God catch

Chapter 603 The Emperor's Pain

Chapter 603 The Emperor's Pain
Many people looked at Chu Xuanji and Xiao Qiyue, because these two enemies met.

However, Chu Xuanji did not stop when he passed Xiao Qiyue.

It seems that Xiao Qiyue is not in his eyes at all.

However, Xiao Qiyue knew that he pretended on purpose.In fact, the popularity is staring at him coldly like a blade.

Xiao Qiyue wouldn't use her hot face to stick her cold butt any more, she didn't look sideways, she just looked at the rostrum.In his eyes, the dog emperor had long since disappeared.

"Your Majesty, what orders do you have?" Prince Xing asked with a bow.

"Pass the decree!" Chu Xuanji snorted after taking his seat.

"Following the heavens, the emperor ordered: Xiao Qiyue ignored the royal family, and as a citizen of Great Chu, openly caused troubles, attacked civil and military officials, slaughtered the common people, plotted, plotted, and conspired to overthrow the Great Chu... Make heaven angry and people complain... Immediately." Take it down, beat it to death with a stick!"

As soon as the decree was announced, there was no sound in the audience, only the sound of rapid breathing was heard.

Xiao Qiyue instantly understood that Gong Hai's arrival seemed premeditated.

They would never let themselves enter the secret realm of the imperial capital, and Gong Hai came here to strengthen the strength of the tripartite alliance.

At that time, even if Imperial College wants to protect itself, it will be difficult to support itself.

"Your Majesty, the matter of Xiao Qiyue has been found out. It is completely caused by Sabiluo, the prince of Jumu. The witnesses and material evidences are convincing. This matter has been announced by 'Knowing Heaven at a Glance'. This court refuses to obey the emperor's order! "Kang Pingdong immediately stood up to object.

"Imperial College is in the territory of my Great Chu, so of course I have to abide by the rules of my Great Chu royal family. Knowing heaven at a glance, it's just a trick by Xiao Qiyue. Dean Kang, don't talk nonsense." Chu Xuanji waved his hand, attitude Tougher than ever.

"The protector of this academy, the Little Eagle King, is present, why is it a trick again?" Kang Pingdong was furious, and fought back sharply.

"The Little Eagle King was also passing by at the time, and didn't see the whole experience. Therefore, he was also deceived by Xiao Qiyue. The emperor is wise and finally caught this rebellion. We firmly support the emperor's decision." Prince Xing expressed his position first.

"That's right! Rebellious ministers and thieves, everyone gets to punish them." Zuo Feng said.

"Beating to death with a stick is too kind. In my opinion, I should execute him early and throw the body into the Pit of Ten Thousand Snakes." Tai Huhou said with a stern face.

"That's right! It should be 'lighting the sky lantern'." Zhao Xiliu said, "The emperor might as well hand him over to the minister, and the minister will let him understand what the prestige of the Great Chu royal family is."


With so many attendants coming in, it turned out that it was all premeditated.

"Who said I was deceived?" At this moment, a light flashed in the sky, and the white mantou King Eagle appeared.

"Hehehe, Little Eagle King, haven't we finished our wine yet? Now, how about continuing?" Chu Jiangshan, the ancestor of the royal family from the Royal Academy, also appeared at just the right time.

The Light of the Spirit King, the body protectors of the two, formed two balls facing each other in the air, seemingly evenly matched.

"Emperor Dog, you are deceiving people too much! My junior brother went through life and death for Da Chu, punished evildoers for the common people, killed corrupt officials, and helped you find Optimus Prime. How dare you treat him like this? Are you still human?" The sound of white cranes sounded, and Haiyun stepped on the cranes.

All eyes were on Gong Hai, the Great Elder of the Changchun Sect, it was time for him to appear.

However, Gong Hai sat with a serious face, seemingly still dozing off, and had no intention of standing out for the royal family.Now that the old man is here, which play is he singing?

Quite a few people murmured in their hearts.

"Hehe, why did the master accuse me, the Great Chu Emperor?" At this moment, a bright laugh came.A yellow shadow flashed in the air, and another group of Spirit King's protection light appeared.

That group of protective light is weaker than that of Chu Jiangshan, but not weaker than Master Haiyun's.

Who is this guy?
It seems that it is not the protector Chu Tianqiong in the palace.

