the popularity of the prince.It seems that the prince's mood is a little messed up.

This should be the reason why he didn't even give Chu Guiyun, his nephew, face when he helped him today.

"It's so cold in such a high place, and you know me, Mr. Xiao." Zhennan Wang nodded his head as if approving, and then asked, "I heard that you are investigating the Luoyingjian case?"

"That's right!" Xiao Qiyue nodded.

"Is this what you want to investigate yourself?" King Zhennan asked.

"Yes and no!" Xiao Qiyue replied.

"How should the king understand this?" King Zhennan stared at Xiao Qiyue with piercing eyes.

"I had this intention in the first place, I was just appointed as the deputy envoy of Jiangnan Zhenfu Yamen, so of course I have to make some achievements.

Moreover, the tragic death of the whole family of Luoyingjian, a generation of Jiangnan heroes, is also something that I, the deputy envoy, should investigate clearly.

Otherwise, he would not be able to give an explanation to the people of Jiangdu, and he would be ashamed of the salary of the Great Chu royal family.

Moreover, from the bottom of my heart, I also want to find out the case. "Xiao Qiyue said.

"Then this should be the interpretation of the word 'yes' you said, so why 'no'?" Zhennan Wang asked with interest.

"Before I left, I actually received an order from Shangfeng to thoroughly investigate the case." Xiao Qiyue didn't hide it.

"Shangfeng? Is it Mr. Ning Yuan, the governor of Jiangnan?" King Zhennan asked a little mysteriously, but Xiao Qiyue had already seen a shadow in his popularity.

Looking closely at the green shadow, I can't see it clearly, it feels like looking at flowers in a fog.

He is like a cloud of fog, and like a ghost hidden deep in the ground.

Later, when Lu Ying clasped his fists together, his physical body suddenly seemed to be sucking up dust like a human figure. In an instant, the misty green seemed to be completely absorbed by the physical body, revealing a rather elegant middle-aged man with fair complexion, round cheeks, and a scholarly attire. .

Who is this guy?
Xiao Qiyue was startled, and later found that the two were talking in the prince's anger.

Only then did I know that this person actually went to spy on the Governor Yu Beilong, and later learned from the secret report of Cai Chi, the commander of Jiangdu, that he was under the order of Hong Tianlang, the True Lord of Fire Eyes, to thoroughly investigate the case of Luoyingjian .

Now that the prince knows about it, Xiao Qiyue will certainly not hide it anymore.

Moreover, the prince asked such a question at the beginning, but he was actually testing himself to be honest.

"No, I received an order from a silver-level spy." Xiao Qiyue said, but he would not point out that it was Hong Tianlang's order.Saying all of this would break the rules of spying.

In fact, it is reasonable for Xiao Qiyue not to say anything on purpose.

Because, secret agents are supposed to act in secret, and even King Zhennan has no right to intervene.

And Xiao Qiyue deliberately said half of it, naturally to make the prince feel that he believes in him and strengthen trust.

Anyway, everyone knows it, and this kind of favor is not in vain.

"I don't know which adult gave the order?" King Zhennan asked intentionally, and immediately shook his head and said, "Impossible! This king is overstepping the law, you don't have to say it."

Knowing that the prince is paying attention to himself, and from the popularity, he can feel that the prince also wants to find out, so as to test Xiao Qiyue's degree of trust in him.

If Xiao Qiyue doesn't say anything, it's just the job of a spy.

If Xiao Qiyue said it, it means that he trusts himself very much, which represents his attitude towards Xiao Qiyue in the future.

However, Xiao Qiyue simply replied directly, "My lord belongs to the royal family and is not an outsider, and I was born in Jiangdu Province, so there is no need to hide it from my lord. He is the order given by Master Hong, No. 30."

Xiao Qiyue found that the prince was slightly relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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