Suddenly, many people were dumbfounded.However, judging from this person's tone, he should be helping the royal family.

Gong Hai didn't show up, so that's the case, the royal family actually still has a hole card, and it deserves to be one of the five great powers in Fang Tianyu.

"Feng Xiao has met Lord Protector." At this time, Tian Fengxiao, the head of the Royal Academy, hurriedly bowed deeply.

Xiao Qiyue remembered that Yang Jiushi, the envoy of Zhan Wulin Kingdom, had appeared at that time, and he was also covered in yellow light at that time.

"Xuanji has met Grandpa." Chu Xuanji bowed to salute.

Do eggs!

This guy is actually Chu Xuanji's grandfather, Chu Zhuang. Didn't the Supreme Emperor die long ago?

When did you become the Guardian of the Royal Academy?
Hai Yun and Little Eagle King looked calm, it seemed that they had known about this character a long time ago.

It seems that the Royal Academy has evened out with the Imperial Academy.

However, that Chu Tianqiong in the palace hasn't appeared yet?

Obviously lost!

Sure enough, Chu Tianqiong from the palace was summoned by a bell-like laughter, and the situation suddenly fell to one side.There was no need to fight at all, Imperial College lost so much that they lost their pants.

What's more, there is an old fox named Gong Hai, the elder of the Changchun Sect, who is pretending to be asleep on the stage. He will definitely not help the Imperial Academy.

"Under the Putian, is it the land of the king; on the shore of the land, is it the king's ministers? Within the land of the Great Chu, you have to follow the rules of our royal family of Great Chu." Chu Tianqiong spoke, which is equivalent to sentencing Xiao Qiyue death penalty.

"Well, the Great Chu Emperor's decree can tell the difference between life and death. Rebels, die!" Chu Jiangshan looked majestic.

"Little baby, last time I asked you to worship me as your teacher, but you refused.

Now, this seat can't save you.

Who told you that you are ignorant, and you actually despise the prestige of my royal family.

Don't think that you can do whatever you want by relying on the Imperial College, don't forget, this is in the land of Great Chu. "Chu Zhuang snorted.

The three Supreme Emperors all voiced their support for Chu Xuanji, Xiao Qiyue had absolutely no way out.

Prince Xing looked at Xiao Qiyue with a high-profile face, looking at a dead man.

Zhao Yingying looked contemptuous, you know what she means, if you fight against me, you will die.

"Whoever wants to bully my junior brother, I, Haiyun, will die today." Haiyun was furious, his whole body's protective light was shaking, and he had already burst into [-]% spiritual light, ready to fight for his life at any time.

"This big Chu is too chaotic and there are no rules. Dean Kang, I think this big Chu is no longer suitable for the residence of the Imperial Academy. Let's change the site." Little Eagle King looked indignant, but also helpless.

The situation is pressing, even if he is strong, he will not be able to protect Xiao Qiyue.That can only change the decision to express anger.

"I would like to abide by the order of my lord, and we will move in a few days." Kang Pingdong nodded solemnly. After all, moving the college is too big a matter.

Changing the site is easier said than done.

Moreover, mountains of gold and silver are needed.

Moreover, if you change the place, the overall strength will definitely be greatly reduced, and a large number of students will be lost.

However, the actions of the Great Chu royal family were too despicable, and Kang Pingdong had to make a painful decision.

"We support the dean's decision." Tang Qiang was the first to speak.

"We are all willing to follow Dean Kang and support Senior Xiao." Some geniuses also raised their arms and shouted.

Of course, there are also some who are silent. After all, Chu State is their home, how can they just leave?
Moreover, there are still family members who have left by themselves. When the time comes, the royal family will be angry, and the family members will suffer accordingly.

Most of the students who expressed their support were from foreign countries, or some of them were fearless.

Of course Gong Hai was secretly happy, your Imperial College moved away, wouldn't it mean that my Changchun Sect will become even more powerful.

At that time, even the royal family of Great Chu will have to weigh it.After all, there used to be an Imperial Academy to maintain the balance.

Even Chu Xuanji had a helplessly gloomy face. After all, the move of the Imperial Academy would be a huge loss to Da Chu.

After all, the academy can train a large number of talents for Da Chu every year.

In addition, foreign students coming in can also bring great benefits to Great Chu and publicize the national power and momentum of Great Chu.

(End of this chapter)

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